I have downloaded the App and unpacked it and i also checked my personnal details.
So i started the game, ran a Hotlap and activated the App and there my problem begins.
There is a message that says driver not recognized and if i try to connect with my Steam account on the website i get the message that i'm not registered in the Database.
So here is is the log that shows 3 Errors but i don't know what i can do now, would be nice if somebody has an answer.
14.01.2014 22:03:36 mod 621 eseguito
14.01.2014 22:03:36 Avvio mod 622
14.01.2014 22:03:36 C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa\apps\python\RsrLiveTime
14.01.2014 22:03:36 mod 622 eseguito
14.01.2014 22:03:37 Avvio mod 820
14.01.2014 22:03:37 Avvio mod 820 eseguito
14.01.2014 22:03:37 Verifica 1 eseguita
14.01.2014 22:03:37 mod 620 eseguito
14.01.2014 22:03:37 Crea shared
14.01.2014 22:03:37 File mapping static inizio
14.01.2014 22:03:37 File mapping static creato
14.01.2014 22:03:37 File mapping static crea view
14.01.2014 22:03:37 File mapping static view creata
14.01.2014 22:03:37 Versione ac 0.4.1
14.01.2014 22:03:37 Ac avviato con successo
14.01.2014 22:03:37 Avvia shared dinamici
14.01.2014 22:03:37 File mapping dinamici inizio
14.01.2014 22:03:37 File mapping Graphics creato
14.01.2014 22:03:37 File mapping physics creato
14.01.2014 22:03:37 File mapping gek creato
14.01.2014 22:03:37 File mapping dinamici crea view
14.01.2014 22:03:37 File mapping graphycs view creata
14.01.2014 22:03:37 File mapping physics view creata
14.01.2014 22:03:37 File mapping gek view creata
14.01.2014 22:03:37 Giro non valido 0 0
14.01.2014 22:03:37 Connessione app
14.01.2014 22:03:37 Connessione co app Python iniziata
14.01.2014 22:03:37 Componenti creati attesa client..
14.01.2014 22:03:37 Ac avviato
14.01.2014 22:03:38 Ma 0,18
14.01.2014 22:03:39 Client connesso ricezione dati
14.01.2014 22:03:39 Dati splittati Aggiorna|1|2|0|0|
14.01.2014 22:03:39 Richiesta aggiorna
14.01.2014 22:03:39 Prima richiesta aggiorna
14.01.2014 22:03:39 Leggo impostazioni pilota
14.01.2014 22:03:39 carica settaggi
14.01.2014 22:03:39 Percorso documents ac C:\Users\Stefan\Documents\Assetto Corsa\cfg\
14.01.2014 22:03:39 leggo i dati 3
14.01.2014 22:03:39 leggo i dati 5
14.01.2014 22:03:39 Percorso exe steamc:\program files\steam
14.01.2014 22:03:39 Nomesteam S.Hiller
14.01.2014 22:03:39 S. Hiller stef96104 76561198007896549
14.01.2014 22:03:39 Persname S. Hiller valore S.Hiller
14.01.2014 22:03:39 Richiedo aa ws id
14.01.2014 22:03:40 Errore 20600 Error: SteamId is null. steamId=
14.01.2014 22:03:41 Errore 405001 Resource not found: resourceName='bmw_z4_gt3.data.acd' and contentType='Cars' and contentId='0'
14.01.2014 22:03:41 Errore 405003 Resource not found: resourceName='vallelunga-club.kn5' and contentType='Tracks' and contentId='0'
14.01.2014 22:03:41 Errore 20602 Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
14.01.2014 22:03:41 Aggiorna classifica
14.01.2014 22:03:41 hotlap
14.01.2014 22:03:41 Id steam mancante
14.01.2014 22:03:46 Ac terminato
14.01.2014 22:03:46 Client connesso ricezione dati
14.01.2014 22:03:46 Dati splittati ByeBye|0|0|0|0|0|
14.01.2014 22:03:46 Connessione co app Python terminata
14.01.2014 22:03:47 0 -1 -1 0 0 0
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