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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

4 posters

    regole per il futuro (rules for the future)

    davide zardin
    davide zardin

    Posts : 368
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    regole per il futuro (rules for the future) Empty regole per il futuro (rules for the future)

    Post by davide zardin Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:25 pm

    Visto che la ultima versione di netkar pro (1.3 final) ha segnato la fine del full mode bisogna stabilire delle regole nuove in modo da ricreare la situazione di simulazione anche nelle collisioni. Sò che già in passato si è parlato di creare regole per le gare, ma non si è ancora deciso niente. Visto e considerato che le competizioni per il 2011 sono finite spero che tutti siamo d'accordo sul fatto che nel 2012 si possa avere un regolamento di gara anche per i contatti.... non sono in sintonia con la scelta di fare esc go to box e ripartire senza una penalità. Mi aspetto che qualcosi cambi e mi atterrò alle nouve regole come per le vecchie, la mia è solo una richiesta.
    Since the latest version of pros Netke (1.3 final) marked the end of the full mode of the new rules must be established in order to recreate the situation even in the collision simulation. I know that in the past there has been talk of creating rules for the races, but has not yet decided anything. Considering that the competition for 2011 is over I hope we all agree on the fact that in 2012 you could have a competition regulations for contacts .... I do not agree with the choice to go to esc box and leave without a penalty. I expect that something will change and I landed at New releases like the old rules, mine is just a request

    Last edited by davide zardin on Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:08 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 673
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    Age : 33
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    regole per il futuro (rules for the future) Empty Re: regole per il futuro (rules for the future)

    Post by MikaRaymond Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:52 pm

    amongst other things, a new rulebook is being created for the 2012 season. stay tuned Smile
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

    Posts : 368
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    Age : 49
    Location : Verona (Italia)

    regole per il futuro (rules for the future) Empty Re: regole per il futuro (rules for the future)

    Post by davide zardin Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:07 am

    ti ringrazio per avermi fatto notare che esiste già un rulebook ma spero che prendano in considerazione il fatto dell'utilizzo del tasto esc nel futuro

    I thank you for making me notice that there is already a rulebook but I hope you consider the fact of using the esc key to the future
    M Waechter

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    regole per il futuro (rules for the future) Empty Re: regole per il futuro (rules for the future)

    Post by M Waechter Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:59 am

    The problem is to check all this stuff afterwards a race, pressing ESC is not reported in any logs.. .
    I think noone causes an accident by purpose and then presses ESC or such things, so in race I personally think it is ok to be able to press ESC after a serious damage which makes car
    undriveable (as long as something is broken).
    Only thing I don't like since the full-mode is gone, is the now 'unreal' qualy, because everyone can press ESC and leave out the inlap,
    would like it more if outlap-hotlap-inlap will be mandatory in the next champ. again.
    Leonardo Ratafia
    Leonardo Ratafia

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    regole per il futuro (rules for the future) Empty Re: regole per il futuro (rules for the future)

    Post by Leonardo Ratafia Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:09 am

    after pressing esc+box after a crash or maybe getting stucked in a sand trap, you loose a lap, even with that you can finish the race a get some points, maybe penalizing the points after using esc+box is a good option.
    i don't know if there's a way to detect which drivers press Esc/box during a race, maybe there's some info from the log? and the with the log parser you can get that info out, it's just a thought.

    Edit: just at the same time as i was writing about the log... that would be a nice option

    Last edited by Leonardo Ratafia on Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:12 am; edited 1 time in total
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

    Posts : 368
    Join date : 2010-08-05
    Age : 49
    Location : Verona (Italia)

    regole per il futuro (rules for the future) Empty Re: regole per il futuro (rules for the future)

    Post by davide zardin Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:10 am

    Only thing I don't like since the full-mode is gone, is the now 'unreal' qualy, because everyone can press ESC and leave out the inlap,

    vorrei propio che ci fosse una regola che inpedisse a chi fa uso del tasto esc di tornare in pista nello stesso lap

    I would very own that there was a rule that those who make use of inpedisse esc key to get back on track in the same lap

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