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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

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    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update

    Leonardo Ratafia
    Leonardo Ratafia

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    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 Empty Re: netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update

    Post by Leonardo Ratafia Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:25 pm

    this is a test patch? will it be released as an auto-update later?
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 Empty Re: netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:44 pm

    It should be released in an official way after some tests.
    René Lorig

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    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 Empty Re: netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update

    Post by René Lorig Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:37 am

    Roberto Olivetti wrote:It seems to me that the old netKar sensations have been resurrected: you can lost the car in acceleration, you can miss a brake, and if you hit a kerb you don't flip anymore!!!
    I noticed that too! Smile You can really attack high curbs now without flipping the car immediately, now the car will tilt but not flip (That's what I have seen till now). And the feeling of the cars has improved a little bit. As Roberto said, now you can drift a bit better coming out of a corner on the throttle. I also feel like the F1800 feels a bit more stable and "controllable" now, was that the "discussion" in the last italian posts? Very Happy
    Kristijan Jalovec Perusko

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    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 Empty Re: netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update

    Post by Kristijan Jalovec Perusko Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:41 am

    me like update to Smile
    physics of cars are better now i think,it feels more realistic.and the backfire finally in nkp Smile
    thanks a lot for update
    thumbs up netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 361709
    Roberto Postinghel
    Roberto Postinghel

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    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 Empty Re: netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update

    Post by Roberto Postinghel Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:29 am

    ho notato una leggera difficoltà nel tenere in pista le auto, diciamo che sembra quasi qualcosa sul modello delle gomme.. un calo di grip in generale.. nello specifico con la 500 mi sembra che le gomme facciano piu fatica ad andare in temperatura.. e quando le si strapazzano un po', decadono di prestazioni e tocca "mollare" un po' prima di poter tornare a spingere.. ditemi se sbaglio ma è una cosa che in 10 15 giri soltato che ho fatto, mi è sembrato di provare.. gran realismo!!!
    detto questo, riguardo i tempi, nulla di grave, basta riprenderci manetta..!! l'update vale per tutti Smile
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 Empty Re: netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update

    Post by laurent resende Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:25 pm

    more realism in driving!but the setup is a change! (yet!)(lol)
    In addition it will be important in view of the slight loss of time in the round (for me about almost 1 second, but may be I poorly led) to formalize the patch in ways that all pilots is at the same level of opportunity to chrono
    Raúl Expósito
    Raúl Expósito

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    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 Empty Re: netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update

    Post by Raúl Expósito Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:41 pm

    ks2 new update.

    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 Heidfeld_onice

    Now the car is very difficult to handle. Curved drift much.

    Last edited by Raúl Expósito on Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 Empty Re: netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update

    Post by laurent resende Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:12 pm

    Raúl Expósito wrote:ks2 new update.

    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 Heidfeld_onice

    lol !!!! new circuit in rank =Turini !!!!
    M Waechter

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    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 Empty Re: netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update

    Post by M Waechter Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:34 pm

    Just some of my thoughts while testing the update with the Gvb and f1800 now, compared to to more kind of 'arcade' behaviour of the previous version:

    With the update it is definately more difficult now in extreme situations: when you hit the gras with a rear wheel while braking or being in fast corners your rear goes off and once your rear 'overtakes' you, the car is not as easy to catch anymore, you need double the space than before to get in control again.
    When your rear goes off and you lose control completely the car is even not stoppable anymore on the brakes, brakes take not as much of an effect as before when the car slides, so mostly you just slide and slide and slide despite braking until you see and hear boom at the next wall Wink.
    So that can lead to hard situations in a race, because when a guy in front loses control, his car will probably slide all over the track and the following cars can't aviod hitting that car, we need to be even more careful, when the driver in front makes a mistake than try to react immediately to get far away from the situation in front.
    I also tried the F1800 at Donington same difficuties there at first -losing rear much more easy at the exit of chicane on the gas, that was almost not possilbe before the update for example and as with the Gvb in fast corners you need usually more space now (going wide in most cases), I had to set the ARB more conservative on that car (F1800) then it felt fine (with some more practice it is even more 'comfortable' probably like someone esle already said) as long as no mistakes on the rear occur in certain situations (big slides).

    But I really also like the handling now more than before, I think it is indeed some kind of more realistic, the cars feel not so stiff acting anymore, you can steer the cars much more and better with the rear now: -and when you silde the car in a corner, it does not 'choke itself' (slows down) anymore in that particlar moment when the slide is done / the tires grap the grip to the asphalt again and that's at least more realistic.
    Raúl Expósito
    Raúl Expósito

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    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 Empty Re: netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update

    Post by Raúl Expósito Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:38 pm

    now step on the grass white smoke. In the original tracks is yellow.
    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 2n7fj91

    if not the fault of the patch or circuits
    M Waechter

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    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 Empty Re: netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update

    Post by M Waechter Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:05 am

    At Monza at least, when I'm driving 'live' in the cockpit, it still looks yellow(yellow-green) when I look in the mirror.
    Marco Calesella
    Marco Calesella

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    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 Empty Re: netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update

    Post by Marco Calesella Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:38 pm

    By me no more rain spray behind the car when raining.
    René Lorig

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    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 Empty Re: netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update

    Post by René Lorig Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:57 pm

    - No spray behind the car in 100% rain, when tire-temperature goes above ~25°; below that temperature you can see spray.
    - Dirty visor coming up very quickly in 100% rain when on-track (also when standing)
    Please report this to Kunos as the last one is very annoying.
    Roberto Postinghel
    Roberto Postinghel

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    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 Empty Re: netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update

    Post by Roberto Postinghel Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:27 pm

    io ho notato un bug, qualcuno mi dica se l'ha notato..
    premetto che ho un impiantino 5.1, tutto ok fino a questa release, ora invece con la lambo sento l'audio del MIO motore solo dalle casse frontali, mentre da quelle posteriori sento solo il suono di accensione motore della mia vettura, più il suono di tutte le altre vetture correttamente, ovvero se mi sono dietro sento dalle casse posteriori, se mi superano sento dalle casse anteriori.... quindi il problema è solo del suono motore della mia macchina.. (la lambo ha motore dietro) tra l'altro il suono del mio motore lo sento molto più basso rispetto a prima..
    Roberto Olivetti

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    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 Empty Re: netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update

    Post by Roberto Olivetti Fri Apr 27, 2012 4:24 am

    René Lorig wrote:BUG-REPORT:
    - No spray behind the car in 100% rain, when tire-temperature goes above ~25°; below that temperature you can see spray.
    - Dirty visor coming up very quickly in 100% rain when on-track (also when standing)
    Please report this to Kunos as the last one is very annoying.

    Just to confirm the "dirty tear off" bug.
    In my case, I also noticed a progressive drop in FPS (around 5 for lap).
    The dirt starts appearing after you exit from track into sand, but it keeps repeating at every following lap - even if you stay on track.
    The tear off starts dirtying near the zone where you went to sand, and this zone "grows" at each lap.
    After 5 or 6 laps, the tear off become fastly dirt in almost each part of the track.
    I don't know much of programming, but (considering the additional FPS drop), may the cause be a buffer that isn't emptied?

    Car F2000, track Magione. 1st test with rain 100%, 2nd test with rain 30%.
    Sergio Marques
    Sergio Marques

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    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 Empty Re: netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update

    Post by Sergio Marques Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:38 am

    Would be great to also fix the rain bug, that ruins almost every races with rain.
    Antonio Lallo

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    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 Empty Re: netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update

    Post by Antonio Lallo Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:51 pm

    Roberto, riguardo l'audio a parte lo scoppiettio è sempre uguale...anche io ho un 5.1 e X-fi come scheda audio e in netkar il suono è sempre stato inverso, cioè se un auto è dietro la sento avanti e viceversa. Era così e così è rimasto per te penso a problemi di driver ma non a cambiamenti di netkar.
    Roberto Postinghel
    Roberto Postinghel

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    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 Empty Re: netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update

    Post by Roberto Postinghel Fri Apr 27, 2012 4:46 pm

    io lo sento correttamente (l'audio delle altre auto), parlando della mia auto, sento all'accensione il motore nelle casse dietro, ma appena accelero, sento l'audio dalle casse frontali.. (la lambo ha motore dietro) prima lo sentivo correttamente.. ovvero tirando su di giri il motore, da dietro sentivo l'audio.. non so se mi sono spiegato bene...
    René Lorig

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    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 Empty Re: netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update

    Post by René Lorig Thu May 10, 2012 8:11 pm

    Andrea? Have you talked with Kunos about this update and when it/the fixed version is going live?
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 Empty Re: netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu May 10, 2012 8:19 pm

    I will ask. I'll keep you posted.
    David Ignjatovic

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    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 Empty Re: netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update

    Post by David Ignjatovic Sat May 19, 2012 8:07 pm

    what is the install folder for this update?
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 Empty Re: netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sat May 19, 2012 8:20 pm

    the main directory of nkpro (c:\nkpro13 for example). Don't forget to do a backup of your nks.exe and nkserver.exe
    David Ignjatovic

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    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 Empty Re: netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update

    Post by David Ignjatovic Sat May 19, 2012 8:28 pm

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:the main directory of nkpro (c:\nkpro13 for example). Don't forget to do a backup of your nks.exe and nkserver.exe

    thx very much.

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    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 Empty Re: netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update

    Post by MikaRaymond Sat May 19, 2012 9:05 pm

    when will this become an official release? its pretty boring when you can only race on rsr servers and having to change the .exe's every time Razz
    David Ignjatovic

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    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 Empty Re: netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update

    Post by David Ignjatovic Sat May 19, 2012 9:24 pm

    MikaRaymond wrote:when will this become an official release? its pretty boring when you can only race on rsr servers and having to change the .exe's every time Razz

    So you're locked out of all non RSR servers javascript:emoticonp('Shocked')

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    netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update  - Page 2 Empty Re: netKar PRO v1.3.0.1 RSR update

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