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    no Full Mode Races: how to behave

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    no Full Mode Races: how to behave Empty no Full Mode Races: how to behave

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sun Nov 28, 2010 5:15 pm

    As you all know, we wish to have Full Mode races, but we can't due to a nasty bug that prevent us to use it, at the moment.
    I hope this can be fixed soon, but in the meanwhile, we will be forced to race without full mode.

    Here are some rules everyone need to follow:

    - If you will Press ESC - GO TO PIT/BOX then your will need to wait 10 minutes (or 5 laps) before you can go on track again. This is to simulate, just like in the real FULL MODE, the reparation time. We will expect everyone to respect it, self assigning your waiting time.
    - In case your car is broken (light damage), if you can reach the box without being dangerous for anyone else, you can press FIX and continue your session.
    - In case your car is broken and you can't move anymore, press ESC- GO TO BOX. The previous rule is applied.
    - In case you hit a wall and your car is automatically sent straight to the box, it is just like you pressed ESC-GO TO BOX. The previous rule is applied.

    Regole da seguire in caso di gare senza full mode:
    - Se si premere ESC - GO TO PIT/BOX si dovra' attendere 10 minuti (o 5 giri) prima di ritornare in pista. Questo e' per simulare, come nel vero FULL MODE, il tempo di riparazione. Ci aspettiamo che tutti lo rispettino, attendendo ai box il proprio tempo di attesa, auto assegnato.
    - Nel caso in cui la vostra vettura abbia subito un danno non eccessivo, e potete raggiungere i box in sicurezza e senza essere un pericolo per nessun altro, e' possibile premere FIX e continuare la sessione.
    - Nel caso in cui la vostra vettura abbia subito un danno grave, e non e' possibile moverla, premere ESC - GO TO PIT/BOX. La precedente regola la sara' applicata.
    - Ne caso in cui colpiste un muro e la vostra vettura sia automaticamente mandata ai box, e' come se fosse stato premuto ESC. La precedente regola la sara' applicata.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
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    no Full Mode Races: how to behave Empty Re: no Full Mode Races: how to behave

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:22 pm

    Original post modified:
    If you will Press ESC - GO TO PIT/BOX then your will need to wait 10 minutes (or 5 laps) before you can go on track again.

    Post modificato:
    Se si premere ESC - GO TO PIT/BOX si dovra' attendere 10 minuti (o 5 giri) prima di ritornare in pista.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    no Full Mode Races: how to behave Empty Re: no Full Mode Races: how to behave

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:46 am

    during the warmup sessions, you can press ESC without problems

    Durante le sessione di warmup e' possibile premere esc senza incorrere in penalita'
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    no Full Mode Races: how to behave Empty Re: no Full Mode Races: how to behave

    Post by M Carey Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:12 am

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:Original post modified:
    If you will Press ESC - GO TO PIT/BOX then your will need to wait 10 minutes (or 5 laps) before you can go on track again.
    Will people be penalised if they don't? Just because in the last event we both obeyed the rules, whilst others didn't and went back out to score points.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    no Full Mode Races: how to behave Empty Re: no Full Mode Races: how to behave

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:46 am

    As I said in a previous post we will not check replays unless someone will tell us to investigate into someone's behavior.

    We are too many, and it's impossible for us to check what each of you will do. We hope that people will behave, and in case this is not the case, that someone else can tell us what was wrong.

    I'm not happy that people used esc and then continued.
    Some of them, just misinterpreted the rule (like Mario and Daniele, where it was clear that their intention wasn't to take advantage from it) others maybe haven't realized we had this new rule, that we were forced to introduce just few hours before the 1st event.

    We struggled to find all of the drivers that used ESC. We had some servers with huge lag, due to some drivers, and it was not easy for us to determine exactly how many points anyone should loose.
    For this reason we decided to assign just a warning this time.
    No clear rules, determined a some misunderstandings, and some unfair results, I've to say.
    This is just the beginning of the championship, and who used ESC got just few more points, eventually.

    From the next race we will not be so generous with the one that will not follow our rules.
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    no Full Mode Races: how to behave Empty Re: no Full Mode Races: how to behave

    Post by M Carey Thu Dec 02, 2010 3:06 am

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:This is just the beginning of the championship, and who used ESC got just few more points, eventually.
    Well Albert finished 4th (for example (I've already discussed this with him btw)), so more than a few points. Sorry but I feel a little hard done by, I hope we've got get out of jail free cards for doing the right thing Very Happy
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    no Full Mode Races: how to behave Empty Re: no Full Mode Races: how to behave

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:54 pm

    one more note: the ESC rules are valid obviously for the QUALIFICATION session also.
    If you press ESC to go to box, then you need to wait 10 minutes.

    For this reason, during your qualification you always need to do your in-lap also to return to box (unless you want to wait for 10 minutes).

    una ulteriore nota: le regole sul tasto ESC sono valide anche durante la qualifica.
    Se premi ESC per andare ai box, dovrai attendere 10 minuti.

    Per questa ragione, durante la qualifica dovrete sempre effettuare il giro i rientro ai box (a meno che non vogliate attendere 10 minuti).
    M Waechter

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    no Full Mode Races: how to behave Empty Re: no Full Mode Races: how to behave

    Post by M Waechter Wed Dec 08, 2010 6:14 am

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:- If you will Press ESC - GO TO PIT/BOX then your will need to wait 10 minutes (or 5 laps) before you can go on track again. ...

    Iam not completely sure if I understood it right, so :
    Does it mean that you have to wait at least 10 min. ... ? or can everybody decide freely whether he waits 10min. or just 5 laps ... ? (which would be shorter in most cases, since a lap does not last 2min. mostly)
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
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    no Full Mode Races: how to behave Empty Re: no Full Mode Races: how to behave

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Dec 08, 2010 10:37 am

    you can take the shortest, and easier to count for you.
    Our aim it to have some kind of penalty in case you crashed heavily. In qualify this means that you will take care of your car a bit more.
    During the race, being 5 laps down means that you are clearly out of the "real" race.
    We allow to go back on track, but then, quite obviously, you should not interfere with other drivers running at full laps.

    This is following our first rule
    Respect other drivers
    Rule 1: If a driver is one or more laps down during the race or is on his installation lap during qualification, he needs to give road to the other drivers that are faster than him.

    Just to make it more clear (apparently it was not for someone), this means that if you are more than 1 lap down you should not start fighting with other drivers at full laps. Drivers at full laps should not be bother from lapped drivers in any case.
    You can overtake just if you are extremely faster than the driver running at full laps, and you can overtake him without putting his race in danger and you can clear away easily.

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