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    displaced camera (lateral) in cars with 2 seats

    catatau du park

    Posts : 7
    Join date : 2011-08-31
    Age : 44
    Location : brazil

    displaced camera (lateral) in cars with 2 seats Empty displaced camera (lateral) in cars with 2 seats

    Post by catatau du park Fri Jun 29, 2012 11:42 pm

    Hi i have de big screen and my wheel in absolute center, i dont have problems in cars with 1 seat(formula) because it is absolute in center.
    But in abarth, osella and other cars with two seats i see displaced camera in lateral

    i can configure this??

    displaced camera (lateral) in cars with 2 seats Osela

    displaced camera (lateral) in cars with 2 seats Abarthh

    Luca Mosca
    Luca Mosca

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    displaced camera (lateral) in cars with 2 seats Empty Re: displaced camera (lateral) in cars with 2 seats

    Post by Luca Mosca Sat Jun 30, 2012 10:21 am

    I don't think so....
    Radek Pól
    Radek Pól

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    displaced camera (lateral) in cars with 2 seats Empty Re: displaced camera (lateral) in cars with 2 seats

    Post by Radek Pól Sat Jun 30, 2012 2:28 pm

    For sure, you can change it with a tool GlovePie. I use it.

    Luca Mosca
    Luca Mosca

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    displaced camera (lateral) in cars with 2 seats Empty Re: displaced camera (lateral) in cars with 2 seats

    Post by Luca Mosca Sat Jun 30, 2012 7:22 pm

    catatau du park

    Posts : 7
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    Age : 44
    Location : brazil

    displaced camera (lateral) in cars with 2 seats Empty Re: displaced camera (lateral) in cars with 2 seats

    Post by catatau du park Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:47 pm

    nice, i try this and post reply after test

    catatau du park

    Posts : 7
    Join date : 2011-08-31
    Age : 44
    Location : brazil

    displaced camera (lateral) in cars with 2 seats Empty Re: displaced camera (lateral) in cars with 2 seats

    Post by catatau du park Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:26 am

    glovepie solved the problem!!
    have many camera positions config

    thanks!!! cheers
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    displaced camera (lateral) in cars with 2 seats Empty Re: displaced camera (lateral) in cars with 2 seats

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:41 am

    can you please explain what you've done, and eventually share your gloviepie scripts?
    Thanks a lot
    catatau du park

    Posts : 7
    Join date : 2011-08-31
    Age : 44
    Location : brazil

    displaced camera (lateral) in cars with 2 seats Empty Re: displaced camera (lateral) in cars with 2 seats

    Post by catatau du park Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:09 pm

    right, i just donwload glovepie and paste script by paul thomas and PLAY >

    (L) = joystick0.Button8

    if (var.init=false) then
    var.defp = FakeTrackIR.pitch
    var.defx = FakeTrackIR.x
    var.defy = FakeTrackIR.y
    var.defz = FakeTrackIR.z

    if pressed(y) then
    FakeTrackIR.y += 0.003 // up
    elseif pressed(u) then
    FakeTrackIR.y -= 0.003 // down
    elseif pressed(h) then
    FakeTrackIR.x += 0.003 // right
    elseif pressed(j) then
    FakeTrackIR.x -= 0.003 // left
    elseif pressed(c)then
    FakeTrackIR.pitch += 1 // pitch +
    elseif pressed(v) then
    FakeTrackIR.pitch -= 1 // pitch -
    elseif pressed((z)) then
    FakeTrackIR.z += 0.003 // forward
    elseif pressed((x)) then
    FakeTrackIR.z -= 0.003 // back
    elseif pressed((Enter)) then // reset to default
    FakeTrackIR.z = var.defz
    FakeTrackIR.y = var.defy
    FakeTrackIR.x = var.defx

    the comandas are

    y,u up and down
    h, j right and left
    c,v pitch + -
    z,x forwards and backwards

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    displaced camera (lateral) in cars with 2 seats Empty Re: displaced camera (lateral) in cars with 2 seats

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