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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

    MDCBox - AC version?!


    Consider useful a new version of MDCBox that adds more features (maybe some "help to setup") to those already present in the version dedicated to nKPro!?

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    MDCBox - AC version?! Bar_left90%MDCBox - AC version?! Bar_right [90%] 
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    MDCBox - AC version?! Bar_left10%MDCBox - AC version?! Bar_right [10%] 

    Total Votes: 10
    Gianluca Bonifacio
    Gianluca Bonifacio

    Posts : 678
    Join date : 2009-06-29
    Age : 42

    MDCBox - AC version?! Empty MDCBox - AC version?!

    Post by Gianluca Bonifacio Sat Mar 02, 2013 2:45 pm

    La sezione interna MDC DomandarNonCostaNulla si è posta il seguente quesito: La facciamo o non la facciamo?!
    A voi l'ardua sentenza... A noi comunque resta la scelta!
    Siamo inoltre alla ricerca di un nuovo baldo programmatore che subentri alla mente ed al dito del primo e unico MDCBox, ormai prossimo alla pensione (il programmatore)...
    Requisiti richiesti:
    - un buon conto in banca
    - buone capacità
    - affidabilità
    - tanta pazienza
    - varie ed eventuali
    The internal MDC section AskIsFree has set itself the following question: The do or not do!
    To you the judge ... At our, however, remains the choice!
    We are also looking for a new programmer who takes over the mind and fingers of the first and only MDCBox, close to retirement (the programmer) ...
    - A good bank account
    - Good skills
    - reliability
    - A lot of patience
    - Any other
    - (Italian if possibile, for minor language problems)

      Current date/time is Sat Jan 18, 2025 6:03 am