Radiator Springs Racing

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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

Norbert Wolf
davide zardin
Fabio Grippa
Clive Melbourne
Jon Denton
Rudy van Buren
M Waechter
Luca Mosca
Antonio Lallo
giancarlo graziano
Andrea Lojelo
17 posters

    29 Sept 2011: Singapore

    Silvio Tavares
    Silvio Tavares

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    29 Sept 2011: Singapore - Page 2 Empty Re: 29 Sept 2011: Singapore

    Post by Silvio Tavares Fri Sep 30, 2011 12:20 am

    Guys, I wanna ask you sorry... because I have allocated myself for this race last week, but had an unforeseen this afternoon and couldn´t arrive home in time for the race, unfortunatelly... if I knew before I would withdraw in time, but was just caught by surprise at work with more work, unfortunatelly.. deep sorry if I took someone´s else place, but I was looking ok to join the race until the issue. Had even make some practice offline during the week... well, next time...

    hope you had fun Smile Cheers to all!
    M Waechter

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    29 Sept 2011: Singapore - Page 2 Empty Re: 29 Sept 2011: Singapore

    Post by M Waechter Fri Sep 30, 2011 12:22 am

    This time I will not link the replay, it's not worth it regarding my race Rolling Eyes .
    I hit the wall at the slow-right 90° turn many many times and in some situations forgot to brake towards the t9,10,11 combination, because of being in mind one straight later.

    After the first few laps I was hit as a West-Cork driver wanted to overtake at the end of the last long straight, I even let him through, but since there were two cars close together someone of them hit me slightly,
    the driver behind him or he hit my right rear wheel and the car was broken at the rear axis.
    Then the mess began.. -with now 108 l fuel in the tank-. At one mistake I hit the wall after the last turn heavily, Mika then unfortunately crashed full speed into my slow car 2-3 second after I destroyed my car
    there at the wall and he was -1 lap behind after this. I even, like Mika too I guess, forgot to still drive the few meters over the finish-line to finish the lap after that crash near start/finish.. and so I lost one lap
    also very unnecessary.
    At one of the later pit stops I did even a mistake with the fuel and filled the car to 108l again as it needed 60 l only (I klicked automatically on 'fill' at the pit stop).
    -An event to forget / erase.-

    P.S.: I even seriously considered to not take part before the event or even to quit my 'carrer' at this point, because I'll be studying from now on and I think it would be better to leave this nerdy sim-racing and
    testing behind to set up the mind and brain for more important things in life.. . Because when you drive and test so much your brain is a little bit grained/programmed to this digital world and kind of gaming too in
    the end, not to speak of how time consuming it is as a whole also.. .
    Anyway I think I'll be there at Suzuka at least still, I generally like that track and it should be more pleasing there (equal to Spa or even Monza I hope).

    Last edited by M Waechter on Fri Sep 30, 2011 1:54 am; edited 1 time in total
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    29 Sept 2011: Singapore - Page 2 Empty Re: 29 Sept 2011: Singapore

    Post by davide zardin Fri Sep 30, 2011 12:43 am

    gara difficile la mia. dopo una partenza prudente alla fine del primo giro tocco il muro sul rettifilo dei box faccio esc e riparo la macchina e riparto in 13 posizione poi al 9° giro alla chicana prima del ponte Wolf mi tocca e mi gira riparto con sospensione piegata ma decido di continuare. arrivo al pit 20° giro e all'uscita mi intraverso non accorgendomi che arrivano i primi mi rimetto in pista ma penso di aver causato disturbo e chiedo scusa di ciò da qui in poi la mia gara prosegue senza grossi errori e senza toccate di muro la cosa mi procura 11° posto sono molto contento....

    ci si vede in giappone

    My hard race. After a cautious start to the end of lap one touch the wall on the pit straight away and I exc and I leave the car in 13 position then 9 lap at the chicane before the bridge Wolf touches me and I turn allotment with bent suspension but I decide to continue. arrival at the pit on lap 20 and leaving me no skewing realizing that come the first I get back on track but I think I have caused trouble and I apologize for this from here on my race continues without any major mistakes and without touching the wall 11 th place gives me what I am very happy ....

    I'll see you in Japan
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    29 Sept 2011: Singapore - Page 2 Empty Re: 29 Sept 2011: Singapore

    Post by M Carey Fri Sep 30, 2011 12:47 am

    Norbert, I told you in the wait time you were meant to be in group B but you still raced with us (& you used Gerard's skin)? A hard race as it was 27 degrees here in the UK today, & it felt not much cooler come race time. I had set a PB just before the event, yet in qualifying was 6 tenths off this. Heading into turn 1 Franky hit me up the rear, but I think this was my fault, as watching the replay I seemed a little overcautious. I had a few early battles, with Lallo when he ran deep into a corner, where I got past then when I did the same thing he seemingly applied too much throttle & spun into the wall.

    Another incident was when I let Mika through (thinking he was lapping me already but he wasn't Razz), and accidently let through Lanzino in the process, for some reason thinking it was Gek (don't ask maybe the heat was messing with my head Smile) which must of surprised him cos he missed the Singapore sling then hit the wall. Then I outbraked myself into turn one, & whilst running over that green stuff (with no power on) I lost the car, badly flat-spotting my tyres which felt awful after. This let Matt through & basically left me with a very lonely race. After my stop I was trying to catch Matt & stay ahead of Mika, but neither of those things happened, so I let through Mika who then hit the wall & not wanting to tangle with him (as he had a damaged car but was still bloody quick) I just settled for 8th.

    Disclaimer: those events might have happened in a completely different order (still a little dehydrated here) Very Happy

    Anyway here's the replay for group A: http://www.mediafire.com/?m1j4qyml4gw2vcp

    Last edited by M Carey on Fri Sep 30, 2011 12:53 am; edited 1 time in total
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    29 Sept 2011: Singapore - Page 2 Empty Re: 29 Sept 2011: Singapore

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Sep 30, 2011 12:53 am

    Results are up
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    29 Sept 2011: Singapore - Page 2 Empty Re: 29 Sept 2011: Singapore

    Post by davide zardin Fri Sep 30, 2011 1:03 am

    ho visto che Wolf aveva allocazione nel gruppo B ma ha partecipato a gruppo A penso che abbia dimostrato in pista il suo valore ma lo poteva fare anche nel gruppo di apparteneza... penso che si sia sbagliato con la tabella degli hotlap e non abbia visto la sua reale allocazione. per fortuna che nessuno del gruppo A è rimasto fuori per questo... se fosse successo a me personalmente la cosa non mi sarebbe piaciuta.

    p.s. vedi post di Carey
    Rudy van Buren
    Rudy van Buren

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    29 Sept 2011: Singapore - Page 2 Empty Re: 29 Sept 2011: Singapore

    Post by Rudy van Buren Fri Sep 30, 2011 9:48 am

    Results are up quickly thats nice Smile

    now hoping that the 20 points are enough to be in server A next time Smile
    Fabio Grippa
    Fabio Grippa

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    29 Sept 2011: Singapore - Page 2 Empty Re: 29 Sept 2011: Singapore

    Post by Fabio Grippa Fri Sep 30, 2011 12:21 pm

    It was an un-expected good race for me...final 3rd position was the best possible position, and I'm glad I've got it.

    I did some changing on suspension during the qualify improving my PB of more then 1s (my packers were set too high before, means not enough excurison of the suspension on kerb)...

    I had a good start, some good fighting with Antonio and Clive in the first lap, then I just managed to drive without mistake, keeping on pushing...

    It was really a tough race, I didn't do a single mistake, just 2s per lap slower (!!!) then Vincenzo and Gek...I tried to avoid to be lapped, then I pushed as much as I could for the last few laps, but finally Vincenzo and Gek lapped me with two or three laps to go!

    I think we have now a very good group of racer here, I've seen all the people behave in the right and fair way, nothing really to complain about...

    See you at Suzuka!

    Posts : 873
    Join date : 2010-08-03

    29 Sept 2011: Singapore - Page 2 Empty Re: 29 Sept 2011: Singapore

    Post by f.gek Fri Sep 30, 2011 12:24 pm

    Gara molto dura, ma molto divertente.
    Dopo una pole position, combattuta come al solito con il velocissimo mika, poco dopo la partenza
    mi sono accorto che vincenzo era molto piu veloce di me. Ho ipotizzato che fosse su due soste, e cosi infatti è stato.
    Purtroppo al 6 giro durante il sorpasso con mika, ci siamo toccati ( non si puo stringere un avversario dentro il muro) e lui ne ha avuto la peggio . Poi sono riuscito a trovare il passo giusto , ma a 10 giri dalla fine ho toccato un muro e cosi sono dovuto rientrare al box per riparare la macchina , a questo punto vincenzo ha avuto strada libera ed ha vinto meritatamente una grande bella gara. complimenti a vincenzo, e a tutti i piloti molto corretti.

    Very tough race, but a lot of fun.
    After a pole position, fought as usual with the fast mika, shortly after the start
    I realized that Vincenzo was much faster than me. I assumed it was on two stops, and so it was.
    Unfortunately, at around 6 during the overtaking mika, we touched ( you can not shake an opponent into the wall) and he has had the worst. Then I managed to find the right pace, but 10 laps to go I hit a wall and so I had to come to the pits to repair the car, at this point, Vincenzo has had the open road and has deservedly won a good race great. Congratulations to Vincenzo, and pilots all very correct
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    29 Sept 2011: Singapore - Page 2 Empty Re: 29 Sept 2011: Singapore

    Post by giancarlo graziano Fri Sep 30, 2011 1:28 pm

    ..gara da dimenticare per me. Rolling Eyes ....

    but a new video of the beauty of this long Champ....

    Thanks to all Drivers that take part ::smilep::

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    29 Sept 2011: Singapore - Page 2 Empty Re: 29 Sept 2011: Singapore

    Post by MikaRaymond Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:08 pm

    another terrible race from me Sad

    qualifying was average after putting in a time just 0.1sec off my PB. i knew i could do a mid 1.40 but just couldnt find the pace - extremely annoying considering i could have got pole with the perfect lap.

    i had the race 100% in control up until lap 6. gek and vanore pulled out a gap in the first few laps but i didnt want to destroy my tyres and push too hard. by lap 3 i had caught the pair up, then waited for gek to make a mistake. that happened on lap 4 and i managed to pass him and maintained the gap to vanore (who was on a 2 stopper). 2 laps later i made a mistake on turn 3 which allowed gek to pull up next to me. we were side by side going through the kink between t3 and t4, where i decided to squeeze him slightly in the hope of him backing off. in fact he kept his foot down, and even though i left space, he slammed right into the side of me. sorry for the accident gek Sad

    this put me to the back of the grid after i had to esc > box, the first time this year Sad i started my comeback and managed to climb up to p3 by lap 20. there was no way i was going to catch the 2 in front so i decided to back off and take it a bit more easy to decrease the chance of an accident. however on lap 27 i was going flat out through the final 2 corners, only to be suprised that marco was recovering from a mistake and slammed into the back at him at full speed.

    this again made me esc>box, eventually finishing in p7.

    once again, sorry for the squeeze gek. it was my fault and it cost me the race. grats to vanore also
    Piers Structures

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    29 Sept 2011: Singapore - Page 2 Empty Re: 29 Sept 2011: Singapore

    Post by Piers Structures Fri Sep 30, 2011 9:03 pm

    Group B was better than I expected with some nice clean racing. I qualified 4th with PB but still not quite into the 1:44's. Got a reasonable start and moved up to 2nd or 3rd (it's all a bit hazy now) but couldn't manage a good enough pace to keep Juan and Rudy behind me. Was running 5th when lapped by Maarten then half a lap later he seems to drive straight into a wall. Stopped on around lap 22 then tried to keep Jose Canseco behind me. We seemed to trade sloppy laps, I'd do couple and watch him crawl up behind me, then I'd put in a couple of decent ones and he'd fade back. That kept the pressure on till the end and I managed to keep 3rd place which for me was a great result. Juan managed a great 2nd place so Vulture racing picked up some reasonable points.

    Today on my 35th glider flight, flew my ever first solo flight and lived. Not a bad two days.
    Fabio Grippa
    Fabio Grippa

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    29 Sept 2011: Singapore - Page 2 Empty Re: 29 Sept 2011: Singapore

    Post by Fabio Grippa Fri Sep 30, 2011 9:31 pm

    Hey Piers, so...was everithing ok on your gilder flight? Did you manage to have a good landing? People says that the first solo flight will be in your mind forever...Was this your case?

    If everything will be ok I'll have my first ultralight flight on sunday....hoping to be as live as you are now!!! Sry for being a bit out of topic, but in this period I cannot stay without plane on my mind :-)
    Piers Structures

    Posts : 84
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    29 Sept 2011: Singapore - Page 2 Empty Re: 29 Sept 2011: Singapore

    Post by Piers Structures Fri Sep 30, 2011 11:27 pm

    Fabio - it was a good flight and a nice landing. I'll certainly remember it for a long, long time. Good luck with your flight on Sunday. You solo then or is this your first lesson?

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    29 Sept 2011: Singapore - Page 2 Empty Re: 29 Sept 2011: Singapore

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