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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

Alessandro Micali
fortunato catalano
Maurizio Massasso
Michele Campini
giancarlo graziano
sebastien bortoli
Daniel Fiorin
Luca Seghieri
mario gilles
Jaap Wagenvoort
Andrea Lojelo
15 posters

    28 Oct 09: Monaco

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    28 Oct 09: Monaco Empty 28 Oct 09: Monaco

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Oct 22, 2009 11:57 pm

    Our tires as still worm from Prato, but we better start thinking about our next challenging event: Monaco.

    We will have two races here with the Ftarget in 2 different track layout:
    Monaco Full GP
    15 min qual
    10 laps race

    Monaco chicane removed
    15 min qual
    25 laps

    Here is the schedule:
    21:00 we will start our breifing in our forum chat. Try to be there a bit before (20.45).
    21:15 we will close the entry list for Server1 and Server2 (we will have two groups running at the same time, as usual). The entry list will be updated when people join our chat.

    Here is the map of the track with the "red zone" (5 corners rule"), a bit extended this time, for logical reasons.
    28 Oct 09: Monaco Monacofullgp

    I think I don't have to spend any word about how important is this time to have a clean start.
    Be prepared to have the driver in front of you stopped in any corner of the red zone. Leave space. Don't try any hazardous manouver. You know how is going to end up!
    Be more than careful. We don't want to have a massive crash on the first lap! Let's respect each other even more this time!

    Good luck to everyone. We will all need it!
    Jaap Wagenvoort

    Posts : 12
    Join date : 2009-10-21

    28 Oct 09: Monaco Empty Re: 28 Oct 09: Monaco

    Post by Jaap Wagenvoort Fri Oct 23, 2009 12:22 pm

    Monaco in netKar PRO with FullMode is fun-fun-fun! Smile
    I think there's no bigger challenge than racing the F3 hard on Monaco with the risk of damage around every corner. Looking forward to it.
    mario gilles
    mario gilles

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    28 Oct 09: Monaco Empty Re: 28 Oct 09: Monaco

    Post by mario gilles Fri Oct 23, 2009 2:39 pm

    Very big challenge
    but to us like the great challenges
    Luca Seghieri
    Luca Seghieri

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    28 Oct 09: Monaco Empty Re: 28 Oct 09: Monaco

    Post by Luca Seghieri Fri Oct 23, 2009 3:12 pm

    F3000 @ Monaco that fear!
    your times middly ?
    Col set-up non ho confidenza e non so' da dove posso iniziare... 28 Oct 09: Monaco Icon_redface 28 Oct 09: Monaco Icon_biggrin
    Daniel Fiorin
    Daniel Fiorin

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    Age : 40

    28 Oct 09: Monaco Empty Re: 28 Oct 09: Monaco

    Post by Daniel Fiorin Sat Oct 24, 2009 10:45 am

    Hey somebody has a set to share? With my experience of 3 days in netkar i've done a 34:3 on this amazing track, but dunno what i should change on set.
    sebastien bortoli
    sebastien bortoli

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    28 Oct 09: Monaco Empty Re: 28 Oct 09: Monaco

    Post by sebastien bortoli Sun Oct 25, 2009 8:09 pm

    it will be more than a challenge to do 10/25 clean laps on this track with those powerfuls F3,the first misstake and your race is over....
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Location : Den Haag

    28 Oct 09: Monaco Empty Re: 28 Oct 09: Monaco

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sun Oct 25, 2009 8:29 pm

    Daniel your time seems to be good! I think the best drivers will be around that time!
    I'm currently around 1.36, but as Sebastien said the real challange would be keep the concentration for 25 laps and trying to be far away from troubles.
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    28 Oct 09: Monaco Empty Re: 28 Oct 09: Monaco

    Post by giancarlo graziano Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:20 am

    ..So we Remember to all drivers that the second race .. is on layout :
    Monaco chicane removed Very Happy
    We Present our Special edition skins FtTarget

    Jaap Wagenvoort

    Posts : 12
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    28 Oct 09: Monaco Empty Re: 28 Oct 09: Monaco

    Post by Jaap Wagenvoort Mon Oct 26, 2009 11:21 am

    Nice, retro skins Smile
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Age : 45
    Location : Den Haag

    28 Oct 09: Monaco Empty Re: 28 Oct 09: Monaco

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Oct 26, 2009 11:33 am

    The pitboard, at least in my view, was not placed in a perfectly. Half of it was hidden into the wall, making difficult to see the times.

    Here a quick fix:
    change the last two lines of the tracks\monaco\server\nkrefs.ini with

    POS=238.150833, -19.344242, -49.202267
    Michele Campini

    Posts : 355
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    28 Oct 09: Monaco Empty Re: 28 Oct 09: Monaco

    Post by Michele Campini Tue Oct 27, 2009 11:17 am

    Andrea, about POOL A or B in my team there 3 fast guy, R. Moretto, D. Fiorin and A. Zoppi that can do 33 low medium in race.
    So they go sure in pool B ?
    Jaap Wagenvoort

    Posts : 12
    Join date : 2009-10-21

    28 Oct 09: Monaco Empty Re: 28 Oct 09: Monaco

    Post by Jaap Wagenvoort Tue Oct 27, 2009 11:40 am

    Group B rocks 28 Oct 09: Monaco Icon_lol 28 Oct 09: Monaco Icon_smile
    Michele Campini

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    28 Oct 09: Monaco Empty Re: 28 Oct 09: Monaco

    Post by Michele Campini Tue Oct 27, 2009 11:53 am

    LOL, in this race i had no time to training so i will be very slow, but my team mates are fast lol. Very Happy
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
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    Age : 45
    Location : Den Haag

    28 Oct 09: Monaco Empty Re: 28 Oct 09: Monaco

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Oct 27, 2009 11:58 am

    Michele Campini wrote:Andrea, about POOL A or B in my team there 3 fast guy, R. Moretto, D. Fiorin and A. Zoppi that can do 33 low medium in race.
    So they go sure in pool B ?
    Hi Michele, I've seen amazing times from your team! You are really fast! I've seen even some 1.32.XXX affraid

    Unfortunately there is no way, according with our rules, to go in Group A despite climbing up the classification.
    As you might notice from our Points Model, winners of group B take quite some points, so it would be easy for the fast guys in group B to go in group A in few races.
    Unfortunately you guys join our championship more then half way through, so you started from the very bottom quite late! We thought about a way to help the fast newcomers to go into the fast group leveraging the results but was not fare to change the rules in the middle of the championship.

    On the next championship we will very likely have pre-qualifications so groups will be decided race by race according with the skills of each driver.

    Don't worry you will have fun in Group B also. There are a lot of fast drivers that joins recently just like you.

    I hope that everyone will be really careful in both groups at the beginning of the race. It's crucial that we will have a smooth start.

    Good luck!
    Michele Campini

    Posts : 355
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    Age : 48
    Location : Siena

    28 Oct 09: Monaco Empty Re: 28 Oct 09: Monaco

    Post by Michele Campini Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:09 pm

    Thanks Lojelo, that is not a problem.
    With Jaap will be funny, sure. Very Happy
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Location : Den Haag

    28 Oct 09: Monaco Empty Re: 28 Oct 09: Monaco

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:12 pm

    Don't forget Evgeniy Dontsov as well...
    ...there might be some more fast guys there
    Michele Campini

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    28 Oct 09: Monaco Empty Re: 28 Oct 09: Monaco

    Post by Michele Campini Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:14 pm

    Ehehe ok, for me the important is finish ! Very Happy
    Michele Campini

    Posts : 355
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    Location : Siena

    28 Oct 09: Monaco Empty Re: 28 Oct 09: Monaco

    Post by Michele Campini Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:17 pm

    Jaap, what about your pb in Monaco ?
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
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    Age : 45
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    28 Oct 09: Monaco Empty Re: 28 Oct 09: Monaco

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:22 pm

    Apparently we will be quite a lot this time as well.
    Please make sure that you are correctly allocated for the race.

    As usual we will use the entry list displayed here
    Jaap Wagenvoort

    Posts : 12
    Join date : 2009-10-21

    28 Oct 09: Monaco Empty Re: 28 Oct 09: Monaco

    Post by Jaap Wagenvoort Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:33 pm

    I just did 4 hotlaps on Sunday evening. 1m34s5 in one of those when I managed to avoid the wall. Tonight is busy as well, so I don't think I'll be too prepared (which is a problem with a new car and Monaco) Smile
    If you guys are doing 32's then I have some work to do Smile
    sebastien bortoli
    sebastien bortoli

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    28 Oct 09: Monaco Empty Re: 28 Oct 09: Monaco

    Post by sebastien bortoli Tue Oct 27, 2009 7:44 pm

    1.33.xx is my best lap, safe lap,after it's too dangerous to push the car and the driver out of the limits 28 Oct 09: Monaco Icon_biggrin the finishers will be the winners 28 Oct 09: Monaco Icon_wink
    EDIT:Andrea,i can't allocate because when i log into GPCOS,there's not my name on the license,and when i click on maintain driver allocation,GPCOS tell me i'm not login...
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    28 Oct 09: Monaco Empty Re: 28 Oct 09: Monaco

    Post by giancarlo graziano Wed Oct 28, 2009 7:20 pm

    Don t miss a new add on....
    Add on SkinPack v1.2.4.


    including:Formula 2000

    Includin :equipment
    helmet P.Folino

    Overwrite the folders cars and equipment on the main folder of NetKar pro 1.1
    Maurizio Massasso

    Posts : 4
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    28 Oct 09: Monaco Empty Re: 28 Oct 09: Monaco

    Post by Maurizio Massasso Wed Oct 28, 2009 9:21 pm

    1.32????? affraid affraid affraid affraid

    Ok, i will start from the bottom of the grid and hope to reach the end of the race ... looking in the mirrors watching out you rockets came and give me a lap or two at least! I'm running 1.39 at best ...

    see ya later!
    Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
    Michele Campini

    Posts : 355
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    28 Oct 09: Monaco Empty Re: 28 Oct 09: Monaco

    Post by Michele Campini Thu Oct 29, 2009 12:50 am

    Gara 1:
    All'inizio dell'ultimo giro arrivo lungo, vado nel muro, rimbalzo e l'incolpevole Catalano mi centra.
    In chat box Catalano scrive "Campini mi ha buttato fuori".
    NON tollero che un pilota scriva tali fesserie, che non corrispondono a verità. E' un incidente di gara, è sfortuna, è quello che ti pare ma PER DIO non ti ho buttato fuori, quindi ESIGUO delle scuse per quella frase fuori luogo.

    Gara 2:
    In qualifica in uscita dai box sono dietro a 3 vetture, all'inizio della galleria mollo il gas per farle allungare, quindi giù tutta. Arrivo alla chicane rimossa e ti trovo 3 macchine FERME, come se ci fosse la chicane !
    Probabilmente qualcuno non aveva refreshato la lista e s'è trovato con la chicane.
    In pratica ho centrato qualcuno, credo Micali che dopo in chat si è lamentato dicendo "non state attaccati al culo". Mi dispiace per Micali ma ahimé, non è certo colpa mia se ci sono auto ferme in un punto dove si transita a 230 km/h. Secondo la logica "non state attaccati al culo" dovremmo essere uno ogni 300 metri. 28 Oct 09: Monaco Icon_cool
    Esco e rientro nel server, sapendo che avrei preso un DT e me ne parto bello per fare la qualifica. Scopro che devo rimanere ai pit. Dunque se uno sbatte in qualifica la qualifica è finita. Mi pare una regola del cavolo, ma ora che lo so, mi adeguo.
    Inizia la gara, parto dopo 2 secondi di proposito (tanto la gara è lunga) e mi ritrovo davanti qualcuno che secondo me aveva fatto si e no 20 giri in questa pista (compresi 10 della gara prima se è finita).
    Era fermo ! Ho provato a infilarmi all'interno ma ha perso l'auto e ci siamo toccati.
    Io non voglio fare polemica, ma secondo me nel POOL A, classifica a parte, ci dovrebbero essere piloti che conoscono la pista, che hanno provato e che girano veloci.
    Qualcuno chiede "quanta benzina ?".
    Ecco, uno che chiede "quanta benzina" è chiara dimostrazione di quanto ha girato nel server e di quanto si è allenato e che alla sola domanda dovrebbe essere mandato via dal server perché, 99 su 100, costituisce pericolo per gli altri.

    Perdonatemi se sono cosi polemico, ma forse sono abituato ad un mondo diverso, quello di LFS, dove in genere l'ammissione ad una pool è gestita dal tempo che hai fatto e se sei lento corri con i lenti, se sei veloce corri con i veloci.

    Esaurita la polemica, che non tradurrò in inglese per ovvi motivi, chiedo gentilmente se la pista "NewBury 2006" è la stessa che si trova nel "track pack" sul forum di Driving Italia, per conferma.

    Michele Campini

    Posts : 355
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    Age : 48
    Location : Siena

    28 Oct 09: Monaco Empty Re: 28 Oct 09: Monaco

    Post by Michele Campini Thu Oct 29, 2009 1:25 am

    Chiedo del newbury perché nel control center c'è newbury, ma in locandina vedo Philip Island ... dov'è l'inghippo ? Very Happy

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    28 Oct 09: Monaco Empty Re: 28 Oct 09: Monaco

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