Radiator Springs Racing

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Luca Orsetti
Francesco Lerose
M Waechter
Max Caputi
Andrea Lojelo
9 posters

    14 June 2012: Oschersleben

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    14 June 2012: Oschersleben Empty 14 June 2012: Oschersleben

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:55 am

    14 June 2012: Oschersleben 04OW%20Oschersleben

    Fourth race of the Open Wheel Series: Oschersleben on F2000

    Here is the schedule:
    drivers from 1 to 15 in group A
    drivers from 16 to 30 in group B

    We will check some random replays, so don't forget to save the replay of your best lap.

    Thursday 14 June 2012
    21:00 (CET, UTC+1) Briefing in our Chat
    Qualification: 15 minutes. No restriction on the amount of laps
    Warmup: 5 min (waiting time before the race session)
    Race 1: 44 laps

    Races will NOT be in Full Mode.

    Please don't forget your allocation for the race
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    14 June 2012: Oschersleben Empty Re: 14 June 2012: Oschersleben

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:49 am

    [ulr=http://www.radiators-champ.com/index.php?option=com_wrapper&view=wrapper&Itemid=70]Entry list is automatically updated based on the allocation [/url]

    Please make sure you allocate in advance. Thanks
    Max Caputi
    Max Caputi

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    14 June 2012: Oschersleben Empty Re: 14 June 2012: Oschersleben

    Post by Max Caputi Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:15 pm

    Io mi sono "allocato" già da tempo però siccome Giovedì ci sono le partite del girone dell'Italia, la mia partecipazione è in forse...
    L'Italia gioca alle 18, ma potrebbe essere importante anche seguire, in base al nostro risultato, la partita di Spagna-Irlanda alle 21 ;-)
    lo sapevo che dopo vari spostamenti si sarebbe arrivati a correre proprio in coincidenza con le partite degli europei che voglio seguire ! :-)
    M Waechter

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    14 June 2012: Oschersleben Empty Re: 14 June 2012: Oschersleben

    Post by M Waechter Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:38 am

    This is a really good race track, it became one of my favourites, because of such nice corners, pushing is fun here.
    Francesco Lerose
    Francesco Lerose

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    14 June 2012: Oschersleben Empty Re: 14 June 2012: Oschersleben

    Post by Francesco Lerose Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:19 pm

    Domanda a titolo informativo:potrei partecipare anche io alla prossima gar, il 14 giugno?ho scritto a titolo informativo perche' devo essere sicuro di non avere impegni...
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    14 June 2012: Oschersleben Empty Re: 14 June 2012: Oschersleben

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:28 pm

    certo. Basta fare dei giri nel server di prequalifica ed essere allocati per la gara.
    Francesco Lerose
    Francesco Lerose

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    14 June 2012: Oschersleben Empty Re: 14 June 2012: Oschersleben

    Post by Francesco Lerose Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:44 pm

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:certo. Basta fare dei giri nel server di prequalifica ed essere allocati per la gara.

    qualche giretto l ho fatto..se non sbaglio sulla quarantina...non devo salvare nessun replay per il prequalifica?

    cmq se sono libero mi allochero' volentieri...e come faccio ad allocarmi?

    la pista ha delle curve un pochino "cieche", premetto che non ho girato molto su questa,e deanche sulla f2000 devo imparare meglio il comportamento dell'auto...
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    14 June 2012: Oschersleben Empty Re: 14 June 2012: Oschersleben

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:48 pm

    e' spiegato tutto qui.

    Per i replay salva in ogni caso. Faremo sapere nei prossimi giorni se servono o meno, in base ai risultati delle prequalifiche.
    Francesco Lerose
    Francesco Lerose

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    14 June 2012: Oschersleben Empty Re: 14 June 2012: Oschersleben

    Post by Francesco Lerose Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:49 pm

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:e' spiegato tutto qui.

    Per i replay salva in ogni caso. Faremo sapere nei prossimi giorni se servono o meno, in base ai risultati delle prequalifiche.

    ok grazie..
    Francesco Lerose
    Francesco Lerose

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    14 June 2012: Oschersleben Empty Re: 14 June 2012: Oschersleben

    Post by Francesco Lerose Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:23 pm

    scusate ma il tempo deve essere nei primi 30?
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    14 June 2012: Oschersleben Empty Re: 14 June 2012: Oschersleben

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Jun 13, 2012 11:47 pm

    no, in teoria non ci sono limiti. Se ci sono persone per riempire server, ci saranno server disponibili
    Francesco Lerose
    Francesco Lerose

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    14 June 2012: Oschersleben Empty Re: 14 June 2012: Oschersleben

    Post by Francesco Lerose Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:16 am

    Ok grazie
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    14 June 2012: Oschersleben Empty Re: 14 June 2012: Oschersleben

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:34 am

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:[ulr=http://www.radiators-champ.com/index.php?option=com_wrapper&view=wrapper&Itemid=70]Entry list is automatically updated based on the allocation [/url]

    Please make sure you allocate in advance. Thanks

    Please make sure you are allocated for tonight race.
    Max Caputi
    Max Caputi

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    14 June 2012: Oschersleben Empty Re: 14 June 2012: Oschersleben

    Post by Max Caputi Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:03 pm

    Ho visto che l'entry list al momento è più corta del solito con decisamente meno piloti di quelli del live timing . Per stasera in ogni caso è sempre quella di riferimento per la scelta del server, giusto ?
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    14 June 2012: Oschersleben Empty Re: 14 June 2012: Oschersleben

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:22 pm

    certo. I gruppi sono basati sull'entry list.
    Luca Orsetti
    Luca Orsetti

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    14 June 2012: Oschersleben Empty Re: 14 June 2012: Oschersleben

    Post by Luca Orsetti Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:44 pm

    I think the entry list is not updated because I'm allocated but I don't see me on...
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    14 June 2012: Oschersleben Empty Re: 14 June 2012: Oschersleben

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:16 pm

    Francesco Lerose
    Francesco Lerose

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    14 June 2012: Oschersleben Empty Re: 14 June 2012: Oschersleben

    Post by Francesco Lerose Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:24 pm

    stasera non ci saro' in gara... Sad sara' per la prossima...
    M Waechter

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    Location : Germany

    14 June 2012: Oschersleben Empty Re: 14 June 2012: Oschersleben

    Post by M Waechter Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:19 pm

    The fuel calculation here could be at the limit for just one stop, I need almost 1,9 l (something like 1,85 l ) fuel when pushing, that would mean 83,6 l (above 80 l).
    I'll see.. hopefully it will last, maybe I have to save some fuel at some laps. But this will be hard generally, beacuse when you just can manage 21 laps in the first stint, another 40 l would not be enough to finish the 23 laps left.
    Max Caputi
    Max Caputi

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    14 June 2012: Oschersleben Empty Re: 14 June 2012: Oschersleben

    Post by Max Caputi Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:56 pm

    Stasera mi è veramente dispiaciuto non correre nel A. Sono certo che sarei stato molto competitivo in gara sulla mia pista preferita, sempre salvo incidenti...
    Nel mio gruppo ho fatto la Pole ma poi anche partenza anticipata e sono partito dai box, ma con un bel passo gara sempre sul 30 e nessun errore ottima rimonta vincendo con quasi un minuto di vantaggio sul sempre ottimo Marco Ercoles.

    In pratica gara impeccabile ma sempre per niente, o quasi, nel B !!

    Tonight I was really disappointed not to run in A. I am sure that I would be very competitive in race on my favorite track ...
    In my group I made ​​the Pole but also early start and then from the pit , but with a good race without mistakes and alwways 1.30.5xx more or less great climbing and nice winning almost a minute ahead of the excellent Mark Ercoles.

    Practically perfect race but always for nothing, or almost, in the B!

    PS: Sorry for my english lol
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    14 June 2012: Oschersleben Empty Re: 14 June 2012: Oschersleben

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:42 am

    results are up
    M Waechter

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    14 June 2012: Oschersleben Empty Re: 14 June 2012: Oschersleben

    Post by M Waechter Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:58 am

    replay group A
    alternate link group A
    Max Caputi
    Max Caputi

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    14 June 2012: Oschersleben Empty Re: 14 June 2012: Oschersleben

    Post by Max Caputi Fri Jun 15, 2012 1:14 am

    Prima sono stato troppo drastico, diciamo che con pole e giro veloce stasera 32 punticini li abbiamo portati a casa , e poi la rimonta dai box è stata molto divertente Very Happy Peccato che nel B si sia sempre in pochi...
    M Waechter

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    14 June 2012: Oschersleben Empty Re: 14 June 2012: Oschersleben

    Post by M Waechter Fri Jun 15, 2012 1:37 am

    Hell.., I wrote the whole story of the race down in prev. post and then it / the whole text got lost, once I added the replay links into the posting afterwards (and also overwrote the windows text-cache with the link).
    So, here it is (I'm typing it) again:

    Qualy was not a desaster but also not at the best possible, I got stuck in 1:28,6 and 1:28, 7 laptimes at all (each) laps -making small mistakes-, also I loaded an older setup in the first two laps (with only other camber values at front), I think with my latest setup the first two laps in qualy would have been a bit quicker than they were.

    Pretty remindable race, 'epicly' close in the first laps, being at least three times side by side with Andrea at the start/finish line and sometimes three cars racing each other in a bulk. I lost some of my pace in the first laps of the race, because of getting stuck behind some cars, but that was worth it for the racing.
    To manage the fuel was a bit of a challenge as expected. I think I drove to my pit stop at the end of lap 21 (leading into lap 22)*, though I had enough fuel to do another lap (2,5 l left), but I thought "now when 22 laps are finished when I cross the line in the pits, the other left 22 laps should be possible in the same way (40 l)", but somehow it did not work out. I had just 0,8 l left at the end of lap 43 towards the last corner in lap 43 and drove to the pits to maybe refill the car for the final lap. Then in the pit lane I saw Maarten (his name above his car) crossing the line after 44 laps and me just afterwards there in the pitlane, that way I had not to drive a whole lap anymore (lap 44), because of getting behind the leaders in the pit lane of my lap no. 43 (so getting -1 lap), so that I still could finish the race after 43 laps with just 0,8 l fuel. It was kind of a lucky circumstance that I did not crossed the line in the pit lane just before the leaders -I could save my last lap no. 44-, but also if not the pos. would be the same now.
    Before the last pit in lap 43 I got kind of nervous -because of thinking what to do, since I noticed that the fuel will not last to the end..-, so I messed up some corners in lap 42 and 43 and Luca Orsetti could optain my position in lap 43, also my tires were pretty much done. You had to be careful in the first two corners after ca. 14 laps on the same tires, but that was no problem, because I knew it from the practice before, just a problem for getting still quick laptimes in the middle of each of such longer stints when you have to be careful (slower at the entrance of t1 and in t2).

    *edit: I watched and counted the laps of my first stint at the replay 'klickable'-bar below the screen and it were indeed only 21 laps in first stint, so no surprise that fuel at the second stint did not last for 23 more laps. I did not count in that the leader was already a bit ahead (as I watched at the completed laps he already crossed the line which incresed the counter to 21/44, while I was in fact still in 21th lap and not in 22th lap like the leader at this moment), that explains the error (my wrong calc. at this point).

    Triple eight btw. -8. at prequaly, 8. in qualy, 8. at race result- .

    Last edited by M Waechter on Sat Jun 16, 2012 2:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Mario Slezacek

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    14 June 2012: Oschersleben Empty Re: 14 June 2012: Oschersleben

    Post by Mario Slezacek Fri Jun 15, 2012 9:59 am

    Two Oscher races show in official results. I won the 2nd one even I didn't make it. cheers

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    14 June 2012: Oschersleben Empty Re: 14 June 2012: Oschersleben

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