Radiator Springs Racing

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    Improve your Rank with Radiator Spring Racing

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
    Join date : 2009-04-26
    Age : 46
    Location : Den Haag

    Improve your Rank with Radiator Spring Racing Empty Improve your Rank with Radiator Spring Racing

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri May 08, 2009 9:51 am

    We will have a training server that will constantly rotate between all different tracks, so it will be easier to complete your rank.

    Every 3-4 days a new track i will be on our server. We hope you will join to do some training race with us. Our server is without password, so everyone could join our session.

    It will be possible to use every car (F1600, F1800, Formula 2000, Formula Target) on the track.

    Please behave on track and respect fastest drivers giving enough room to overtake.

    Keep an eye on our Calendar to know the schedule.

      Current date/time is Fri Dec 13, 2024 12:09 am