Is not allowed to disconnect/reconnect in case you damage your car. You might do it only in case you have serious problems related to the software.
1)If you disconnect/reconnect more than 2 times during QUALIFY you will be force to do a drive through during the race.
2)If you exceed the pit limit infraction more than 2 times during QUALIFY you will be force to do a drive through during the race.
3)If you exceed the pit limit infraction during RACE you will be force to do a drive through
NO CHATTING during qualify and race.
RESPECT other drivers.
Don't try hazardous manouvers to overtake an other driver. We want to have clean and respectful races. Everyone could do mistakes, but we don't want that this is systematic.
Car accidents are part of racing, and mistakes also, but we should try to limit avoidable accidents.
4)An avoidable accident in the first 5 corners of the track will be penalized with -10 points if assigned by the Race Directors after an unsuccessful CID, -8 if agreed during the CID, -5 if self assigned by the guilty driver that caused the accident.
5)An avoidable accident after the first 5 corners of the track will be penalized with -5 points if assigned by the Race Directors after an unsuccessful CID, -4 if agreed during the CID, -3 if self assigned by the guilty driver that caused the accident.
6)In case you cause an avoidable accident, you should do a drive through. During this drive through you can't repair your car. If you decide to repair the car soon, you have to do the drive through in the following lap.
If you are one or more lap down during race or you are on your installation lap during qualify, give road to the other drivers that are faster then you.
This is a gentlemen championship, so we expect that everyone will be the controller of him self. If you violate track rules, you will self assing your penalty (for example a drive though)!
6)Not respecting any of the track rules will lead to -5 points penalty.
7)Drivers must have acceptable connections to the server. Acceptable means limited warping, swerving or lagging. Drivers who are warping too much in the judgement of the Race Director must immediately leave the server when being asked to leave in order to guarantee a safe race for the other participants. Do not compete using a Wireless (WiFi or HSDPA key) internet connection, but only with a wired connection.
Disable any software or hardware that may influence the speed and stability of your internet connection. This means turning off programs like Emule, MSN Messenger, Windows Automatic Updates et cetera.
CID (discuss about penalties and car accidents):
We will have a section on the forum to discuss about race accidents (we will call them CID, that is the name of the module that people compile in in real life car accidents in Italy).
In case of a car accident we want the drivers that were involved in it to discuss about it, if they think it was an avoidable accident.
After the discussion we could have four possible scenarios:
- they agree that the accident was no one's fault (for example for a LAG) or both the parties think that was a normal race accident.
in this case no penalty will be assigned
- they agree that one or more drivers did something wrong, but was not so bad, but it's important that that this will not happen anymore.
the drivers will receive a warning. If in the following 3 races the same driver will receive on more warning, or will be penalized for an other accident, an additional penalty of -5 points will be applied.
- they agree that one or more drivers did something wrong.
the drivers will be penalized. Note that the penalty points assigned in this way are less than in the following case.
- they don't agree on who is right and who is wrong. In this case they will ask the Race Directors to decide on the race accident.
the race directors decide on the race accident and assign, eventually, penalties.
CID Naming convention:
[DATE]-[TRACK]-[short/long]-[SELF/CID]-[drivers][STATUS: initial/agree:no penalty/agree:penalty/agree:warning/not agree/penalty assigned]
some example:
01Sep09-Aosta-Short-CID-Driver1 Driver2-initial
Driver1: I was hit by driver2 at lap 5....
Driver2: I'm sorry I did a mistake, and I think I should be penalized.
at this moment you could edit the topic in 01Sep09-Aosta-Short-CID-agree:penalty
the race directors will assign the penalty and change the topic title in 01Sep09-Aosta-Short-CID-penalty assigned
Driver1: I caused the accident at T1. -5 penalty should be assigned to me.
the race directors will assign the penalty and change the topic title in 01Sep09-Aosta-Short-SELF:penalty assigned
Last edited by Andrea Lojelo on Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:57 am; edited 6 times in total
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