Radiator Springs Racing

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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

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    Season 2010.04 KS2 Series

    M Carey
    M Carey

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    Season 2010.04 KS2 Series - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 2010.04 KS2 Series

    Post by M Carey Tue Nov 02, 2010 12:50 pm

    I have bad FPS with Monaco (and Aosta), so would have to sit that one out, and if it still has all the loading errors no one would be able to connect in time Smile Montreal and Laguna Seca are also borderline FPS wise (the former makes me feel sick No).
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Season 2010.04 KS2 Series - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 2010.04 KS2 Series

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Nov 02, 2010 12:55 pm

    There will be some improvements on the upcoming nkPRO v1.2. Kunos just confirmed that those error messages will not be shown anymore. Further more loading time is way faster.
    Anyway, we will take your concerns into account. We will ask you to perform some tests before putting it in the calendar (if we will decide to have Monaco in!). So far I didn't have any problem even from my laptop.
    Michele Campini

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    Season 2010.04 KS2 Series - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 2010.04 KS2 Series

    Post by Michele Campini Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:06 pm

    NKP 1.2 ???
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    Season 2010.04 KS2 Series - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 2010.04 KS2 Series

    Post by laurent resende Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:06 pm

    not being personally a fan of Monaco given etant the fragility of the cars which meets "Out" in the slightest contact with rails, what is practically unavoidable has Monaco, has the picture of certain pilots of F1 who say that " for quickly go has Monaco, have lean on the rail has place certain ", me invite that this circuit has its place in a championship
    when in the system of the reversed gate he under hears comparatively short shopping, and his quoted Fun, seems to me not appropriate has a serious championship!!
    of any manners nowadays it seems to me that the lack of circuits while existing in netKar who can etre a disability has the constitution of a championship worthy of the name!!!!
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    Season 2010.04 KS2 Series - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 2010.04 KS2 Series

    Post by davide zardin Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:11 pm

    cosa è il massaggio di kunos che parla di nkp 1.2 e se vera a quando il rilascio? la cosa mi fa preoccupare....
    sapete qualcosa?
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Season 2010.04 KS2 Series - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 2010.04 KS2 Series

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:12 pm

    Michele Campini wrote:NKP 1.2 ???
    check here
    Michele Campini

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    Season 2010.04 KS2 Series - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 2010.04 KS2 Series

    Post by Michele Campini Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:14 pm

    Bene, sono contento che sia una versione nuova. E spero di immaginarne il perché.
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    Season 2010.04 KS2 Series - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 2010.04 KS2 Series

    Post by davide zardin Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:15 pm

    bello una nuove versione ma sapete più omeno la data di rilascio?
    Michele Campini

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    Season 2010.04 KS2 Series - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 2010.04 KS2 Series

    Post by Michele Campini Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:16 pm

    Oramai è imminente, questione di settimane se non giorni !
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    Season 2010.04 KS2 Series - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 2010.04 KS2 Series

    Post by davide zardin Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:18 pm

    grande sarà aggiornamento automatico o bisognerà scaricalo e magari pagarlo?
    Michele Campini

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    Season 2010.04 KS2 Series - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 2010.04 KS2 Series

    Post by Michele Campini Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:20 pm

    Automatico e gratuito.
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    Season 2010.04 KS2 Series - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 2010.04 KS2 Series

    Post by davide zardin Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:22 pm

    graie attendo spasmodicamente l'uscita
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Season 2010.04 KS2 Series - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 2010.04 KS2 Series

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:30 pm

    laurent resende wrote:the fragility of the cars which meets "Out" in the slightest contact with rails
    let's wait the final version to see how fragile it will be.
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    Season 2010.04 KS2 Series - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 2010.04 KS2 Series

    Post by laurent resende Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:38 pm

    in my previous purposes, me does not say that I am against circuits or it is necessary to know etre artful enough not to touch the concrete wall, or contacts anticut (Spa, Montreal .etc etc) of protection on the contrary, it tells difference between the pilots, at the level of difficulty, but Monaco is really very particular, anyway every circuit has its difficulties and it is only better there!!!!
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    Season 2010.04 KS2 Series - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 2010.04 KS2 Series

    Post by davide zardin Fri Nov 05, 2010 1:37 am

    avete aggiornamenti sulla possibile uscita dell'argionamento?
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Season 2010.04 KS2 Series - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 2010.04 KS2 Series

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Nov 05, 2010 1:37 am

    no. bisogna attendere notizie dal sommo ::hail::
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    Season 2010.04 KS2 Series - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 2010.04 KS2 Series

    Post by davide zardin Fri Nov 12, 2010 11:18 am

    mi sono allocato per il campionato, sapete quando verrà rilasciata la macchina?
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Season 2010.04 KS2 Series - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 2010.04 KS2 Series

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Nov 12, 2010 11:25 am

    After several hours testing the new car in all the tracks, we finally decided the tracks to put in our calendar.
    The biggest problem for us was that at the end we had a very huge list of tracks that are wonderful to drive in this car.
    We had to cut here and there, and then finally we agreed on the following:

    25/11 Melbourne
    02/12 Barcelona 2010
    09/12 Mugello
    06/01 Monza2.0
    13/01 Spa Francorchamps
    20/01 A1 Ring
    27/01 Brno
    03/02 Adelaide1989
    10/02 Suzuka

    We decided to have some time before the start of the championship, to get familiar with the car and to have no championship races around Xmas period. We will organize something else in that period also, but not for the championship.

    We will have 2 races per event. No pit stop will be required.
    At the beginning of the championship we will arrange pilots in groups. We will have as many groups as needed, according on the number of participants.
    In the first two events (Melbourne and Adelaide) all groups will score points using RSRpoints_A Points Distribution. This will allow to have groups with drivers with similar strength.
    From the 3rd event on, groups will be based on the total amount of points scored (the current classification), and pilot will be in different groups according on their position.
    Groups will change after every event, based on the classification.
    Our Points Distributions, allow strong drivers slipped off in a lower group to go up easily getting in the first positions. This will allow to have quite dynamic groups and a very challenging championship.
    There will be no prequalifications sessions. This will force drivers to think about their championship points every race. This prooved to be a very efficient method to have cleaner races and more careful drivers.

    1-15 Group A: RSRPoints_A
    16-30 Group B: RSRPoints_B
    31-45 Group C: RSRPoints_C
    Groups will be based on the allocated drivers per each event. For this reason is important to be allocated for each event, and to keep it updated.

    Season 2010.04 KS2 Series - Page 2 Ks2champshedule

    Dopo varie ore passate a testare la nuova auto in tutti i tracciati, abbiamo finalmente deciso quali circuiti inserire nel nostro calendario.
    Il piu' grosso problema e' stato che alla fine avevamo una lista troppo lunga di tracciati. Quest'auto e' fantastica da guidare, quasi ovunque!
    Dopo qualche taglio qua e la', abbiamo finalmente deciso:

    25/11 Melbourne
    02/12 Barcelona 2010
    09/12 Mugello
    06/01 Monza2.0
    13/01 Spa Francorchamps
    20/01 A1 Ring
    27/01 Brno
    03/02 Adelaide1989
    10/02 Suzuka

    Abbiamo deciso di posticipare un po' l'inizio del campionato in modo da dare a tutti la possibilita' di familiarizzare con la nuova auto.
    Inoltre non avremo gare di campionato intorno al periodo di Natale. Di sicuro orgnaizzeremo qualcos'altro anche in quel periodo, ma al di fuori di questo campionato.

    Ci saranno 2 gare per evento. Pit stop non saranno obbligatori, ne' necessari.
    All'inizio del campionato, divideremo i piloti in gruppi. Creeremo tanti gruppi quanti saranno necessari, in base al numero di partecipanti.
    Nei primi due eventi (Melbourne e Adelaide) tutti i gruppi utilizzeranno lo stesso punteggio RSRPoints_A. Questo permettera' di creare gruppi basati sulla classe di merito.
    Dal terzo evento in poi i gruppi saranno basati sul totale dei punti (la classifica corrente), e i piloti saranno messi in gruppi differenti in base alla propria posizione.
    I gruppi cambieranno dopo ogni evento in base alla classifica.
    La nostro sistema di punteggio, permette a piloti forti scivolati in un gruppo inferiore, di risalire la china agevomente, conquistando le prime posizioni nel nuovo gruppo. Questo permettera' di avere gruppi molto dinamici ed un campionato molto avvincente.
    Non ci saranno sessioni di prequalifica. Questo forzera' tutti i piloti a pensare ai punti del campionato ad ogni gara. Questo metodo, testato nello scorso campionato, e' sembrato essere molto efficace per avere delle gare piu' pulite con piloti piu' accorti.

    1-15 Group A: RSRPoints_A
    16-30 Group B: RSRPoints_B
    31-45 Group C: RSRPoints_C

    I gruppi saranno basati sui piloti realmente assegnati ad ogni gara (allocazione). Per questo motivo e' importante essere allocati per ogni evento ed e' importante mantenlo aggiornato.

    Last edited by Andrea Lojelo on Fri Nov 12, 2010 12:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    Season 2010.04 KS2 Series - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 2010.04 KS2 Series

    Post by davide zardin Fri Nov 12, 2010 11:52 am

    il campionato mi piace ma la macchina noi mortali quando l'avremo per provarla, avete una data di rilascio ???
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    Season 2010.04 KS2 Series - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 2010.04 KS2 Series

    Post by laurent resende Fri Nov 12, 2010 11:54 am

    super ,excellent choix de circuits!!!bravo Very Happy
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Season 2010.04 KS2 Series - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 2010.04 KS2 Series

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Nov 12, 2010 12:04 pm

    aggiornato l'annuncio anche in italiano.

    La data di rilascio sara' comunicata da Kunos. In qualsiasi caso e' imminente.

    The release date will be communicated by Kunos. Anyway you will not have to wait too long.
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    Season 2010.04 KS2 Series - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 2010.04 KS2 Series

    Post by laurent resende Fri Nov 12, 2010 12:14 pm

    la première course du championnat étant programmée pour le 25/11 à Melbourne j'espère que Kunos sortira le KS2 au moins 8 jours avant cette course,apprendre à conduire une nouvelle voiture en 8 jours oops!!!!!! Season 2010.04 KS2 Series - Page 2 95475 et etre performant relève déja de l'exploit!!!
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Season 2010.04 KS2 Series - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 2010.04 KS2 Series

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Nov 12, 2010 12:54 pm

    it will be like that for everyone. Believe me it is for us also. The car had a wonderful evolution in this testing period. Now is absolutely stunning!
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    Season 2010.04 KS2 Series - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 2010.04 KS2 Series

    Post by laurent resende Sat Nov 20, 2010 2:29 pm

    ciao, non possono accedere alla home page, scarica, login, google mi dice che la pagina è disponibile cantiere ???????????????????? ????? Embarassed
    Paul O'Brien
    Paul O'Brien

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    Season 2010.04 KS2 Series - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 2010.04 KS2 Series

    Post by Paul O'Brien Sat Nov 20, 2010 5:41 pm

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:it will be like that for everyone. Believe me it is for us also. The car had a wonderful evolution in this testing period. Now is absolutely stunning!

    yeah and kunos said while racing at prato yesterday that the next update is comming soon .. with rain and movement .. Surprised

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    Season 2010.04 KS2 Series - Page 2 Empty Re: Season 2010.04 KS2 Series

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