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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

Gustavo Silva
giancarlo graziano
Jaap Wagenvoort
Sergey Moskovkin
Leonardo Ratafia
Sergio Marques
Vyacheslav Potapenko
davide zardin
Andrea Lojelo
15 posters

    netKar PRO server list on the web

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    netKar PRO server list on the web Empty netKar PRO server list on the web

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:37 pm

    In the last weeks we have been helping Sergey to test and improve his new web application that shows all netKar PRO servers available and gives a lot of nice details about each server.

    netKar PRO online servers
    You can find this page even on clicking on the menu nKPRO Servers our website

    I want to thank Sergey for the wonderful work, and for trusting us running his web application.

    Let's have him describing what his web application is all about

    Sergey Moskovkin wrote:Hi guys.

    Here is my little project "netKar PRO online servers" where you can see available nKP servers and connect to them Jump2nkp utility.

    So why we may need such thing?

    First at all it can a good place for nKP track database - every track name can be a download link or page with information about track and download link. Second - it can be a database of setups. There are many others ideas in my head, but I need to make this thing stable in the first place.

    I wanna thanks Andrea and MCarey for their help in testing this thingy at first stage and Juha Pyy for his help with Jump2nkp utility. Thanks, guys! Very Happy

    Small preview for those, who wasn't involved into testing:

    1. Overview

    Here you can see the table with all nKP servers. You can spot the the server name, the track and its configuration, the rain amount as icon of sun or rain, the car, session type and the number of online drivers.

    Orange icon with "R" letter tells you that server is support nKP Rank.

    netKar PRO server list on the web OgfEDl

    2. Sorting and other features

    You can sort the table by any column, choose how much servers you want to see and the page and filter the table by search. All you settings will be saved. If you don't like them - there is a button "Reset sorting".

    But the magic starts when you hover your mouse above the server row and different columns...

    netKar PRO server list on the web H9yyjl

    3. Hover the server row

    Just hover you mouse above the server row and you will see a more detailed information: the weather icon will be changed with rain amount, you will see detailed info about current session at server and the "Join" button.

    The server name and join button will have the same color for easy reading. Color depends on server state: public servers have green color, private servers - blue, full servers - black and servers which have wrong configuration - red.

    netKar PRO server list on the web EXVaql

    4. Hover the server name

    Just hower the mouse above the server name and you will be able to visit league home page (if there is such information of cause). I think this will help players find league where they want to race.

    netKar PRO server list on the web 9xQmbl

    5. Hover the track name

    Here is something really usefull - in this case you will see the track download link and link to see best times at nKP Rank.

    netKar PRO server list on the web CSq1Xl

    6. Hover the car name

    Another good feature - if you hover your mouse above the car name you will see the link to find setups for server's track and car at nKP Rank. Of cause not all combos have uploaded setups.

    netKar PRO server list on the web IJKUql

    7. Private server

    Just an example of private server.

    netKar PRO server list on the web Ha0IWl

    8. Server with wrong configuration

    You will not see the "join" button only in one case - when server has wrong configuration and insted of button to join you will see red button with label "Help". By clicking on it you will see a small help page.

    In this particular case server has wrong car name - "KS2", but it must be "FormulaKS2".

    netKar PRO server list on the web LT905l

    9. The end

    The best thing about all this stuff - it works Laughing

    Now I have to figure out how to place all this to regular server. If you know how to do this - please contact with me (the program itself written in C#, it runs constantly, once in two minutes asks all servers about thier state and generates simple html-page).

    I hope it will not take a long time.

    Thank you for your time.

    Last edited by Andrea Lojelo on Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    netKar PRO server list on the web Empty Re: netKar PRO server list on the web

    Post by Vaggelis Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:57 pm

    Wow! Very cool!!! Congrats! Shocked
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    netKar PRO server list on the web Empty Re: netKar PRO server list on the web

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:37 pm

    For some reasons the rain/sun icons aren't showed. We will fix it soon (hopefully) Smile

    If you guys own a server and you want to have your league website associated to it, please send me a PM with the server IP and the website link
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    netKar PRO server list on the web Empty Re: netKar PRO server list on the web

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:09 pm

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:For some reasons the rain/sun icons aren't showed. We will fix it soon (hopefully) Smile


    if still doesn't work, press CTRL+F5 on the webpage
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    netKar PRO server list on the web Empty Re: netKar PRO server list on the web

    Post by davide zardin Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:18 am

    ottimo lavoro Andrea bellissimo
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    netKar PRO server list on the web Empty Re: netKar PRO server list on the web

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:19 am

    Io non c'entro nulla, solo qualche consiglio qua e la' Smile E' tutto merito di Sergey!
    Vyacheslav Potapenko
    Vyacheslav Potapenko

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    netKar PRO server list on the web Empty Re: netKar PRO server list on the web

    Post by Vyacheslav Potapenko Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:33 am

    great job!

    one missing thing - it doesn't show list of drivers as wagenvoort does.
    Sergio Marques
    Sergio Marques

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    netKar PRO server list on the web Empty Re: netKar PRO server list on the web

    Post by Sergio Marques Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:39 am

    Fantastic job! Congrats.

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    netKar PRO server list on the web Empty Re: netKar PRO server list on the web

    Post by MikaRaymond Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:49 am

    absolutely fantastic! a quicker way of looking whos online and updates quicker than the game. perhaps something can be done with it to integrate this with the new update?
    Leonardo Ratafia
    Leonardo Ratafia

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    netKar PRO server list on the web Empty Re: netKar PRO server list on the web

    Post by Leonardo Ratafia Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:28 am

    Excellent improvement.
    Is it going to be always this website servers
    or is going to have it's own domain or be part of waagenvort website??
    Sergey Moskovkin
    Sergey Moskovkin

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    netKar PRO server list on the web Empty Re: netKar PRO server list on the web

    Post by Sergey Moskovkin Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:09 am

    Vyacheslav Potapenko wrote:great job!

    one missing thing - it doesn't show list of drivers as wagenvoort does.
    Thank you Smile

    nKP Rank gets info about servers and drivers one time in 15 minutes, so it is very outdated data to show up.
    Leonardo Ratafia
    Leonardo Ratafia

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    netKar PRO server list on the web Empty Re: netKar PRO server list on the web

    Post by Leonardo Ratafia Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:18 am

    it would be nice though to show the drivers online in a particular server, as an option of course
    Sergey Moskovkin
    Sergey Moskovkin

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    netKar PRO server list on the web Empty Re: netKar PRO server list on the web

    Post by Sergey Moskovkin Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:41 am

    Edit 1: I will try to implement it a bit later Done! (I hope Jaap will not kill me) Smile

    netKar PRO server list on the web CDEhK

    Sorry Firefox and Opera users - you will see damn single line tooltip. I will fix it later.

    Edit 2: also there is an issue with www.xgn.com.au server which doesn't marked as nKP Rank server, but it is. Will see where is the problem.
    Jaap Wagenvoort

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    netKar PRO server list on the web Empty Re: netKar PRO server list on the web

    Post by Jaap Wagenvoort Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:47 am

    Sergey Moskovkin wrote:Edit 1: I will try to implement it a bit later Done! (I hope Jaap will not kill me) Smile

    netKar PRO server list on the web CDEhK

    Sorry Firefox and Opera users - you will see damn single line tooltip. I will fix it later.

    Edit 2: also there is an issue with www.xgn.com.au server which doesn't marked as nKP Rank server, but it is. Will see where is the problem.

    netKar PRO server list on the web 361709

    Great work, Sergey! The links to league sites, track downloads, track records & setups are just great as well.
    Sergey Moskovkin
    Sergey Moskovkin

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    netKar PRO server list on the web Empty Re: netKar PRO server list on the web

    Post by Sergey Moskovkin Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:55 am

    Thank you, Jaap Very Happy

    Please, don't forget about Andrea - he gave this program the place for living Laughing
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    netKar PRO server list on the web Empty Re: netKar PRO server list on the web

    Post by giancarlo graziano Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:25 am

    ::thumpsup:: netKar PRO server list on the web 67322

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    netKar PRO server list on the web Empty Re: netKar PRO server list on the web

    Post by MikaRaymond Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:05 pm

    instead of "for last 15 minutes here were:", it should say "drivers in the past 15 minutes:"

    instead of "reset sorting", it should say "refresh sorting".

    also (i know its more work) but the download option on the tracks should take you directly to the download link?

    Sergey Moskovkin
    Sergey Moskovkin

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    netKar PRO server list on the web Empty Re: netKar PRO server list on the web

    Post by Sergey Moskovkin Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:15 pm

    I agree about "drivers in the past 15 minutes:" - this will be fixed. But why "refresh sorting"? This button revert sorting to default state... Maybe "Default sorting" then?

    I've already added support for individual track download links - now I need send new version to Andrea - he knows where to put it.

    The links will not be direct, they will be like here: http://forum.radiators-champ.com/t537-netkar-pro-addon-tracker

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    netKar PRO server list on the web Empty Re: netKar PRO server list on the web

    Post by MikaRaymond Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:56 pm

    refresh means update, reset means back to origional. refresh would be a better term used in a server list Wink
    Sergey Moskovkin
    Sergey Moskovkin

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    netKar PRO server list on the web Empty Re: netKar PRO server list on the web

    Post by Sergey Moskovkin Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:01 pm

    To refresh the table you need to hit F5 or browser refresh button.

    At the moment the table itself doesn't have any other way to refresh data.

    And you are right "reset means back to origional" - that what that button does Smile

    Anyway "Reset sorting" will renamed to "Default sorting".

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    netKar PRO server list on the web Empty Re: netKar PRO server list on the web

    Post by MikaRaymond Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:54 pm

    Sergey Moskovkin wrote:To refresh the table you need to hit F5 or browser refresh button.

    At the moment the table itself doesn't have any other way to refresh data.

    And you are right "reset means back to origional" - that what that button does Smile

    Anyway "Reset sorting" will renamed to "Default sorting".
    i know f5 refreshes the page, but what im saying is there needs to be a button which refreshes the table. you have one in the "reset", but it basically needs to be renamed to refresh, that is all. dont call it default sorting, call it refresh sorting.
    Leonardo Ratafia
    Leonardo Ratafia

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    netKar PRO server list on the web Empty Re: netKar PRO server list on the web

    Post by Leonardo Ratafia Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:27 pm

    i understand it as it is, it's reset sorting or default sorting, because what it does is to revert the sorting. as when you see if for the first time.

    you can sort by car, by track etc, when you hit reset/default reverts to the first sorting

    it´s very clear i think

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    netKar PRO server list on the web Empty Re: netKar PRO server list on the web

    Post by MikaRaymond Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:30 am

    well it is now since you explained it Wink i wouldnt have said / asked if it wasnt clear.

    its fantastic mate, i never thought id use something like this until now Smile
    Leonardo Ratafia
    Leonardo Ratafia

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    netKar PRO server list on the web Empty Re: netKar PRO server list on the web

    Post by Leonardo Ratafia Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:38 am

    what i´ve asked before was if it´s going to be the same website hosted here in RSR or is it going to have it´s own website.
    so far i bookmarked this one, but from what i see still depends on jaap's rank, for the records, setups.
    it´s a great idea though,
    Sergey Moskovkin
    Sergey Moskovkin

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    netKar PRO server list on the web Empty Re: netKar PRO server list on the web

    Post by Sergey Moskovkin Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:10 am

    I've already asked Andrea to make this page a stand alone one, because it was designed to be stand alone, but it still will be hosted by RSR.

    nKP Servers uses unused potential of nKP Rank - all I can say about such depends Smile

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