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Martin Hussey
Fabio Grippa
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    NKpro1.3 best car

    Fabio Grippa
    Fabio Grippa

    Posts : 233
    Join date : 2010-10-30
    Age : 40
    Location : Parma, Italy

    NKpro1.3 best car Empty NKpro1.3 best car

    Post by Fabio Grippa Sun Feb 20, 2011 1:27 pm

    Hi all,
    after two weeks driving the new osella and the vintage, I try to go back driving the ks2. It has been absolutely amazing. It is the more technical, difficult and amazing car to drive, no comparision with osella ora vintage (to be honest I find osella quite boring to drive). Now that RSR are thinking to the next championship I would ask the organazier to propose a sort of pool to choose the next car...what do you think about? We would have some new track, different wehater condition, and full mode, so it would be different in comparison with the prevuious one....Before give an answer try the ks2 for few laps!

    I try to go back driving the ks2 on Suzuka and my time were 1.5 slower than v1.2. Is there some difference or just I'm out of practice with KS2? It looks like the strike of the bottom of the car into the gound make the car slower then before....has anyone an idea?

    See you in track

    ciao a tutti, dopo un paio di settimane passate a guidare osella a vintage ho provato nuovamente la ks2 e sono rimasto impressionato. E sicuramente la piu' tecnica, difficile, ed esaltante delle vetture presenti in nkpro, non ci sono paragoni con le nuove vetture!! (trovo la osella un po' noiosa dopo 5 giri...). Visto che rsr starà pensando al nuovo championship chiederei loro di organizzare un sondaggio chiedendo quale sarebbe l'auto preferita per il nuovo champ. Cosa ne pensate? Visto che avremo nuove piste, meteo variabile, full mode on, sarebbe comunque un campionato diverso rispetto all'ultimo fatto.
    Prima di rispondere fate un paio di giri in ks2 e capirete cosa intendo!

    Ho provato la ks2 a suzuka e i miei tempi sono 1.5s piu' lenti rispetto alla versione 1.2. E' cambiato qualcosa o sono solamente meno allenato? Mi sembra che gli strisciamenti del fondo sull'asfalto producano maggiori rallentamenti rispetto a prima. Qualcuno ha un idea a riguardo?

    Ci vediamo presto in pista
    Martin Hussey

    Posts : 273
    Join date : 2010-08-06
    Age : 35

    NKpro1.3 best car Empty Re: NKpro1.3 best car

    Post by Martin Hussey Sun Feb 20, 2011 2:01 pm

    It depends what mood i'm in really. If i want a bit of fun, and racing that isnt too serious, i'll drive the Vintage. If i want something thats faster, but still not super serious, its the Osella or F2000. For full on racing its the KS2 or FTarget.

    I try to stay away from the Abarth/1600/1800. They have a tendancy to raise my blood pressure.
    Andrew Scott
    Andrew Scott

    Posts : 72
    Join date : 2011-01-16
    Age : 64
    Location : Perth, Australia

    NKpro1.3 best car Empty Re: NKpro1.3 best car

    Post by Andrew Scott Sun Feb 20, 2011 3:30 pm

    Martin Hussey wrote:
    I try to stay away from the Abarth/1600/1800. They have a tendancy to raise my blood pressure.

    Im with you Martin, F2000, Ftarget and KS2, for that real race feeling, the Osella and Vintage dont inspire me a great deal, but ok for some fun like drifting the Vintage NKpro1.3 best car 964932

    Posts : 673
    Join date : 2010-11-16
    Age : 33
    Location : Blackburn, England

    NKpro1.3 best car Empty Re: NKpro1.3 best car

    Post by MikaRaymond Sun Feb 20, 2011 4:07 pm

    fabio - its great to see people who are still enjoying the ks2 despite the new cars. i havent actually tried any hotlapping or
    testing in the dry yet - most of the time ive been driving in the rain
    Very Happy yes, technically the car is better even though it has more grip. i
    think we are just out of practise Very Happy

    from what i know the admins are still in discussion about hosting both osella and ks2 at the same time and racing on alternate weeks, giving people the chance to participate in both champs. we dont know too much yet but it wont be long until we find out Smile

    Posts : 17
    Join date : 2011-02-20

    NKpro1.3 best car Empty Re: NKpro1.3 best car

    Post by akbar_sal Sun Feb 20, 2011 5:05 pm

    I actually like all of them, except abarth. I just suck with front wheel drive cars. a hate abarth @ nurburgring, but actually like abarth @ prato.
    Martin Hussey

    Posts : 273
    Join date : 2010-08-06
    Age : 35

    NKpro1.3 best car Empty Re: NKpro1.3 best car

    Post by Martin Hussey Sun Feb 20, 2011 5:52 pm

    The abarth requires a completely different driving style, which goes against ALL of the rules that we learn for driving RWD cars. its bizarre. I'll drive it for a bit of fun, and i think my race/win ratio is better in the abarth than it is for any other car. But i wouldnt even consider entering a championship with it.

    Would like to enter an Osella championship. But my net just isnt up to it.
    Francesco Meola

    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2011-01-06

    NKpro1.3 best car Empty Re: NKpro1.3 best car

    Post by Francesco Meola Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:53 pm

    Fabio Grippa wrote:Hi all,
    after two weeks driving the new osella and the vintage, I try to go back driving the ks2. It has been absolutely amazing. It is the more technical, difficult and amazing car to drive, no comparision with osella ora vintage (to be honest I find osella quite boring to drive). Now that RSR are thinking to the next championship I would ask the organazier to propose a sort of pool to choose the next car...what do you think about? We would have some new track, different wehater condition, and full mode, so it would be different in comparison with the prevuious one....Before give an answer try the ks2 for few laps!

    I try to go back driving the ks2 on Suzuka and my time were 1.5 slower than v1.2. Is there some difference or just I'm out of practice with KS2? It looks like the strike of the bottom of the car into the gound make the car slower then before....has anyone an idea?

    See you in track

    ciao a tutti, dopo un paio di settimane passate a guidare osella a vintage ho provato nuovamente la ks2 e sono rimasto impressionato. E sicuramente la piu' tecnica, difficile, ed esaltante delle vetture presenti in nkpro, non ci sono paragoni con le nuove vetture!! (trovo la osella un po' noiosa dopo 5 giri...). Visto che rsr starà pensando al nuovo championship chiederei loro di organizzare un sondaggio chiedendo quale sarebbe l'auto preferita per il nuovo champ. Cosa ne pensate? Visto che avremo nuove piste, meteo variabile, full mode on, sarebbe comunque un campionato diverso rispetto all'ultimo fatto.
    Prima di rispondere fate un paio di giri in ks2 e capirete cosa intendo!

    Ho provato la ks2 a suzuka e i miei tempi sono 1.5s piu' lenti rispetto alla versione 1.2. E' cambiato qualcosa o sono solamente meno allenato? Mi sembra che gli strisciamenti del fondo sull'asfalto producano maggiori rallentamenti rispetto a prima. Qualcuno ha un idea a riguardo?

    Ci vediamo presto in pista

    Ho provato un paio di sere dopo l'uscita della 1.3 la KS2 e con lo stesso setup della 1.2 a Suzuka ero più lento come dici te. Ma poi ho fatto alcuni cambiamenti (e ti assicuro che di setup ci capisco ancora poco) visto che sentivo molto più grip di prima ed è successa la cosa opposta, ho migliorato i tempi che facevo con la 1.2. Ho provato seriamente l'Osella solo oggi perchè non riuscivo a giocare in multiplayer per i crash (meno male è uscita al fix) mi piace è divertente... però la KS2 rimane la regina secondo me...

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