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    import additionnal object in editor

    jimmy delbosq

    Posts : 6
    Join date : 2012-03-28
    Age : 42
    Location : entraygues france

    import additionnal object in editor Empty import additionnal object in editor

    Post by jimmy delbosq Mon Jan 14, 2013 1:06 pm

    Hi all!!First of all, happy new year to all.

    I want to know if it is possible to import an object on my track which is already in Koflite or if i must re-import all track from 3dsmax and rework.

    Roberto Olivetti

    Posts : 88
    Join date : 2010-10-11
    Age : 54
    Location : Santa Sofia FC - Italy

    import additionnal object in editor Empty Re: import additionnal object in editor

    Post by Roberto Olivetti Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:47 am

    Hi Jimmy,
    to import a single object I do as follows (I know it is a bit tricky, but it's easier to do than to write):

    Before starting, make a copy of your track .kto file, just to stay on the safe side...

    - export the single object in ASE format
    - open the object in Koflite, tune material etc. then save as .KTO

    - open a text editor (I suggest that you use a tab-capable one, like Notepad++). open the track .KTO file in one tab of Notepad++. Open the object .KTO file in another tab.
    - into the track file, at the first lines, you find
    Increase the number by 1

    - at the end of the track file, you may have a geometry called SKYBOX. Increase the number of its material by 1 (or the material's number of whichever geometry you have as last).
    - switch to the oject .KTO file, find >GEOMETRY<, and where it says MATERIAL=0 replace the 0 with the number of "SKYBOX" material less 1 (eg: SKYBOX - or your last geometry in track file - has 575, you put 574).
    - again into the object .KTO file, in the first part you will find the material code of your object. copy it (the whole block, from >MATERIAL< to >ENDVARS<)
    - go to the track file, and find the word "GEOMETRIES". Increase the number of geometries by 1
    - some lines before "GEOMETRIES" you find the last material used in your track (the SKYBOX material)
    - BEFORE the last material used in the track file, paste the material of your object. Leave 1 blank line before, 1 blank line after
    - return back to your object file and copy the GEOMETRY block of your object
    - return to the track file and paste the geometry of your object right after the word GEOMETRIES, leaving 1 blank line before and 1 after.

    Done. Happy new year to you too!
    jimmy delbosq

    Posts : 6
    Join date : 2012-03-28
    Age : 42
    Location : entraygues france

    import additionnal object in editor Empty Re: import additionnal object in editor

    Post by jimmy delbosq Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:51 pm

    Hi! thanks to you answer.
    but i have a problem, i don't have SKYBOX in my kto scratch the track operates yet.
    Roberto Olivetti

    Posts : 88
    Join date : 2010-10-11
    Age : 54
    Location : Santa Sofia FC - Italy

    import additionnal object in editor Empty Re: import additionnal object in editor

    Post by Roberto Olivetti Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:03 am

    Do the same steps, instead of changing the skybox material number, you will change the material number of the last object of your track, whichever it is.
    I wrote about skybox because - IF skybox exists - netkar wants it to be the last object in your track file.
    You can do the very same process, whichever object you have as last in your track file.

    Just to be sure, you can check if other objects in your track share the same material number of the last one. Using Notepad ++, copy the string MATERIAL=number of your last object, type CTRL + F and in the search window hit "count". If there is more than 1, you have to search for it and change material number for all of them.
    jimmy delbosq

    Posts : 6
    Join date : 2012-03-28
    Age : 42
    Location : entraygues france

    import additionnal object in editor Empty Re: import additionnal object in editor

    Post by jimmy delbosq Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:29 am

    ok! I found.
    i just add in my track nko the MATERIAL and GEOMETRY lines of my object nko and increase the materials counts
    It works.


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