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    Track Rules 2009 [NOT USED ANYMORE]

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
    Join date : 2009-04-26
    Age : 46
    Location : Den Haag

    Track Rules 2009 [NOT USED ANYMORE] Empty Track Rules 2009 [NOT USED ANYMORE]

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:10 pm


    Is not allowed to disconnect/reconnect in case you damage your car. You might do it only in case you have serious problems related to the software.
    1)If you disconnect/reconnect more than 2 times during QUALIFY you will be force to do a drive through during the race.

    2)If you exceed the pit limit infraction more than 2 times during QUALIFY you will be force to do a drive through during the race.

    3)If you exceed the pit limit infraction during RACE you will be force to do a drive through

    NO CHATTING during qualify and race.

    RESPECT other drivers.
    Don't try hazardous manouvers to overtake an other driver. We want to have clean and respectful races. Everyone could do mistakes, but we don't want that this is systematic.
    Car accidents are part of racing, and mistakes also, but we should try to limit avoidable accidents.
    4)An avoidable accident in the first 5 corners of the track will be penalized with -10 points if assigned by the Race Directors after an unsuccessful CID, -8 if agreed during the CID, -5 if self assigned by the guilty driver that caused the accident.
    5)An avoidable accident after the first 5 corners of the track will be penalized with -5 points if assigned by the Race Directors after an unsuccessful CID, -4 if agreed during the CID, -3 if self assigned by the guilty driver that caused the accident.
    6)In case you cause an avoidable accident, you should do a drive through. During this drive through you can't repair your car. If you decide to repair the car soon, you have to do the drive through in the following lap.

    If you are one or more lap down during race or you are on your installation lap during qualify, give road to the other drivers that are faster then you.

    This is a gentlemen championship, so we expect that everyone will be the controller of him self. If you violate track rules, you will self assing your penalty (for example a drive though)!
    6)Not respecting any of the track rules will lead to -5 points penalty.

    7)Drivers must have acceptable connections to the server. Acceptable means limited warping, swerving or lagging. Drivers who are warping too much in the judgement of the Race Director must immediately leave the server when being asked to leave in order to guarantee a safe race for the other participants. Do not compete using a Wireless (WiFi or HSDPA key) internet connection, but only with a wired connection.
    Disable any software or hardware that may influence the speed and stability of your internet connection. This means turning off programs like Emule, MSN Messenger, Windows Automatic Updates et cetera.

    CID (discuss about penalties and car accidents):
    We will have a section on the forum to discuss about race accidents (we will call them CID, that is the name of the module that people compile in in real life car accidents in Italy).
    In case of a car accident we want the drivers that were involved in it to discuss about it, if they think it was an avoidable accident.
    After the discussion we could have four possible scenarios:
    - they agree that the accident was no one's fault (for example for a LAG) or both the parties think that was a normal race accident.
    in this case no penalty will be assigned
    - they agree that one or more drivers did something wrong, but was not so bad, but it's important that that this will not happen anymore.
    the drivers will receive a warning. If in the following 3 races the same driver will receive on more warning, or will be penalized for an other accident, an additional penalty of -5 points will be applied.
    - they agree that one or more drivers did something wrong.
    the drivers will be penalized. Note that the penalty points assigned in this way are less than in the following case.
    - they don't agree on who is right and who is wrong. In this case they will ask the Race Directors to decide on the race accident.
    the race directors decide on the race accident and assign, eventually, penalties.

    CID Naming convention:
    [DATE]-[TRACK]-[short/long]-[SELF/CID]-[drivers][STATUS: initial/agree:no penalty/agree:penalty/agree:warning/not agree/penalty assigned]
    some example:
    01Sep09-Aosta-Short-CID-Driver1 Driver2-initial
    Driver1: I was hit by driver2 at lap 5....
    Driver2: I'm sorry I did a mistake, and I think I should be penalized.
    at this moment you could edit the topic in 01Sep09-Aosta-Short-CID-agree:penalty
    the race directors will assign the penalty and change the topic title in 01Sep09-Aosta-Short-CID-penalty assigned

    Driver1: I caused the accident at T1. -5 penalty should be assigned to me.
    the race directors will assign the penalty and change the topic title in 01Sep09-Aosta-Short-SELF:penalty assigned

    Track Rules 2009 [NOT USED ANYMORE] Trackrules

    Last edited by Andrea Lojelo on Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:57 am; edited 6 times in total
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
    Join date : 2009-04-26
    Age : 46
    Location : Den Haag

    Track Rules 2009 [NOT USED ANYMORE] Empty Re: Track Rules 2009 [NOT USED ANYMORE]

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Sep 15, 2009 2:38 pm


    non e' permesso disconnettersi/riconnettersi nel caso di danni alla macchina. E' possibile farlo solo in caso di seri problemi legati al software/hardware.
    1) se ti disconnetti/riconnetti piu' di 2 volte durante la QUALIFICA, sarai forzato a fare un drive though (passaggio in corsia box senza fermarsi e rispettando i limiti di velocita') durante la gara.

    2)Se superi i limiti di velocita' ai box piu' di 2 volte in QUALIFICA sarai forzato a fare un drive through durante la gara

    3)Se superi i limiti di velocita' ai box durante la GARA, sarai forzato a fare un drive through

    NON CHATTARE durante qualifica e gara.

    RISPETTA gli altri piloti
    Non effettuare manovre azzardate per passare un altro pilota. Vogliamo avere gare pulite e rispettose. Tutti possono fare error, ma non vogliamo che sia una cosa sistematica.
    Gli incidenti fanno parte delle gare, cosi' come gli errori dei piloti, ma vogliamo cercare di limitare li incidenti evitabili.
    4)Un incidente evitabile nelle prime 5 curve del tracciato saranno penalizzate con -10 punti se assegnati dal Race Director dopo una procedura CID non andata a buon fine, -8 se pattuita durante un CID, -5 se auto-assegnata direttamente dal pilota che ha causato l'incidente.
    5)Un incidente evitabile dopo prime 5 curve del tracciato saranno penalizzate con -5 punti se assegnati dal Race Director dopo una procedura CID non andata a buon fine, -4 se pattuita durante un CID, -3 se auto-assegnata direttamente dal pilota che ha causato l'incidente.
    6)Nel caso in cui un pilota crea un incidente evitabile, deve effettuare un drive through. Durante il drive through non e'possibile riparare la macchina. Se il pilota decide di riparare subito la macchina, dovra' effettuare il drive through nel giro successivo.
    6)In case you cause an avoidable accident, you should do a drive through. During this drive through you can't repair your car. If you decide to repair the car soon, you have to do the drive through in the following lap.

    Se un pilota e' doppiato o e' nel giro di riscaldamento prima di effettuare il giro di qualifica, deve dare strada agli altri piloti che sopraggiungono.

    Il nostro e' un campinato di gentiluomini, e ci aspettamo che ognuno sia il controllore di se stesso. Nel caso in cui siano violate le regole di pista, ci aspettiamo che ogni pilota si auto assegni la propria penalita' (ad esempio un drive through)!
    6)Se un pilota non rispetta le regole di pista verra' penalizzato con -5 punti.

    7)Tutti i piloti devono avere delle connessioni al server accettabili. Questo significa he non devono creae warp o lag. I piloti che, a parere del Race Director creano problemi, dovranno immediatamente uscire dal server per garantire una gara sicura a tutti gli altri partecipanti.
    Non e' consentito competere usando connessioni internet Wireless (WiFI o chiavette HSDPA), ma solo connessioni su cavo.
    Disabilitare qualsiasi software o hardware che possa influenzare la velocita' e stabilita' della vostra connessione internet. Cio' significa non usare programmi come Emule, MSN Messenger, Skype, TeamSpeak, Windows Automatic Update etc.

    CID (per discutere degli incidenti di gare e delle relative penalita')

    Abbiamo creato una sezione del forum per discutere degli incidenti di gara (chiamata CID, come il modulo delle assicurazioni).
    In caso di incidenti, vogliamo che i piloti convolti discutano tra di loro, se pensano che l'incidente poteva e doveva essere evitato.
    Dopo la discussione possono esserci quattro scenari:
    - Le parti trovano un'accordo e decidono che l'incidente non era colpa di nessuno (ad esempio era causato da un LAG), o entrambe le parti pensano che sia un normale incidente di gara.
    In questo caso nessuna penalita' verra' assegnata.
    -Le parti trovano un'accordo e decidono che uno o piu' piloti hanno causato l'incidente, anche se non e' caso troppo grave, ma e' importante che tali piloti non commettano tali irregolarita' un'altra volta.
    i piloti che hanno causato l'incidente riceveranno un Warning(avviso). Se nelle successive 3 gare lo stesso pilota ricevera' un'altro warning, oppure avra' causato un altro incidente, sara' inflitta una penalita' aggiuntiva di -5 punti.
    -Le parti trovano un'accordo e decidono che uno o piu' piloti hanno causato l'incidente
    i piloti che hanno causato l'incidente saranno penalizzati secondo lo schema sovracitato. Nota che i punti di penalita' sono inferiori rispetto al caso successivo.
    -Le parti non trovano un accordo su chi abbia ragione e chi torto. In questo caso chiedono al Race Director di decidere sulle cause dell'incidente.
    il Race Director decide se assegnare o meno penalita'.

    Nomenclatura per i CID:
    [DATE]-[TRACK]-[race# server#]-[SELF/CID]-[STATUS: initial/agree:no penalty/agree:penalty/agree:warning/not agree/penalty assigned]

    [data]-[tracciato]-[gara# server#]-[autopenalizzazione/CID]-[STATUS: iniziale/accordo:nessuna penalita'/accordo:penalita'/accordo:warning/nessun accordo/penalita' assegnata]

    Qualche esempio:
    Pilota1: Sono stato colpito da pilota2 al quinto giro...
    Pilota2: Mi dispiace, ho fatto un errore. Penso che io debba essere penalizzato.
    A questo punto il nome del topic deve essere cambiato (con EDIT) in 01Sep09-Aosta-Short-CID-agree:penalty
    Il Race Director assegnera' la penalita' e cambiera' il nome del topic in 01Sep09-Aosta-Short-CID-penalty assigned

    01Sep09-Aosta-Race 1 Server2-SELF
    Pilota1: ho causato un incidente alla prima curva. una penalita' dei -5 mi deve essere assegnata.
    Il Race Director assegnera' la penalita' e cambiera' il nome del topic in 01Sep09-Aosta-Short-SELF:penalty assigned

    Last edited by Andrea Lojelo on Sun Nov 01, 2009 1:38 am; edited 2 times in total
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
    Join date : 2009-04-26
    Age : 46
    Location : Den Haag

    Track Rules 2009 [NOT USED ANYMORE] Empty Re: Track Rules 2009 [NOT USED ANYMORE]

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:31 am


    In case we will reach at least 22 contestants we will create two groups. In any case we will not handle more than 30 people.

    If this condition is met, we will race on two servers on the same time.

    For our first race, Aosta Semi Oval Intermediate, we will create two groups based on allocation numbers:
    drivers with odd allocation number will race in server 1
    drivers with even allocation number will race in server 2

    In this case we will have 2 races of at least 11 people.
    Qualify: 15 min
    Race: 10 laps
    Points for both groups on this race will be the same: RSRpoints_A

    For the second race, Aosta Grand Sport, groups will be rearranged based upon the results of race1.

    Position from 1 to 7 in server1 and in server2 will go in Server1. The last place available for Server1 will be taken by the driver in 8 place that will have the lower race time in race1.

    So race2 will have a full grid in server1 and at least 7 people in server2.
    Qualify: 15 min
    Race: 25 laps
    Points will be assigned in the following way:
    Server1 with RSRpoints_A
    Server2 with RSRpoints_B

    Every Wednesday groups will be arranged based upon the classification.
    First 15 in GroupA, others in Group B.
    Note: classification is based on the PointsAD(Points after discarding of 2 races). In case of two pilots will have the same PointsAD, then the PointsBD will be considered. If even this value is the same, the allocation will be used to determine who will partecipate to Group A or Group B.

    Race1 and Race2 will be with the same groups on the same day.
    Points will be
    GroupA with RSRpoints_A
    GroupB with RSRpoints_B

    Note that the winner in group B take the same amount of points of the 5th place in group A.
    In this way it will be possible to get a better position for the next Wednesday!

    2 Points will be assigned for the Pole Position (in each server for each race)

    1 Point will be assigned for the Fastest Laps (in each server for each race)

    Points will be assigned only if the driver complete the 50% of the race.

    The two worst results of the season for each driver will be discarded.

    Points Distribution: RSRpoints_A

    Qualifying points
    P1: 1

    Race points
    P1: 30
    P2: 26
    P3: 24
    P4: 20
    P5: 18
    P6: 17
    P7: 16
    P8: 15
    P9: 14
    P10: 13
    P11: 12
    P12: 11
    P13: 10
    P14: 9
    P15: 8

    Fastest Laptime: 1
    Lead Lap: 0
    Most Lead Laps: 0
    Points Distribution: RSRpoints_B

    Qualifying points
    P1: 2

    Race points
    P1: 18
    P2: 15
    P3: 12
    P4: 10
    P5: 9
    P6: 8
    P7: 7
    P8: 6
    P9: 5
    P10: 4
    P11: 3
    P12: 2
    P13: 1

    Fastest Laptime: 1
    Lead Lap: 0
    Most Lead Laps: 0

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