Radiator Springs Racing

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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

sebastien bortoli
giancarlo graziano
Andrea Lojelo
Matteo Marchiorato
Michele Campini
9 posters

    21 Oct 2009: Prato

    Michele Campini

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    21 Oct 2009: Prato - Page 2 Empty Re: 21 Oct 2009: Prato

    Post by Michele Campini Thu Oct 22, 2009 11:29 am

    OK, thank for explanation.
    Michele Campini

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    21 Oct 2009: Prato - Page 2 Empty Re: 21 Oct 2009: Prato

    Post by Michele Campini Thu Oct 22, 2009 12:52 pm

    Yesterday was a good race for our Project Racing Team at the first official race.
    R. Moretto take the 2nd place on race 1, in race 2 he did not remember to press "FILL" in fuel ... and so remained without fuel, damn.
    In race two i was 2nd and D. Fiorin was 3rd.
    Good result and good race pace respect pool A.
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    21 Oct 2009: Prato - Page 2 Empty Re: 21 Oct 2009: Prato

    Post by giancarlo graziano Thu Oct 22, 2009 1:06 pm

    well done !!!! Great result..and was a alien calling Jaap on server 2..
    Great winning for a new team!!!

    need a replay too..please
    someone having save the replay races server2 ....

    Luca Malingambi
    Luca Malingambi

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    21 Oct 2009: Prato - Page 2 Empty Re: 21 Oct 2009: Prato

    Post by Luca Malingambi Thu Oct 22, 2009 1:46 pm

    Per quanto riguarda incidenti, non è successo niente. Spero solo che con la versione definitiva vengano risolti tutti questi bug.
    Quando mi sono accorto del problema "dopo circa 3 giri" ho subito corso di difensiva e ho lasciato passare senza causare incidenti i due piloti che mi seguivano.
    Devo aggiungere che Jaap è un mostro!!!!!!!
    Ha girato con un ritmo costante senza problemi. Mamma mia che ALIENO!!

    As for accidents, nothing happened. I just hope that with the final version
    these bugs are resolved.
    When I realized the problem "after about 3 laps" I immediately ran to the defensive and left
    pass without causing an accident, the two riders behind me.
    I must add that Jaap is a monster !!!!!!!
    He shot with a steady pace without any problems. Mamma mia che ALIENO!
    Michele Campini

    Posts : 355
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    Age : 48
    Location : Siena

    21 Oct 2009: Prato - Page 2 Empty Re: 21 Oct 2009: Prato

    Post by Michele Campini Thu Oct 22, 2009 1:47 pm

    For me in race 1 someone decide to kick my rear in starting procedure so i lost control and my race finished there.
    No problem but for next times i prefer more carefull, especially during start.
    Jaap Wagenvoort

    Posts : 12
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    21 Oct 2009: Prato - Page 2 Empty Re: 21 Oct 2009: Prato

    Post by Jaap Wagenvoort Thu Oct 22, 2009 1:55 pm

    I saved the replays of both server 2 races. I will upload them tonight and make the download links available here.

    The races were fun and Prato is a nice track to push hard on (I had some trouble in the chicane on the Full GP layout with the balance of the car, but the Short Track race was great, pushing all the way). We had good racing, apart from some unnecessary incidents right after the start of the 2nd race. I did notice quite some lag in the replay, but I don't know if it was a big problem in the race for other drivers.

    Thanks for organising the series, guys! 21 Oct 2009: Prato - Page 2 Icon_smile
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    21 Oct 2009: Prato - Page 2 Empty Re: 21 Oct 2009: Prato

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Oct 22, 2009 2:11 pm

    We haven't notice any lag in server1, or at least not that I know.
    We had some clients with weird PING at the beginning, and we asked them to reconnect. The problem was then solved. This is what the REMAIN IN PIT session is for!
    If every client uses good connections we can have really good races.

    I'm pretty happy with the performance of our server. 27 people on track on the same physical server without major problems.
    We will shortly going to upgrade our server as well, so things could only improve!

    Kunos is working on some more improvements on the netcode, so...good news on this side as well!!
    Luca Malingambi
    Luca Malingambi

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    21 Oct 2009: Prato - Page 2 Empty Re: 21 Oct 2009: Prato

    Post by Luca Malingambi Thu Oct 22, 2009 2:40 pm

    Grande Andrea!

    Big Andrea!! cheers
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    21 Oct 2009: Prato - Page 2 Empty Re: 21 Oct 2009: Prato

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Oct 22, 2009 3:04 pm

    It's a join effort from all the components of the Radiator Springs Team!
    Everyone is dedicating time, money and all his energies to offer a nice championship to everyone!
    Maurizio Massasso

    Posts : 4
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    21 Oct 2009: Prato - Page 2 Empty Re: 21 Oct 2009: Prato

    Post by Maurizio Massasso Thu Oct 22, 2009 3:10 pm

    Michele, in gara 1 sul server 2 dietro di te alla partenza c'ero io.
    Non ho ancora avuto modo di vedere il replay (tra l'altro, li ho entrambi, se Jaap ha problemi ad uploadarli lo faccio io stasera) ma al via non ti ho visto muovere quindi ho scartato a destra, poi mi sono trovato affiancato a te (ho visto il nome grosso sulla fiancata, bella idea!). Alla prima curva a destra ti ho visto avvicinarti e ho mollato leggermente (se ricordo bene) per evitare un contatto ma tu ti sei intraversato davanti a me, praticamente all'improvviso.
    Per evitarti ho scartato a sinistra ma probabilmente ti ho colpito. Non credo di averti colpito prima del tuo testacoda ma stasera controllo il replay e vedrò.
    Spero di non essere stato io ad innescare la carambola e se è successo non è stato per niente intenzionale, anzi! Stavo cercando di stare calmo per non fare il mucchio alla prima gara in questo campionato!

    In gara 2 invece ho fatto tutto da solo ... ho evitato le carambole iniziali e mi sono ritrovato terzo ... un paio di giri e ... SBAM ... dritto come un fuso contro le protezioni perchè non ho tenuto dentro la macchina nel sinistra veloce prima della chicane.
    Rientro al box guardando da tutte le parti per non intralciare nessuno e 10 minuti di martellate per raddrizzare la macchina. Da lì in avanti ho pensato solo a finire senza avere e senza provocare casini a chi era a pieni giri.
    Amen ... il passo sono convinto che c'era ... se solo fossi riuscito a stare in pista!

    Comunque sia, ragazzi, ottimo campionato ... bello e soprattutto serio e corretto a quanto ho potuto vedere. Complimentoni a tutti!

    Michele, in race 1 on server 2 i was behind you at the start.
    I still haven't got the possibility to watch the replay (by the way, if Jaap has problems i have both race 1 and 2 so i can upload them too) but at the start i didn't saw you move so i breaked right to avoid contact. Then i was on your side (saw the big name on the side, good idea!). At the first right turn i saw you getting close and i slowed up a bit to avoid again contact but you spin right in front of me. Then i breaked left and probably hit you. I don't think i've hitted you before the spin but after watching the replay i will tell you.
    I hope not to be me the cause of the crash and if it is i want to tell that was not intentional at all! I was trying to stay calm in order to not create problem at the first race in that championship.

    In race 2 i made all by myself ... i avoided the initial crashes and i was third ... a couple of laps and then ... SBAM ... right on the wall of the fast left before the chicane.
    I returned to pits looking in all directions to avoid problems with other cars and i got 10 minutes of works on the car to get it straigt. From here on i only thinked to finish the race without have and without provoke problems to pilots that was at full laps.
    That's it ... the pace was good ... if only i could remain on track!

    Anyway, guys, great championship ... beautiful and overall serious and correct from what i could saw. Congratulations to all!

    Maurizio Massasso
    Michele Campini

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    21 Oct 2009: Prato - Page 2 Empty Re: 21 Oct 2009: Prato

    Post by Michele Campini Thu Oct 22, 2009 3:14 pm

    Ciao Maurizio,
    in effetti io sono partito malissimo e in parte è anche colpa mia.
    Quando tu hai provato a passare a destra io ho cercato di spostarmi verso sinistra ma c'era "gente" e quindi mi sono trovato in una brutta situazione e per di + davanti stavano rallentando. Cmq ti confermo che la percezione che ho avuto io è come di un "colpo" da dietro ma a sto punto, probabilmente, ci sta che sia stata una "laggata".
    Cmq no problem tranquillo.
    Figurati in gara 2 per paura che mi tamponassero al via alla seconda curva sono finito nel campo e sono rientrato 5 o 6 non ricordo. Very Happy
    Jaap Wagenvoort

    Posts : 12
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    21 Oct 2009: Prato - Page 2 Empty Re: 21 Oct 2009: Prato

    Post by Jaap Wagenvoort Thu Oct 22, 2009 3:15 pm

    Indeed, 27 drivers at the same time on one server is pretty impressive anyway, especially as the nKServer is pretty bandwidth-consuming. Maybe the lag was a problem on my end, but normally replays are pretty smooth to me. Maybe it was a few guys have a bit of a slow connection or something.
    Michele Campini

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    21 Oct 2009: Prato - Page 2 Empty Re: 21 Oct 2009: Prato

    Post by Michele Campini Thu Oct 22, 2009 3:20 pm

    Hallo fast guy !!! Very Happy
    Jaap Wagenvoort

    Posts : 12
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    21 Oct 2009: Prato - Page 2 Empty Re: 21 Oct 2009: Prato

    Post by Jaap Wagenvoort Thu Oct 22, 2009 4:46 pm

    21 Oct 2009: Prato - Page 2 Icon_albino hi!
    Well done on P2 last night, Michele! Bit close in the first corners, but it all finished O.K. after all.
    Michele Campini

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    21 Oct 2009: Prato - Page 2 Empty Re: 21 Oct 2009: Prato

    Post by Michele Campini Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:04 pm

    Yes i did not want hit u so i left brake and turn on right so i finished long Very Happy
    Jaap Wagenvoort

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    21 Oct 2009: Prato - Page 2 Empty Re: 21 Oct 2009: Prato

    Post by Jaap Wagenvoort Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:35 pm

    Michele Campini wrote:Yes i did not want hit u so i left brake and turn on right so i finished long 21 Oct 2009: Prato - Page 2 Icon_biggrin

    Well, you actually did crash into my gearbox. I heard and felt a bang and touch pushed me off the track (I braked in time).

    I didn't suffer damage though, so maybe it was a lag inflicted crash.

    @Maurizio: you're a rally driver? Great to see the pictures on your site.
    Maurizio Massasso

    Posts : 4
    Join date : 2009-10-21

    21 Oct 2009: Prato - Page 2 Empty Re: 21 Oct 2009: Prato

    Post by Maurizio Massasso Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:58 pm

    Jaap, yes, well ... actually i'm a codriver but often (when money permits...) i drive.
    Without great results i must admit... i'm better as a codriver! Smile Smile
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    21 Oct 2009: Prato - Page 2 Empty Re: 21 Oct 2009: Prato

    Post by giancarlo graziano Fri Oct 23, 2009 2:08 am

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:Points are up
    Images Uptade... Wink
    21 Oct 2009: Prato - Page 2 Photogallerycopy

    Jaap Wagenvoort

    Posts : 12
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    21 Oct 2009: Prato - Page 2 Empty Re: 21 Oct 2009: Prato

    Post by Jaap Wagenvoort Sun Oct 25, 2009 2:20 pm

    Bit late, but better late than never, right? 21 Oct 2009: Prato - Page 2 Icon_smile Here are the Server 2 Prato replays: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZB7NA5MX

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    21 Oct 2009: Prato - Page 2 Empty Re: 21 Oct 2009: Prato

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