Radiator Springs Racing

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    Username recognized - but no record in database


    Posts : 4
    Join date : 2013-12-30
    Age : 58
    Location : Munich

    Username recognized - but no record in database Empty Username recognized - but no record in database

    Post by m_knoblach Mon Dec 30, 2013 4:59 am

    Helllo folks,

    I just installed RSR LiveTime (V 2.0.0069) into AC and registered online with my steam accunt. Well, the App connects in game to the server but no laps are recognized as well as it still reports on your site("You are not registered in our database! More..."), that my username is recognized but I don't get an database entry because no laps are recognized ... I am a little confused what's going wrong and maybe you could help with that issue.

    Kind regards
    Michael Knoblach (Steam-Nick: LTC Mike)

    Thats what log says:
    30.12.2013 02:14:23 Verione
    30.12.2013 02:14:23 E:\Steam\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa\apps\python\RsrLiveTime
    30.12.2013 02:14:23 Verifica 1 eseguita
    30.12.2013 02:14:23 Crea shared
    30.12.2013 02:14:23 File mapping static crea view
    30.12.2013 02:14:23 Avvia shared dinamici
    30.12.2013 02:14:23 File mapping dinamici inizio
    30.12.2013 02:14:23 Connessione app
    30.12.2013 02:14:23 File mapping Graphics creato
    30.12.2013 02:14:23 Connessione co app Python iniziata
    30.12.2013 02:14:23 File mapping physics creato
    30.12.2013 02:14:23 File mapping gek creato
    30.12.2013 02:14:23 File mapping dinamici crea view
    30.12.2013 02:14:23 File mapping graphycs view creata
    30.12.2013 02:14:23 File mapping physics view creata
    30.12.2013 02:14:23 File mapping gek view creata
    30.12.2013 02:14:23 Giro non valido 0 0
    30.12.2013 02:14:23 Componenti creati attesa client..
    30.12.2013 02:14:24 Ac avviato
    30.12.2013 02:14:30 Client connesso ricezione dati
    30.12.2013 02:14:30 Dati splittati Aggiorna|1|3|0|0|0|                                                                                                          
    30.12.2013 02:14:30 Richiesta aggiorna
    30.12.2013 02:14:30 Prima richiesta aggiorna
    30.12.2013 02:14:30 Leggo impostazioni pilota
    30.12.2013 02:14:30 carica settaggi
    30.12.2013 02:14:30 Percorso documents ac C:\Users\FSX2\Documents\Assetto Corsa\cfg\
    30.12.2013 02:14:30 leggo i dati 3
    30.12.2013 02:14:30 leggo i dati 5
    30.12.2013 02:14:30 Percorso exe steame:\steam
    30.12.2013 02:14:30 Nomesteam LTC Mike
    30.12.2013 02:14:30 LTC Mike (40plus) mike196602 76561198014776867
    30.12.2013 02:14:30   RememberPassword 1
    30.12.2013 02:14:30 Persname LTC Mike (40plus) valore LTC Mike
    30.12.2013 02:14:30 Persname  valore LTC Mike
    30.12.2013 02:14:30 Richiedo aa ws id
    30.12.2013 02:14:33 Aggiorna classifica
    30.12.2013 02:14:33 hotlap
    30.12.2013 02:14:33 Invio dati ws non eseguito dati corrotti.
    30.12.2013 02:16:51 Client connesso ricezione dati
    30.12.2013 02:16:52 Dati splittati Aggiorna|1|3|0|0|0|                                                                                                        
    30.12.2013 02:16:52 Richiesta aggiorna
    30.12.2013 02:16:52 Aggiorna classifica
    30.12.2013 02:16:52 hotlap
    30.12.2013 02:16:52 Invio dati ws non eseguito dati corrotti.
    30.12.2013 02:19:20 Client connesso ricezione dati
    30.12.2013 02:19:20 Dati splittati Aggiorna|1|3|53804|48040|46780|                                                                                                        
    30.12.2013 02:19:20 Richiesta aggiorna
    30.12.2013 02:19:20 Aggiorna classifica
    30.12.2013 02:19:20 hotlap
    30.12.2013 02:19:20 Invio dati ws non eseguito dati corrotti.
    30.12.2013 02:21:48 Client connesso ricezione dati
    30.12.2013 02:21:48 Dati splittati Aggiorna|1|3|53120|48080|47044|                                                                                                  
    30.12.2013 02:21:48 Richiesta aggiorna
    30.12.2013 02:21:48 Aggiorna classifica
    30.12.2013 02:21:48 hotlap
    30.12.2013 02:21:48 Invio dati ws non eseguito dati corrotti.
    30.12.2013 02:24:15 Client connesso ricezione dati
    30.12.2013 02:24:15 Dati splittati Aggiorna|1|3|53288|47852|45780|                                                                                                        
    30.12.2013 02:24:15 Richiesta aggiorna
    30.12.2013 02:24:15 Aggiorna classifica
    30.12.2013 02:24:15 hotlap
    30.12.2013 02:24:15 Invio dati ws non eseguito dati corrotti.
    30.12.2013 02:26:42 Client connesso ricezione dati
    30.12.2013 02:26:42 Dati splittati Aggiorna|1|3|52864|47692|46328|                                                                                            
    30.12.2013 02:26:42 Richiesta aggiorna
    30.12.2013 02:26:42 Aggiorna classifica
    30.12.2013 02:26:42 hotlap
    30.12.2013 02:26:42 Invio dati ws non eseguito dati corrotti.
    30.12.2013 02:29:09 Client connesso ricezione dati
    30.12.2013 02:29:09 Dati splittati Aggiorna|1|3|52488|47736|46464|                                                                                                        
    30.12.2013 02:29:09 Richiesta aggiorna
    30.12.2013 02:29:09 Aggiorna classifica
    30.12.2013 02:29:09 hotlap
    30.12.2013 02:29:09 Invio dati ws non eseguito dati corrotti.
    30.12.2013 02:31:36 Tutte le ruote fuori dal tracciato
    30.12.2013 02:31:36 Giro non valido 1 0
    30.12.2013 02:31:43 Client connesso ricezione dati
    30.12.2013 02:31:43 Dati splittati Aggiorna|1|3|53096|47236|53640|                                                                                                          
    30.12.2013 02:31:43 Richiesta aggiorna
    30.12.2013 02:31:43 Aggiorna classifica
    30.12.2013 02:31:43 hotlap
    30.12.2013 02:31:43 Giro annullato perche tutte le 4 ruote fuori tracciato
    30.12.2013 02:31:43 Invio dati ws non eseguito dati corrotti.
    30.12.2013 02:31:43 Tutte le ruote fuori dal tracciato
    30.12.2013 02:31:43 Tutte le ruote fuori dal tracciato
    30.12.2013 02:33:05 Client connesso ricezione dati
    30.12.2013 02:33:05 Dati splittati Aggiorna|1|3|53096|47236|53640|                                                                                                        
    30.12.2013 02:35:32 Client connesso ricezione dati
    30.12.2013 02:35:32 Dati splittati Aggiorna|1|3|53096|47236|53640|                                                                                                      
    30.12.2013 02:38:00 Client connesso ricezione dati
    30.12.2013 02:38:00 Dati splittati Aggiorna|1|3|53096|47236|53640|                                                                                                            
    30.12.2013 02:40:29 Client connesso ricezione dati
    30.12.2013 02:40:29 Dati splittati Aggiorna|1|3|53096|47236|53640|                                                                                                        
    30.12.2013 02:42:56 Client connesso ricezione dati
    30.12.2013 02:42:56 Dati splittati Aggiorna|1|3|53096|47236|53640|                                                                                                                  
    30.12.2013 02:45:22 Client connesso ricezione dati
    30.12.2013 02:45:22 Dati splittati Aggiorna|1|3|53096|47236|53640|                                                                                                              
    30.12.2013 02:47:49 Client connesso ricezione dati
    30.12.2013 02:47:49 Dati splittati Aggiorna|1|3|53096|47236|53640|                                                                                                                  
    30.12.2013 02:50:23 Client connesso ricezione dati
    30.12.2013 02:50:23 Dati splittati Aggiorna|1|3|53096|47236|53640|                                                                                                                    
    30.12.2013 02:51:54 Ac terminato
    30.12.2013 02:51:54 Client connesso ricezione dati
    30.12.2013 02:51:54 Dati splittati ByeBye|0|0|0|53096|47236|53640|

    Posts : 873
    Join date : 2010-08-03

    Username recognized - but no record in database Empty Re: Username recognized - but no record in database

    Post by f.gek Mon Dec 30, 2013 3:06 pm

    please send the log.txt and py_log.txt you find them in to the forlder   \Documents\Assetto Corsa\logs

    Posts : 4
    Join date : 2013-12-30
    Age : 58
    Location : Munich

    Username recognized - but no record in database Empty Re: Username recognized - but no record in database

    Post by m_knoblach Mon Dec 30, 2013 4:53 pm


    thanks a lot for your quick anwser. Please coulkd you tell me how I could attach files to a message within your forum-editor or tell me which mailadress I should send the requested files.

    Kind regards
    Michael (LTC Mike)

    Posts : 873
    Join date : 2010-08-03

    Username recognized - but no record in database Empty Re: Username recognized - but no record in database

    Post by f.gek Mon Dec 30, 2013 5:36 pm

    you have change your persname in steam?
    the problem its here
    Persname LTC Mike (40plus) valore LTC Mike
    i dont know what is (40Plus) but we need in thw persname only LTC Mike.
    LTC Mike its a persname that you have in use when install ac.
    Check if the persname in steam property its the same

    Posts : 4
    Join date : 2013-12-30
    Age : 58
    Location : Munich

    Username recognized - but no record in database Empty Re: Username recognized - but no record in database

    Post by m_knoblach Mon Dec 30, 2013 8:50 pm

    Maybe I see the problem: if AC does remember the profile-name I had when I installed it some weeks ago, and keep it that way no matter that I changed the profilename within steam later and did the same in my AC-profile?! Actual my steam profile says: "LTC Mike" and same is set in AC-profile

    The "(40lus)" was an older extent to my profile-name that I deleted, but steam seems to remember all ever used profile names and I don't know where/how to delete them in steam, if that's possible at all... .

    So, what do I have to do: re-install AC with the current Steam profile name? Or could I change this elsewhere without a new installation? And should I send you the to log-documents you mentioned earlier?

    Posts : 4
    Join date : 2013-12-30
    Age : 58
    Location : Munich

    Username recognized - but no record in database Empty Re: Username recognized - but no record in database

    Post by m_knoblach Mon Dec 30, 2013 9:23 pm

    Problem solved: I checked through the *.ini data in documents/AssettoCorsa and changed all entries where wrong profile names stood as well as I deleted my realname/surname in AC-profile... strange: but now it works Smile

    Posts : 873
    Join date : 2010-08-03

    Username recognized - but no record in database Empty Re: Username recognized - but no record in database

    Post by f.gek Mon Dec 30, 2013 10:54 pm

    I'm glad you solved. have fun with our TimeLive
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
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    Age : 46
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    Username recognized - but no record in database Empty Re: Username recognized - but no record in database

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Dec 31, 2013 12:29 pm

    Fantastic. Can you send me a PM with the files you modified? Can be helpful for someone else. Thanks a lot. Enjoy your app.

    Username recognized - but no record in database Empty Re: Username recognized - but no record in database

    Post by Olecram Sat May 17, 2014 5:05 am

    Same problem here
    can you help me please?

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    Username recognized - but no record in database Empty Re: Username recognized - but no record in database

    Post by Sponsored content

      Current date/time is Thu Dec 05, 2024 11:53 am