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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

5 posters

    Pilloried-Alla Gogna

    Filippo Chesi
    Filippo Chesi

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    Pilloried-Alla Gogna Empty Pilloried-Alla Gogna

    Post by Filippo Chesi Sun Jan 16, 2011 8:13 pm

    ITALIANO: Putroppo vedo che Albert non ne vuole sapere di
    rimovere da youtube quel video che mi reca offesa e che a lui piace
    tanto, nè di modificarlo togliendo i nomi. Anche oggi un nuovo commento in cui si dice che è ovvio che sto cercando di provocare un incidente. Non è divertente, vi
    assicuro, essere messi alla pubblica gogna con il proprio nome per un
    errore in una gara. Stando così le cose non posso fare a meno di confermare a
    malincuore il mio ritiro da questo campionato.
    Un ringraziamento a tutti coloro che hanno mostrato solidarietà nei miei confronti.

    ENGLISH: Unfortunately I see that Albert does not want to know to remove from
    youtube this video that offends me and that he likes so much, nor to
    edit it to remove the names. Even today a new comment that it is obvious that I want to cause an accident. It is not fun, I assure you, be put to
    public shame with their own name for an error in a race. In those circumstances I can not
    help but reluctantly confirm my retirement from this league.
    Thanks to all those who showed solidarity with me.
    Michele Campini

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    Pilloried-Alla Gogna Empty Re: Pilloried-Alla Gogna

    Post by Michele Campini Sun Jan 16, 2011 10:20 pm

    se vuoi un consiglio non perdere il tuo tempo a cercare di discutere con chi perde il suo tempo a convertire 200 piste al mese dimenticandosi di quali sono i reali valori di una comunità.
    Anzi, investi il tuo tempo ad allenarti nella CILFS dove MAI un direttore di gara permetterà a qualcuno di diffamare con pubblici video altri piloti, neanche se a farlo fosse il suo migliore amico di sempre.
    E poi lascia perdere NKP, quando Kunos sfornerà un netcode decente (sempre che ci riesca) ne riparleremo.
    Filippo Chesi
    Filippo Chesi

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    Pilloried-Alla Gogna Empty Re: Pilloried-Alla Gogna

    Post by Filippo Chesi Sun Jan 16, 2011 10:33 pm

    Beh, purtoppo Michele mi sa che hai ragione...
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    Pilloried-Alla Gogna Empty Re: Pilloried-Alla Gogna

    Post by giancarlo graziano Sun Jan 16, 2011 10:36 pm

    ho provato di tutto... da buon moderatore del team.... e da amico...ma lui nulla...incredibile i 4 veri radiators ci siamo rimasti a bocca aperta per le scuse che a trovato per non toglierlo...
    so che ormai non serve,ma io ho proposto hai 4 di bandirlo...dal radiatorspring...
    e un po di tempo che non riusciamo piu a comunicare e comunque lui fa di testa sua...

    pensate...mi ha detto questo......

    ...e solo un pezzo della lunga discussione avuta ieri su skipe con albert.....una tristezza incomprensibile....assurdo...

    [21:04:21] Graziano Giancarlo: I m not deggreee whit you..
    [21:04:29] Graziano Giancarlo: first poit is offence
    [21:04:34] mcsaltens: if you cant understand i dont want to violate free speach, and free speach is 100% speach for good and for bad then im sorry but i have some believe system wich freedom and free speach is not something to be banned,
    im sorry to see this is not happening in real life but for me i will always respect anyone comment
    weather its bad or not
    [21:04:36] Graziano Giancarlo: the rest is not important
    [21:04:42] Graziano Giancarlo: you don t what delete...
    [21:04:57] Graziano Giancarlo: I made my action...........

    MI scuso Da parte di tutto il mio team e sicuramente degli altri piloti della champ...per la grande offesa arrecata a tuo danno...

    Ps Michele sai che ti giudico un bellisssima persona e pilota chiara e pulita ,anche se non ti conosco personalmente..... dici le cose che pensi in maniera mai aggressiva..e hai il mio massimo rispetto perche ritengo che tu abbia fatto delle esperienze molto piu profonde delle mie riguardo simulatori e real race...
    il tuo punto di vista l ho sempre rispettato anche perche pulltroppo ti devo dare ragione........ci stiamo avvicinando alla massa Rfactor.... e allontanando da tutto quelloche era nkp....
    comunque spero di vederti ogni tanto comparire in qualche garetta nei server....mi piace la tua coda rossa...che si allontana allontana allontana allontana allontana allontana ......

    scusa di nuovo filippo...

    Filippo Chesi
    Filippo Chesi

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    Pilloried-Alla Gogna Empty Re: Pilloried-Alla Gogna

    Post by Filippo Chesi Sun Jan 16, 2011 10:51 pm

    Apprezzo molto le tue scuse Giancarlo davvero, mi fa sentire almeno un po alleggerito e meno solo sapere che qualcuno comprende la pesantezza della vicenda che sto vivendo per via di questo meraviglioso giochino. Netkar mi piace molto e la KS2 pure ed il vostro campionato anche mi piaceva, tanto che ero intenzionato a finirlo a tutti i costi nonostante il sovrapporsi dell'altro impegno con la CILFS (Campionato italiano di Live For Speed). Certo è un peccato che il divertimento di uno o di tutti possa essere turbato da vicende come questa. Sinceramente sono ancora incredulo, frastornato ma piucchèaltro amareggiato e frustrato per non poterci fare niente.
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    Pilloried-Alla Gogna Empty Re: Pilloried-Alla Gogna

    Post by giancarlo graziano Sun Jan 16, 2011 10:59 pm

    dammi tempo.. o lui fuori,o il video cancellato...
    io ci sto provando..e non mollo perche tutti si sarebbero offesi...
    che ci azzecca scrivere offese su un race video?? con nomi e cognomi reali???altro che amareggiati...
    se leggi i vari post degli altri piloti coinvolti ti rendi conto che solo uno ...si e impuntato..
    ripeto ho lui ..o il video.
    qualunque sia la tua decisione finale sul restare o no..
    non deve piu succedere.... Crying or Very sad
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Pilloried-Alla Gogna Empty Re: Pilloried-Alla Gogna

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sun Jan 16, 2011 11:19 pm

    Filippo, come ha scritto Giancarlo, noi tutti nel team siamo rimasti esterrefatti dal comportamento di Albert.
    Sto cercando di contattarlo da qualche giorno ma non e' mai online su msn in questi giorni.
    Mi dispiace molto per l'accaduto. Sappi che noi stiamo facendo di tutto per risolvere la situazione che ritengo assurda, inappropriata e assolutamente non in linea con quelli che sono sempre stati i principi del nostro team e della nostra comunita'.

    mi auguro che la situazioni si possa risolvere quanto prima.
    Nel frattempo, accetta le scuse da parte nostra.
    Albert McSaltens
    Albert McSaltens

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    Pilloried-Alla Gogna Empty Re: Pilloried-Alla Gogna

    Post by Albert McSaltens Mon Jan 17, 2011 2:15 am

    it really amazes me how a lot of crap can be done out of a little stupid thing.

    Is it really that hard to understand that i have my believe systems, that in very high priority is free speach and free will? i believe in that so i have to respect that 100%, i cant let people tell me that i have to ban a comment and then get blamed for that comment? wich is not my coment anyway? please go after the guy that did the offensive comment, because it wasnt me. what i can post on youtube should not be a problem to discuss anywhere else other than the one involved, who is chesi.

    lets said that: chesi i was gonna delete the video anyway the day after, and if you just asked me on a pm please could you take down the video or delete my name, because i dont feel ok to me? then i would have done it right away, but instead of that you go to youtube staff and report me as a privacy violator? and then put flames on me for the comment on the vdeio that i did not write? and then giancarlo and chesi ordering me like if you were policeman to ban the coments and delete the video? come on guys, now i have a problem. also you should note the video is removed form the forum so RSR should not be involved in this issue cause its just a video on youtube.

    chesi one question , if putting your name in the video is privacy violation what about the videos you post with the name on it? and also the video you posted after the race with the tittle: "a group of drunekn guys in the server" well i think that is offensive on the drivers of group B ,and not my video!

    guys if you cant understand my point of view im sorry but i will never tolerateanyone to not let me excersice free speach 100% so i think its better i leave RSR team so i cause not problems by doing that,

    to the RSR team from now on consider me just a regular guy like the others wothout the team, ill race for next event as another team and skin, if im not banned for what i believe :S cu
    Albert McSaltens
    Albert McSaltens

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    Pilloried-Alla Gogna Empty Re: Pilloried-Alla Gogna

    Post by Albert McSaltens Mon Jan 17, 2011 2:22 am

    btw i appreciate thatAlessio Carvotto,the boss of the chesi team, that apologized to me by pm thanks for that, i appreciate , thanks
    Filippo Chesi
    Filippo Chesi

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    Pilloried-Alla Gogna Empty Re: Pilloried-Alla Gogna

    Post by Filippo Chesi Mon Jan 17, 2011 2:36 am

    Albert, I would really like that this affair would end in peace. I ask as a favor to remove the video or remove the names, just because that video makes me feel bad. I will take the penalty that I deserve the championship. I would really like that we could reach an agreement.
    Albert McSaltens
    Albert McSaltens

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    Pilloried-Alla Gogna Empty Re: Pilloried-Alla Gogna

    Post by Albert McSaltens Mon Jan 17, 2011 2:56 am

    chesi that would have been nice that you have asked at the beggining before reporting me as a privacy violator on youtube and putting a lot of flames and make the whole thing turn into sometihng that make involded rsr as a team
    Filippo Chesi
    Filippo Chesi

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    Pilloried-Alla Gogna Empty Re: Pilloried-Alla Gogna

    Post by Filippo Chesi Mon Jan 17, 2011 2:59 am

    I have not signaled you to you tube. I pray sincerely, we end this ugly history.
    Albert McSaltens
    Albert McSaltens

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    Pilloried-Alla Gogna Empty Re: Pilloried-Alla Gogna

    Post by Albert McSaltens Mon Jan 17, 2011 3:01 am

    i got an e mail form youtube so i can post it if you want
    im not lying
    Filippo Chesi
    Filippo Chesi

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    Pilloried-Alla Gogna Empty Re: Pilloried-Alla Gogna

    Post by Filippo Chesi Mon Jan 17, 2011 3:08 am

    Albert, I started the procedure but i stopped it because there were not the requirements. That is, it was not shown the full name but only my surname and the initial of name. So I could not proceed. I dont know in what way Youube had this notification. Certainly if I had the requirements I have already made the request because I asked you to remove it but you said no. But I swear that I could not proceed.
    Albert McSaltens
    Albert McSaltens

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    Pilloried-Alla Gogna Empty Re: Pilloried-Alla Gogna

    Post by Albert McSaltens Mon Jan 17, 2011 3:12 am

    the problem chesi is that you go and try to report me instead of asking me kindly on a pm and you put all those flames in the forum! thats the problem, if you would did that way we would have no problems with this
    Filippo Chesi
    Filippo Chesi

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    Pilloried-Alla Gogna Empty Re: Pilloried-Alla Gogna

    Post by Filippo Chesi Mon Jan 17, 2011 3:19 am

    I felt offended Albert. This is your environment I'm just a guest, and I did not know how to defend myself.
    Albert McSaltens
    Albert McSaltens

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    Pilloried-Alla Gogna Empty Re: Pilloried-Alla Gogna

    Post by Albert McSaltens Mon Jan 17, 2011 3:24 am

    you were offended by another guy not me the comment wasnt mine, and im just one person not rsr team so i dont see why you have to involve the team into this....
    Filippo Chesi
    Filippo Chesi

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    Pilloried-Alla Gogna Empty Re: Pilloried-Alla Gogna

    Post by Filippo Chesi Mon Jan 17, 2011 3:33 am

    The video was made with scenes in this league organized by Radiator. Then the radiators are involved. We are probably very different people and maybe it's normal that you can not understand why the publication itself that video with my real name might offend me so much. I ask you please just remove the names so that we can be at peace and still in this great championship. I would like it so much.
    Albert McSaltens
    Albert McSaltens

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    Pilloried-Alla Gogna Empty Re: Pilloried-Alla Gogna

    Post by Albert McSaltens Mon Jan 17, 2011 3:36 am

    but chesi then ask kunos to ban netkar cause was made with kunos software.... come on and then dont put your real name in the championship :S

    anyway the video will be deleted cause i dont plan to have such a piece of art in the web for long just your wrong way to approach it made me also mad
    Filippo Chesi
    Filippo Chesi

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    Pilloried-Alla Gogna Empty Re: Pilloried-Alla Gogna

    Post by Filippo Chesi Mon Jan 17, 2011 3:44 am

    I have not completely understand the last sentence, but thank you Albert really if you want to do this to me please. I hope we can resolve this dispute and have fun to race togheter. I hope really.
    Filippo Chesi
    Filippo Chesi

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    Pilloried-Alla Gogna Empty Re: Pilloried-Alla Gogna

    Post by Filippo Chesi Mon Jan 17, 2011 3:59 am

    Again thanks for removing it. You can not imagine how it made me feel bad.
    Albert McSaltens
    Albert McSaltens

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    Pilloried-Alla Gogna Empty Re: Pilloried-Alla Gogna

    Post by Albert McSaltens Mon Jan 17, 2011 5:01 am

    np, next time ask properly, instead of reporting me as privacy violator and put flames on forum. ciao

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