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3 posters

    Live timing does not record first lap in hotlapping


    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2013-12-09

     Live timing does not record first lap in hotlapping Empty Live timing does not record first lap in hotlapping

    Post by smashwings Mon Dec 09, 2013 2:34 pm

    Hello, while the first lap counts as personal best in Assetto Corsa's best laps panel while hotlapping, it does not count in RSR Live Timing, it takes valid the second lap. The first is equally valid I think because Assetto takes it.

    Is there a way to count the first hotlap?


    EDIT: I have done some testing and it records the first lap the first time you load track from menu, if you reset from inside track, it does not, you have to go to menu and enter again
    Jamie Shorting

    Posts : 103
    Join date : 2011-09-14

     Live timing does not record first lap in hotlapping Empty Re: Live timing does not record first lap in hotlapping

    Post by Jamie Shorting Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:50 pm

    Yeah, this app is buggy as hell.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
    Join date : 2009-04-26
    Age : 46
    Location : Den Haag

     Live timing does not record first lap in hotlapping Empty Re: Live timing does not record first lap in hotlapping

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Dec 09, 2013 10:46 pm

    No one forces you to use it, Jamie. Thanks for your very constructive feedback. That really helps a lot.

    anyway, new version available.
    panos dim

     Live timing does not record first lap in hotlapping Empty rsr does not count my hotlaps

    Post by panos dim Sat Dec 21, 2013 6:46 pm

    Hi Andrea
    It counts one or two laps in the beggining and then nothing also problem with the green or red light indicator it keeps the red (invalid lap time) even if i pass the start . 
    The app is nice hope you fix it i have the latest version Smile

     Live timing does not record first lap in hotlapping Empty Re: Live timing does not record first lap in hotlapping

    Post by RedBarom Sun Dec 22, 2013 4:34 pm

    I have a similar issue.
    I only downloaded AC and the timing app yesterday, but after it seemed to work fine at the beginning I ended up with this issue.

    Whenever I start a hotlap session it will register my first lap I drive (or run at the drag strip in this case).
    However when I click restart to be able to do another run it won't register any improvements I do after that.
    If I exit the session and restart it again, it will register the first lap.

    Also if I don't finish a first lap and restart it won't register any time anymore.

    This is the log of today's session, I'm not sure if that will be of any help though.


    22-12-2013 14:15:48 Verione
    22-12-2013 14:15:48 D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\apps\python\RsrLiveTime
    22-12-2013 14:15:48 Verifica 1 eseguita
    22-12-2013 14:15:48 Crea shared
    22-12-2013 14:15:48 File mapping static crea view
    22-12-2013 14:15:48 Avvia shared dinamici
    22-12-2013 14:15:48 Connessione app
    22-12-2013 14:15:48 File mapping dinamici inizio
    22-12-2013 14:15:48 File mapping dinamici inizio
    22-12-2013 14:15:48 File mapping dinamici inizio
    22-12-2013 14:15:48 File mapping dinamici inizio
    22-12-2013 14:15:48 File mapping Graphics creato
    22-12-2013 14:15:48 Componenti creati attesa client..
    22-12-2013 14:15:48 File mapping gek creato
    22-12-2013 14:15:48 File mapping dinamici crea view
    22-12-2013 14:15:48 File mapping graphycs view creata
    22-12-2013 14:15:48 File mapping physics view creata
    22-12-2013 14:15:48 File mapping gek view creata
    22-12-2013 14:15:48 Giro non valido 0 0
    22-12-2013 14:15:49 Ac avviato
    22-12-2013 14:15:50 Client connesso ricezione dati
    22-12-2013 14:15:50 Dati splittati Aggiorna|1|0|                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
    22-12-2013 14:15:50 Richiesta aggiorna
    22-12-2013 14:15:50 Prima richiesta aggiorna
    22-12-2013 14:15:50 Leggo impostazioni pilota
    22-12-2013 14:15:50 carica settaggi
    22-12-2013 14:15:50 Percorso documents ac d:\Users\Paul Ilbrink\Documents\Assetto Corsa\cfg\
    22-12-2013 14:15:50 leggo i dati 3
    22-12-2013 14:15:50 leggo i dati 5
    22-12-2013 14:15:50 Percorso exe steamd:\games\steam
    22-12-2013 14:15:50 Nomesteam RedBarom
    22-12-2013 14:15:50 RedBarom red_barom 76561198067524869
    22-12-2013 14:15:50 Persname RedBarom valore RedBarom
    22-12-2013 14:15:50 trovato id steam 76561198067524869
    22-12-2013 14:15:50 Richiedo aa ws id
    22-12-2013 14:15:51 Aggiorna classifica
    22-12-2013 14:15:51 Invio dati ws non eseguito in pits.
    22-12-2013 14:15:51 Invio dati ws completato
    22-12-2013 14:16:16 Client connesso ricezione dati
    22-12-2013 14:16:16 Dati splittati Aggiorna|1|1|-2013265920|                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
    22-12-2013 14:16:16 Richiesta aggiorna
    22-12-2013 14:16:16 Aggiorna classifica
    22-12-2013 14:16:16 Invio dati ws completato
    22-12-2013 14:16:16 CicloSharedDinamici cambiata 0 stato 1
    22-12-2013 14:16:38 Client connesso ricezione dati
    22-12-2013 14:16:38 Dati splittati Aggiorna|1|0|-2013265920|                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
    22-12-2013 14:17:06 Client connesso ricezione dati
    22-12-2013 14:17:06 Dati splittati Aggiorna|1|1|-2013265920|                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
    22-12-2013 14:17:06 Richiesta aggiorna
    22-12-2013 14:17:06 Aggiorna classifica
    22-12-2013 14:17:06 Invio dati ws non eseguito in pits.
    22-12-2013 14:17:06 Invio dati ws completato
    22-12-2013 14:17:06 CicloSharedDinamici cambiata 1 stato 0
    22-12-2013 14:17:40 Client connesso ricezione dati
    22-12-2013 14:17:40 Dati splittati Aggiorna|1|1|-2013265920|                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
    22-12-2013 14:17:50 Client connesso ricezione dati
    22-12-2013 14:17:50 Dati splittati Aggiorna|1|1|-2013265920|                                                                                                                                                                             
    22-12-2013 14:18:16 Client connesso ricezione dati
    22-12-2013 14:18:16 Dati splittati Aggiorna|1|1|-2013265920| 

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     Live timing does not record first lap in hotlapping Empty Re: Live timing does not record first lap in hotlapping

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