Radiator Springs Racing

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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

Gerrit de Vries
Diego Doni
Claudio Gandolfi
M Waechter
laurent resende
giancarlo graziano
fortunato catalano
Vincenzo Vanore
Sergey Moskovkin
Michele Campini
Luca Malingambi
Luca Seghieri
Stephane Migrouille
M Carey
Paul O'Brien
Andrea Lojelo
20 posters

    Season 2010.03 F1800 Series

    Michele Campini

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    Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 Empty Re: Season 2010.03 F1800 Series

    Post by Michele Campini Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:00 pm

    laurent resende wrote:The mouse and the keyboard in NetKar are a Disability!! not an advantage! Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 Kopfschuettel

    Sure ?
    ABS is not an advantage ?
    Traction control is not an advantage ?

    We know many people that in Live for Speed drive using the mouse and they do WR (world records) with the mouse and win some racers too. But without any help, like the other.

    If one guys know drive well with the mouse and u add him ABS and TCS then the game is done.
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 Empty Re: Season 2010.03 F1800 Series

    Post by laurent resende Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:25 pm

    I think that it is necessary to compare what is comparable, I also possede LFS? with which I must confess I play only tres can
    what I have could determine in this simu as in many others it is that helps has behaviour, has part antiskating, are plutot a disability, (RFactor, IRacing, LPG, GTR2, LFS, GTLegends and others)
    In NetKar the choice is right away made, there is no help of offering, Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 Icon_mad
    it is besides what makes all its attraction!!!! Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 Icon_cheers
    But it is findings will you hire only me on, it is for it that it parried me very impossible to cheat in NetKar!!! happily besides Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 Icon_biggrin
    Michele Campini

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    Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 Empty Re: Season 2010.03 F1800 Series

    Post by Michele Campini Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:31 pm

    We are talking about NetKar now.
    Netkar i think is the best SIM actually.
    But it's the ONLY sim that OFFER Tracion Control and ABS to people that use mouse or keyboard.
    THIS IS the problem.

    Other SIM (rfactor, LFS, iracing) if u use mouse ... u DON'T HAVE ABS or TCS.

    So if KS fix this little (but important) problem NetKar will be perfect.
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 Empty Re: Season 2010.03 F1800 Series

    Post by laurent resende Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:47 pm

    Loads of excuses I did not know, having never used the mouse and the keyboard that these options been given to netKar, when in camera to show better the interieur of turn and apex I tried inevitable Track' ir for the simus of flight, but I do not have succeeds gets used me In NetKar there
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 Empty Re: Season 2010.03 F1800 Series

    Post by M Carey Sun Sep 26, 2010 10:27 pm

    One other point people seem to be missing is that Gek progressed to his current level. In the first two rounds of the last GPC season I think he was in group C/B respectively. I remember it was at Aviano through setup help from Franky that he really improved.

    Also after testing out driver aids in Ferrari Virtual Academy I think they’re worth a bit, but not a massive margin, so I’ve no problem with Gek using the keyboard/mouse. He’s the only one that has made them work, so it’s fairly childish to get so worked up over it, as without the aids driving with the keyboard/mouse would be virtually impossible.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 Empty Re: Season 2010.03 F1800 Series

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Sep 27, 2010 5:34 pm

    Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 WDJT%20Breaking%20News

    cyclops Breaking news: Gek's mouse has been trapped! cyclops

    The brand new G27 is awaiting Gek when he arrives back home! Good luck for the rest of the season, Gek! drive

    Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 Gekmouse
    Michele Campini

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    Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 Empty Re: Season 2010.03 F1800 Series

    Post by Michele Campini Mon Sep 27, 2010 5:42 pm

    OMG !!! LOL^2 !!! Very Happy
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 Empty Re: Season 2010.03 F1800 Series

    Post by giancarlo graziano Mon Sep 27, 2010 6:56 pm

    cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers
    Sergey Moskovkin
    Sergey Moskovkin

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    Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 Empty Re: Season 2010.03 F1800 Series

    Post by Sergey Moskovkin Mon Sep 27, 2010 9:44 pm

    Congrats Andrea! Smile
    Claudio Gandolfi
    Claudio Gandolfi

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    Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 Empty Re: Season 2010.03 F1800 Series

    Post by Claudio Gandolfi Mon Sep 27, 2010 11:50 pm

    Hehehehe....the perfect trap lol!
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 Empty Re: Season 2010.03 F1800 Series

    Post by laurent resende Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:15 am

    LOL OF LOL lol! Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 95475 lol!
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 Empty Re: Season 2010.03 F1800 Series

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Oct 29, 2010 1:44 am

    here are the final results:

    for the Driver Championship:
    1. MinhTuan Nguyen.........357
    2. Fortunato Catalano......319
    3. Stephane Migrouille.....291

    for the Team Championship
    1. Radiator Springs Racing AG (Andrea Lojelo, Giancarlo Graziano)....513
    2. Italia Team Racing (Fortunato Catalano, Luca Malingambi)..........504
    3. L Red Scuderia Racing 4 (Fulvio Genova,Claudio Gandolfi)..........399

    Well done guys!
    Wonderful races, wonderful championship. Great fun!
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 Empty Re: Season 2010.03 F1800 Series

    Post by giancarlo graziano Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:37 am

    Thanks to All drivers that made possible a great challenge !!

    Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 Rsr201003results

    Michele Campini

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    Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 Empty Re: Season 2010.03 F1800 Series

    Post by Michele Campini Fri Oct 29, 2010 9:15 am

    Grats Minth Tuan, well done mate !
    Grats to Fortunato and Stephane too !
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 Empty Re: Season 2010.03 F1800 Series

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Oct 29, 2010 9:50 am

    And Giancarlo and I? Razz that was quite an achievement for us. Well done to Luca and Fortunato. If Luca didn't have to work on the last 2 events I'm sure the team title would have been theirs. Well done even to Fulvio (Gek) and Claudio?

    Such a pity Riccardo and you left. You guys demonstrated to be unbeatable at the beginning of the championship.

    Well at least we had a very close battle for both titles till the last race with very close results. I'm really happy about it.

    Thanks to everyone involved in this championship. First of all thanks to everyone who spent his time building and refining the 6/9 new tracks and organizing the championship. There are a lot of things that we have done in the background, planning and studying the best options for points, a good track selections and customizing our website.

    Thanks even more to all the guys that joined the championship. I'm really happy that we managed to attract so many people on a championship with such a difficult, demanding, and almost unknown car. From the comments I heard, a lot of you (re)discovered this wonderful car in our championship.
    Thanks for your fair play on track and for the wonderful battles we had.

    I hope to see you all in our next championship on the new, wonderful Formula KS2!

    Last edited by Andrea Lojelo on Fri Oct 29, 2010 9:58 am; edited 1 time in total
    Michele Campini

    Posts : 355
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    Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 Empty Re: Season 2010.03 F1800 Series

    Post by Michele Campini Fri Oct 29, 2010 9:54 am

    OMG sorry mate ! Sad
    Grats to u and Giancarlo for victory in Team Champs, too !!!

    I saw the standings race after race and i can see that it was close until the end !
    I hope that i can partecipate in next K2S trophy.

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    Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 Empty Re: Season 2010.03 F1800 Series

    Post by f.gek Fri Oct 29, 2010 12:11 pm

    Complimenti a MinhTuan , Fortunato e Stephane per lo spelndido campionato.
    Complimentissimi al Team Andrea/Giancarlo Radiator per la continuità di risultati e aver raggiunto il meritato Primo posto .
    Un ringraziamento a tutti i radiator che hanno permesso lo svolgimento di questo combattuto e bellissimo campionato
    Claudio Gandolfi
    Claudio Gandolfi

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    Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 Empty Re: Season 2010.03 F1800 Series

    Post by Claudio Gandolfi Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:06 am

    My wormest compliments to all the final champ podium Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 67322 Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 67322 Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 67322
    The 1800 was a very interesting champ, fought t'ill the end.

    A grateful greeting to all the commited drivers,
    and a special thanks to Radiators Springs crew for the arrangement Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 361709
    Stephane Migrouille
    Stephane Migrouille

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    Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 Empty Re: Season 2010.03 F1800 Series

    Post by Stephane Migrouille Sat Oct 30, 2010 10:57 am

    A big thank to the organizers of this league Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 67322 .
    It was very interesting to rediscover FF1800 and simultaneously discover new tracks.
    Congratulations to Riccardo Moretto, Michele Campini and Minth Tuan who are the true winner of this championship.
    Alessio Cravotto
    Alessio Cravotto

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    Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 Empty Re: Season 2010.03 F1800 Series

    Post by Alessio Cravotto Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:36 pm

    Complimenti per l'organizzazione del campionato e l'impegno profuso. Per quanto mi riguarda, è stato interessante esordire con zero esperienza e piano piano migliorare feeling e velocità. E' stata veramente una soddisfazione. Peccato che ho dovuto saltare gli ultimi 3 eventi.
    Al prossimo champ spero di esserci nuovamente (devo continuare la battaglia con Naldi Season 2010.03 F1800 Series - Page 5 11976 )

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