Radiator Springs Racing

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giancarlo graziano
laurent resende
Andrea Lojelo
8 posters

    02 August 2012: Istambul

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    02 August 2012: Istambul Empty 02 August 2012: Istambul

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:48 am

    02 August 2012: Istambul 07OW_Instabul

    Sixth race of the Open Wheel Series: Istambul on KS2

    Here is the schedule:
    drivers from 1 to 15 in group A
    drivers from 16 to 30 in group B

    Thursday 02 August 2012
    21:00 (CET, UTC+1) Briefing in our Chat
    Qualification: 15 minutes. No restriction on the amount of laps
    Warmup: 5 min (waiting time before the race session)
    Race 1: 54 laps
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    02 August 2012: Istambul Empty Re: 02 August 2012: Istambul

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:54 am

    Guys, please allocate for the race in time. Deadline is tomorrow night (Wednesday).
    The entry list will be finalized one day before so we can speed things up.
    Since we are just around 15 at the moment, we need to know in advance if we need a second server or not.

    Please make sure that your name is between the allocated drivers (you can see it from the calendar, clicking on the amount of drivers in the specific race)
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    02 August 2012: Istambul Empty Re: 02 August 2012: Istambul

    Post by laurent resende Tue Jul 31, 2012 2:50 pm

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:Guys, please allocate for the race in time. Deadline is tomorrow night (Wednesday).
    The entry list will be finalized one day before so we can speed things up.
    Since we are just around 15 at the moment, we need to know in advance if we need a second server or not.

    Please make sure that your name is between the allocated drivers (you can see it from the calendar, clicking on the amount of drivers in the specific race)

    Hello Andrea,.

    I would like, if it is possible participate has the KS2 on Istanbul race, I registered the team LRed Scuderia has the League "open wheel" and naturally I would like to be part of this Team, its registration has been validated by your care, thank you, but I does not see his name in the Team available at the choice of the driver, please tell me how I should do to register Rolling Eyes
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    02 August 2012: Istambul Empty Re: 02 August 2012: Istambul

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Jul 31, 2012 2:57 pm

    Hi Laurent. Nice to see you back with us. You need to register yourself to your own team! When you create a team you are just the "owner" of the team, but not a driver of that team. GPCOS has some funny logic sometimes Razz
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    02 August 2012: Istambul Empty Re: 02 August 2012: Istambul

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Jul 31, 2012 2:58 pm

    one more note: don't forget to do your time on our server and to be allocate for the race, so you can be inside the entry list.
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    02 August 2012: Istambul Empty Re: 02 August 2012: Istambul

    Post by laurent resende Tue Jul 31, 2012 3:41 pm

    Thank you very much Andrea!

    This is, I think completing the formalities, I made a basic time yesterday evening on your server for my registration, after a bit of training I'll be back on RSR server today!
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    02 August 2012: Istambul Empty Re: 02 August 2012: Istambul

    Post by giancarlo graziano Tue Jul 31, 2012 4:34 pm

    cheers back on fight on radiator road....!!! cheers
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    02 August 2012: Istambul Empty Re: 02 August 2012: Istambul

    Post by laurent resende Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:03 pm

    giancarlo graziano wrote: cheers back on fight on radiator road....!!! cheers

    I cracked! you missed me too Gian Sad ! cheers
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    02 August 2012: Istambul Empty Re: 02 August 2012: Istambul

    Post by laurent resende Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:44 pm

    URL=https://2img.net/r/ihimg/photo/my-images/593/nkscrformulaks2blackwoo.png/]02 August 2012: Istambul Nkscrformulaks2blackwoo[/URL]

    My Skin use, download here :: http://www.gamefront.com/files/22060088/LRL%2343.rar

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    02 August 2012: Istambul Empty Re: 02 August 2012: Istambul

    Post by Ivan_Buranovsky Tue Jul 31, 2012 11:31 pm

    Guys, give me please update istambul 1.2. Where I can download this?
    and i cannot come on server - write - Client software is newer ... server. Connection is confuse. What is this?
    Max Caputi
    Max Caputi

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    02 August 2012: Istambul Empty Re: 02 August 2012: Istambul

    Post by Max Caputi Wed Aug 01, 2012 3:02 pm

    Io sto usando la versione 1.0 scaricata qui, ma ho visto che su drivingitalia c'è la 1.2 Quale versione avete messo sul server ? Io con la 1.0 entro regolarmente...Che differenze tra le due ?
    Però quella che si scarica da qui sembra identica a quella su drivingitalia come dimensione 62.5 MB

    Link Version DrivingItalia

    La data del vostro è addirittura più recente..io credo che i due circuiti siano identici.
    M Waechter

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    02 August 2012: Istambul Empty Re: 02 August 2012: Istambul

    Post by M Waechter Thu Aug 02, 2012 1:02 am

    Ivan_Buranovsky wrote:Connection is confuse. What is this?

    Maybe you are just using the RSR update we used at the last races previous Interlagos ?
    We stepped back to the normal, last officlial version of NKpro1.3 final, so just use your backup of the original nksever.exe and nk.exe files (and remove the other files that came with the update too).


    I allocated now, I thought I had done that before also for this race, but it was not the case I noticed, so I added the allocation now.
    Roberto Olivetti

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    02 August 2012: Istambul Empty Re: 02 August 2012: Istambul

    Post by Roberto Olivetti Thu Aug 02, 2012 2:58 am

    Hi all!
    I have never raced with Radiators, and I am risking to start with the wrong foot Smile
    A dear friend of mine asked to join him in his team because he lost his mate at the last moment, but everything happened half an hour ago, so I went to the radiators server and made some laps in Istanbul, and after that I allocated myself with a "maybe" from the gpcos.
    Unfortunately enough, situation is that I am not even sure to be home tomorrow night, because as a divorced parent I have to take my kid to his mother's a little before the race.
    All this to say: sorry in advance for a possible no show, and for arriving so late (and, should it be too late, no problems at all, thaks anyway).
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    02 August 2012: Istambul Empty Re: 02 August 2012: Istambul

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Aug 02, 2012 8:57 am

    Ivan_Buranovsky wrote:Guys, give me please update istambul 1.2. Where I can download this?
    and i cannot come on server - write - Client software is newer ... server. Connection is confuse. What is this?

    sorry for the late reply. On our download section you will find always the latest and greatest. That's indeed the same version you found on drivingitalia. The version on our donwnload section is incorrect, but the content is the v1.2

    Regarding the Client software is newer error, you need to use the official version of nk
    Andrea Lojelo wrote:Our servers have been downgraded to the official version since last week.
    Here you will find a backup of the original version nks.exe and server.exe

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    02 August 2012: Istambul Empty Re: 02 August 2012: Istambul

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Aug 02, 2012 9:01 am

    Roberto Olivetti wrote:Hi all!
    I have never raced with Radiators, and I am risking to start with the wrong foot Smile
    A dear friend of mine asked to join him in his team because he lost his mate at the last moment, but everything happened half an hour ago, so I went to the radiators server and made some laps in Istanbul, and after that I allocated myself with a "maybe" from the gpcos.
    Unfortunately enough, situation is that I am not even sure to be home tomorrow night, because as a divorced parent I have to take my kid to his mother's a little before the race.
    All this to say: sorry in advance for a possible no show, and for arriving so late (and, should it be too late, no problems at all, thaks anyway).
    don't worry see you in chat.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    02 August 2012: Istambul Empty Re: 02 August 2012: Istambul

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Aug 02, 2012 9:20 am

    Entry list updated.
    We are 18 allocated for tonight, so we will run only with 1 server (doesn't make sense to have a long race in 3)

    You have time until tonight just before the race to battle out for your place in the race. Only group A will be there.
    M Waechter

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    02 August 2012: Istambul Empty Re: 02 August 2012: Istambul

    Post by M Waechter Thu Aug 02, 2012 10:42 pm

    idiots on track Rolling Eyes Wink, I was behind a slow M Dawson on lap 1, but I was still driving normally through the chicane before the long straight, an impatient driver from behind crashed at my suspension - so all was broken. Maybe I'll join the server later again just for the champ. points.
    mario gilles
    mario gilles

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    02 August 2012: Istambul Empty Re: 02 August 2012: Istambul

    Post by mario gilles Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:20 am

    M Waechter wrote:idiots on track Rolling Eyes Wink, I was behind a slow M Dawson on lap 1, but I was still driving normally through the chicane before the long straight, an impatient driver from behind crashed at my suspension - so all was broken. Maybe I'll join the server later again just for the champ. points.

    first of all, I'm not an idiot!
    In that corner you were really slow. I would have apologized via PM
    but since you want a public apology
    I'm sorry it was my fault
    M Waechter

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    02 August 2012: Istambul Empty Re: 02 August 2012: Istambul

    Post by M Waechter Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:46 am

    I did not know until now, who it was behind me, so that word was meant generally of course.
    I had to care not to touch Matt in front of me all the time since the first corners.., before the fast left-hander I was beside him already battleing, who was probably on cold tires and very heavy (just 1 stop ?) and slow because of that, but still could not pass him, at the same time the driver in the back seemed to attack a bit too much with normal (full) speed. -Sometimes I just wish people being less agressive once they might notice the guy (me in that case) in front is in a battle at the moment and could be much faster once he passes the slower car in front, so being more patient until the situation in front is getting more cleared instead of driving like on a regular (hot)lap from behind and getting involved at such kind of difficult fight or situation would be better.
    M Waechter

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    Location : Germany

    02 August 2012: Istambul Empty Re: 02 August 2012: Istambul

    Post by M Waechter Fri Aug 03, 2012 2:28 am

    Could someone please upload a replay of the whole race ? I havent a complete one, -not because I want to watch the accident again or anything, just for the usual general purpose.
    This time I had a much better/quicker start -usually they are slow, because it takes some ms until the clutch steps in etc.-, I was starting without using the clutch for the first time, just from N to 1st gear, ..much quicker that way in the KS2 at least, did not 'know' / tried that at all of the previous races.
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    02 August 2012: Istambul Empty Re: 02 August 2012: Istambul

    Post by laurent resende Fri Aug 03, 2012 3:59 am

    before all things thanks to the Staff of ISR, for his home and particularly for that of Roberto my teammate that is registered has the last minute.

    ' for me a very bad race: first I arrived over a deal and make a correct setup with the KS2 since it last update Sad ! Therefore the more than average time that me vale from P8! After an average start I find myself in full platoon, a small distance from security because before this ran in every sense! alas the pilot who followed me did not take into account (I don't know who it is and this is not important) and it hit my back, results damaged car flying across 50 degrees! In addition it under virion a maximum!but I decided to not repair before the pits stop!period in 1.37 1.38 after a few tours and impossible to do better without risking to destroy completely !!!!

    the pits I repaired and it is significantly better I won 2 seconds in the round, but nothing well exceptional!BOF!I have much fun and ultimately my goal was to finish! so objective with a "royal" P8! cheers Shocked ha ha ha ha!

    Bravo to the podium!including a Gek and Mika qu sailed on another planet Shocked , (if you have a Council for the KS2 setup!)no problem I'm licensee! lol
    Max Caputi
    Max Caputi

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    02 August 2012: Istambul Empty Re: 02 August 2012: Istambul

    Post by Max Caputi Fri Aug 03, 2012 3:10 pm

    A disaster at pit and maybe also a wrong strategy. That's my race. At second pit i didn't push fill button and then i came back to the pit the next lap ( fortunately i exit from pitlane with 4 L. left ).

    Un disatro al pit e forse anche una strategia sbagliata nella gestione delle gomme che forse duravano di più di quanto pensassi...Del resto questa era la mia 3 gara in assoluto con la KS2 e non aver fatto una simulazione lunga pre gara ( come faccio sempre su rFactor)non mi ha agevolato. C'è anche da dire che non è facile capire quando le gomme sono realmente finite ( a parte le vibrazioni al volante ) e speriamo che in assetto corsa ci sia un qualche finestrella di segnalazione on screen.

    Fatto sta che sono partito con 105 litri e l'idea di 3 pit... Il primo l'ho fatto al 15° giro , poi sono entrato al 31° ed ecco il disastro Very Happy Pernsavo di dover ricaricare la benzina invece siccome a colpo d'occhio ho letto nel setup 105 ho cambiato gomme e sono uscito e già verso la fine della pitlane mi sono accorto che avevo 4.5 fuel Laughing Ovviamente il giro dopo sono nuovamente rientrato ed ecco spiegati i vari -5 -6 Laps etc... Poi incazzatissimo non sono più rientrato (23 giri con le stesse gomme) scoprendo che bastavano 2 pit come strategia (20-20-15).

    Pazienza tanto al massimo guadagnavo una posizione... meno male che grazie ad un setup perfetto che poi sono riuscito a rovinare e pasticciare prima della gara almeno ho fatto dei tempi discreti per l'entry list e per gareggiare nel Server A, particolare da non sottovalutare.

    Complimenti al vincitore ed al podio...velocissimi.

    PS: Cmq per le mie tendiniti varie è stata dura... Very Happy
    PSBis: Non so se la presenza di qualcuno ha escluso dalla gara Buccarello, ma in tal caso proporrei di assegnargli per lo meno l'equivalente dei punti dell'ultimo classificato. Il mancato divertimento della partecipazione alla gara purtroppo non credo si possa restituire. E cmq anche questa volta incredibilmente c'è stata un po' di confusione ed incertezza con la entry list... Rolling Eyes

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    02 August 2012: Istambul Empty Re: 02 August 2012: Istambul

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