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    KS2 v1.3 settings

    Olivier Prenten
    Olivier Prenten

    Posts : 31
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    Age : 51
    Location : Liège, Belgium

    KS2 v1.3 settings Empty KS2 v1.3 settings

    Post by Olivier Prenten Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:49 pm

    Hello everybody,

    I'm wondering if one of you could provide me with a good basic setup for the KS2 v1.3?

    I would really appreciate your help!


    M Carey
    M Carey

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    Join date : 2010-04-20

    KS2 v1.3 settings Empty Re: KS2 v1.3 settings

    Post by M Carey Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:52 pm

    Is the default setup not to your liking? I find it pretty good. You can check the setup section on the rank, & I wouldn't worry too much about finding specific 1.3 setups, I still use 1.1 ones =)
    M Waechter

    Posts : 755
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    Location : Germany

    KS2 v1.3 settings Empty Re: KS2 v1.3 settings

    Post by M Waechter Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:48 pm

    I would like to share one of my KS2 setups, but it still contain's certain 'findings' (explizit values) of Mika's base-setup (corner-tab, diff., general kind of the amount of the spring stiffness) so I did not share one
    of these in the past. Maybe I'll create one example with other corner tab settings and link it to the rank for example, the diff. of course is nothig so special, because
    you try out different possibilities on your own at each track to find out which fits best in combination with the current set.
    Olivier Prenten
    Olivier Prenten

    Posts : 31
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    Age : 51
    Location : Liège, Belgium

    KS2 v1.3 settings Empty Re: KS2 v1.3 settings

    Post by Olivier Prenten Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:05 am

    Thank you! I will try one of the rank then!
    Olivier Prenten
    Olivier Prenten

    Posts : 31
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    Age : 51
    Location : Liège, Belgium

    KS2 v1.3 settings Empty Re: KS2 v1.3 settings

    Post by Olivier Prenten Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:07 am

    By the way why is Mika's setup so secret? Can't he share is findings? Community principle no? Maybe I'm wrong! Wink

    Posts : 673
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    Age : 32
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    KS2 v1.3 settings Empty Re: KS2 v1.3 settings

    Post by MikaRaymond Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:58 pm

    its because im amazing! Wink

    i dont mind releasing base setups for people to work on, its my champ / race setups i dont like giving out. ill have a look when i get home Smile
    M Waechter

    Posts : 755
    Join date : 2010-08-16
    Location : Germany

    KS2 v1.3 settings Empty Re: KS2 v1.3 settings

    Post by M Waechter Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:11 am

    As I said, I now uploaded a KS2 setup for the A1 Ring. It's nearly exactly the same setup that I used at the league race, I just
    changed some values (just three settings) a bit to the 'bad' to don't reveal the exact findings of the 'alien'. Wink
    But don't know, maybe it's even quicker now than before, lol (joking).

    For other tracks as A1Ring try other (less) diff. values (coast, power).

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