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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

giancarlo graziano
Borja Andonegui
Mark Schilling
Andrea Lojelo
Riccardo De Rosa
10 posters

    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder

    Riccardo De Rosa
    Riccardo De Rosa

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    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Empty Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder

    Post by Riccardo De Rosa Mon Apr 12, 2010 12:56 am

    Sperando di trovare sempre più circuiti in netKar ho iniziato dei nuovi tutorial. La scelta del software da usare si è basata sulla ricerca di un metodo più semplice possibile. Proprio per questo motivo sono stato obbligato a seguire una strada più lunga nella realizzazione di un circuito ma sicuramente sarà più facile anche per chi ha poca dimestichezza con programmi 3D come appunto Max.
    La scelta è ricaduta su Bob's Track Builder che ha una semplicità estrema per il disegno dell'intero circuito completo di tutto. Successivamente useremo 3D Studio Max non come vero e proprio editor 3D ma come strumento di rifinitura e conversione. Infine utilizzeremo l'editor presente in nK per le ultime conversioni.

    Il primo tutorial è diviso in 3 parti e dura circa 23 minuti. L'argomento trattato è la realizzazione di un circuito con corsia dei box.
    Utilizzate questo 3D per segnalarmi cosa non capite e/o cosa approfondire meglio.


    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Empty Re: Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Apr 12, 2010 9:03 am

    Bravo Riccardo. Che bello rivederti all'opera! Ottimo lavoro.

    Last edited by Andrea Lojelo on Mon Apr 12, 2010 7:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Mark Schilling
    Mark Schilling

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    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Empty Re: Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder

    Post by Mark Schilling Mon Apr 12, 2010 2:00 pm

    Thank you!!
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Empty Re: Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Apr 12, 2010 7:17 pm

    I hope this will help our non-Italian speaker friends.
    Here are all the commands and topic displayed in the 3 videos.

    Select all plugin
    how to model a track using node and control points
    create a closed circuit
    move node and control point

    6:57 how to set the width of the track 1=10m
    press 1-2-3-4 to move from the different portviews
    7:50 central mouse button: move the view
    8:10 how to create the pitlane (open circuit)
    click to create points
    use move nodes and control points
    to display the handles left click on the node
    9:35: ctrl+left click to add a new point

    5:30 switch active track (track/pitlane)
    rename the tracks
    6:06 circuit make active
    6:30 Save
    6:55 how to modify track elevation
    click a node and change his elevation on the lateral view

    00:00 shift+mouse central click = rotation
    00:36 double right click on prospective view= zoom
    1:40 avoid to create holes on the track/pit junction

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    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Empty Re: Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder

    Post by sfavaro Mon Apr 12, 2010 7:34 pm

    Ottimo lavoro Riccardo, grazie!

    Attendo le prossime puntate! Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Icon_cool
    (sempre se il signor Bob mi manda la mail di attivazione account...)
    Mark Schilling
    Mark Schilling

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    Location : West Cork, Ireland.

    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Empty Re: Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder

    Post by Mark Schilling Mon Apr 12, 2010 8:47 pm

    Thanks for translations Andrea Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Icon_biggrin
    Borja Andonegui

    Posts : 1
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    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Empty Re: Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder

    Post by Borja Andonegui Tue Apr 13, 2010 12:47 am

    Fantastico Ricardo! Smile

    Thank you. Keep on it!
    Mark Schilling
    Mark Schilling

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    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Empty Re: Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder

    Post by Mark Schilling Tue Apr 13, 2010 5:02 am

    For the next lot of videos Riccardo could you upload in higher resolution because I can't speak Italian,
    so I need to see what buttons you are pressing.
    Especially for Studio Max and netKar editor because I can't use them at all,
    so need to see what's goin on.

    Thanks again,

    Great Work Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Icon_biggrin
    Riccardo De Rosa
    Riccardo De Rosa

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    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Empty Re: Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder

    Post by Riccardo De Rosa Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:46 pm

    nuovo video in upload ...... a presto! ::wave::
    Mark Schilling
    Mark Schilling

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    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Empty Re: Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder

    Post by Mark Schilling Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:57 pm

    Great news Riccardo Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Icon_biggrin

    grazie mille Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder 67322
    Riccardo De Rosa
    Riccardo De Rosa

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    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Empty Re: Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder

    Post by Riccardo De Rosa Thu Apr 29, 2010 5:45 pm

    sorry for my delay
    scusate per il ritardo ::hail::


    Mark Schilling
    Mark Schilling

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    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Empty Re: Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder

    Post by Mark Schilling Thu Apr 29, 2010 5:56 pm

    No problem Riccardo Wink

    Thank you Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Icon_biggrin
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Empty Re: Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:08 pm

    0:31 how to add objects
    0:55 add a kerbs
    -select the one you like
    -click and drag
    -click on move object 1:16
    -left click + CTRL to add a vertex and move it 1:26
    -clicking on - you can delete a node 3:29
    4:50 add other objects
    -click on the button to select the mode (line, draw,spine, curve) 5:13
    7:02 how to add grass
    -select on which track (circuit/pitlane)
    -select on which side (left/right/both)
    -click create
    7:17 I don't want grass here on the pitlane, so...
    -click on the button 7:25
    -hide unselected
    -select the sectiou you don't want 7:29
    -press - 7:30

    I can modify the shape (not expained. there are a lot of functions in BTB, so refer to other guides)7:55

    8:23 hot wo export

    in the next tutorial we will import this track in 3dstudio max
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Empty Re: Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:09 pm

    thanks a lot Riccardo! nice work!
    Mark Schilling
    Mark Schilling

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    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Empty Re: Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder

    Post by Mark Schilling Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:09 pm

    Cheers Andrea Wink
    Riccardo De Rosa
    Riccardo De Rosa

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    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Empty Re: Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder

    Post by Riccardo De Rosa Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:29 pm

    Grande Andrea!

    Ho evitato di trattare molti punti di Bob's Track Editor perche' poi non sono applicabili a netKar come ad esempio la corsia dei box, la pit-lane, la fast-line ecc ecc

    per quanto riguarda il prato andra' poi completato in 3D Studio e non mi sono soffermato a come riempire quegli spazi lasciati vuoti.

    L'obiettivo e' quello di capire il meccanismo dei vari import/export per arrivare in netKar.

    Scaricate il tool degli ISI per la vostra versione di 3D Studio

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Empty Re: Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:35 pm

    Riccardo De Rosa wrote:Grande Andrea!

    Ho evitato di trattare molti punti di Bob's Track Editor perche' poi non sono applicabili a netKar come ad esempio la corsia dei box, la pit-lane, la fast-line ecc ecc

    per quanto riguarda il prato andra' poi completato in 3D Studio e non mi sono soffermato a come riempire quegli spazi lasciati vuoti.

    L'obiettivo e' quello di capire il meccanismo dei vari import/export per arrivare in netKar.

    Scaricate il tool degli ISI per la vostra versione di 3D Studio


    translating...in these videos Riccardo will not cover some features of BRB since it will not be applicable for nK.

    Grass will be completed in 3dsmax, so don't worry about the empty spaces.

    Please download the ISI tool for your 3dsmax version
    Riccardo De Rosa
    Riccardo De Rosa

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    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Empty Re: Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder

    Post by Riccardo De Rosa Fri Apr 30, 2010 4:43 pm

    are you ready? Laughing


    Mark Schilling
    Mark Schilling

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    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Empty Re: Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder

    Post by Mark Schilling Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:39 pm

    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder 67322
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Empty Re: Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder

    Post by giancarlo graziano Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:43 pm

    double... Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder 67322 Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder 67322
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Empty Re: Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Apr 30, 2010 7:34 pm

    Video 5: how to import the track from BTB to 3dsMax

    0:18 check your BTB exported folder
    open 3dsmax
    0:55 click on the icon with the hammer,
    click on max script,
    select gmt2importer,
    import a directory
    2:15 those boxes are the start/finish can be deleted (select and DEL)
    2:44 to modify an object select, click on modify (not covered here)
    3:24 The grass is already divided in sectors, that will help a lot for nKPRO tracks
    3:46 The track is, instead, is not divided in sectors. We will need to divide this object in pieces to have good FPS.
    Mark Schilling
    Mark Schilling

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    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Empty Re: Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder

    Post by Mark Schilling Fri Apr 30, 2010 7:35 pm

    Ta Andrea Wink
    Riccardo De Rosa
    Riccardo De Rosa

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    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Empty Re: Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder

    Post by Riccardo De Rosa Sat May 08, 2010 11:18 am

    ci siete riusciti ad importare il tracciato in 3d studio?
    Fatemi sapere così vado avanti.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Empty Re: Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sat May 08, 2010 11:22 am

    Riccardo le fasi successive sono quelle piu' interessanti per tutti. Non vedo l'ora di guardare i prossimi video tutorial. Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder 67322
    Stephane Migrouille
    Stephane Migrouille

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    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Empty Re: Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder

    Post by Stephane Migrouille Sat May 08, 2010 12:42 pm

    Riccardo De Rosa wrote:ci siete riusciti ad importare il tracciato in 3d studio?
    Fatemi sapere così vado avanti.
    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder 361709
    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Sanstitre2cji
    Track Editing starting from Bob's Track Builder Sanstitre1ts

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