Radiator Springs Racing

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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

Daniel Fiorin
Andrea Lojelo
6 posters


    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:48 am

    Please use this post to give us feedback on our league.
    Thanks a lot for your cooperation
    Daniel Fiorin
    Daniel Fiorin

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    Post by Daniel Fiorin Mon Nov 02, 2009 3:24 pm

    ci sono molte cose interessanti che potrei suggerire. magari per le prossime stagioni si possono usare diverse modalitá di qualifica.
    - quella standard (di 20-30min)
    - modalitá superpole (l'admin chiama il pilota che esce in pista e fa un unico giro veloce)
    - modalitá di prequalifica (offline e ognuno si salva il replay con il suo giro veloce)
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Nov 02, 2009 3:26 pm

    Grazie per i tuoi input Daniel.
    Ci stiamo attrezzando per un sistema di live timing. Questo ci permettera' di offrire sessioni di prequalifica.

    Anche le altre opzioni sembrano intriganti!
    Daniel Fiorin
    Daniel Fiorin

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    Age : 41

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    Post by Daniel Fiorin Mon Nov 02, 2009 3:28 pm

    il live timing apre nuove porte. si possono fare le pool in base al tempo di prequalifica. buona cosa, perche costringe la gente andare online.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:51 pm

    Our All-Round Series 2009.02 is almost finished, so it's time to think about what to do next.
    For this reason we would like to have your opinion of which kind of races you would like to have.
    I opened few polls:
    Which cars? Which championship format? How to choose the entry list?
    If you have any suggesions please let us know. Your opinion is really important for us.
    Clive Melbourne
    Clive Melbourne

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    Post by Clive Melbourne Tue Mar 02, 2010 12:13 am

    Hi, I am having random drops in FPS (frame rate) , the game runs perfect most of the time , but at random for about 10 second (aprox.) the frame rate will drop really low (unplayable), then it will go back to normal.
    I have changed my firewall + antivirus. I have been monitoring my graphics card and CPU and all looks to be normal. Also reinstalled the game!
    I can not find the reason for the drop in frame rate (FPS).
    PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Mar 02, 2010 12:44 am

    most likely it's the known bug related to the server list.
    somehow the server list keeps refreshing now that can cause those drops in framerate.

    two options:
    -run nkpro in a window,after you join a server alt tab back to the server list and press back to go to the main menu
    -run nkpro in full screen (better for the fps), join our server inserting the password. exit. close nk GUI. start the game directly from the nks.exe (note. to save your replay copy the "cr" file located in the documents\netkar pro\replay folder rename it and put .nkr extension.

    I hope this helps
    Clive Melbourne
    Clive Melbourne

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    Post by Clive Melbourne Tue Mar 02, 2010 6:44 pm

    Thanks Andrea, that looks like it fixed the problem. You made me very happy. CHEERS
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Mar 02, 2010 6:45 pm

    good to hear! this problem will be fixed anyway in the next release.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:23 pm

    We have a lot of new comers, and things that might be quite obvious to the "older guys" can be a bit complex for the one that just joined our community.
    Please give us your feedback.
    What did you find difficult to find in the forum/website? I know that there are a lot of sections, this can be quite scary at first.

    Your feedback will help us a lot. We could create a small topic that will help the new guys to get what they need. To do that, we need your help!
    Don't hesitate to write, even small ideas. Everything can help, even things that might be eventually just 2 clicks away. Everything is easy, once you know how to do it, but can be a very daunting task without a clear direction .
    Thanks for your help.

    Ultimamente molti nuovi utenti si sono avvicinati al nostro forum, e cose magari ovvie per i "vecchi utenti", possono invece essere un po' complesse per i nuovi arrivati.
    Per favore dateci un feedback.
    Quali sono le informazioni che non avete trovato facilmente nel nostro forum/sito? Ci sono molte sezioni e questo puo' spaesare un po' a prima vista.
    Il vostro feedback ci puo' aiutare molto. Potremmo creare un piccolo topic che aiutera' i nuovi arrivati ad orientarsi nel nostro mondo. Per farlo, pero' abbiamo bisogno del vostro aiuto.
    Non fatevi problemi a scrivere, anche piccole idee. Ogni cosa puo' aiutare, anche cose che magari sono solo a due click di mouse, ma che senza una guida risultano difficili da trovare. Tutto e' abbastanza facile, se sai come farlo, ma puo' essere molto frustante se non sai dove mettere mano.
    Grazie per il vostro aiuto
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    Post by M Carey Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:53 pm

    I still find the sub-sections of the forum confusing, and often miss new posts because of it Smile The only other thing I'd like is a more prominent link on the radiators-champ site to the allocation page. Like GPC it's hard to find, I dunno where would be best though scratch (somewhere amongest the race info' maybe if that's possible (or in the control center))?
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    Post by laurent resende Tue Nov 16, 2010 2:23 pm

    Marius à raison,les différentes sections du forum sont confuses,et il est fréquent que je manque des infos importantes (sortie de nouveau circuit,mise à jour) attention ce n'est pas un reproche Andrea!!! LOL lol! moi meme qui suis un habitué de RSR m'y perd à certains moments scratch mais peut etre est ce du a mon grand age? Suggestions/Problems/Feedback 8461 pourquoi ne pas envoyer des alertes Mails automatiques sur toutes ces nouvelles, comme cela ce produits lors des sujets suivis ?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
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    Location : Den Haag

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    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Nov 16, 2010 2:24 pm

    The best way to avoid missing any post is the View posts since last visit on the top right of the screen.

    But I can understand that it's fine for the people that use the forum quite often.

    One more option is to subscribe to the forum topics. You can receive a notification on your email for each new post on the section you are interested.
    Just press forum options > start watching forum
    Suggestions/Problems/Feedback Forumutility

    I've to say that we have so many sections, because I like to categorize, as you might have notices. Maybe it's too structured, but I think this helps to go easily find back what you need in the right section, even after months.

    I think at the moment we are not anymore using some of the sections, and would be better to close them down, eventually.

    Anyway, the logic is:
    Suggestions/Problems/Feedback Netkar10
    netKar PRO forum: all news and discussions about nkpro in general, not league related

    Suggestions/Problems/Feedback Trackdev
    Track Development: just informations about Tracks development. The aim is to create a section, in which everyone can contribute, that will help everyone to start his own track, from scratch or converted.

    Suggestions/Problems/Feedback Legues2010forum
    Radiator Springs Racing Leagues to speak about our leagues and subsections in which we can speak about events per each league.

    Suggestions/Problems/Feedback 282px-10
    General discussion: anything not nk related

    On the top bar we have some scrolling info, and all events are always published on both our website, and with the Live Message in the bar below.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
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    Age : 46
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    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Nov 16, 2010 2:41 pm

    Laurent, Marius, thanks for your honest comments. What can be handy for me can be very bad for someone else, and you raised very good points.
    This is what I asked. I will not take those as criticism, but way to improve.

    Anyway, there are an other couple of things can help you not to miss anything:
    Here you can see the new topics created:
    Suggestions/Problems/Feedback Forumutility2
    Note that there is a very nice Translate button that will translate in your own language without copying an paste in google translator (it actually uses it, so...don't complain with me if the translation is crap Wink )

    And this shows all the recent comments on every post.
    Suggestions/Problems/Feedback Forumutility3

    I'm trying my best, not to convince you obviously, but just to just to show you what we currently have on our forum
    We are planning to do some renovation work, especially on the website, and your comments will help.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
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    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:44 pm

    Suggestions/Problems/Feedback Champmenu
    Thanks to the suggestions of some of our users, I updated the KS2 Series Info.

    Note that I created other small guides also, available through the CHAMPIONSHIP menu on our website.

    Please let me know if this is enough, even for the new guys on board.
    Clive Melbourne
    Clive Melbourne

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    Post by Clive Melbourne Sun Dec 05, 2010 2:37 pm

    hi guys, I have a problem. Yesterday nkpro crashed while racing at mugello, the error I got was " Runtime error, This application has requested to terminate in an unusual way" , and now I can not view replays, when I load a replay it stops at shadows and hangs for 10/20 secs then I get the Runtime error again. I have just tried to join a server (A1 Ring) and I did not get any error, I stayed on the server for 15 mins and did not get any error.
    Any help would be great.
    P.S. Does anyone else have bad FPS on Mugello?
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    Post by laurent resende Sun Dec 05, 2010 6:33 pm

    Hi Clive il te faut les dernieres versions runtime et packs microsoft 20008
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    Post by laurent resende Sun Dec 05, 2010 6:51 pm

    hi a tous,
    je sais que cela va provoquer un tolé de protestations mais je vais quand meme le dire, beaucoup d'entre nous rencontre des problèmes avec la derniere version de NetKar,il serait urgent d'y remédier car certains meme au sein de mes teams renoncerais à continuer de participer a leur implication à ce super simulateurs pour ce diriger vers d'autres simu,
    moi meme ,attention c'est une opinion tout a fait personnelle, qui considère la KS2 comme une F2000 survitaminée sans les finesses de pilotage d'une FTarget, et beaucoup plus éloignée d'une monoplace réelle, j'essaye de m'adapter sans trop y trouver mon compte, mais tout le monde le sait je suis un mauvais pilote.
    mais, m'étant impliqué dans un championnat et de plus ayant entrainé dans mon sillage quelques autres brillant pilotes, et n'ayant pas pour comme dans la vie réelle l'habitude de ne pas remplir mes engagements je continue et essaye de m'adapter tout en souhaitant ardamment que Kunos rectifie toutes les imperfections présentent et qui font ,ce qui est normales partie d'un programme en développement [b]ENGLISH[/b

    Hi everybody,
    I know it will cause a tolerance of protest, but I'll say it anyway, many of us have problems with the latest version of NetKar, it is urgent to remedy it as some even within my teams to give up continue to participate in their commitment to this super simulators for referrals to other simulation,
    myself, attention is an entirely personal opinion, which considers the KS2 as a supercharged F2000 without the niceties of driving a FTarget, and much more remote from a real car, I try to adjust without too find myself, but everyone knows I'm a bad driver.
    but me involved in a championship and having trained more in my wake a few other brilliant pilot, and not having to like in real life usually do not fulfill my commitments, and I'm still trying to adjust while wishing fervently that Kunos correct any imperfections that are present and, what is normal part of a program under development

    twice on this article: http://lredscuderiaracing.freeforums.org/portal.php
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
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    Age : 46
    Location : Den Haag

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    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:01 pm

    Laurent if you are a bad driver, I cannot find any proper word to define me? ::crying::

    I hope Kunos will have some time to enhance this sim on its weak points. At the moment, he is clearly pushing a lot to deliver on time all those new features.
    At the moment we just have to wait a bit, and enjoy what we have for now.
    Michele Campini

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    Post by Michele Campini Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:03 pm

    Like propose in PM to Andrea i propose a modification to the rules of the KS2 champs.

    This champs is very long with a lot of races. So i think it could be great if each racers can discarge his bad race results.
    Can happens that a guys has some problems (ADSL and other champs, for example) so discarge a result is a good motivation to partecipate until the end of champs.



    Siccome il campionato KS2 è molto lungo, propongo se è possibile prevedere lo scarto del peggior risultato in gara.
    Siccome capita a tutti di avere problemi una sera o avere altri tornei, con lo scarto di 1 o 2 gare uno è maggiormente invogliato a partecipare fino alla fine.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:51 pm

    We were used to delete the worst 2 results in each other championship we organized before, but for this we decided not to, because we realized from our and gpc experience that, in reality this method have results that are not what everyone thinks.

    The problem is that in a championship, almost everyone, at least twice get 0 points. For this reason, deleting the two worst results doesn't help them at all. This results in a disadvantage for the only few drivers that were always scoring points, and sometimes this creates some unexpected results.

    I will explain with some examples from previous championships.

    1) in last F1800 champ, until 1 race to the end the only driver out of 45 with less than a double 0 was Stephane Migrouille, who's worst result was 12 points. If our championship would have ended there, he was the only one penalized of 12 points, because all other had 0 0. This, incredibly would alter the end results, having Stephane loosing his 2nd deserved position because with -12 points he would have lost a position in the general classification.
    Don't you think it's weird that the only driver that always got points (only in 1 race got a 0), would be penalized?
    At the end in the last race he got his second 0 points, so at the end of the season, the classification with and without discarded race was exactly the same (since everyone had a 0 0).
    here is the champ detail
    2) same things happened in the last F2000 GPC.
    check here the details
    1. Arthur Kirke Poulsen 458 (0)
    2. Juha Pyy 392 (-32)
    3. Vitaliano Polito 391 (0)
    4. Stephane Migrouille 387 (-67)

    In brackets the points discarded. The only drivers with points discarded were Juha and Stephane over 65 drivers.
    The classification without discarding was once more much different:
    1. Arthur Kirke Poulsen 458
    2. Stephane Migrouille 454
    3. Juha Pyy 424
    4. Vitaliano Polito 391

    You can have a look to all the seasons, in GPC and RSR, and I don't think you will find a good case.

    For this reason we deliberately decided not to have this rule in our championships anymore.
    If you have suggestions, or you think it differently, please don't hesitate to tell. We can be completely wrong.

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