Radiator Springs Racing

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    22 Nov 09: Montreal

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    22 Nov 09: Montreal Empty 22 Nov 09: Montreal

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Nov 13, 2009 10:28 am

    Montreal FTarget

    20:45 Breifing
    21:00 Prequalification on multiple servers (30 minutes)
    21:45 Qualification on multiple servers (15 minutes)
    22:00 Race (46 laps ~200 km ~1h 10m)

    Please check our rules here

    We will run with Classical F1 skins. You can download it here. Everyone will have a skin assigned.
    Our plan is that every skin should be used by some driver so that we will have a very colorful race!

    Server password will be in the Control Center

    Endurance League - Team Radiators-Champ Team (nKPro)
    IP address: - Password:
    22 Nov 09: Montreal Vintagemontreal
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    22 Nov 09: Montreal Empty Re: 22 Nov 09: Montreal

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Nov 13, 2009 10:41 am

    Please help us organizing our event mantaining you allocations for the race.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    22 Nov 09: Montreal Empty Re: 22 Nov 09: Montreal

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Nov 17, 2009 10:35 am

    ...it's in time like these that a racing driver really earn his money! says the commentator...

    ...A nice jump back into time to begin the week of our second Classical F1 Endurance Race!

    And here one more on normal condition! The track was quite different at that time!
    Those guys were really brave to drive cars like these! Nice to hear the brake screaming!
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
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    22 Nov 09: Montreal Empty Re: 22 Nov 09: Montreal

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Nov 20, 2009 7:30 pm

    Only few more days from our second endurance race...time for some good advertisment!

    we are in homepage on Driving Italia

    22 Nov 09: Montreal Drivingitaliaendurancem
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
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    22 Nov 09: Montreal Empty Re: 22 Nov 09: Montreal

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sun Nov 22, 2009 11:37 am

    It's finally our racing day again!

    The entry list for the prequalification is ready, but there are still a lot of drivers that are not allocated.
    Please use the skin that had been assigned to you.

    I tried my best to understand the intentions of the drivers that didn't allocate for the race, guessing who could show up tonight:
    15 drivers for example are not allocated but requested a place in the team, then there are 12 new drivers that haven't even requested even a place in the team.
    Of course I'm not counting on those, but just in case I tried to do some work in advance.

    Please help us organizing things in a easier way, placing always your allocation in time, and, in case you will not partecipate to the race, please change your allocation in "Driver will not partecipate".

    Thanks a lot

    E' finalmente arrivato il giorno della gara!

    L'entry list per la prequalifica e' pronta, ma ci sono ancora molti piloti non allocati.
    Per favore utilizzate la skin che vi e' stata assegnata.
    Ho cercato di interpretare le intezioni dei piloti che non si sono allocati per la gara, cercando di indovinare chi possa farsi vivo stasera:
    15 piloti, ad esempio, non sono allocati ma hanno richiesto un posto nel team, poi ci sono altri 12 nuovi piloti che non hanno neanche chiesto un posto nel team.
    Ovviamente non conto su tutti questi pilot, ma ho preferito cercare di pianificare quacosa prima della gara.

    Per favore aiutateci ad organizzare il tutto in maniera piu' semplice, allocandovi per la gara prima possibile, e, in caso non possiate partecipare, per favore, cambiate la vostra allocazione in "Driver will not partecipate".

    Grazie mille.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
    Join date : 2009-04-26
    Age : 45
    Location : Den Haag

    22 Nov 09: Montreal Empty Re: 22 Nov 09: Montreal

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sun Nov 22, 2009 7:11 pm

    Five corners rule:
    22 Nov 09: Montreal Montreal

    In case you do a mistake and it's safer to cut a chicane, you are allowed to do it, but if you are fighting with someone, please give him road.
    If you are cutting a chicane, in any case, do it in a way that will not be an advantage for you. Please slow down a bit after it.

    In caso di errore, se e' meno rischioso tagliare la chicane, e' consentito farlo. Se sei in lotta con qualcun altro, dagli strada.
    In qualsiasi caso, fai in modo che il tagli della chicane non costituisca un vantaggio per te. Per favore rallenta un poco dopo il taglio di chicane.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    22 Nov 09: Montreal Empty Re: 22 Nov 09: Montreal

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sun Nov 22, 2009 11:14 pm

    you can find server password in the control center
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    22 Nov 09: Montreal Empty Re: 22 Nov 09: Montreal

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Nov 23, 2009 10:26 am

    Results are up

    Hall of Fame updated
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    22 Nov 09: Montreal Empty Re: 22 Nov 09: Montreal

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Nov 23, 2009 11:07 am

    I had great fun yesterday. The start was smooth and everyone had been really careful. Well done!

    I like very much those endurance races, since you really need a strategy. Will I push a bit more to catch the driver in front of me? Is it worth to take the risk to push a bit more?
    Who is him? Does he usually do mistakes under pressure? Is it safe to be really close to him? What will happen if I will do a mistake when I'm far away from the pit? Will I have fuel enough to do 3 stops of I will need one more?
    A lot of questions during all the race. You keep on checking lap times and the pitboard to check what is happening around you. Really a nice experience.

    My race had been error free until the last lap. Evil or Very Mad
    I knew the driver behind me, Laurent, was faster then me, but somehow I manage to be in front of him.
    Lap by lap he was getting closer and closer. After a quite relaxing race I knew I had to push. At 3 laps to the end we fighting at every corner.
    At the hairpin we were side by side. I knew that if I would accelerate in a proper way I could get back my position. I tried to be as left as possible being careful with the throttle. I waited he passed me and then I got in his tail and with the help of the slipstream I overtook him again in the straight.
    I was over the moon. Trying to understand how many laps were missing. Did Vitaliano overtook me? yes, few laps ago! did he pit in the meanwhile? maybe yes. so I have to do one more full lap! Oh no!!! It's gonna be hard to keep Laurent behind for one more lap!
    I need concentration! Careful on every corner it seems to be in qualify again, but with one eye on the track and an other on the mirror!
    One more time close to the hairpin. Laurent took my slipstream and tried again the same move. I did the same. This time, unfortunately my wheels spawn a bit. I loose traction for a fraction of time. I saw Laurent taking half a meter. I was not enough to take advantage of the slipstream this time. Mad
    Last lap flag was waving! I was really devastated and at the first corner I did a small mistake (first of the race!!!) locking my wheels. I went off road cutting the first corner on the outside. I had to be careful not to hit Laurent. I tried to be in the inside and wait until he was safely away from me.
    There is an advertisement on that corner on the ground: a yellow Casino Montreal advertisement. I touched it and spawn! somehow I found my self stacked into the sand! affraid
    No way to go out. Click Esc+go to pit. What a pity! 2 position lost a the last lap!! lol!

    Anyway! it was a great fun!
    Thanks a lot to Laurent for the nice fight! As usual really clean and correct on track!

    See you next time!
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    22 Nov 09: Montreal Empty Re: 22 Nov 09: Montreal

    Post by giancarlo graziano Mon Nov 23, 2009 8:21 pm

    I had great fun yesterday. The start was smooth and everyone had been really careful. Well done!
    I like very much those endurance races, since you really need a strategy. Will I push a bit more to catch the driver in front of me? Is it worth to take the risk to push a bit more?

    yes Andrea I degree whit you...really challenge and long race..
    For me the start was bit shame carefully in t1 a close the line ..and I crash to Jose ..I think...
    immediatly box and first lap i was 13...lot of mistake for the driver in a front of me and in the first pit I was 7 position..lot of traffic ..and jose in my back for all time ...till we don t found one driver the whit lap down try to take position..and clang ..me save jose out..but in the end my luckyness bring me in 6 pos..

    Andrea I was follow you for all race on pitbar ..really well done perfect race inside the first 6 position for all race..
    till I see you in the send ..pity was the last laps...
    happens..sometime most after 45 lap of concentration and calculation..and ACE PILOT on track...
    Well done
    Proud for be you team mate...
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    22 Nov 09: Montreal Empty Re: 22 Nov 09: Montreal

    Post by giancarlo graziano Thu Nov 26, 2009 11:17 pm

    ..After spa...
    Video for a "Magnificent" Second race of Endurance series on Montreal
    Thanks to All...
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    22 Nov 09: Montreal Empty Re: 22 Nov 09: Montreal

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Nov 27, 2009 12:25 am

    What a nice surprise, Giancarlo! I didn't know you were working on this video! Well done! Really nice video!
    Luca Malingambi
    Luca Malingambi

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    22 Nov 09: Montreal Empty Re: 22 Nov 09: Montreal

    Post by Luca Malingambi Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:28 am

    This is a nice video.
    Great race guys. I really enjoyed!
    I'll see you at the next race Sleep

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    22 Nov 09: Montreal Empty Re: 22 Nov 09: Montreal

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