Radiator Springs Racing

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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

Antonio Lallo
Fabio Grippa
Francesco Meola
Nino Foresta
Marcello Gabrielli
marco boni
M Waechter
M Carey
Chris Kehagias
Andrea Lojelo
16 posters

    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Empty 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:59 pm

    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Ks21champadelaide

    8th event of our KS2 Championship: Adelaide

    Here is the schedule:
    Meeting point: Website Chat: 21:00 CET (GTM+1)
    Briefing: 21:15
    Stay in pit session: 5 minutes (in this session you must stay in pit)
    Qualify: 30 min
    Race 1: 14 laps
    Warmup 5 minutes
    Race 2: 32 laps (inverted grid for the first 6 drivers)

    Please don't forget your allocation for the race
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Empty Re: 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:59 pm

    Thanks to our partnerships, there are plenty of possibilities to have a proper training for our championship this week:
    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Iraceonline
    www.iRaceOnline.it with the livetiming
    This server, just like radiators-champ server, is configured with qualification and 2 races with inverted grid.

    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Nkworld
    www.nkworld.net offers qualification every 30 minutes and races every 30 minutes (every xx hour at xx:00 and xx:30).
    All races will contribute for your Kudos and Stability point, and will be part of the RSR Training Cup. More informations on their wiki.

    Further more there is even a practice server, always at nkworld, password protected.

    Plenty of options to be fully prepared for our next race!
    See you on track

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    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Empty Re: 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide

    Post by MikaRaymond Sun Jan 30, 2011 12:45 am

    verrrryyyyy difficult track. especially t1! does anybody have any hints or tips as to be able to get the car over t1 without crashing? my car bounces too much and if i lower the rod, the car is skiing along the back straight after 250kmh Sad
    Chris Kehagias

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    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Empty Re: 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide

    Post by Chris Kehagias Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:56 pm

    well a tip.. don't go over the kerbs in T1 Razz

    I know its a lot of time there waisted but I don't think there is a way to go over.
    If you have a very soft setup it could solve the problem but then you will have problems with the rest of
    the track.
    I think your setup is already very good and I see that you are already almost 1 sec faster than everybody else. 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide 756700

    So the tip is... stop right there, if someone goes faster than you then I will find you a solution bounce lol!

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    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Empty Re: 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide

    Post by MikaRaymond Sun Jan 30, 2011 4:11 pm

    Chris Kehagias wrote:well a tip.. don't go over the kerbs in T1 Razz

    I know its a lot of time there waisted but I don't think there is a way to go over.
    If you have a very soft setup it could solve the problem but then you will have problems with the rest of
    the track.
    I think your setup is already very good and I see that you are already almost 1 sec faster than everybody else. 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide 756700

    So the tip is... stop right there, if someone goes faster than you then I will find you a solution bounce lol!

    1.11's are deffinitely possible if there is a way of taking t1 at a higher speed. obviously i dont intend going straight over them (Very Happy) but ive seen some people carry amazing speed through there.

    ohhhh the daysss offf tesstingggggg 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide 274234 Very Happy

    Last edited by MikaRaymond on Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:33 am; edited 1 time in total
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Empty Re: 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide

    Post by M Carey Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:28 pm

    MikaRaymond wrote:ohhhh the daysss offf tesstingggggg 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide 274234 Very Happy
    Count yourself lucky. I'm getting back on Tuesday night, so will probably get some tired (after a 5 hour journey) testing in, then one more full day before the race :s If I can't get upto speed in time I won't take part, but I'm hoping as I know the track well it won't take too long, finding a setup that works which will be the real problem though ::rischio::
    M Waechter

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    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Empty Re: 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide

    Post by M Waechter Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:22 pm

    to the administrators:
    since yesterday the Entry List does not work anymore (the whole site was down also for some time yesterday, maybe this is the reason why the List is not working now).
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Empty Re: 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:23 pm

    I know. we are moving our website to a different server. it will be fixed soon.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Empty Re: 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:56 pm

    M Waechter wrote:to the administrators:
    since yesterday the Entry List does not work anymore (the whole site was down also for some time yesterday, maybe this is the reason why the List is not working now).
    (Nasty) problem solved.
    Entry list up and running again.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Empty Re: 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:30 pm

    Adelaide is a wonderful track. Tricky, very technical and that will require maximum concentration from the beginning to the end.

    T1, is very risky this time. Everyone is expected to be fully respectful, and aware of everyone else position.
    There is no way we can pass through there if anyone is not respecting rules. A small touch will have huge consequences.

    We expect everyone to take it very easy. Please slow down, leave space for your opponent. Don't force the overtake. Just wait an be patient. It will be a pity to finish the race after 200 meters, don't you think?

    Please check the image below.

    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Overtaking_Legal

    T1 e' molto insidiosa, su questa pista. Ci aspettiamo che tutti rispettino le regole e che considerino, in ogni momento, la posizione degli avversari.
    Senza il rispetto totale delle regole e degli avversari non c'e' alcuna possibilita' di passare indenni a quella curva. Un piccolo incidente puo' avere delle consequenze catastrofiche.
    Ci aspettiamo che nessuno abbia fretta di superare. Per favore rallentate in tempo ed non in maniera brusca, lasciate spazio ai vostri avversari. Evitate di forzare il sorpasso. Abbiate pazienza. Sarebbe un peccato finire la gara dopo 200 metri, non credete?
    Riferitevi all'immagine qui sopra
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Empty Re: 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Feb 03, 2011 8:41 pm

    guys, please don't forget your allocation.

    Most likely we will race only with 2 groups tonight.
    I can see that there are some guys holding places in group B, but that never show up. People from group C could get a free place in group B, eventually.

    Join the chat anyway.

    See you soon
    marco boni
    marco boni

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    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Empty Re: 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide

    Post by marco boni Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:06 am

    franky non ho parole oltre aver corso senza alettone,ci mancavi pure te.tanto li non riuscivi a sorpassarmi.
    comunque qui ce il replay

    M Waechter

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    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Empty Re: 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide

    Post by M Waechter Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:55 am

    replay group A:

    Lucky position in race 1, because of no huge mistakes there. but bad stuff in race 2, beginning with rumbling over the curb in t1 and crashing also with (maybe a bit unrespectful) cars shortly afterwards this incident/situation.
    The qualy was a slow one too and in the last laps I had an incident with another car I wanted to let pass after I let someone else pass closely before..., so car was badly damaged and I stayed in the pits the last 6 mins.. A general thing: Sometimes it also feels like the car is slower when connected to a server with a huge grid, but I guess that's just a wrong imagination of me.

    Last edited by M Waechter on Fri Feb 04, 2011 3:26 am; edited 1 time in total
    Marcello Gabrielli
    Marcello Gabrielli

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    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Empty Re: 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide

    Post by Marcello Gabrielli Fri Feb 04, 2011 2:03 am

    I lost 2 occasions today...

    In qualify i did my PB 1:16.6, great, but only 8th position
    1st race, goo start, ut Ulusanour tried to pass 2 other cars in T2 and blocked the track. I was still when Marco hitted me in the back (no problem Marco, it's race... you were lucky to have oly small damage on your car...) ---> box
    waited 5 laps of the leader and came back, finishing i 8th position
    Perutelli, the new driver, passed trough the pitlane in the warmup....

    In race 2 Andrea Lanzino had a spin before T1, i tried to padd, but there were no space -> accident (no pb for me Andrea). I tried to came back in to the box, but i lost the car in the last corner -> ESC
    I waited 5 laps and came back on track. I did no errors, but i lost a lot of time behind Attilio Barba, who connected when the race was started and started from box. Due to errors of the other drivers, i finished 4th, but i'm not convinced Nino Foresta waited 5 laps before to come back after an accident...

    As i said, i lost 2 good occasions, because today, without the 2 accidents it was possible to have good resilts, like in Brno last week.

    See you in Suzuka, for the last race of this great season


    x Nino: non ho guardato ancora il replay. Ho evidenziato la cosa perchè di regola se uno va a muro e fa esc, poi non può rientrare a -4 giri dal leader, ma almeno deve essere a -5. Forse però ho interpretato male le info della banda sopra, che ogni tanto sono un po strane. Comunque se ho detto una ca...ata, me ne scuso. Tengo a precisare che so che sei un pilota corretto.

    Last edited by Marcello Gabrielli on Fri Feb 04, 2011 11:36 am; edited 1 time in total
    Nino Foresta

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    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Empty Re: 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide

    Post by Nino Foresta Fri Feb 04, 2011 3:20 am

    Marcello Gabrielli wrote: i finished 4th, but i'm not convinced Nino Foresta waited 5 laps before to come back after an accident...

    Su cosa sono basate le tue "convinzioni" ? Hai guardato il replay ? Hai letto i log ?
    Non credo, altrimenti saresti diversamente convinto.

    Colgo l'occasione per ringrazie Carey della toccatina mentre stava per doppiarmi, nonostante io abbia cercato di agevolare il sorpasso. Vista la differenza di prestazioni tra me e lui, poteva anche essere più cauto. In chat, contravvenendo al regolamento, ha affermato che si è trattato di lag, dal mio replay non sembra.
    Purtroppo solo in italiano, non conosco l'inglese.
    Nino Foresta
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Empty Re: 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Feb 04, 2011 3:28 am

    very nice and intense races for me.
    Qualification: I finally got my 1.14! as usual I got my PB during the official qualifications. It was worth the 11th place. Extremely high competition with 5 aliens braking the 1.12! well done guys
    Race1: disaster in front of me on the grid. a lot of cars collided due to a lag, I guess. Such a pity. I managed to go through the destroyed cars. I had a very good right and a steady pace that allowed me to get till the 2nd place, even due to some errors of other drivers.

    Such a pity the Gek's accident at 1 lap till the end. Very unlucky event.

    Race 2: I started nicely, and I has some nice and clean battle with Mika on the first lap. I know I had few too strong aliens around me, and some other drivers that I could match the pace. In few laps I managed to close the gap with Marco, and finally overtook him. Mika and Vincenzo got through, without many troubles. Even in this race I managed to have a steady pace and no errors for almost all the race, getting till the 5th place with only the 4 aliens in front of me.
    At 6 laps till the end, blue flags waved for the incoming Mika and Gek. I knew they were fighting for the podium and the championship, so I didn't want to interfere. I got distracted thinking about the best position to give road, and I committed suicide, crashing into the wall and getting stuck on the kerb.
    I couldn't do worst than that! I had to press esc and wait for 5 laps...and loosing 5 positions. Such a pity, for such a stupid mistake.

    Anyway, I had great fun, and I'm pretty happy about my racing nights.

    Wonderful battles between the championship leaders.
    At 1 race till the end of the championship, we couldn't have a better standings:
    Mika Raymond 318 (0)
    Fulvio Genova 318 (0)
    Vincenzo Vanore 285 (-33)
    Antonio Lallo 245 (-73)
    Andrea Lojelo 228 (-90)

    with 62 potential points to be assigned, still everything can happen.
    I will be a very exciting end of the season.
    Congratulations to everyone.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Empty Re: 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Feb 04, 2011 3:29 am

    Nino Foresta wrote:
    Colgo l'occasione per ringrazie Carey della toccatina mentre stava per doppiarmi, nonostante io abbia cercato di agevolare il sorpasso. Vista la differenza di prestazioni tra me e lui, poteva anche essere più cauto. In chat, contravvenendo al regolamento, ha affermato che si è trattato di lag, dal mio replay non sembra.
    Purtroppo solo in italiano, non conosco l'inglese.
    Nino Foresta

    Nino se si tratta di lag, e' una cose che puoi vedere solo dal suo replay. Dal tuo, chiaramente, risultera' la toccata.
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Empty Re: 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide

    Post by M Carey Fri Feb 04, 2011 4:02 am

    Nino Foresta wrote:Colgo l'occasione per ringrazie Carey della toccatina mentre stava per doppiarmi, nonostante io abbia cercato di agevolare il sorpasso. Vista la differenza di prestazioni tra me e lui, poteva anche essere più cauto. In chat, contravvenendo al regolamento, ha affermato che si è trattato di lag, dal mio replay non sembra.
    Purtroppo solo in italiano, non conosco l'inglese.
    So I break the no chat rule to tell you it was lag & you still blame me? Watch the replay, it's Boni's so shows the lag:

    As you'll see it also includes a clip from qualifying, I was six tenths up on that lap, and it wasn't the only one you ruined (another one in the s-bend where you at least tried to get out of the way and on my first flying lap I had to take avoiding action at the fast chicane).

    Anyway, back to the races...

    Well quali' first, it didn't go particularly well. I hit the wall at turn 3, but was able to make it back, then I had a spin at turn 1 and then I crashed with Boni when he lost it coming out of turn 5. Sorry Boni, I was on a quick lap, & as you started to spin there was nothing I could do to avoid you and collisions being the way they're you went flying. I thought it was qualifying over for me but I was able to make it back. I ended up 3rd on the grid, nearly a second off my PB.

    Race 1 I got a good start, better than Franky who was on pole but had to get out of the throttle, then lag from me spun the car in front which spun the one ahead of it & caused a pile up behind. I made it back to the pits, and repaired but was a lap down so finished 4th.

    Race 2, again third on the grid. I got an ok start but noticed an accident behind me. Then Foresta ran wide in turn 5 on lap 1 & I overtook into the s-bend (well he gave me the place really). From then on I was worried about Franky in 3rd, so pushed, and then when he went into second I had a lead of about 13 seconds with this margin increasing slightly. Then when he went out I didn't want to risk losing the win so took it easy. From then on it was just about lapping cars, until the tyres started to go off, and I spun up the rears exiting turn 4 & hit the wall. Luckily the damage wasn't too bad so I could bring it home for my first league win, even though worn tyres made braking more difficult.


    I forgot, the lag incident when lapping Foresta was from my replay, the earlier incidents from Boni's Embarassed

    Also I should explain about my skin, I selected my teams one when I was already in the server, and was gonna rejoin (to get my Bridgestones back) but didn't wunna risk losing my pit box. It was one of those nice wide ones, where you don't risk taking the right rear corner off every time you leave Razz

    Last edited by M Carey on Fri Feb 04, 2011 12:43 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Francesco Meola

    Posts : 21
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    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Empty Re: 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide

    Post by Francesco Meola Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:40 am

    Che dire... pista che non amo per niente e pista in cui sono lentissimo... in qualifica parto quarto(il massimo che potevo fare ) dopo svariati incidenti e un attesa di 10 minuti per un esc... gara 1 parto stando attentissimo, lascio distanza dalle macchine avanti perchè sapevo sarebbe successo qualcosa, infatti 3 macchine si toccano in t1 non riesco a evitarne una, incidente.... premo esc e via dopo cinque giri rientro e finisco 7° mi pare... gara 2 riparto una macchina si gira in partenza e viene colpita da un altra ma riesco ad evitarla, dopo qualche curva altro incidente evitato anche quello, mi trovo dietro una macchina e visto la lunghezza della gara evito di attaccarla subito, ma in una delle curve finali frena molto più di quanto potessi immaginare e per evitarla mi giro e colpisco la barriera, cerco di rimettermi in pista ma non faccio altro che intralciare il passo ad un altra macchina, a quel punto decido per un EXIT e una birra... Ultima gara Suzuka, mia pista preferita assieme a Spa, speriamo bene...

    Posts : 873
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    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Empty Re: 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide

    Post by f.gek Fri Feb 04, 2011 12:14 pm

    Circuito difficile per tutti, e probabilita di errori molto alta, certo che ci sono alcune cose sul fatto dei doppiati, che probabilmente vorrebbero chiarite e regolamentate correttamente. Anche dalla chat post gara, si nota che per alcuni il fatto di andare piu forte li autorizza a pretendere di sdoppiarsi a qualunque costo. A mio avviso deve essere il pilota che è davanti a decidere se fare sdoppiare un pilota che lo segue , altrimenti il doppiato deve stare buono ad una distanza di sicurezza e attendere. Io applico da sempre questa regola e se un doppiato è realmente piu veloce lo faccio passare in sicurezza. Il buon senso non credo che sia difficile da applicare in queste condizioni. Ovviamente scrivo questo perche dopo 14 giri primo in gara, primo in campionato , senza nessun rischio, essere buttato fuori da due doppiati con un ritardo di 5 giri credo che non farebbe piacere a nessuno. Gara 1 per me sta tutta qui, concentrazione al massimo e passo regolare, sesto posto finale, poteva anche andare peggio . Gara 2 parto in pole, passo regolare, ma anche qui soliti problemi con i doppiati ,un pilota è uscito dai box senza darmi precedenza , ovviamente con gomme fredde al t1 si gira e per evitarlo , frenata al limite , perso il vantaggio di sicurezza su mika e comportamento della gomme non piu costante fino alla fine della gara.Con mika alle spalle e il rischio di un duello fra questi muretti mi ha fatto decidere di accontentarmi. Un buon 2 posto, che mi permette di afforntare suzuka a pari punti con mika e con vincenzo che è a poca distanza ancora in corsa per la vittoria finale.
    Complimenti a Daniele per la vittoria in gara 1, Andrea per un ottimo secondo posto
    e Vincenzo perche due 3 posti (in una serata sfortunata sono davvero un bel bottino).
    ps. Mika non capivo perche dicevi sempre di stare attenti quando si segue una macchina, ora ho capito :-)
    ps.MIka congratulazione per gara 2 un vero capolavoro

    Circuit difficult for everyone, and very high probability of errors, of course there are some things the fact of the double, which would probably be clarified and properly regulated. Even the chat after the race, you notice that for some, the fact of going stronger entitles them to claim to attend several performances at any cost. In my opinion, should be the driver who is before deciding whether to split a pilot that follows it, otherwise it must be twice as good at a safe distance and wait. I apply this rule has always been a back marker and if you really do it go faster safely. Common sense does not believe that it is difficult to apply in these conditions. Obviously I'm writing this because after the first 14 laps in the race, first in the league, without any risk being thrown out by two double with a delay of 5 laps I do not think anyone would like. Race 1 for me is all here, the maximum concentration and steady pace, sixth-place finish, he could have been worse. Race 2 started from pole, steady pace, but even here the usual problems with double, a rider came out of the box without me before, of course, with cold tires at t1 and turns to avoid it, braking at the limit, lost the advantage of safety mika and behavior of the tires no longer constant until the end of gara.Con mika behind and the risk of a duel between these walls made me decide to be content. A good second place, which allows me to afforntare Suzuka level on points with mika and that Vincenzo is very close in the running for the win.
    Congratulations to Daniele for the victory in Game 1, Andrea for a strong second place
    and Vincenzo because two third places (in an unfortunate night is a really nice booty).

    ps. Mika did not understand why You always told to be careful when you follow a car, now I understand :-)
    ps.MIka congratulation for race 2 a masterpiece
    Fabio Grippa
    Fabio Grippa

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    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Empty Re: 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide

    Post by Fabio Grippa Fri Feb 04, 2011 2:20 pm

    Very bad races for me at adelaide...I did a lot of practice in order to be ready, the 6th time in the qualify confirm a good starting point.

    Race 1, I start the race quite well, 1st gear, 2nd gear, 3rd gear and I found myself at the pit, without any contact, don't know why. Huge lag I guess. 5 laps of waiting and then I finished in the 12th position.

    Race 2 was similar to the first one: an huge accident in front of me at t3, my car flow away, then pit and then a consistent race up to 9th place. Good fighting with Paul when we come out from the pit, he was really too fast and after 4 laps he got to pass me!

    Antonio and Fabio's team is still at the top, and I'm still in a better position in the drivers standing going up to 7th, with a lot of drivers close to me....Grats to the three aliens (I do not need to write their name!!!)

    See you in Suzuka...
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Empty Re: 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Feb 04, 2011 3:18 pm

    Results are up

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    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Empty Re: 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide

    Post by MikaRaymond Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:38 pm

    hello boys

    well, wasnt last night quite action packed Smile

    the night started off quite on the wrong side for me - it took 4 attempts to set my qualify time. somehow the car didnt feel the same as it did in testing and struggled to push as i was having some understeer issues. it may have been the nerves and it was quite clear gek was feeling the pressure too - this showed by our quali times. vanore put in an excellent low 1.12 time which put him on pole, with me and gek half a second adrift.

    i had good traction off the line which put me side by side with vanore but i backed off just before t1 as i didnt want there to be any collisions. he rocketed away but i soon started catching him. as i came round the last corner at the end of lap 1, i saw about 8 cars in the pits. i kinda guessed there had been a crash so knew i could make a couple mistakes and come away with some decent points. this was short-lived though. at the start of lap 3, vanore hit the chicane at a funny angle and send him into the wall. his car came back across the track and hit me which sent me into the hole, putting me in the pits for 5 laps. i came out somewhere just behind gek. 2 laps from the end something strange happened. i was following him round the S bend when he suddenly slowed down. by the time i had reacted i had hit him, and this was because someone had spun just in front of him. it was a racing accident gek and im sorry Sad i managed to finish the race somewhere near the back of the grid.

    i have to say, race 2 was my best performance so far. i absolutely knew i had to pass most of the field early on in order to have a chance at fighting for the podium. i put quite a bit less fuel in which would allow me to have better speed along the back straight to help. during the first few laps i had some great battles with Andrea and others. after the first few laps it was gek, vanore and me. we battled constantly for half the race seperated by about 5 seconds. my fuel started running low so had to shortshift and back off the gas a bit early - quite hard trying to pass vanore Very Happy but i managed it along the back straight. i held closely behind gek waiting for him to make a mistake, which is what happened when he got too happy with his right foot out of t1. i overtook him and just nursed the car home, trying not to spin / hit / crash / run out of fuel.

    the final race will be very exciting indeed. any one of the top 3/4 can win!

    see you @ suzuka gentlemen.
    Antonio Lallo

    Posts : 148
    Join date : 2010-10-30

    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Empty Re: 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide

    Post by Antonio Lallo Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:58 pm

    Wow, yesterday was a strange night for me. My pratices in this circuit wasn't enough! Thanks to Gek for the setup, only with his help I could make my PB in qualifying! 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide 659651 In race 1 i was in the 2th position and i made a mistake...my fault! Crying or Very sad Bad results!
    In race 2 i was behind Mario, but someone crash with him...and this damage my car, I return slowly to the box...then this I make other mistakes (3 pits) but...in the end I was 5! Very Happy My position in championship is good, for the last race I will do my best! Grats to Mika, Gek and Vincenzo...You are on another planet! affraid As always...forgive my school english! lol!
    Vincenzo Vanore
    Vincenzo Vanore

    Posts : 44
    Join date : 2010-01-05

    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Empty Re: 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide

    Post by Vincenzo Vanore Fri Feb 04, 2011 6:47 pm

    Buon dì anche questa è fatta , qualifica molto buona, sono riuscito a centrare la pole con 1.12 basso.

    Gara 1 Partenza tranquilla, ma purtroppo dopo qualche giro sono arrivato lungo alla T1 e sono andato a sbattere per poi colpire Raymond, nel rimbalzo. Mi spiace per Gek, la sua vittoria sarebbe stata molto importante in ottica campionato 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide 413943

    Gara 2 Tirata al massimo, avere Rarymond dietro è veramente difficile, non ti molla....e ti porta all' errore. Non sono riuscito ad ottenere un passo gara costante, ed il 3° posto era il massimo che potevo fare.

    Domanda, ma anche per questo campionato vale la regola che i 2 peggior risultati vengono eliminati ???? 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide 78373

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    03 Feb 2011: Adelaide Empty Re: 03 Feb 2011: Adelaide

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