Radiator Springs Racing

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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

Andrea Lanzino
Giovanni Santangelo
Luca Orsetti
Joco Gorenc
Andrea Lojelo
9 posters

    18 July 2013: Zandvoort

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
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    Age : 45
    Location : Den Haag

    18 July 2013: Zandvoort Empty 18 July 2013: Zandvoort

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sun Jul 14, 2013 12:49 pm

    18 July 2013: Zandvoort 5zandvoortOW13

    Fifth event of the Open Wheel Series 2013.01

    FTarget @ Zandvoort

    Prequalification already started and will go on until the racing day. Live timing is already active on our server.
    Prequalification results will determine the groups.

    To take part of the race please register to the championship and place your allocation for the race.

    Thursday 18.07.2013:
    Qualification: 20 minutes
    Race 1: 13laps
    Race 2: 30 laps
    Joco Gorenc

    Posts : 19
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    Age : 34
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    18 July 2013: Zandvoort Empty Re: 18 July 2013: Zandvoort

    Post by Joco Gorenc Mon Jul 15, 2013 2:00 am

    Looking forward to this one. I have very little nKpro mileage but man...what a sim. So much feel you get from the car Cool 

    I've made many laps already and will continue practicing. 

    I have pretty much my own setup. But is very hard to make a good setup, for the whole track. 

    If I get in 31s, I will be VERY happy with myself Very Happy
    Luca Orsetti
    Luca Orsetti

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    Age : 35
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    18 July 2013: Zandvoort Empty Re: 18 July 2013: Zandvoort

    Post by Luca Orsetti Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:32 pm

    Stasera ho scoperto un bug della pista dopo la prima curva, nel cambio di direzione veloce. Ho preso il cordolo con violenza, sono sbattuto contro le barriere e l'auto si è bloccata nel terreno per qualche secondo per poi arrivare al crash di netkar... Il nome dell'errore era "ODE internal" o qualcosa di simile. Nello screenshot il punto approssimativo del bug:

    Tonight I discovered a bug after the first corner, in the fast change of direction. I took the curb with violence, I ended up in the barriers and the car is stuck in the ground for a few seconds and then get to netkar crash ... The name of the error was "ODE internal" or something similar. In the screenshot the approximate point of the bug:

    18 July 2013: Zandvoort Nkscr_13

    I recommend everyone to pay attention.
    Giovanni Santangelo

    Posts : 4
    Join date : 2013-03-06

    18 July 2013: Zandvoort Empty Re: 18 July 2013: Zandvoort

    Post by Giovanni Santangelo Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:00 pm

    Ciao! Posso partecipare alla gara o è troppo tardi?
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
    Join date : 2009-04-26
    Age : 45
    Location : Den Haag

    18 July 2013: Zandvoort Empty Re: 18 July 2013: Zandvoort

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:34 pm

    sei ancora in tempo. qui trovi una guida per l'iscrizione.

    1) registrarti al campionato/team
    2) allocarti per la gara
    3) venire in chat alle 9
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
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    Age : 45
    Location : Den Haag

    18 July 2013: Zandvoort Empty Re: 18 July 2013: Zandvoort

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Jul 18, 2013 10:26 pm

    Daniel, please join server A

    server password: rsr
    Andrea Lanzino
    Andrea Lanzino

    Posts : 65
    Join date : 2010-11-18
    Age : 46

    18 July 2013: Zandvoort Empty Re: 18 July 2013: Zandvoort

    Post by Andrea Lanzino Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:31 pm

    sorry for my crash in race 2 but matt dawson was too aggresive.
    try to pass everywere...and touch my car in 3 or 4 turn..at the end he boring me i want to crash him 
    bad driver
    i think only gentlema but i'm wrong
    'im sorry for admin
    Olivier Boissel

    Posts : 88
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    Age : 59
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    18 July 2013: Zandvoort Empty Re: 18 July 2013: Zandvoort

    Post by Olivier Boissel Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:40 pm

    Good fun in race 1, particularly at the end with Marco, I made a good overtake at turn 1 in last lap but lost everything at the slow corners at the end ::doh:: .

    Good start in race 2, good beginning of race but at the same corner same error asd and to finish a crash to desktop in turn 1 ::no2:: 

    [img]18 July 2013: Zandvoort Ctd_nk12[/img]

    See you for next event.
    M Waechter

    Posts : 755
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    Location : Germany

    18 July 2013: Zandvoort Empty Re: 18 July 2013: Zandvoort

    Post by M Waechter Fri Jul 19, 2013 2:07 am

    replay group A

    Cool & nice races. Around four (4) cars at the midfield being at almost similar pace ! A lot of fun with A. Lallo in race 1, at pos. 6 (Lallo) & 7 (me).
    In one of the very last laps my rear went away a bit at t1, so M. Dawson could pass me in t1. And a lap later on before the last lap O. Boissel overtook me on the straight.
    I used full downforce, so at least my topspeed wasn't the best. Due to pushing Oliver, I at least could gain back pos. 8 almost in the very last turn at the last lap.

    For race no.2 I 4x set one klick less slow rebound, same setup I used at the qualy (at my quickest lap(s) in there) also. That was some minor tenth quicker at clean laps, than the setting I tried at race 1.
    Otherwise not so much to say about race 2. Some nice pressure from Laurent (at the last laps) and again in last lap my rear went away a very little bit at t1.. (-not much, could catch it better than in the first case at race 1-)
    and so he got a bit closer, but I could stay in front. He seemd to use quite similar high downforce setup, so at least his car had been no 'topspeed-danger' for me at the straight.
    Francesco Ventura
    Francesco Ventura

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    18 July 2013: Zandvoort Empty Re: 18 July 2013: Zandvoort

    Post by Francesco Ventura Fri Jul 19, 2013 4:39 am

    Luca Orsetti wrote:Stasera ho scoperto un bug della pista dopo la prima curva, nel cambio di direzione veloce. Ho preso il cordolo con violenza, sono sbattuto contro le barriere e l'auto si è bloccata nel terreno per qualche secondo per poi arrivare al crash di netkar... Il nome dell'errore era "ODE internal" o qualcosa di simile. Nello screenshot il punto approssimativo del bug:

    Tonight I discovered a bug after the first corner, in the fast change of direction. I took the curb with violence, I ended up in the barriers and the car is stuck in the ground for a few seconds and then get to netkar crash ... The name of the error was "ODE internal" or something similar. In the screenshot the approximate point of the bu
    18 July 2013: Zandvoort Nkscr_13

    I recommend everyone to pay attention.

    confermo il bug! successo anche a me =]
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
    Join date : 2009-04-26
    Age : 45
    Location : Den Haag

    18 July 2013: Zandvoort Empty Re: 18 July 2013: Zandvoort

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Jul 19, 2013 9:12 am

    Andrea Lanzino wrote:sorry for my crash in race 2 but matt dawson was too aggresive.
    try to pass everywere...and touch my car in 3 or 4 turn..at the end he boring me i want to crash him 
    bad driver
    i think only gentlema but i'm wrong
    'im sorry for admin
    Very sad to see those things happening. Your behaviour is unjustifiable. It doesn't matter if he did something wrong before. Crashing someone intentionally is as bad as it gets.
    We will continue this conversation via PM.
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    18 July 2013: Zandvoort Empty Re: 18 July 2013: Zandvoort

    Post by giancarlo graziano Fri Jul 19, 2013 2:29 pm

    Olivier Boissel wrote:Good fun in race 1, particularly at the end with Marco, I made a good overtake at turn 1 in last lap but lost everything at the slow corners at the end ::doh:: .

    Good start in race 2, good beginning of race but at the same corner same error asd and to finish a crash to desktop in turn 1 ::no2:: 

    18 July 2013: Zandvoort <a href=18 July 2013: Zandvoort Ctd_nk12" />

    See you for next event.
    get the same ...but like in a qualification....strange
    M Waechter

    Posts : 755
    Join date : 2010-08-16
    Location : Germany

    18 July 2013: Zandvoort Empty Re: 18 July 2013: Zandvoort

    Post by M Waechter Fri Jul 19, 2013 3:55 pm

    Does not have s.th. to do with this crashes -and I had none of those-, but
    The track seems to have not included proper TV cams (for replay) in the .ini file.
    The only TV cam that focusses on the track is close before and on the start/finish straight. The other cams around the track just show scenery, no track/cars.

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    18 July 2013: Zandvoort Empty Re: 18 July 2013: Zandvoort

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