Radiator Springs Racing

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    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
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    radiators-champ.com Empty radiators-champ.com

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Oct 29, 2009 3:24 pm

    Today it's an important day here at Radiator Springs.
    Lately Radiator Springs roads had been quite crowded, so we decided to make some works to be able to have even more guests in the future.
    We are all really proud to announce that
    - we have a new website: www.radiators-champ.com
    - we bought a GPCOS licence. We have now full administrative control on our League Management System, so it will be easier and nicer.
    - we have a new chat
    - we upgraded our server to have better performances

    radiators-champ.com Acarscopy

    We will still use the old GPCOS and website until the end of this season, but we want to use this last two races to fully test the new solution.

    All results have been already migrated to the new radiators-champ GPCOS.

    We kindly ask you to complete your account on our radiators-champ GPCOS, so we can switch to the new website sooner.
    We will organize other championship and special events soon, so it would be good to have your account there also.

    You will find your Placeholded there already, so your registration will be really easy. You simply need to follow the instruction below.
    The team owners needs to create their team again, and all pilots needs to be join that team once again.

    There are still things to add on the new website, so consider it as a work in progress.

    We have quite a lot of ideas on how to do things better, but we would like to ask your opinion and your help as well.

    Please use the following topic:

    Report a bug


    Thanks a lot!
    We hope you will like it!

    Radiator Springs Racing Team

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    Michele Campini

    Posts : 355
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    Location : Siena

    radiators-champ.com Empty Re: radiators-champ.com

    Post by Michele Campini Fri Oct 30, 2009 11:27 am

    Well done and grats for new private domain !
    I've created my account, i attend account attivation.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
    Join date : 2009-04-26
    Age : 45
    Location : Den Haag

    radiators-champ.com Empty Re: radiators-champ.com

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:36 pm

    we are currently experience some problem with our mail server. For this reason email are not sent when you create your account.
    We will fix this problem as soon as possible.
    Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
    Join date : 2009-04-26
    Age : 45
    Location : Den Haag

    radiators-champ.com Empty Re: radiators-champ.com

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:55 am

    We fixed the problem to our mail server. Everything should be working fine now. Sorry one again for the inconvenience.
    Luca Malingambi
    Luca Malingambi

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    radiators-champ.com Empty Re: radiators-champ.com

    Post by Luca Malingambi Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:35 pm

    Andrea scusa. Io mi sono iscritto ma quando mi devo loggare inserisco id e password corretti ma non entra.
    Ho provato a mettere la mail per farmi spedire i dati ma non la riconosce. Che faccio!

    Andrea excuse. I've joined but when I need to logging Enter your ID and password correctly but does not enter.
    I tried to put the mail for me to send the data but does not recognize it. I do!
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
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    Age : 45
    Location : Den Haag

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    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:50 pm

    Luca usa il passmailer per ricevere la tua username e password. Il tuo account e' attivato e validato. Non dovresti avere problemi. Magari hai inserito una password non corretta.
    Luca Malingambi
    Luca Malingambi

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    Post by Luca Malingambi Tue Nov 03, 2009 2:21 pm

    Ok Andrea!!
    Funziona tutto perfettamente!!
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
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    Age : 45
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    radiators-champ.com Empty Re: radiators-champ.com

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Nov 03, 2009 3:02 pm

    Michele Campini

    Posts : 355
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    Age : 48
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    radiators-champ.com Empty Re: radiators-champ.com

    Post by Michele Campini Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:01 am

    Hi Andrea, only 11 confirm for tonight races ?
    Michele Campini

    Posts : 355
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    Post by Michele Campini Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:03 am

    OMG, in new website 11 confirm and in GPCOS 21 confirm.
    Me and and my team did the confirm ONLY in new site, this is correct ?
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
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    Age : 45
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    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:11 am

    I hope some more people will complete their registration on the new website.
    We will consider allocations in both websites. I will send an email around to remind everyone about our changes!
    Michele Campini

    Posts : 355
    Join date : 2009-10-13
    Age : 48
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    radiators-champ.com Empty Re: radiators-champ.com

    Post by Michele Campini Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:13 am

    Perfect mate ! ;D
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
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    Age : 45
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    radiators-champ.com Empty Re: radiators-champ.com

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Nov 04, 2009 12:25 pm

    Dear Drivers,
    as you might have heard we have now a new website:

    We have now a new custom installation of our league management system, GPCOS. This will help us to better organize our championship in the future and offering a better service.
    We already migrate all races from the old system, but we need your help to create your account and team.

    So please, create your accont on http://www.radiators-champ.com .
    If you are a team owner, please create the team as well and subscribe to the All-Round Series, and ask your team mates to join your team.
    Then please allocate for next races. This will help us to better organize the entry list for the servers.

    Next events:
    Wednesday 4 November: Big Wednesday Season (All-Round Series). Phillip Island, Abarth. 10 laps; 25 laps
    Sunday 8 November: Endurance. Spa-Francorchamps, Ftarget. 44 laps
    Wednesday 11 November: Big Wednesday Season (All-Round Series). Lastplace, Abarth. 10 laps; 25 laps

    We will be using our new chat as well:

    Please login using Username: Name Surname. No password is required (leave it empty).
    We are now working on fully integrate it with our new website (if you are logged in our website you can already join the chat using the Chat tab on the top without inserting your username).

    We will still use the old website as well until the end of the Big Wednesday Season.
    We will keep both website updated. We hope you can help us doing the same with your allocations.

    If you have any suggestions of you find any bug, please don't hesitate to contact us.

    Thank you very much for your help.

    Radiator Springs Racing Team
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
    Join date : 2009-04-26
    Age : 45
    Location : Den Haag

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    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Nov 04, 2009 12:42 pm

    Radiators-Champ on Driving Italia!

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