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    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by davide zardin Mon Feb 18, 2013 11:03 pm

    grazie attilio per le info...

    ciò mi fa che pensare che ci siamo per la TP?
    Attilio Barba
    Attilio Barba

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    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Attilio Barba Mon Feb 18, 2013 11:05 pm

    il primo trimestre 2013 cade a marzo, su un sito francese alludono a marzo... chissà. chi vivrà vedrà

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    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Gigi_Monticelli Mon Feb 18, 2013 11:19 pm

    il primo trimestre era relativo al rilascio della 1.0 se non ricordo male, la tp era prevista per il 2012....
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:38 pm

    Some time ago Kunos wrote:
    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 8KlNniH

    Few ours ago he said:
    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 ASYzDdG

    It seems to be that in few days Assetto Corsa Technology Preview will be finally out. Looking forward to it!!! drive

    One more nice news: Kunos Simulazioni is now offering nKPRO for just 4,99 EUR. This offer is valid only until the 1st of March.
    Check here for more informations.

    Just remember that to use Assetto Corsa Technology Preview you need to have a netKar PRO licence.

    From what Marco Massarutto, Licencing Manager of KS, wrote in his facebook account, Assetto Corsa Technology Preview will include the Lotus Elise at Magione.

    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 861386_4528709509769_582295016_o

    Last edited by Andrea Lojelo on Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Vincent Buccarello
    Vincent Buccarello

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    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Vincent Buccarello Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:40 pm

    The screenshot is astonishing!
    Attilio Barba
    Attilio Barba

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    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Attilio Barba Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:02 am

    il suono del motore

    è questo?

    Luca Orsetti
    Luca Orsetti

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    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Luca Orsetti Wed Feb 20, 2013 5:37 pm

    Non credo proprio, dato che quella è l'Elise 1a serie con motore Rover.

    Il suono dovrebbe essere così (almeno spero Smile):
    Giorgio Mosca
    Giorgio Mosca

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    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Giorgio Mosca Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:34 pm

    Luca Orsetti wrote:Non credo proprio, dato che quella è l'Elise 1a serie con motore Rover.

    Il suono dovrebbe essere così (almeno spero Smile):

    Orsetti deve sempre fare il solito saputello corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 794685....insopportabile! corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 11976
    Raúl Expósito
    Raúl Expósito

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    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Raúl Expósito Wed Feb 20, 2013 8:40 pm


    Luca Orsetti
    Luca Orsetti

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    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Luca Orsetti Wed Feb 20, 2013 9:05 pm

    Giorgio Mosca wrote:
    Luca Orsetti wrote:Non credo proprio, dato che quella è l'Elise 1a serie con motore Rover.

    Il suono dovrebbe essere così (almeno spero Smile):

    Orsetti deve sempre fare il solito saputello corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 794685....insopportabile! corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 11976

    Tu stai zitto... Signor "Un Secondo e Due"... ahahahahahhahah
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Feb 20, 2013 9:22 pm

    ...it's getting closer...

    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 Temporale_Ac
    Attilio Barba
    Attilio Barba

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    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Attilio Barba Wed Feb 20, 2013 9:49 pm

    bene bene ho gia' pronto un banchetto di sound da testare,
    ovviamente l'ho fatto da zero sull'osella, non conoscendo la fisica della lotus
    sarà da adattare alle relative marce e giri motore
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:44 pm

    Pablo López wrote:for what i tried:

    1- running triple screen with Antialiasing 8x, Anisotropic 8x, cubemap medium reflections, 2 faces per frame, 6080x1080 78/80 fps steady, both while driving and replay.
    2- then, recording with fraps, windowed mode 1280x720p almost full eyecandy, i was hitting 180fps

    dont get how people say it runs 20fps.... watching a crappy video recorded with a phone.

    and, about the cameras, they are good, you have 3 sets of TV + 1 static, they show scennery, there are some like a crane camera that really makes a good view, you dont have the free camera yet on tech preview.

    system specs: http://ask.fm/PeiChecK/answer/20944974692 add a 7970 there (not Ghz edition)

    when he was asked 'how it feels Pablo??' he replied:
    Pablo López wrote:like a road car on a track day Smile
    Vincent Buccarello
    Vincent Buccarello

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    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Vincent Buccarello Thu Feb 21, 2013 6:44 pm

    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 6917CA628DF393870DBC622034AE49527CD49BA1

    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 981548corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 981548corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 981548corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 981548

    Here is the Steam Greenlight for Assetto Corsa
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Feb 21, 2013 6:53 pm

    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 69549_609106915782297_1474976011_n

    Assetto Corsa has been officially submitted to Valve's Greenlight!
    If you want to support us and you want this game appear on Steam, please vote for it!

    Why Assetto Corsa on Steam is good for you:

    -faster downloads
    -extensive customer care support
    -join a larger racing community: more players, more contents, more licenses!
    -help KUNOS dev team grow and improve AC with more contents and features for a long-term period
    -Bigger community lower prices for additional contents

    Please visit http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=128612208 and vote for it!

    A nice surprise is waiting for you on Assetto Corsa's greenlight page...

    Da oggi Assetto Corsa aderisce a Steam Green Light!
    Sostieni Assetto Corsa: se desideri che sia incluso nel catalogo di Steam, vota ora!

    Scopri perché Steam è la soluzione ideale per Assetto Corsa:

    scarica velocemente il gioco e tutti i contenuti aggiuntivi
    gestione automatica e semplice di aggiornamenti e autenticazione
    unisciti a una community di piloti virtuali più ampia: più giocatori, più contenuti, più licenze ufficiali!
    aiuti il team di sviluppo a crescere e migliorare Assetto Corsa con più contenuti e feature, garantendo estesa longevità al progetto
    più giocatori vuol dire più contenuti aggiuntivi gratuiti e DLC a basso costo

    Visita http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=128612208 e vota ora!

    Sulla pagina di Green Light di Assetto Corsa ti attende una bella sorpresa...
    Giorgio Mosca
    Giorgio Mosca

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    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Giorgio Mosca Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:39 pm

    i found this...i just can't stop laughing!!!

    lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by giancarlo graziano Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:25 pm

    Mark Schilling
    Mark Schilling

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    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Mark Schilling Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:23 pm

    Wonder will the tech preview be out for the weekend?
    Got my new wheel(T500rs + F1 rim) the other day as I needed to upgrade form my G27 to really do the new sims (rFactor 2 and AC) justice Smile
    Been looking forward to this for so long, can't wait now Smile
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by laurent resende Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:33 pm

    the support of Steam can etre tres positive for Asseto Corsa, but attention!! it is necessary that Steam allows to the users the complete acces of the simu, for Skins, and different mods qqui shall not miss the publication a naitre of!!!! it is necessary that we have the meme possibiltés that in other simu to run with our skins, and to be able as in NetKar have a complete sovereignty!!!!!! it is not always case with Steam
    Vincent Buccarello
    Vincent Buccarello

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    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Vincent Buccarello Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:48 pm

    Oh my dear god!!! Unbelievable, I just want to drive this car now corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 964932

    M Waechter

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    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by M Waechter Fri Feb 22, 2013 12:26 am

    You guys may search for "Assetto Corsa Technology preview vid 1" and "Assetto Corsa Technology preview vid 3" at youtube Wink.
    There a guy named Alifish.. uploaded two more videos of the preview. The second mentioned video "..vid 3" is about cockpit footage -so if you want to keep the 'surprise' for yourself until it's out, don't click on that one !-, but whilst using Fraps it is of a bit low FPS. / edit: The user has removed the second video showing the cockpit-view, maybe he didn't like his driving skills there Razz.
    I like it, because it seems to feel and look very real/'earthy', all onboard soundeffects (backfire, tire squeezing and so on) as well, only the motorsound'engine' could still be improved (sounds maybe a bit too linear -like a carpet cleaner-, like most of IRacings cars as well in general, but maybe this kind of 'soundengine' will fit better with other car's sound), but that does not bother me that much, it still sounds ok and interesting (much more real in terms of the sound itself than it was before and in many other 'sims'). I don't know, maybe a better engine-sound would generally obtain too much performance, so that's why it's better to keep it simple at first -for a general release-.
    The sky seems to be a layer for itself now, it's moving ! Also the sun + reflections later in the video on the long straight, when he's is changing cameras (sun is adopting to each camera view), looks great.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Feb 22, 2013 1:27 am

    And finally some proper videos. The first one from Pablo López that wrote:

    To all people, this feels GREAT, has good framerate on triple screens, has really good support for triple screens, looks stunning and drives superbly.
    Smile thanks for watching.
    this is Assetto Corsa!

    And the second and third from the great BSNismo. Stunning video, really!

    Giorgio Mosca
    Giorgio Mosca

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    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Giorgio Mosca Fri Feb 22, 2013 2:43 am

    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322 corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 67322
    M Waechter

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    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by M Waechter Fri Feb 22, 2013 2:50 am

    Ah, that already does sound better. I also like how the cockipt is moving up and down on high speed on the small bumps at the long straight, makes it more dynamic and also how the driver is able to catch the rear everytime he drifts. Chosing the daytime (noon, evening,..) is a nice feature I like, becasue it is -light effects- are well made I believe. The last game I know, that had such feature was The Need For Speed I ('94/'95) and NFS Porsche Wink. I wonder, will there be animated cockpit instruments for each car (like at the vintage cars in NKPro) ?
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    corsa - new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 16 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Feb 22, 2013 10:53 am

    We got the green light to talk about AC, finally, so I'll waste no time: we've been extensively testing AC lately and I've to say that I absolutely love it. Great feeling on the wheel, and a lot of nice little features that I'm sure you will like. Since I don't want to spoil the surprise I'll not say anything about them. I'll just say that from the very first tests, we all had a great smile on our faces, and that smile never goes away, even now after tons and tons of laps.
    It looks and feel fantastic. Never seen anything like it. It feels just so real! Not a single time in which I was surprised about any weird behavior of the car. When you are about to loose it, you feel it, and you know it's just because you pushed too much.

    I'm really looking forward to hear all your comments once the Technical Preview will be out.
    Guys, if you will have any problems, feel free to ask. We'll try to help as much as we can.

    A big thank you to Kunos Simulazioni for the great work that they have done on their new simulator, and for giving us the possibility to help with testing.

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