Radiator Springs Racing

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    17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours Empty 17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:57 am

    17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours Osellase1realw

    Our KS2 championship, just finished, but it's not the right time to relax. Here is our next challange: Osella at Magny Cours.
    For the racing day we will use the real weather at Magny Cours, so, check the weather forcasts for your strategy.

    We will organize 2 races on Thursday. We will let you know more details shortly.

    Please allocate for the race, so it will be easier for us to organize the event.

    Our server is using Live Timing. The track configuration for the live timing is SUN..
    We will setup also a new server on Tuesday with the forcasted weather for the racing day, so we can practice in that condition also.

    Check here for more informations on how to subscribe the Special Event league

    Last edited by Andrea Lojelo on Tue Feb 15, 2011 12:32 am; edited 1 time in total

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    17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours Empty Re: 17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours

    Post by MikaRaymond Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:03 pm

    hmm, looks like a very nice combo indeed Very Happy

    it will be interesting to see how many people register due to the CTD. im happy that youre testing 1.3 in special one-off races before new champs start with the new weather and whatnot. i might enter but will decide later on in the week. any idea on how many laps and stuff?
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours Empty Re: 17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours

    Post by davide zardin Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:12 pm

    iniziativa molto bella anche se ora come ora penso che lacosa fondamentale sia capire come questa evoluzione dl gioco e cambiata rispetto alla precedente.
    la soluzione di avere il tempo in continuo aggiornamento e di correre con le reali condizioni meteo fanno sicuramente che anche un prossimo campionato possa svolgersi con maggiori colpi di scena e la cosa può essere stimolante.
    vorrei solo sapere dove posso trovare i templates delle due nuove macchine per poterle colorare.
    penso che cominciare a creare diversità cromatica possa solo agevolare le gare.
    Marcello Gabrielli
    Marcello Gabrielli

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    17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours Empty ... too late for me

    Post by Marcello Gabrielli Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:25 pm

    Hi friends

    this week i'm in Genova for a business trip.
    it's a pity because yesterday we were on this track and we had great battles.....

    Hoping you'll enjoy with this special event.

    Sylvano Tenza

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    17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours Empty Re: 17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours

    Post by Sylvano Tenza Mon Feb 14, 2011 4:02 pm

    Hi all,

    I'm a new driver....how can I regester for this special event In Magny cours?

    Many thanks

    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours Empty Re: 17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours

    Post by giancarlo graziano Mon Feb 14, 2011 4:16 pm

    welcome Sylvano ..here is the procedure...
    if you have more quest don t esitated to ask..
    ..see you on track
    Very Happy
    x mika
    soon we let you know the detail of laps and stuff
    the format is like the last champ 2 race , short and main..
    Andrea Lanzino
    Andrea Lanzino

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    17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours Empty Re: 17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours

    Post by Andrea Lanzino Mon Feb 14, 2011 4:40 pm

    Ragazzi salve vorrei partecipare..ma sono dubbioso visti i continui crash che anche io sto provando sulla mia pelle,
    l'alternativa mi pare di capire sia quella di installare windows 7 , ma onestamente con il lavoro che incalza non so quanto tempo avrei per mettere a posto il sistema
    esiste qualche bug fix sotto xp?
    al momento
    grazie a presto
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours Empty Re: 17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours

    Post by giancarlo graziano Mon Feb 14, 2011 4:46 pm

    io uso xp....e non penso assolutamente di cambiare in W7 per ora...specialmente per un bug..attendiamo la patch o un fix..imminente...perche il problema comunque e di moltisssimi utenti
    quello organizzato e uno Special event giusto per testare le novita.
    Ps se prima di giovedi in caso non arriva nulla che aggiusti la situazione mp..posticipiamo comunque l evento...
    Sylvano Tenza

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    17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours Empty Re: 17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours

    Post by Sylvano Tenza Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:07 pm

    Grazie Giancarlo,

    mi sembra aver fatto tutto peronon vedo il mio nome e la mia squadra (Team Potenza Racing)!
    Forse ho sbagliato??

    Ancora grazie


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    17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours Empty Re: 17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours

    Post by Vaggelis Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:08 pm

    In friday i give my last 2 lessons in my exams!
    Nooooo i will loose again the race ::crying::

    Thanks for accepting the weather thing! Have a good race everynody cu on the next event!!! Very Happy
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours Empty Re: 17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours

    Post by davide zardin Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:08 pm

    io non posso partecipare all'evento, ma mi sembra di capire che questa versione dia parecchi grattacapi. io ho seven come sistema operativo, ma non ho assolutamente potuto testare la nuova versione. leggere di tutte queste problematiche mi fa un pò preoccupare visto che riuscirò a testare qualcosa solo sabato e domenica prossimi.
    a questo punto spero che la cosa migliori ....
    sapete dirmi dove posso trovare i templates delle ultime due macchine?
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours Empty Re: 17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Feb 14, 2011 7:28 pm

    Guys please don't create your own team under the special event. Just use the default Radiators-champ team
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours Empty Re: 17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Feb 14, 2011 7:30 pm

    Sylvano Tenza wrote:Grazie Giancarlo,

    mi sembra aver fatto tutto peronon vedo il mio nome e la mia squadra (Team Potenza Racing)!
    Forse ho sbagliato??

    Ancora grazie

    usa il team di default
    marco boni
    marco boni

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    17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours Empty Re: 17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours

    Post by marco boni Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:59 pm

    ciao ragazzi ,mi dispiace di non poter partecipare all'evento,ho gia un'altro impegno preso in precedenza,andrea per caso ai saputo qualcosa,sui modelli delle nuove macchine(psd).
    ciao a tutti marco 17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours 57262
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours Empty Re: 17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Feb 15, 2011 12:33 am

    Check here for more informations on how to subscribe the Special Event league.

    ...and don't forget the allocation!
    Norbert Wolf

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    17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours Empty Re: 17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours

    Post by Norbert Wolf Tue Feb 15, 2011 1:41 am

    Hello everyone, so to drive in this event I need original GTR 2 game disc to be ablle install Magny Cours?
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours Empty Re: 17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:07 pm

    one news we have been waiting for for a long time: we just finished some tests in full mode, and seems to be that works fine, finally.

    Our race at Magny Cours will be in FULL MODE.
    Luca Mosca
    Luca Mosca

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    17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours Empty Re: 17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours

    Post by Luca Mosca Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:22 am

    ...Andrea, non ci ho capito niente!!!! Shocked

    hehehehehehe What a Face

    Chi mi iscrive ??? 17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours 659651
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours Empty Re: 17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:14 am

    luca, qui e' spiegato quello che devi fare:
    Andrea Lojelo wrote:Check here for more informations on how to subscribe the Special Event league.

    ...and don't forget the allocation!
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours Empty Re: 17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:29 am

    We decided for something new for this race, starting from some ideas some of our users. Thanks a lot guys!

    We will have a short qualification. Actually, really short! Just 2 qualification laps (so 4 laps in total: 1 out lap, 2 qualification laps and 1 in lap). You are not allowed to do anything more, otherwise the system will disqualify, so you will start from the end of the grid (thanks to Albert and Marius for testing this server setting out).

    Then we will have 2 races:
    Race 1: short: no pitstop needed
    Race 2: long: 2 pitstop needed

    So this is the schedule:
    21:00 Chat for the briefing

    Qual: 2 hotlaps (session time limit: 7 min)
    Race1 : 7 laps
    Race2: 20 laps inverted grid top 6

    Full Mode ON.
    Forcasted weather for tomorrow is partially cloudy (so 0% rain)...for now Smile

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    17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours Empty Re: 17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours

    Post by Vaggelis Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:17 am

    Wow! it looks so interesting!
    More than 1 pitstop, short quals,inverted grid,full mode and weather!
    Strategy...Strategy..Strategy..Noone can be sure for the race! Aewsome!

    Im so sad i cant race(exams)...
    But in friday i finish..Then im all urs Very Happy
    (Thanks Lojelo Smile )
    Fernando Zart
    Fernando Zart

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    17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours Empty Re: 17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours

    Post by Fernando Zart Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:38 am

    Very nice combo, indeed.
    I'm still struggling with the setup, can't get below 1:38 without ruining my tyres or eventually spin out (having a bad time with osella's wild rear - LOL)... sure not racing for a podium, unfortunately, but it will be fun just for doing a clean long race!
    See you all on tarmac.

    Last edited by Fernando Zart on Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:39 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : cosmetic changes (line feeds))
    Paul O'Brien
    Paul O'Brien

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    17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours Empty Re: 17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours

    Post by Paul O'Brien Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:41 am

    well I can manage 1.35 .. but Maarten said he has managed a 1.33 affraid . I changed the springs to 40/40 makes the car handle alot better but makes the tyres overheat .. so maybe a higher springs setting at the same ratio will help things afro
    Sylvano Tenza

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    17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours Empty Re: 17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours

    Post by Sylvano Tenza Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:30 am

    I hope be present for the meeting tonight....but I'm really not sure.
    Can I join the server for the second race for example??
    Thanks for your answer.

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours Empty Re: 17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:35 am

    yes you can. but please wait race1 to finish. After the race1 is completed we will have 5 minutes warmup (waiting time of the race2 session), so you will have time to enter without disturbing. Just check the info in the server list. When you will see the server moving from a 7/7 laps to 0/20 laps, you can join.

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    17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours Empty Re: 17 Feb 2011: Osella Magny Cours

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