Radiator Springs Racing

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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

Claudio Gandolfi
Gianluca Bonifacio
Marco Calesella
M Carey
giancarlo graziano
davide zardin
Andrea Lojelo
11 posters

    28 Oct 2010: Mugello

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
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    Age : 45
    Location : Den Haag

    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Empty 28 Oct 2010: Mugello

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Oct 22, 2010 12:28 am

    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Mugello2

    Our Mugello is finally ready for the first shakedown!!!

    We created the Candidate Release version, for internal use only.
    You will find the link in the control center.

    The file is passworded. Please use the password in the control center.
    Don't share password and link to anyone.

    Mugello v0.9.1 (21 October 2010)
    - kerbs lowered
    - added kerbstones
    - added trees according with pictures
    - added some more details on walls
    - added new advertisements
    - remapped 80% of grass
    - new wire netting
    - added new tyre barriers
    - added new grand stand at Savelli
    - hills remodeled
    - fixed bumps at the short track road
    - new marshall posts
    - new HD textures create by Giovanni Culmone


    Autodromo Internazionale del Mugello v0.9.1 (Release Candidate) - netKar PRO
    Autore: Radiator Springs Racing Team




    Creazione Layout e 3D Object:
    Mauro Delega', Mario Gilles, Andrea Lojelo, Riccardo De Rosa, Albert McSaltens, Luca "SkyGT" Naldi

    Creazione Texture, consigli tecnici, composizione grafica del paesaggio:
    Giovanni Culmone

    Andrea Lojelo, Albert McSaltens
    Sono fornite due versioni di telecamere nel pacchetto. Una, di default, ottimizzata per mettere in risalto le caratteristiche grafiche
    del circuiti (create da Andrea Lojelo) ed un'altra piu' ravvicinata (creata da Albert McSaltens).
    Per attivarle basta rinominare il file in "cameras.nkc2"

    Assistenza e supporto :
    Fulvio "Gek" Genova , Giancarlo Graziano

    Release notes:
    Questa release e' creata per uso esclusivo dei partecipanti del campionato

    Questa e' la release candidate che sara' la base per la prima versione beta pubblica, dopo
    qualche piccolo aggiustamento e risoluzione di bug.
    Non e' consentito utilizzare questo tracciato in alcun altro evento online, finche' non
    verra' ufficialmente rilasciato.

    Il circuito sara' rilasciato a breve, in maniera ufficiale dal team Radiator Springs Racing.

    Non e' consentito distribuire questo pacchetto. Questo pacchetto e' riservato ai
    soli partecipanti del nostro campionato.

    E' consentito pubblicare screenshot o video.
    Nel caso di video, si prega di dare un esplicito riferimento al Radiator Springs Racing Team
    e al nostro sito internet http://www.radiators-champ.com

    Nel caso in cui siano riscontrati bug sul tracciato, si prega di segnalarli
    sul nostro forum. Il vostro aiuto sara' molto apprezzato.

    Riccardo De Rosa, Juha Pyy, Jaap Wagenvoort, Si3v per tutti i consigli
    Fulvio "Gek" Genova per la comodissima utility "KofAnalyzer", sviluppata in collaborazione
    con il team Radiator Springs Racing, per analizzare e ottimizzare il tracciato.
    Culmone per le splendide texture
    http://www.mugellocircuit.it per le informazioni sul circuito
    Stefano "Kunos" Casillo per aver creato netKar PRO e per il supporto fornito
    Nicola"Velocipede" Trivilino per l'attenzione dedicata al nostro progetto su www.drivingItalia.net
    tutti i betatester per il loro prezioso lavoro


    Conversioni o modifiche di questo tracciato per qualsiasi altro simulatore non sono consentite.
    Tutte le texture create da Culmone non possono essere utilizzate per altri progetti.

    (Copyright textures) by culmone67 - culmone.giovanni@alice.it
    (Copyright 3D objects) by Mauro Delega' - mauro.delega@alice.it
    Andrea Lojelo - andrea_ita_nl@hotmail.it
    Mario Gilles - mario.gilles@tiscali.it


    Questo tracciato e' stato creato per passione ed ad uso esclusivamente ludico, senza fini di lucro.
    E' vietato l'utilizzo di questo tracciato per per scopi di lucro e affini.


    Mugello International Circuit v0.9.1 (Candidate Release) - netKar PRO
    Autors: Radiator Springs Racing Team




    Layout & 3D Objects:
    Mauro Delega', Mario Gilles, Andrea Lojelo, Riccardo De Rosa, Albert McSaltens, Luca "SkyGT" Naldi

    Textures, technical suggestions, graphical composition of the environment:
    Giovanni Culmone

    Andrea Lojelo, Albert McSaltens
    We created 2 different camera sets. The first one (default) with emphasis on the graphical characteristic
    of the track (created by Andrea Lojelo), and the other with a close up (created by Albert McSaltens).
    To switch between them, just rename the specific file to "cameras.nkc2".

    Support :
    Fulvio "Gek" Genova, Giancarlo Graziano

    Release notes:

    This version has been created for participants of the championship
    www.radiators-champ.com only.

    This is the release candidate version, that will be used as a base for the
    first public beta, after some adjustments and bug fixes.

    Our circuit will be released shortly, officially by the Radiator Springs Racing Team.

    You're not allowed to use this track in online events other than those organized
    by the Radiator Springs Racing Team, until the track is officially released

    The 3d model and textures are still not final. A lot of work needs to be done before
    the first public release of Mugello track will be out.

    When this circuit's ready, it will be published by the Radiator Springs Racing Team.

    You're not allowed to distribute this package. This package is reserverd for
    the participants of our championship only.

    You're allowed to publish screenshots or videos.
    In case you create some videos, please write that the track was created by the
    Radiator Springs Racing Team and, please, mention our website http://www.radiators-champ.com

    In case of bugs, please document them on our forum. You help will be appreciated.

    Riccardo De Rosa, Juha Pyy, Jaap Wagenvoort, Si3v for their help on track developments
    Fulvio "Gek" Genova for the wonderful utility "KofAnalyzer", developed in collaboration with
    the Radiator Springs Racing Team, to analyze and optimize the track.

    Culmone for the wonderful textures
    http://www.mugellocircuit.it for the informations provided about the circuit
    Stefano "Kunos" Casillo for creating netKar PRO and for his technical support
    Nicola"Velocipede" Trivilino for his showing the progresses of our project on www.drivingItalia.net
    Thanks to everyone who helped with testing the track in nKPro.


    Conversions or modifications of this track for any other simulator are not allowed.
    Textures, created by Culmone, couldn't be used for other projects.

    (Copyright textures) by culmone67 - culmone.giovanni@alice.it
    (Copyright 3D objects) by Mauro Delega' - mauro.delega@alice.it
    Andrea Lojelo - andrea_ita_nl@hotmail.it
    Mario Gilles - mario.gilles@tiscali.it


    This track has been created just for fun, in our spare time.
    You're not allowed to sell it or to make money out of it in any way.

    Last edited by Andrea Lojelo on Fri Oct 22, 2010 2:58 am; edited 1 time in total
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

    Posts : 368
    Join date : 2010-08-05
    Age : 49
    Location : Verona (Italia)

    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Empty Re: 28 Oct 2010: Mugello

    Post by davide zardin Fri Oct 22, 2010 2:07 am

    pista bellissima e difficile Vorrei la moto di Valentino per esprimermi al meglio.
    il setup sempra impossibile, la pista tecnica e difficile
    grazie per averla creata
    p.s. questa è una perla
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

    Posts : 5882
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    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Empty Re: 28 Oct 2010: Mugello

    Post by giancarlo graziano Fri Oct 22, 2010 3:59 am

    fantastic challenge ...

    amazing drivers and driving in this fantastic track!!!!
    M Carey
    M Carey

    Posts : 1076
    Join date : 2010-04-20

    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Empty Re: 28 Oct 2010: Mugello

    Post by M Carey Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:57 am

    Noticed a few things last night & the odd one this morning:
    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Flashe10
    The flashing shadow to the right has been fixed since the last version, but the one to the left hasn't.FIXED

    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Line_b10
    This is also still there, the line varies in size as you approach it.FIXED

    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Popup_10
    Plus these lights on the right still just appear when you're close, when trees etc. appear a lot earlier with default viewing distance settings.

    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Pane_b10
    Also this pane of glass flashes.

    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Nkscr_13
    And also the light reflects off this barrier to the left.

    Apart from that it's looking really good, and the textures are amazing!
    Marco Calesella
    Marco Calesella

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    Location : Schio (VI) Italy

    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Empty Re: 28 Oct 2010: Mugello

    Post by Marco Calesella Fri Oct 22, 2010 11:00 am

    Pista meravigliosa, complimentissimi a tutti quelli che ci hanno lavorato!!! Un capolavoro magnificamente valorizzato dalle texture di Culmone, come sempre IL massimo.
    28 Oct 2010: Mugello 67322 28 Oct 2010: Mugello 67322 28 Oct 2010: Mugello 67322 28 Oct 2010: Mugello 67322 28 Oct 2010: Mugello 67322

    Come M. Carey anch'io soffro di qualche flickering.
    Lungo la pista io non ho notato nulla, ma anche a me fanno questo effetto uno dei vetri ed il traliccio del tabellone del traguardo (sempre visto dai box).

    Cazzabubbole, comunqe!!! Very Happy
    Gianluca Bonifacio
    Gianluca Bonifacio

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    Age : 42

    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Empty Re: 28 Oct 2010: Mugello

    Post by Gianluca Bonifacio Fri Oct 22, 2010 2:06 pm

    trovati un paio di buchi.... quelli bianchi non so se siano dovuti alla mia scheda video o no... Razz
    Marco Calesella
    Marco Calesella

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    Location : Schio (VI) Italy

    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Empty Re: 28 Oct 2010: Mugello

    Post by Marco Calesella Fri Oct 22, 2010 7:16 pm

    Altra piccola imperfezione, solo per informazione (magari oltretutto lo sapete già) visto che può sicuramente restare così.
    All'esterno della Bucine (la curva prima del traguardo) sembra ci sia una piccola "fessura" nella congiunzione fra cordolo ed erba/sabbia. Sembra di intravedere il vuoto che c'è sotto al modello della pista.
    Non ho screenshot, ma lo si vede rientrando in pista dalla sabbia esterna, ok, non proprio il modo canonico di usare la pista, ma ieri sera per prenderci le misure mi è capitato spesso di farmi la Bucine nella sabbia....!!! Embarassed
    Non so se la cosa è presente lungo tutta la pista, fortunatamente qualche curva riuscivo a farla anche sull'asfalto! Laughing
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Empty Re: 28 Oct 2010: Mugello

    Post by M Carey Sat Oct 23, 2010 8:17 pm

    Gianluca Bonifacio wrote:trovati un paio di buchi.... quelli bianchi non so se siano dovuti alla mia scheda video o no... Razz
    I noticed the same thing with curbs & the tops of walls (with or without fences)/barriers, but as they disappear when you approach them, I assume it’s an issue with the graphics settings.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Location : Den Haag

    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Empty Re: 28 Oct 2010: Mugello

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Oct 26, 2010 1:48 am

    Meeting in nkpro chat 21:00
    Briefing starts at 21:15
    Race 1: 7 laps
    Race 2: 12 laps
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Age : 45
    Location : Den Haag

    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Empty Re: 28 Oct 2010: Mugello

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:29 am

    Please don't forget to allocate for the race.

    Red Zone:
    An accindent in the first corners of this track can have massive consequences.
    For this reason we decided to extend a bit the red zone.

    Rule 5 (a.k.a. 5 corners rule): It is important to pay attention especially in the first part of the race, where all cars are close to each other. For this reason, we define per each track the “red zone”, where the 5 corners rule applies. 5 corners is just a convention. For each track the red zone might be extended till a safer zone.
    The responsibility of all drivers is to avoid incidents in the first corners which can have massive consequences and therefore all participants must be careful.
    Starts must be as clean and incident-free as possible. The finish line is not at the first turn. Turn 1 cannot be approached as it happens during the qualification session. The tires are cold, the car is heavy and the track crowded. Drivers must act wisely and drive safely for themselves and for the other participants, for example by:
    o braking earlier than normal
    o maintaining a safe distance from the other cars during the first corners
    o giving enough space to other drivers with some margin for error by other participants

    Any collision from behind will result in the driver behind being considered as the guilty driver, unless the car in front has lost control.
    In case of accident on the “red zone” the Race Director could penalize the drivers directly.

    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Redzone
    Claudio Gandolfi
    Claudio Gandolfi

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    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Empty Re: 28 Oct 2010: Mugello

    Post by Claudio Gandolfi Wed Oct 27, 2010 3:14 pm

    I'll can't race tomorrow, 'cause a suddenly (and damned 28 Oct 2010: Mugello 800160 )
    change of job turnation for the last two days of the week.

    Enjoy the race for me too, guys 28 Oct 2010: Mugello 361709

    P.S.Can someone check my allocation on site?
    I've done it, but maybe unsuccessfull...Thanks
    M Carey
    M Carey

    Posts : 1076
    Join date : 2010-04-20

    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Empty Re: 28 Oct 2010: Mugello

    Post by M Carey Wed Oct 27, 2010 3:20 pm

    Looks like you've allocated for the special event @ Mugello (and not the league).
    Claudio Gandolfi
    Claudio Gandolfi

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    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Empty Re: 28 Oct 2010: Mugello

    Post by Claudio Gandolfi Wed Oct 27, 2010 3:46 pm

    M Carey wrote:Looks like you've allocated for the special event @ Mugello (and not the league).
    Fog is thickening in my brain... Embarassed 28 Oct 2010: Mugello 11976
    Thanks mate 28 Oct 2010: Mugello 271945

    Posts : 873
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    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Empty Re: 28 Oct 2010: Mugello

    Post by f.gek Wed Oct 27, 2010 3:48 pm

    A cla siamo sicuri che sia nebbia?.. magari troppa birrra:-)
    dai Claudio che al Mugello facciamo un garone go go
    Claudio Gandolfi
    Claudio Gandolfi

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    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Empty Re: 28 Oct 2010: Mugello

    Post by Claudio Gandolfi Wed Oct 27, 2010 5:38 pm

    f.gek wrote:
    dai Claudio che al Mugello facciamo un garone go go
    Mentre sarò sul tornio a controllo numerico, il mio cuore sarà con voi...

    W LR Scuderia 28 Oct 2010: Mugello 413943

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    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Empty Re: 28 Oct 2010: Mugello

    Post by f.gek Wed Oct 27, 2010 6:20 pm

    Non avevo letto ... mi dispacie che non puoi partecipare ... vedrò di fare il massimo anche per il tuo tornio:-)
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Empty Re: 28 Oct 2010: Mugello

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Oct 28, 2010 4:28 pm

    New release Mugello v 0.9.2 in the control center
    This is just an update. Copy over the previous version (v0.9.1 is required)

    - bug fix
    - lowered some kerbs
    - minor changes on some objects
    - few new textures

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Location : Den Haag

    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Empty Re: 28 Oct 2010: Mugello

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:16 pm

    we discovered a small bug
    At T2 there is a small hole.
    Here is the fix.

    You need Mugello v0.9.1 and Mugello v0.9.2 as well.

    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Hole110

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Empty Re: 28 Oct 2010: Mugello

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:01 pm

    nkpro chat doesn't seem to work. we will use the chat on our forum (visible on the top of the forum in the home)

    La chat di nkpro non funziona. useremo la chat del nostro forum (visibile in alto sul nostro forum in home)


    Last edited by Andrea Lojelo on Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Empty Re: 28 Oct 2010: Mugello

    Post by davide zardin Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:01 pm

    La Nuova versione non mi fa unoedere alla pista
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Empty Re: 28 Oct 2010: Mugello

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:03 pm

    devi istallare la v0.9.2 e la v.
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Empty Re: 28 Oct 2010: Mugello

    Post by davide zardin Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:03 pm

    non riesco ad entrare in chat
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Empty Re: 28 Oct 2010: Mugello

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:04 pm

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:nkpro chat doesn't seem to work. we will use the chat on our forum (visible on the top of the forum in the home)

    La chat di nkpro non funziona. useremo la chat del nostro forum (visibile in alto sul nostro forum in home)

    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Empty Re: 28 Oct 2010: Mugello

    Post by davide zardin Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:05 pm

    fatto andrea ma non riesco e non riesco ad entrare in chat
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
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    Age : 45
    Location : Den Haag

    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Empty Re: 28 Oct 2010: Mugello

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:06 pm

    premi LOG IN in alto a destra
    press LOG IN on top right

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    28 Oct 2010: Mugello Empty Re: 28 Oct 2010: Mugello

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