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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

5 posters

    Level of grip

    René Lorig

    Posts : 297
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    Level of grip Empty Level of grip

    Post by René Lorig Mon Dec 20, 2010 4:23 pm

    Hi, I'm converting a track at the moment and it seems as there is almost no grip. How can I change the grip level of the track?
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Level of grip Empty Re: Level of grip

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Dec 20, 2010 4:53 pm

    we prefer to keep this information reserved to the track developers only to avoid anyone else cheating.
    Anyway standard grip level should be fine. It' the one used everywhere. Sometimes we just slightly alter the grip level in the dirty part of some corner, but never increase it. Original track doesn't use default grip also.

    I will send you a PM anyway.
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    Level of grip Empty Re: Level of grip

    Post by M Carey Mon Dec 20, 2010 6:39 pm

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:Sometimes we just slightly alter the grip level in the dirty part of some corner, but never increase it.
    I don't like this, as you don't see cars in real life spinning out after running wide. What we really need's a system to invalidate laps, as it stands this is an inelegant solution.

    Posts : 96
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    Level of grip Empty Re: Level of grip

    Post by ..... Mon Dec 20, 2010 6:54 pm

    M Carey wrote:
    Andrea Lojelo wrote:Sometimes we just slightly alter the grip level in the dirty part of some corner, but never increase it.
    I don't like this, as you don't see cars in real life spinning out after running wide. What we really need's a system to invalidate laps, as it stands this is an inelegant solution.

    Cheaters will always cheat. Evil or Very Mad You can look at netkar pro rank and see who the cheaters are. The obvious cheaters anyway.
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    Join date : 2010-04-20

    Level of grip Empty Re: Level of grip

    Post by M Carey Mon Dec 20, 2010 7:01 pm

    Well sometimes it can be by accident, as with Snetterton you can get the last chicane wrong, and if you don't slow down you'll have a dodgy looking time. A system to invalidate laps like in FVA would fix this. It would also be cool if in races it could detect when someone has, for example cut a chicane for the 3rd time, but I doubt such a system will ever be implemented.

    Posts : 11
    Join date : 2010-12-25
    Age : 37

    Level of grip Empty Re: Level of grip

    Post by Go!tta Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:27 pm

    ..... wrote:
    M Carey wrote:
    Andrea Lojelo wrote:Sometimes we just slightly alter the grip level in the dirty part of some corner, but never increase it.
    I don't like this, as you don't see cars in real life spinning out after running wide. What we really need's a system to invalidate laps, as it stands this is an inelegant solution.

    Cheaters will always cheat. Evil or Very Mad You can look at netkar pro rank and see who the cheaters are. The obvious cheaters anyway.

    agree, today i asked the same thing to Andrea (in an another topic coz i'm a bit stupid to not use the search tool properly) because imho some times on the rank page are really suspected.....

    i'm not too much worried about the hotlap rank, but it would be a really bad thing if you can edit the grip level and still join online racing.....that would be really a big problem imho.

    Posts : 11
    Join date : 2010-12-25
    Age : 37

    Level of grip Empty Re: Level of grip

    Post by Go!tta Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:51 pm

    so now i'm a bit sad because i was thinking that netkar was almost cheat free, or it was a really hard game to exploit, but from what i read now in that topic i can say that nothing could be perfect and haxfree Sad

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