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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

3 posters

    Downloading new tracks


    Downloading new tracks Empty Downloading new tracks

    Post by marc Tue Mar 01, 2011 9:58 am

    Hi guys.

    I am new to Netkar, just bought it yesterday and love it.  Been on iRacing the last two years.

    Anyway, on the Netkar site, it has a list of "approved" tracks that I downloaded.  Problem is, I installed them in my Netkar "Tracks" folder, but when I open Netkar, none of the tracks show up in the tracks list to select.  Only Bahrain showed up for me to drive and I didn't do anything different with Mugello or the other tracks.  Also, one of the tracks asked me to insert the GTR disk.  What is the deal with that?

    Appreciate any guidance you can offer.  There is so much info here in these forums it is a bit overwhelming.
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    Join date : 2010-04-20

    Downloading new tracks Empty Re: Downloading new tracks

    Post by M Carey Tue Mar 01, 2011 3:51 pm

    Hi Marc,

    Approved tracks, on nkworld? If so that's just the tracks their sure people can't cut corners on, there are a lot more out there Smile

    About your tracks issue, make sure your copying just the track folder. For example if you extract Fuji Speedway it'll give you Fuji Speedway1.0\Fuji Speedway (in bold is the folder you want).

    SimBin ask for DVD checks to be released with tracks converted from their titles. It's a pain but that's the way it's (unfortunately).

    Downloading new tracks Empty Re: Downloading new tracks

    Post by Marc Tue Mar 01, 2011 8:08 pm

    Thanks for the reply.  Yes, the "approved tracks" are here.
    Is there a central repository for downloading all the tracks?  Or at least a list of the highest quality tracks?
    I did exactly as you described for all the tracks, but strangely only Bahrain showed up.  I also attempted A1, Spa, Mugello and Brno but none of those worked.
    Any other suggestions?

    Downloading new tracks Empty Re: Downloading new tracks

    Post by Marc Tue Mar 01, 2011 8:13 pm

    Hmmmm.  I posted a link to the nkworld site but it didn't show up in my response.  Anyway, there is a page of 10 or 12 tracks that are listed as "approved."
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Downloading new tracks Empty Re: Downloading new tracks

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Mar 01, 2011 8:31 pm

    you can find all available tracks here

    check this post also
    Marc P

    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2011-03-01
    Location : Berkeley CA

    Downloading new tracks Empty Re: Downloading new tracks

    Post by Marc P Tue Mar 01, 2011 8:50 pm

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:you can find all available tracks here

    check this post also

    Wow!!! Fantastic!! I had no idea this many tracks were available for nKP. Inevitably, I will be comparing my experience to iRacing. Already, the driving and feel of nKP is fantastic, and there are many tracks here that I have been wanting to drive that are not available for iRacing.

    Thanks for the tracks.
    M Carey
    M Carey

    Posts : 1076
    Join date : 2010-04-20

    Downloading new tracks Empty Re: Downloading new tracks

    Post by M Carey Tue Mar 01, 2011 9:26 pm

    Maybe you can't post links with a guest account (anti-spam)? I dunno about your problem... you do have a license don't you (just checking as no add-on tracks are meant to work if you don't)? Smile I can't think what else the problem could be.
    Marc P

    Posts : 3
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    Location : Berkeley CA

    Downloading new tracks Empty Re: Downloading new tracks

    Post by Marc P Tue Mar 01, 2011 10:12 pm

    M Carey wrote:Maybe you can't post links with a guest account (anti-spam)? I dunno about your problem... you do have a license don't you (just checking as no add-on tracks are meant to work if you don't)? Smile I can't think what else the problem could be.

    I thought I was logged in but wasn't. Now I am. Here is the link. http://nkworld.net/articles.php?cat_id=2
    Anyway, yes, I purchased a license from the netkar-pro.net website. I was able to add on and drive Bahrain last night, so at least that one add-on track works. I will try again tonight using the links that Andrea provided and report back. Thanks for the feedback.

    I am really excited to be able to drive some of these tracks with the KS2. Even though iRacing has some great tracks, it is really limited in its selection of well-known international tracks. (Suzuka, Nurburgring F1, Fuji, Monaco, Sepang, Shanghai, Istanbul, etc!!!! 8) )
    Marc P

    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2011-03-01
    Location : Berkeley CA

    Downloading new tracks Empty Re: Downloading new tracks

    Post by Marc P Thu Mar 03, 2011 4:59 am

    Okay, I got the tracks working now.

    I gave Mugello a try last night. Man, that is an awesome track!!! Excellent quality!!!

    So my next question... which are the highest quality tracks that you guys use here? Ones that have no bugs, lots of track character, no bugs and frequently used for racing...

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