Radiator Springs Racing

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Max Caputi
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Fabio Grippa
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    17 May 2012: Sepang

    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    17 May 2012: Sepang - Page 3 Empty Re: 17 May 2012: Sepang

    Post by giancarlo graziano Thu May 17, 2012 3:52 pm

    [quote="Max Caputi"

    PS: Errore nella locandina di presentazione...F1800 ;-)[/quote]

    ops scusate ...mio errore....sorry

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    17 May 2012: Sepang - Page 3 Empty Re: 17 May 2012: Sepang

    Post by Ivan_Buranovsky Thu May 17, 2012 5:59 pm

    Guys, where there is the general chat in this simulator? It seems in version 1.3 the "Chat" button removed. Where on a briefing to come?
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    17 May 2012: Sepang - Page 3 Empty Re: 17 May 2012: Sepang

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu May 17, 2012 6:09 pm

    briefing is in our chat

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    17 May 2012: Sepang - Page 3 Empty Re: 17 May 2012: Sepang

    Post by Ivan_Buranovsky Thu May 17, 2012 6:17 pm

    Thanks, Andrea.
    Max Caputi
    Max Caputi

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    17 May 2012: Sepang - Page 3 Empty Re: 17 May 2012: Sepang

    Post by Max Caputi Fri May 18, 2012 12:00 am

    Su una pista dove faccio tanta fatica a restare concentrato e che non digerisco più di tanto, era nell'aria che finisse così, però se non mi insabbiavo nell'unico errore, non perdevo un giro e forse...

    Sono andato in testacoda nel curvone veloce sx-dx per aver scalato una marcia di troppo e sono finito nella ghiaia traditrice Very Happy e nonostante l'uso della frizione (non automatica) mi è stato impossibile uscire. Peccato perchè ero scampato ai vari incidenti della prima staccata ed ero in buona 4^ posizione.

    Dopo il pit forzato e la perdita di un giro mi sono completamente deconcentrato perdendo il "ritmo" fondamentale su questa pista, ed infatti tempi molto altalenanti e pochissimi decenti.

    Gara da dimenticare ed alla prossima.

    M Waechter

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    17 May 2012: Sepang - Page 3 Empty Re: 17 May 2012: Sepang

    Post by M Waechter Fri May 18, 2012 12:27 am

    replay group A:

    My race was not too bad, but I could have been a little bit more constant and quick (in some laps).
    I knew I would be a bit slow in qualy, but I also knew that I can repeat 2:03 laps even in race quite all over (in theory), so I thought I would be in nice condidtion in the race at least.
    Everyone was really quick again, I considered some might get slow after some laps at more tire usage, since I found my car balanced well for the tires,
    but it did not happened that much all over the race, everyone stayed quick.
    I was always a little bit slower on (some) straights, so I could not defend position in some cases just because of less speed on straights [using 12(front)/12(rear) wings].

    Generally my race mostly was boring (cars were driving one after another), at the start after half a lap I lost some positions, guys (all) pushed hard and after Cive overtook me at the end of a straight I lost two pos. more after that (GG and someone else could pass also).. .
    One time ca. 7 laps before finish Luca and Gek had contact in the slow uphill corner and both slided / and stayed on the track, I could still react and drive on the gras to not collide with someone there. I was then in front of Luca, but I did a small mistake (lose of speed) in the quick S corner and he could pass me on the inner side to be in front of me again. This two things has been almost the only action in my race, beside a little battle with (a btw. really quick) GG at the first laps.

    Last edited by M Waechter on Fri May 18, 2012 1:20 am; edited 1 time in total
    M Waechter

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    17 May 2012: Sepang - Page 3 Empty Re: 17 May 2012: Sepang

    Post by M Waechter Fri May 18, 2012 12:49 am

    I think most of the fastest race laps are fake Wink, because of the 'bug' on the track. After my pitstop I had a fight with Grippa on the outlap + a mistake (off the track) in the slow left uphill, so my outlap was slow (2.04).
    Mario Slezacek

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    17 May 2012: Sepang - Page 3 Empty Re: 17 May 2012: Sepang

    Post by Mario Slezacek Fri May 18, 2012 8:39 am

    Guys I'm little bit confused with results. If I go to Official results, there are 5 races for group B. I click anyone and get to Event information. There is Event scroll menu and there are even 17 Sepang group B races. Rolling Eyes

    Then there is something wrong with my best lap time. I doubt I made it. Smile
    More over it says I made it in lap 2 which is impossible.
    I had to pit after being hit in lap 1 and lap 2 was outlap actually.
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    17 May 2012: Sepang - Page 3 Empty Re: 17 May 2012: Sepang

    Post by giancarlo graziano Fri May 18, 2012 4:31 pm

    is all old races made in a pass year on sepang.. follow the date or go direct to the portal on the voice driver standing..

    for the best lap time is because there is an issue on the pitlane naming, so you might do your best lap going out from pit. is a bug that after coming out of the box give best lap ..
    for all driver
    we try to fix soon is possible
    Marco Ercoles
    Marco Ercoles

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    17 May 2012: Sepang - Page 3 Empty Re: 17 May 2012: Sepang

    Post by Marco Ercoles Fri May 18, 2012 5:29 pm

    Bellissimo circuito, uno dei miei preferiti ma questo non basta a tenere il passo degli altri mostri che corrono nel mio gruppo il B!!

    Cmq mi qualifico 7° in linea coi miei best ma la sfortuna vuole che alla prima chicane dopo la partenza vengo toccato e la macchina danneggiata così rientro subito ai box per fixare ma perdo un sacco di tempo e da li gara solo in salita, peccato :-((

    Corsa da archiviare ma che va sicuramente ad aumentare la confidenza con quest'auto che non avevo praticamente mai guidato e con cui devo prenderci ancora mano.
    Grazie a tutti ci si vede in pista sperando di darvi un pò più fastidio :-)
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    17 May 2012: Sepang - Page 3 Empty Re: 17 May 2012: Sepang

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri May 18, 2012 7:55 pm

    Mario Slezacek wrote:Guys I'm little bit confused with results. If I go to Official results, there are 5 races for group B. I click anyone and get to Event information. There is Event scroll menu and there are even 17 Sepang group B races. Rolling Eyes
    results cleaned
    Fabio Grippa
    Fabio Grippa

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    17 May 2012: Sepang - Page 3 Empty Re: 17 May 2012: Sepang

    Post by Fabio Grippa Fri May 18, 2012 8:49 pm

    I did a lot of testing for this race, I'm happy my time were back to the top (ok, still 1 second from the top drivers!) not having anymore the gear change time deficit...
    I did my PB in qualify, I was happy in 5th position...The start was good, but in T2 I went a bit off the track, I've to thanks the two drivers who avoid me...I was stable in 4th position trying not to overstress the tires, then at T1 I had an accident with Matt, I tough it was his fault, but it was finally a race accident, with maybe some lag there...Then esc to repair, and I tried to push as much as I could to gain some position...this made me do a couple of spin. I finish in 11th position, and I'm not happy for that...I hope to be more lucky the next race...

    See you in track
    M Waechter

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    17 May 2012: Sepang - Page 3 Empty Re: 17 May 2012: Sepang

    Post by M Waechter Mon May 21, 2012 12:57 am

    I've a little general question: When you use just 9 (front) / 11 (rear) wings (some of you used s.th. like this), do you drive/drove with "3.0(front)" aero balance or is/was it less than "3.0 (front)" ["2.x (front)" or s.th. like this] to combat the understeer at just 9 front wing (which is / was too low for me, too much understeering) ?

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    17 May 2012: Sepang - Page 3 Empty Re: 17 May 2012: Sepang

    Post by MikaRaymond Mon May 21, 2012 9:12 am

    i decide my aero levels based on a balance between max cornering grip and straight line speed. i have no idea what aero balance is used. however trying to counterbalance under/oversteer using wings is the wrong thing to do - thats what your suspension is for. the problem with the car at sepang was the rear end becoming light under braking, causing it to play havoc with locking and sliding. i personally use a lot of front brake bias (which allows me to brake / turn in at the same time) so combating this was crucial. i did this by slowing down the weight transfer from rear to front under braking, allowing the rear end to become more stable.

    i really think you try to overcomplicate setup work. looking at all the tiny information such as aero balance and caster and things doesnt allow you to see the bigger picture and work on more important things that will have more of an impact on the car. i never change tiny things like that, but allow myself to have an open picture and understand what really is important.

    if you need any setup help, please feel free to PM me and ill do my best Smile
    M Waechter

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    17 May 2012: Sepang - Page 3 Empty Re: 17 May 2012: Sepang

    Post by M Waechter Mon May 21, 2012 6:04 pm

    MikaRaymond wrote:i personally use a lot of front brake bias (which allows me to brake / turn in at the same time)

    Hmm, doesn't you need less front brake bias to turn in the front at the same time -that's what I do, I keep it as low as possible to the front to be able to still turn in the front wheels until the rear begins to get critical (locks)- ? Maybe your driving/braking is different that you can do this even with a lot bias to the front.
    My suspension values look always the same at front + rear (of course spring not) as far as this is possible (for best balance), I think you can't gain any downforce with the suspension (of course), just some specifically grip.
    How do you affect the weight transfer that is shifted to the front at braking as you said, you can't adjust this I think.. ? (just with the spring stiffness I think)

    I'll perhaps pm you to test your set Smile.

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    17 May 2012: Sepang - Page 3 Empty Re: 17 May 2012: Sepang

    Post by MikaRaymond Mon May 21, 2012 7:51 pm

    i dont know where you got that theory from - whether you read it somewhere, someone told you or you found that out yourself. in fact using more front brake bias allows the car to turn in better for a reason im not too sure of Razz

    its possible to slow down the weight transfer by adjusting the slow bump and rebound settings - bump being down, rebound being up. imagine a jeep standing on its brakes - the whole weight of the car is shifted forwards which in response, lightens the rear. exactly the same thing happens in every car you drive, you just may not see it (like in F1). adjusting the front slow bump and rear rebound will slow this transition down - how much depends on everything (driving style, car, weight of fuel, camber, the list is endless)

    its always good to know what is specifically wrong with the car to be able to fix it. ill send you my sepang setup but promise me you wont publish it on the forum like you did with my ks2 set last time Wink
    Maarten Steverink
    Maarten Steverink

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    17 May 2012: Sepang - Page 3 Empty Re: 17 May 2012: Sepang

    Post by Maarten Steverink Mon May 21, 2012 8:26 pm

    MikaRaymond wrote:i dont know where you got that theory from - whether you read it somewhere, someone told you or you found that out yourself. in fact using more front brake bias allows the car to turn in better for a reason im not too sure of

    Completely depends on driving style. If you brake into the turn, it's better to get the braking bias more to the rear (like me), to assure that the front doesnt lock coming into the turn.

    When you release the brake before turning in, it's better to have the braking bias more to the front, as the momentum of the weight transfer gets bigger when you release the brake with more front brake bias.

    (It's called "getting the front up before turning in" in historic racing)

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    17 May 2012: Sepang - Page 3 Empty Re: 17 May 2012: Sepang

    Post by MikaRaymond Tue May 22, 2012 12:13 am

    i like to brake and turn in so thats probably why i have so much front bias Razz
    David Ignjatovic

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    17 May 2012: Sepang - Page 3 Empty Re: 17 May 2012: Sepang

    Post by David Ignjatovic Tue May 22, 2012 1:26 am

    Hi guys, I'm trying to make sense of my times at this track, for example, in FTarget I did a 201{record is 157xx}, yet you guys are doing 201 with f1800....?
    This is offline btw...
    M Waechter

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    17 May 2012: Sepang - Page 3 Empty Re: 17 May 2012: Sepang

    Post by M Waechter Tue May 22, 2012 9:53 am

    MikaRaymond wrote:i dont know where you got that theory from - whether you read it somewhere, someone told you or you found that out yourself. in fact using more front brake bias allows the car to turn in better for a reason im not too sure of

    Like Maarten then still said, / it is just a logical thought for me: it simply locks the front wheels so easily when the bias is too much to the front and also when wheels doesn't lock, the car feels more stiff (heading like an arrow) and I miss the point to turn in, car behaves too 'edgy' ('digital').
    Before we talk about the bias we should write down the values we use.., maybe I even does not use less bias to the front than you Very Happy (62.500 for the F2000 I used) ? [I'll check then in your setup what you use there.]

    Regarding the bump and rebound to fight the weight transfer you're right of course, I forgot that somhow to take this things more in consideration in my last posting.

    I won't post ur setup again, dont' worry Wink, at that KS2 one you mentioned, I at least quite screwed up the camber, toe and preload values (in the suspension tab), before I uploaded that kind of set (toe was already quite the same in your set as I used before since my first races in NKPro).

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    17 May 2012: Sepang - Page 3 Empty Re: 17 May 2012: Sepang

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