Radiator Springs Racing

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    Verification Team Reports.

    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

    Posts : 5882
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    Verification Team Reports. Empty Verification Team Reports.

    Post by giancarlo graziano Sun Feb 07, 2010 1:32 am

    For the first event disputated in Crema Sector 1

    the Verification TeamVerification Team Reports. Verificationteam2010 analyzed a lot of replay and spent a lot of time discussing about some cases. The following are their findings and decisions.

    1)Giancarlo Graziano - Daniele De Gioia T1: WARNING to Graziano

    Verification Team Reports. Foto111
    Verification Team Reports. Foto211
    Verification Team Reports. Foto311

    Verification Team Reports. Foto411

    Verification Team Reports. Foto511

    Verification Team Reports. Foto611

    Verification Team Reports. Foto711

    Graziano didn't cause any damage to De Gioia, even though he lost a lot of positions. Graziano should have been a bit more careful at T1 leaving a bit more space to De Gioia. Looking from his cameracar, instead you can see that he lost a bit of grip on the kerb, sliding sligtly on the right towards De Gioia.
    The VT decided to assign a WARNING.

    It is important to pay attention especially in the first part of the race, where all cars are close to each other. For this reason, we define per each track the “red zone”, where the 5 corners rule applies. 5 corners is just a convention. For each track the red zone might be extended till a safer zone.
    The responsibility of all drivers is to avoid incidents in the first corners which can have massive consequences and therefore all participants must be careful.
    Starts must be as clean and incident-free as possible. The finish line is not at the first turn. Turn 1 cannot be approached as it happens during the qualification session. The tires are cold, the car is heavy and the track crowded. Drivers must act wisely and drive safely for themselves and for the other participants, for example by:
    o braking earlier than normal
    o maintaining a safe distance from the other cars during the first corners
    o giving enough space to other drivers with some margin for error by other participants

    2) Driver Vitaliano Polito T2: WARNING to Polito
    The VT assinged a Warning to Polito because he wrote something in chat just after he spawn and got hit at T2.

    Rule 2: No chatting is allowed during QUALIFICATION and RACE sessions. Chatting is only allowed during REMAIN IN PIT session.
    This includes calling 'Pit-in', 'Pit-out', 'Sorry' and 'Thank You'. It is a distraction to drivers on track, and will have to wait until after the session

    Warnings will not result in any points penalization for this race, but in case the same driver will receive an other warning in the following race, then he will be penalized.
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

    Posts : 5882
    Join date : 2009-05-11
    Age : 55
    Location : Berlin

    Verification Team Reports. Empty Re: Verification Team Reports.

    Post by giancarlo graziano Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:32 pm

    For the Second event of pre qualification disputated in Aosta Grand sport
    the Verification TeamVerification Team Reports. Verificationteam2010 analyzed a replay and spent a lot of time discussing about asome case. The following are their findings and decisions.

    1)Leurente Rasente :Penality time +0,5sec.
    Verification Team Reports. Nkscrformula2000aosta02
    As you can see he is touch the cone in track for a fraction of time.

    The VT decided to add +0.5 seconds to the prequalification time.
    Before sending your replay, please check your replay carefully.

    the Verification TeamVerification Team Reports. Verificationteam2010 analyzed a replay and spent a lot of time discussing about a case. The following are their findings and decisions.

    2)Olivier Boissel :Penality time +0,5sec.
    Verification Team Reports. Nkscrformula2000aosta02
    As you can see he is touch the cone in track for a fraction of time.
    The VT decided to add +0.5 seconds to the prequalification time.
    Before sending your replay, please check your replay carefully.

    the Verification TeamVerification Team Reports. Verificationteam2010
    3)Filippo Crapreri
    Not analyzed the replay discussing about a case. The following are their findings and decisions.
    no Time valid
    No position on Race

    Verification Team Reports. Verificationteam2010
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

    Posts : 5882
    Join date : 2009-05-11
    Age : 55
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    Verification Team Reports. Empty Re: Verification Team Reports.

    Post by giancarlo graziano Fri Feb 12, 2010 11:11 pm

    The Race Directors and the Verification Team inform all driver's For a race on Prato that a F2000 Series League - Rules as be MODIFICATED .

    comming soon...
    Please by patient and waiting for a new UPTADE for the Rules

    For the Second event disputated in Aosta Grand Sport
    the Verification TeamVerification Team Reports. Verificationteam2010
    analyzed a lot of replay and spent a lot of time discussing about some cases. The following are their findings and decisions.

    Driver 1- Petuker Rudolf warning: WARNINGVerification Team Reports. Verificationteam2010
    The VT assinged a Warning to Petuker Rudolf because3 time Speed limit on qualification.
    Pit Limits ON
    During the race the pit speed limit is of 80 Km/h.
    Rule7: If the driver exceeds the pit speed limit more than 2 times during QUALIFICATION he will be forced to do a drive through during the race.

    [b]Warnings will not result in any points penalization for this race, but in case the same driver will receive an other warning in the following race, then he will be penalized.

    the Verification TeamVerification Team Reports. Verificationteam2010
    analyzed a lot of replay and spent a lot of time discussing about some cases. The following are their findings and decisions.

    Incident F. Catalano-Luigi Robinia
    Incident caused by Catalano
    Robinia lost first position for involontary touch-Catalano take first position.
    he VT decided to assign a WARNING.
    Verification Team Reports. Verificationteam2010

    Warnings will not result in any points penalization for this race, but in case the same driver will receive an other warning in the following race, then he will be penalized.

    Verification Team Reports. Verificationteam2010
    Verification Team Reports. Racedirector
    We Advise:
    Radiator Springs Racing wants to be a Gentlemen Championship, and there is no doubt that Stephane could be a be the perfect example of it.
    Always very clean and fast during every race, but even very respectful for the other drivers.
    During Aosta's event he did something that showed everyone his great fair play: he had some problems with this video card (black grass), so to prevent any possible problems for his competitors, he decided to be wait in the pit during the 30 minutes of the qualification so he could start from the bottom of the grid, in last position.
    Despite this he managed to gain 10 positions during the race, getting good points for his championship.

    Well done Stephane. Thank you for racing with us. I hope that everyone will take you as an example.

    Not respecting track rules, such as, not executing a Drive Through, is usually being penalized by -5 points.
    This time the VT decide to assign only a warning since this is the first time it's happening during this championship, and the driver is a new driver in our league.
    This is the last warning for everyone. Next time we will assing -5 points.
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

    Posts : 5882
    Join date : 2009-05-11
    Age : 55
    Location : Berlin

    Verification Team Reports. Empty Re: Verification Team Reports.

    Post by giancarlo graziano Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:23 pm

    After a long discussion the VT and the race director confirm the new warning
    Incident:G.Graziano-V. Vanore

    For the Second event disputated in Aosta Grand Sport
    the Verification TeamVerification Team Reports. Verificationteam2010
    analyzed a replay and spent a lot of time discussing about some cases. The following are their findings and decisions.

    [b]Driver 1- G.Graziano warning: WARNINGVerification Team Reports. Verificationteam2010
    The VT assinged a Warning to G.Graziano because incorrect move caused a crash.
    G.Graziano Finish 7position
    V. Vanore car damage .lost the 8 position-race no finish.
    Video incident:


    Here we will discuss about how to behave on track.
    Our Verification Team will publish here some small videos to show you what to do and what not to do on track.
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

    Posts : 5882
    Join date : 2009-05-11
    Age : 55
    Location : Berlin

    Verification Team Reports. Empty Re: Verification Team Reports.

    Post by giancarlo graziano Sat Feb 13, 2010 6:08 pm

    For the Second event disputated in Aosta Grand Sport
    the Verification Team
    Verification Team Reports. Verificationteam2010
    The following are their findings and decisions:
    Driver 1- G.Graziano warning: WARNING Crema Full Gp
    Driver 1- G.Graziano warning: WARNING Aosta Gran Sport

    Driver Standings Season 2010.01:
    6. Giancarlo Graziano Driver from ITA 30 29

    Current classification:
    6. Giancarlo Graziano Driver from ITA 30 29 -5

    Verification Team Reports. Rulesinfraction
    2 warning = -5 point standing.

    Verification Team Reports. Verificationteam2010
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
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    Age : 46
    Location : Den Haag

    Verification Team Reports. Empty Re: Verification Team Reports.

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:44 pm

    Event 4: Aosta GPIntermediate. Prequalification

    Verification Team Reports. Verificationteam2010

    The VT analyzed carefully all the replay and there are illegal laps this time.
    Please next time double chech your replay before sending it, and eventually send an other replay of a slowest lap.
    In this case, please specify it in the Subject of the email es. Surname_name_Track_m.ss.mmm [NEW TIME]. this will help the VT to do his checks.

    the following drivers have been penalized of +0.5 seconds:
    -Vitaliano polito: touches the cone
    Verification Team Reports. Nkscr_21

    -Luca Seghieri: touches the cones.
    Verification Team Reports. Nkscr_16

    Verification Team Reports. Nkscr_17

    Verification Team Reports. Nkscr_18

    Verification Team Reports. Nkscr_19

    -Andrea Lojelo: touches the cone.4 tires outside the white line
    Verification Team Reports. Docerror7986915

    Verification Team Reports. Nkreplay1

    -Alessandro Serafini: 4 tires outside the white line
    Verification Team Reports. Nkscr_22

    Verification Team Reports. Nkscr_23

    - Fortunato Catalano: didn't submit his replay.
    his time will not be considered for group A

    Prequalification times have been updated, so here you can find the final entry list for tonight race.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
    Join date : 2009-04-26
    Age : 46
    Location : Den Haag

    Verification Team Reports. Empty Re: Verification Team Reports.

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Mar 09, 2010 5:53 pm

    Event 5: Aviano
    the VT analyzed the accidents at T1 and decided to take the following decisions based on the rules mention below:

    - Penalty (-5 points): Attilio Barba
    o No chatting is allowed during QUALIFICATION and RACE sessions. Chatting is only allowed during REMAIN IN PIT session.
    o If the driver disconnects/reconnects more than 1 time during QUALIFICATION he will be forced to do during the race a drive through for each reconnection exceeding the first.
    For example if he disconnects 3 times is forced to do a drive through 2 times.
    This includes calling "Pit-in", "Pit-out", "Sorry" and "Thank You". It is a distraction to drivers on track, and will have to wait until after the session.

    - WARNING: Fortunato Catalano, Vincenzo Vanore, Mario Gilles
    The responsibility of all drivers is to avoid incidents in the first corners which can have massive consequences and therefore all participants must be careful.
    o braking earlier than normal
    o maintaining a safe distance from the other cars during the first corners

    - PENALTY (+0.5 seconds added to the next event prequalification time): Luigi Robinia, Laurent Resende
    Any collision from behind will result in the driver behind being considered as the guilty driver, unless the car in front has lost control.
    o giving enough space to other drivers with some margin for error by other participants

    The following graph describes how to approach a chicane in case drivers are close to each other, to avoid problems.

    Verification Team Reports. T1chicane0

    Verification Team Reports. T1chicane

    We invite all drivers to drive more carefully in the Red Zone, to avoid accidents that could have even worst concequences of the one we had in the last race.
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

    Posts : 5882
    Join date : 2009-05-11
    Age : 55
    Location : Berlin

    Verification Team Reports. Empty Re: Verification Team Reports.

    Post by giancarlo graziano Sun Mar 14, 2010 12:59 pm

    For the sixt event disputated in Aosta Oval
    the Verification TeamVerification Team Reports. Verificationteam2010
    analyzed a lot of replay and spent a lot of time discussing about some cases. The following are their findings and decisions.

    - Schilling LAP 1 T2 chat whit offense during the race.

    - Schilling-Polito LAP 35 T3- Schilling after a crash whit Palacions try to come back on box whit car damage.. and cut a track-Polito crash on schilling .
    1-two Warning in race=
    Penality - 5

    Verification Team Reports. Verificationteam2010

    - Grueira LAP 1 T3-T4 lost control ..try to come back on track-lost control-touch Ledda.

    - Graziano-Robinia LAP 43 T3- Robinia whit a damage car try to come back to box-Graziano touch in T3 and push out Robinia.

    - Gilles LAP 44 T2- Robinia whit a big damage try to come back on box - bad control on track- gilles crash in to Robinia.

    - Polito- under control VT- disconnect few time during the qualification.

    We remaind to all drivers:

    Verification Team Reports. Verificationteam2010

    Verification team-Remaind to all drivers is not POSSIBLE to disconnect during the qualification- and the race.
    Please wen you crash on qualy , or race don't use ESC and come back on track whit a repair car, wen some drivers continue to use this sistem for have a repair car the drivers.
    result like a disqualification -
    Drivers can not take part on race

    Verification Team Reports. Verificationteam2010
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
    Join date : 2009-04-26
    Age : 46
    Location : Den Haag

    Verification Team Reports. Empty Re: Verification Team Reports.

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:06 pm

    The Verification team assigned the following penalties for Crema S2 event:
    - Shilling: Avoidable accident in the "red zone": +0.5 seconds added to the next event prequalification time.

    - Seghieri: Avoidable accident (in general): -6 points.
    The accident is the one at lap 2, where Seghieri, just after a spin returned on track without waiting for a safe condition.

    Just as a reminder for everyone, this video shows a correct and incorrect maneuver after a spin.

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