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    Cockpit HD+new steer for Ftarget

    Luca Seghieri
    Luca Seghieri

    Posts : 172
    Join date : 2009-09-21
    Age : 45
    Location : Pistoia Lucca

    Cockpit HD+new steer for Ftarget Empty Cockpit HD+new steer for Ftarget

    Post by Luca Seghieri Sun May 15, 2011 3:35 pm

    Ciao a tutti, questo è l'ultimo file che conclude la serie Cockpit denominata HD,la Ftarget è
    una formula bellissima ed è per questo che ho dedicato tutte le mie attenzioni possibili sul suo abitacolo.
    Disponibile anche un nuovo volante.

    Rinominate i file in Cockpit_HR e Steer.png, dopo inserite tutto nella cartella skin che più preferite.
    Vi saluto e spero vi piaccia Cockpit HD+new steer for Ftarget 57262

    Hi guys, this is a last file "HD series", avaiable also a new wheel....rename the file in Cockpit_HR e Steer.png and put it in your favorite folder skin
    Thx to all for your positive comments cheers see on track

    Download Cockpit & wheel: http://www.drivingitalia.net/forum/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=253

    * lavorato su luci e contrasto
    * lavorato su colori e riflessi su tutte le parti
    * modificata la dashboard e aggiunto nuove etichette
    * sostituito e inserito viterie ricavate da foto reali
    * migliorato la parte in carbonio
    * nuovo volante (solo per Ftarget)
    * aumentata la risoluzione
    * worked on lights and contrast
    * incresed brightness on metallic parts,colors end reflexes
    * modified dashboard look and put on new label
    * applied new bolts from real photo's
    * improved carbon look
    * new wheel (only for Ftarget)
    * improved resolution
    Cockpit HD+new steer for Ftarget Nxq4c6
    Cockpit HD+new steer for Ftarget Im2ogg

    Last edited by Luca Seghieri on Sat Oct 01, 2011 9:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 177
    Join date : 2010-10-23

    Cockpit HD+new steer for Ftarget Empty Re: Cockpit HD+new steer for Ftarget

    Post by Vaggelis Sun May 15, 2011 3:51 pm

    Very nice!
    Thanks Luca Very Happy
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
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    Cockpit HD+new steer for Ftarget Empty Re: Cockpit HD+new steer for Ftarget

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sun May 15, 2011 3:54 pm

    wonderful work, Luca. The wheel, in particular, is stunning. Really well done
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    Age : 55
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    Cockpit HD+new steer for Ftarget Empty Re: Cockpit HD+new steer for Ftarget

    Post by giancarlo graziano Sun May 15, 2011 5:01 pm

    whau better and better....
    Raúl Expósito
    Raúl Expósito

    Posts : 157
    Join date : 2010-11-16
    Age : 34

    Cockpit HD+new steer for Ftarget Empty Re: Cockpit HD+new steer for Ftarget

    Post by Raúl Expósito Mon May 16, 2011 12:22 am

    steer ::ehhh::

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