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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

Paul O'Brien
Sergio Marques
giancarlo graziano
Angelo Moscatelli
Marcello Pasquazzo
Nick Senior
Mauro Delegà
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Nino Foresta
M Waechter
Max Caputi
Luca Seghieri
M Carey
Clive Melbourne
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Andrea Lojelo
23 posters

    Imola 2011 Grand Opening

    Paul O'Brien
    Paul O'Brien

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    imola - Imola 2011 Grand Opening - Page 3 Empty Re: Imola 2011 Grand Opening

    Post by Paul O'Brien Mon Nov 28, 2011 2:23 am

    Thanks for the racing was great fun. Race 1 was a bit of a disaster for me ended up hitting Marco and damaging my suspension needing a pitstop . Race 2 was much better for me after the first few laps I found myself in the lead and opening a gap up. I think I had a lead of 24 seconds by my pitstop and came out behind Marius who had a very wide car. Found it impossible to pass him making a few mistakes and losing a load of time. When everyone else pitted I regained the lead but Vagellis was setting very quick laps and I could do nothing but watch my lead dwindle down to nothing and when he caught up with me we had an epic battle for the last few laps. I managed to hold on and win . I seem to do well in these Special events for some reason Razz
    Pobb R Tippet
    Pobb R Tippet

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    imola - Imola 2011 Grand Opening - Page 3 Empty Re: Imola 2011 Grand Opening

    Post by Pobb R Tippet Mon Nov 28, 2011 2:23 am

    Sound like it was an epic opening Very Happy congratulations! It's a shame I have been a bit busy this weekend otherwise I would of joined in the opening. Well done to all!

    A brilliant track!

    Bruno Giampà
    Bruno Giampà

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    imola - Imola 2011 Grand Opening - Page 3 Empty Re: Imola 2011 Grand Opening

    Post by Bruno Giampà Mon Nov 28, 2011 2:32 am

    Hello, I am Bruno, thank you all ... Fantastic race!

    In Race 1: I lose two positions for a bad start but I brought home a great podium!

    In Race 2: I start back then, but a good progression I recovered some positions, but once I hit a driver on the first lap because of an accident in front of me. With a broken suspension I continued the race and I managed to get third place thanks.

    But I think the blue flags are not going well. They did not appear when I tried to pass a driver back in different positions.

    Congratulations to the organizers and of course to Mauro for the track.

    Max Caputi
    Max Caputi

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    imola - Imola 2011 Grand Opening - Page 3 Empty Re: Imola 2011 Grand Opening

    Post by Max Caputi Mon Nov 28, 2011 2:41 am

    Per me 2 gare quasi perfette senza praticamente errori. Vittoria in gara 1 e bella rimonta anche in gara 2 poi un errorino non mi ha consentito più di raggiungere Snaweart.Ottimo 2° posto quindi in gara 2

    Very nice race . I've done 2 races almost perfect with practically no errors. Nice win in race 1 and great performance also in Race 2 from the last position, but a little mistake not allowed me to reach Snaweart.

    Sorry for my english. I studied it for many many years for nothing LOL

    Last edited by Max Caputi on Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:15 am; edited 1 time in total
    M Waechter

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    imola - Imola 2011 Grand Opening - Page 3 Empty Re: Imola 2011 Grand Opening

    Post by M Waechter Mon Nov 28, 2011 2:52 am

    Thx for this great track. I'm always surprised how exact and detailed RSR tracks are built, the zones beside the corners (green+grey tarmac) are really exact as wide and formed like they need to be,
    that's for example is impressive about it.

    opening event:
    r1 was ok, though I got hit from behind by Marius and later at another lap by Paul -both times at the last two corners of the track and lost positions after the second incident (race accidents).

    In r2 happened some unlucky crashes in the first lap, first just two cars were standing on the track, I got through.., but scratched one car slightly, which was enough to suddenly losing my sensible car
    and to end in the wall (tires were cold at this time also, I did not really warmed them up long enough by a mistake I did before) ..then another car came across me at this line, so another acident happened.
    I pressed ESC (car was 'destroyed') and went back on track, but the car was sliding as hell*, so I gave up, later on in this race I experimented just a bit with different suspension settings,... to check
    some setup varieties. *I switched to a slighlty different setup in r2, which somehow did not work well with much fuel (to much weight/mass in the rear for that setup).
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    imola - Imola 2011 Grand Opening - Page 3 Empty Re: Imola 2011 Grand Opening

    Post by M Carey Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:33 am

    I set a PB in Quali' but it was only good enough for 11th on the grid.

    M Waechter wrote:opening event:
    r1 was ok, though I got hit from behind by Marius and later at another lap by Paul -both times at the last two corners of the track and lost positions after the second incident (race accidents).
    When was that? I remember having to break hard to avoid hitting you, but I didn't make contact (at least on my end), check the video:

    Paul O'Brien wrote:Race 2 was much better for me after the first few laps I found myself in the lead and opening a gap up. I think I had a lead of 24 seconds by my pitstop and came out behind Marius who had a very wide car. Found it impossible to pass him making a few mistakes and losing a load of time.
    I'm entitled to race you (even though you had pitted & I hadn't), & I wasn't defending hard, just driving my normal lines. I had suspension damage from early contact with Gek (in the video & the same corner you later hit me). I didn't really enjoy the races. Race one I came home a disappointing 8th, race 2 4th but with lots of incidents. I had an enjoyable battle with Perusko, until he spun me out, then in trying to give the place back caused more trouble (that's when I hit Theodoridis - sorry for that).

    P.S. I did add more racing to the original video (as I didn't want it to be all incidents), but the upload time was over an hour & I wunna go to bed Smile
    Paul O'Brien
    Paul O'Brien

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    imola - Imola 2011 Grand Opening - Page 3 Empty Re: Imola 2011 Grand Opening

    Post by Paul O'Brien Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:02 am

    M Carey wrote:I set a PB in Quali' but it was only good enough for 11th on the grid.

    M Waechter wrote:opening event:
    r1 was ok, though I got hit from behind by Marius and later at another lap by Paul -both times at the last two corners of the track and lost positions after the second incident (race accidents).
    When was that? I remember having to break hard to avoid hitting you, but I didn't make contact (at least on my end), check the video:

    Paul O'Brien wrote:Race 2 was much better for me after the first few laps I found myself in the lead and opening a gap up. I think I had a lead of 24 seconds by my pitstop and came out behind Marius who had a very wide car. Found it impossible to pass him making a few mistakes and losing a load of time.
    I'm entitled to race you (even though you had pitted & I hadn't), & I wasn't defending hard, just driving my normal lines. I had suspension damage from early contact with Gek (in the video & the same corner you later hit me). I didn't really enjoy the races. Race one I came home a disappointing 8th, race 2 4th but with lots of incidents. I had an enjoyable battle with Perusko, until he spun me out, then in trying to give the place back caused more trouble (that's when I hit Theodoridis - sorry for that).

    P.S. I did add more racing to the original video (as I didn't want it to be all incidents), but the upload time was over an hour & I wunna go to bed Smile
    Im not saying your not entitled to Wink and sorry for the tap think i was in a wrong gear .. wheel blocked the gear counter lol

    Posts : 873
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    imola - Imola 2011 Grand Opening - Page 3 Empty Re: Imola 2011 Grand Opening

    Post by f.gek Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:18 am

    Bello vedere tanta gente in nk. Bello vedere un tracciato come imola fatto cosi bene.
    Ancora grazie a delegà. Gara 1, buona partenza , ma una toccata al posteriore mi ha obbligato ad una sosta ai box e li la mia gara è finita. Gara 2, Partenza non troppo buona , ma posizione ottima per una lunga gara. Purtoppo per un contatto con Marius , del quale mi scuso , Ho avuto un po di problemi , poi uno scontro con andrea che è andato in testa coda davanti a me, mi ha obblicato a premere esc e la mia gara è finita

    Nice to see so many people in nk. Nice to see a track like imola done so well.
    Thanks again to Delegà. Race 1, good start, but a hit in the rear has forced me to a pit stop , and my race is over. Race 2, Depart not too good, but great location for a long race. Unfortunately for a contact with Marius, for which I apologize, I had some problems, then a collision with Andrew that it is spun in front of me, I have to press esc obblicato and my race is over
    Angelo Moscatelli

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    imola - Imola 2011 Grand Opening - Page 3 Empty Re: Imola 2011 Grand Opening

    Post by Angelo Moscatelli Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:53 am

    Per me bilancio negativo, causa piccola pizzicata subita da dietro non so da chi in race 1, e jump start in race 2; che dire, sfortuna e inesperienza, ma sicuramente una bella emozione e tanta adrenalina. Un grazie all'organizzazione ed ai partecipanti
    Angelo Moscatelli

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    imola - Imola 2011 Grand Opening - Page 3 Empty I think it was me, but there are no problems

    Post by Angelo Moscatelli Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:14 pm

    Vaggelis Theodoridis wrote:wow that was a GRAND opening cheers

    Thanks everyone for the races.Unbielevable races,especially the second one!
    So many battles,clean battles,everyone was fighting!

    Race report:
    I will not wright a lot i just want to apologize for puntching in 1st race a black car(black skin i mean) didnt see who was it..
    In the corner to the uphill i punched it him just a bit and i suppose he was pressing gas that time and he spun..Sorry mate i pressed earlier the gas and hited u...I wish i dint ruin ur race..

    2nd race...what to say..again unbielevable..i hope i had 1 more lap to make my move...damn lol!
    Anyway u diserved it man,congrats again Paul and thanks for the battles Smile

    I hope everyone had fun today and again thanks for this aewsome track,ur efforts and for making this event! ::wave::
    Mauro Mastinu

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    imola - Imola 2011 Grand Opening - Page 3 Empty Re: Imola 2011 Grand Opening

    Post by Mauro Mastinu Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:23 pm

    Voglio ringraziare anzitutto i Radiators per l'ospitalità e Mauro Delega per il grandioso tracciato. E'da circa 6 mesi che mi dedico a questo Simulatore e vedere tre server pieni e circa 175 piloti in 2 giorni frequentare questo circuito mi ha fatto un enorme piacere. In gara 1 ero un pò teso, anzi mi tremavano le gambe; era da un pò che non provavo l'ebbrezza di una gara "ufficiale" e sicuramente la prima volta con Netkar. In gara 2 , quella più adatta a me, ho avuto modo di rilassarmi e godermi di gusto questi 200 km.La macchina era perfetta e gli avversari di valore. Ringrazio tutti per la correttezza,si sono evitati contatti inutili e in particolar modo Caputi che si è reso conto al mio pit che qualcosa non andava e mi ha ceduto la posizione (avevo letto il cartello dei 60 orari all'entrata dei Pit e l'ho rispettato). Veramente gran Fair Play! Detto questo un appello a Mauro Delega affinchè prenda in considerazione la possibilità di creare da zero il circuito di Misano. Credo abbia dimostrato a pieno il suo talento, e ieri mi sa ci sia stato anche un osservatore "d'eccezione" a fargli onore!!!!!!
    Ciao a tutti Mauro Snaweart
    Marcello Pasquazzo
    Marcello Pasquazzo

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    imola - Imola 2011 Grand Opening - Page 3 Empty Re: Imola 2011 Grand Opening

    Post by Marcello Pasquazzo Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:48 pm

    I apologize since I couldn't participate because my connection speed was very slow yesterday and I could not download the track's update. I live in a Digital Divide zone.

    Mauro Delegà
    Mauro Delegà

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    imola - Imola 2011 Grand Opening - Page 3 Empty Re: Imola 2011 Grand Opening

    Post by Mauro Delegà Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:56 pm

    Snaweart wrote:Voglio ringraziare anzitutto i Radiators per l'ospitalità e Mauro Delega per il grandioso tracciato. E'da circa 6 mesi che mi dedico a questo Simulatore e vedere tre server pieni e circa 175 piloti in 2 giorni frequentare questo circuito mi ha fatto un enorme piacere. In gara 1 ero un pò teso, anzi mi tremavano le gambe; era da un pò che non provavo l'ebbrezza di una gara "ufficiale" e sicuramente la prima volta con Netkar. In gara 2 , quella più adatta a me, ho avuto modo di rilassarmi e godermi di gusto questi 200 km.La macchina era perfetta e gli avversari di valore. Ringrazio tutti per la correttezza,si sono evitati contatti inutili e in particolar modo Caputi che si è reso conto al mio pit che qualcosa non andava e mi ha ceduto la posizione (avevo letto il cartello dei 60 orari all'entrata dei Pit e l'ho rispettato). Veramente gran Fair Play! Detto questo un appello a Mauro Delega affinchè prenda in considerazione la possibilità di creare da zero il circuito di Misano. Credo abbia dimostrato a pieno il suo talento, e ieri mi sa ci sia stato anche un osservatore "d'eccezione" a fargli onore!!!!!!
    Ciao a tutti Mauro Snaweart

    Ciao Mauro,
    grazie per i complimenti, era mia intenzione fare proprio il circuito di Misano, ma dopo vari tentativi falliti con la Direzione del circuito (per avere planimetrie/altimetrie, ecc...), sto pensando alla realizzazione di un'autodromo statunitense.
    Se qualcuno però è in grado di farmi avere i dati necessari, prometto che mi dedicherò a Misano con lo stesso entusiasmo con cui ho realizzato Imola. Very Happy

    (sono curioso....chi sarebbe questo ospite d'eccezione?)
    Mauro Delegà
    Mauro Mastinu

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    imola - Imola 2011 Grand Opening - Page 3 Empty Re: Imola 2011 Grand Opening

    Post by Mauro Mastinu Mon Nov 28, 2011 1:38 pm

    In questi mesi ho sbirciato un po nei vari forum di riferimento ed avevo letto di una certa disputa. Bhe ieri nel server c'era un nome che me che me lo ha ricordato, ma magari mi sbaglio!Dimenticavo: in 15 nemmeno un lag, tutto liscio come l'olio. Peccato per Misano me lo ricordo con Gtr2 ed era veramente un bel circuito italiano. ciao ciao
    Max Caputi
    Max Caputi

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    imola - Imola 2011 Grand Opening - Page 3 Empty Re: Imola 2011 Grand Opening

    Post by Max Caputi Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:32 pm

    Snaweart wrote: Ringrazio tutti per la correttezza,si sono evitati contatti inutili e in particolar modo Caputi che si è reso conto al mio pit che qualcosa non andava e mi ha ceduto la posizione (avevo letto il cartello dei 60 orari all'entrata dei Pit e l'ho rispettato). Veramente gran Fair Play! Mauro Snaweart

    Mi sentivo "in colpa" per un sorpasso così agevole :-) Eri lento in corsia e soprattutto all'uscita, e non capivo perchè visto che il limitatore lo toglie Netkar in automatico... Infatti ti ho dovuto superare, tra l'altro tagliando la linea bianca (altro senso di colpa), per non venirti addosso, poi ovviamente ti ho lasciato sfilare per giocarmi la posizione in pista. Poi però ho fatto un errore alla Tosa e quando sono ripartito non sono più riuscito a raggiungerti, anche perchè a giudicare dai tuoi tempi non hai fatto il minimo errore, complimenti.

    Se però, vedendoti entrare al pit, io facevo un altro giro (forse la benzina bastava), forse potevo provare ad uscirti davanti... Smile
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    imola - Imola 2011 Grand Opening - Page 3 Empty Re: Imola 2011 Grand Opening

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:48 pm

    Great fun yesterday. Actually, great fun all the weekend. Always people on track, any time, good clean races (the most of the time).

    Yesterday my performance was much above my expectations. 3rd place in qualification, with Bruno "steeling" my 2nd for few cents on the last lap. I had a good start and I found my self battling with Simon for few laps. I knew he was faster than me, so I tried to push hard to keep his pace, and somehow I managed to stay quite close. Matt was also doing fine from the back, getting closer and closer. This put me under pressure, and a did a small mistake going wide at Villenueve on lap 12. This was enough to loose my position. On the very same lap even Simon did a mistake crashing on the barriers. I tried to come back but Matt didn't do any mistake and won the race with just +1.641. Really well done guys. That was an exciting race.

    Race2 was pretty nice too, until it lasted Smile Starting from mid field, I tried my best to get a clean start. Everyone got into the first corner really carefully backing off and not forcing with cold tires. Always nice to see such a nice behaviour on track. I improved several positions in the first laps until I did one more mistake (always at Villenueve Sad ) crashing my car to the wall and bouncing back on track hitting Gek (sorry for that!).
    Such a pity it as going to be a really nice battle between me, gek and marius!
    Back to the box, and trying to get some good times. It was a time trial between me and Antonio, that was several seconds away. Nice to have such a long race, so you can really get back doing good lap times.
    At the end one more error put me off, finishing 7th.
    Overall a great race. Great fun and excitment. See you on the next race!
    Mauro Mastinu

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    imola - Imola 2011 Grand Opening - Page 3 Empty Re: Imola 2011 Grand Opening

    Post by Mauro Mastinu Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:49 pm

    Devo dire che l'aspetto simulativo di Netkar in questa gara l'ho proprio goduto.Se stai davanti e non sbagli passare è veramente difficile a meno che di infilarsi a forza nelle staccate con tutti i rischi e pericoli. Per cui credo che sia proprio come tu dici Max: senza errori, diffile passare. Devo dire che temevo molto la tua pressione dietro come quella di Biggio alla prima gara.Gran osso duro pure lui.
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    imola - Imola 2011 Grand Opening - Page 3 Empty Re: Imola 2011 Grand Opening

    Post by M Carey Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:54 pm

    Paul O'Brien wrote:Im not saying your not entitled to Wink and sorry for the tap think i was in a wrong gear .. wheel blocked the gear counter lol
    Ok, it's just had a very wide car makes me sound like Schumacher in Monza Wink I pitted the next lap so it wasn't that big a deal, & my car was feeling pretty awful by that point anyway (with damaged suspension & flat-spotted tyres). When I repaired & came out the pits I thought oh, this is what the car's meant to feel like, but by then the race was pretty much over for me so I just cruised around (one handed most of the time Smile).
    M Waechter

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    imola - Imola 2011 Grand Opening - Page 3 Empty Re: Imola 2011 Grand Opening

    Post by M Waechter Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:18 pm

    @Carey: Yes, I really got a contact after I did this move overtakeing you there (thought you might have had a damage too), but doesn't matter, was just a quite light contact
    from behind, was not a big problem to the car.
    Later as Paul hit me at the same place caused more damage to the car and even more on his car maybe, because he pitted, but that was just a race-accident also,
    not his fault -I got slightly on the grass close before the last turn and got into a slide and he was still very close to me, so he could not avoid an acciedent then.
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    imola - Imola 2011 Grand Opening - Page 3 Empty Re: Imola 2011 Grand Opening

    Post by M Carey Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:49 pm

    I thought Kunos was meant to of fixed the collision box on the Osella? Maybe the problem's that you can't move underneath the rear wing (I remember a similar discussion a while back on GPC regarding the F2000).

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