Radiator Springs Racing

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4 posters

    RSR login and steam link problems please help


    RSR login and steam link  problems please help Empty RSR login and steam link problems please help

    Post by james277553 Sat Mar 01, 2014 2:18 am

    Hi I have read all the guides and tried for hours to get this to work on my system but I can't seem to link accounts with steam. Am I doing something wrong
    It says I am not registered on there network and can't seem to enable the app in the game. Below is the low created. Thanks

    28/02/2014 22:56:05 mod 621 eseguito
    28/02/2014 22:56:05 Versione 2.0.012-00A
    28/02/2014 22:56:05 Avvio mod 620
    28/02/2014 22:56:05 Avvio mod 622
    28/02/2014 22:56:05 E:\Main storage\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa\apps\python\RsrLiveTime
    28/02/2014 22:56:05 mod 622 eseguito
    28/02/2014 22:56:05 Avvio mod 820
    28/02/2014 22:56:05 Errore mod 820 The type initializer for 'a' threw an exception.
    28/02/2014 22:56:05 Avvio mod 820 eseguito
    28/02/2014 22:56:05 Fase 99008
    28/02/2014 22:56:05 process eliminaWsSeAttivo 1
    28/02/2014 22:56:05 Fase 99008 eseguita
    28/02/2014 22:56:05 mod 620 eseguito
    28/02/2014 22:56:05 Crea shared
    28/02/2014 22:56:05 Inizio fase 002
    28/02/2014 22:56:05 Attesa connessione ac...
    28/02/2014 22:56:48 Ac connesso..
    28/02/2014 22:56:48 carica settaggi
    28/02/2014 22:56:48 Fase 99002
    28/02/2014 22:56:48 Percorso documents ac C:\Users\JIMS DESKTOP\Documents\Assetto Corsa\cfg\
    28/02/2014 22:56:48 Percorso exe steamc:\program files (x86)\steam
    28/02/2014 22:56:48 Ricerca steam id
    28/02/2014 22:56:48 Steam id trovato Steam Community ID:76561197977888375
    28/02/2014 22:56:48 Idsteam 76561197977888375
    28/02/2014 22:56:48 Fase 99002 eseguita
    28/02/2014 22:56:48 Fase 002 completata
    28/02/2014 22:56:48 Avvia shared dinamici
    28/02/2014 22:56:48 Connessione app
    28/02/2014 22:56:48 Inizio fase 001
    28/02/2014 22:56:48 Fase 001 OK
    28/02/2014 22:56:48 Connessione Python iniziata
    28/02/2014 22:56:48 Componenti creati attesa client..
    28/02/2014 22:56:48 Ac avviato

    RSR login and steam link  problems please help Empty Still stuck but got a bit further here is my log:

    Post by james277553 Sun Mar 02, 2014 12:42 am

    Below is the two logs which seem to show errors can anyone work out what it all means

    RsrLiveTimeLog - F.GEK - risposta mancante
    RsrLiveTimeLog - F.GEK Richiesta classifica termianto con errori
    RsrLiveTimeLog - F.GEK update aggiorna
    RsrLiveTimeLog - F.GEK Richiesta classifica
    RsrLiveTimeLog - F.GEK  RichiestaClassifica 1
    RsrLiveTimeLog - F.GEK - risposta mancante
    RsrLiveTimeLog - F.GEK Richiesta classifica termianto con errori
    RsrLiveTimeLog - F.GEK update aggiorna
    RsrLiveTimeLog - F.GEK Richiesta classifica
    RsrLiveTimeLog - F.GEK  RichiestaClassifica 1
    RsrLiveTimeLog - F.GEK - risposta mancante
    RsrLiveTimeLog - F.GEK Richiesta classifica termianto con errori
    RsrLiveTimeLog - F.GEK update aggiorna
    RsrLiveTimeLog - F.GEK Richiesta classifica
    RsrLiveTimeLog - F.GEK - Completato
    RsrLiveTimeLog - F.GEK Richiesta classifica termianto
    RsrLiveTimeLog - F.GEK - Chiusura in corso
    RsrLiveTimeLog - F.GEK - Richiesta invio byebye
    RsrLiveTimeLog - F.GEK - myfuncUscita
    RsrLiveTimeLog - F.GEK - Invio comando ByeBye

    01/03/2014 21:30:21 Aggiorna classifica
    01/03/2014 21:30:21 Errore 121033 The type initializer for 'a' threw an exception.
    01/03/2014 21:30:21 Errore 121000 Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    01/03/2014 21:30:23 Client connesso!!****************************************************************************
    01/03/2014 21:30:23 Aggiorna classifica
    01/03/2014 21:30:23 Errore 121033 The type initializer for 'a' threw an exception.
    01/03/2014 21:30:23 Errore 121000 Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    01/03/2014 21:30:26 Client connesso!!****************************************************************************
    01/03/2014 21:30:26 Aggiorna classifica
    01/03/2014 21:30:26 Errore 121033 The type initializer for 'a' threw an exception.
    01/03/2014 21:30:26 Errore 121000 Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    01/03/2014 21:30:28 Client connesso!!****************************************************************************
    01/03/2014 21:30:28 Aggiorna classifica
    01/03/2014 21:30:28 Errore 121033 The type initializer for 'a' threw an exception.
    01/03/2014 21:30:28 Errore 121000 Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    01/03/2014 21:30:31 Client connesso!!****************************************************************************
    01/03/2014 21:30:31 Aggiorna classifica
    01/03/2014 21:30:31 Assetto corsa pause
    01/03/2014 21:30:32 Ac non attivo *************
    01/03/2014 21:30:32 Ac terminato 1 0 0
    01/03/2014 21:30:32 Errore 20610 The type initializer for 'a' threw an exception.
    01/03/2014 21:30:32 Client connesso!!****************************************************************************
    01/03/2014 21:30:32 Connessione Python terminata
    01/03/2014 21:30:33 Errore 20610 The type initializer for 'a' threw an exception.

    Anyone have any idea, I have tried for hours. I can login and run the app but it won't register a time
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
    Join date : 2009-04-26
    Age : 45
    Location : Den Haag

    RSR login and steam link  problems please help Empty Re: RSR login and steam link problems please help

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sun Mar 02, 2014 1:49 am

    from where are you connecting? are you able to reach our website?

    RSR login and steam link  problems please help Empty Re: RSR login and steam link problems please help

    Post by james277553 Sun Mar 02, 2014 1:59 am

    I can reach your website, I am in hte UK. I can login on your website, then It says "you are not recognized in our datbase" I try to run the app in the game and It doesn't connect. I have removed firewall, run as administrator and still nothing.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
    Join date : 2009-04-26
    Age : 45
    Location : Den Haag

    RSR login and steam link  problems please help Empty Re: RSR login and steam link problems please help

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sun Mar 02, 2014 5:27 pm

    Hi James, we would like to send you a testing version to identify the source of the issue, but you don't have an account here on our forum, so we can't. Can you please register an account and send me a PM?

    James Draper

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2014-03-03

    RSR login and steam link  problems please help Empty Re: RSR login and steam link problems please help

    Post by James Draper Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:12 am

    Pm sent thanks for your help

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2014-03-13

    RSR login and steam link  problems please help Empty Re: RSR login and steam link problems please help

    Post by jackdaniel681 Thu Mar 13, 2014 2:09 am

    Stesso problema  Sad

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2014-04-21

    RSR login and steam link  problems please help Empty Re: RSR login and steam link problems please help

    Post by Sup3rBob79iT Mon Apr 21, 2014 8:45 pm

    Anche a me dice che non sono registrato,please help!!
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
    Join date : 2009-04-26
    Age : 45
    Location : Den Haag

    RSR login and steam link  problems please help Empty Re: RSR login and steam link problems please help

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Apr 21, 2014 9:33 pm

    hai fatto un giro?
    mandaci i soliti 3 log (vedi guida). Se vuoi anche in PM su AC, dove e' piu' semplice allegare i files.

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    RSR login and steam link  problems please help Empty Re: RSR login and steam link problems please help

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