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Mauro Delegà
giancarlo graziano
Alberto Canzi
Andrea Lojelo
8 posters

    29 June 09: Laguna Seca

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    29 June 09: Laguna Seca Empty 29 June 09: Laguna Seca

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:28 am

    We will not ha wait too much for the next official race: Laguna Seca
    The appointment is for Monday 29th June.
    Practice: 20.00-21.30
    Qualify: 21.30-22:00
    Race (31 laps): 22:00

    Still not sure if we will have a newer version from Gerrit. I'm waiting for a confirmation from him. I'll keep you posted.

    We will be racing in FULL MODE with PIT LIMITS ON (as suggested)!

    If you exceed the pit limit infraction during race you will be force to do a drive through (The drive-through penalty requires the driver to enter the pitlane, drive through it while obeying its speed limit, and exit without stopping).

    Still not sure about what to do in case you exceed the speed limits during qualify. Any suggestion? It should be an easy thing to do without configuring the server.
    My suggestion would be that if you exceed the speed limit more than 3 times during qualify you will have to do a drive though during the race.

    Of course, since this is a gentlemen championship, everyone will be the controller of him self. If you violate track rules, you will self assing your penalty!

    EDIT: see the final rules below

    Last edited by Andrea Lojelo on Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Alberto Canzi

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    29 June 09: Laguna Seca Empty Re: 29 June 09: Laguna Seca

    Post by Alberto Canzi Fri Jun 26, 2009 6:46 pm

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:
    Still not sure about what to do in case you exceed the speed limits during qualify. Any suggestion?

    We could add some penalty time to race time.
    We should add some penalty time also for drivers who disconnect and reconnect more then (for example) twice during the qualifying session (so we can keep the sense of fullmode but giving possibilities for some mistakes / setup problems)
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    29 June 09: Laguna Seca Empty Re: 29 June 09: Laguna Seca

    Post by giancarlo graziano Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:28 pm

    also for drivers who disconnect and reconnect more then (for example) twice during the qualifying session (so we can keep the sense of fullmode but giving possibilities for some mistakes / setup problems)[/quote]
    I degree totaly ..out and in is not compatible whit full mode
    and for a pit limit ..<I sugest to finish this mini series whitout change a rules soo I would keep the NO Pit limit speed during the race ..this is only my opinion..
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    29 June 09: Laguna Seca Empty Re: 29 June 09: Laguna Seca

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:09 pm

    We currently haven't received any news from Gerrit, so we will be using the same package tonight as well (Laguna5.rar), unless we will receive good news from him in a reasonable time.

    Just as a reminder, I will copy here the same warning I wrote on our first race on Laguna:

    Guys watch out on the last corner, because there is a hole.
    It's a nasty place, because it could be easy to do a mistake and get there, so be careful.
    29 June 09: Laguna Seca Lagunabuglastcorner

    If you pass there you will be send to the box directly.

    Gerrit found the bug, and fix it already, but then, he had a problem on his computer and lost his work. so the problem will be there tonight.

    see you tonight!
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    29 June 09: Laguna Seca Empty Re: 29 June 09: Laguna Seca

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:39 pm

    FINAL RULES for this event:


    If you exceed the pit limit infraction more than 3 times during QUALIFY you will be force to do a drive through during the race.

    If you exceed the pit limit infraction during RACE you will be force to do a drive through

    If you disconnect/reconnect more than 2 times during QUALIFY you will be force to do a drive through during the race.
    Mauro Delegà
    Mauro Delegà

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    29 June 09: Laguna Seca Empty Re: 29 June 09: Laguna Seca

    Post by Mauro Delegà Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:29 pm

    Dopo tutti gli allenamenti che ho fatto stasera non posso proprio partecipare, peccato perchè la pista è molto bella senza tanti pericoli (cavatappi a parte) e quindi con la possibilità di una gara piena di piloti fino alla fine.
    vabbè... divetitevi e in bocca al lupo.

    Filippo Craperi

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    29 June 09: Laguna Seca Empty Re: 29 June 09: Laguna Seca

    Post by Filippo Craperi Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:49 pm

    Scusate il mio ritardo ma sono tornato a casa solo ora e non ho ancora la pista, qualcuno può indicarmi dove scaricarla??

    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    29 June 09: Laguna Seca Empty Re: 29 June 09: Laguna Seca

    Post by giancarlo graziano Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:51 pm

    oppure andrea a il link ...
    Filippo Craperi

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    29 June 09: Laguna Seca Empty Re: 29 June 09: Laguna Seca

    Post by Filippo Craperi Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:55 pm

    fatto fatto Smile

    quella che avevo sembrava non funzionare, ma ora si... boh, l'importante è che adesso funzioni Smile

    grazie mille

    cmq skype: in skype se cerchi lippuz mi trovi.
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    29 June 09: Laguna Seca Empty Re: 29 June 09: Laguna Seca

    Post by giancarlo graziano Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:07 pm

    comunque se ti serve ..orati ho come contatto il file si chiama laguna 5 se ti manca fammi uno sqillo sono in pista...
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    29 June 09: Laguna Seca Empty Re: 29 June 09: Laguna Seca

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:05 am

    Worderful race yesterday! Not for me, though, since I was kicked out at the first corner. Anyway, I was not fast enough to keep the pace of the leading group.

    I had a look to the replay and I saw a really nice and clean race! Really good battles!

    Does anyone have on his replay the first 3 laps? My replay wasn't long enough.

    Paolo, what happen to you on the last lap? Did you touch Filippo (at least from my replay he was a bit laggy), or you didn't have any more fuel?
    Without pitboard was really difficult to understand what was going on. I hope that Gerrit will fix it soon. Was the white flag waved on the last lap?
    It's really a pity to lose the second place at 2 turns from the finish line! I didn't want to be on your shoes! affraid

    Congratulation to Gianluca for his wonderful race, and to Daniel for winning our first Piston Cup!
    have a look to this post.

    I will upload the race results as soon as I will receive the log from Tjeerd. I want to thank him for his help yesterday.
    The server was really good and stable with 14 cars. With the new internet connection that he get today, it will be great!
    Gianluca Bonifacio
    Gianluca Bonifacio

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    29 June 09: Laguna Seca Empty Re: 29 June 09: Laguna Seca

    Post by Gianluca Bonifacio Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:21 am

    thanks... Very Happy
    and congratulations to all, really clean race from my point of view... Smile
    Paolo was without of fuel, had to make an extra stop...
    Gianluca Bonifacio
    Gianluca Bonifacio

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    29 June 09: Laguna Seca Empty Re: 29 June 09: Laguna Seca

    Post by Gianluca Bonifacio Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:36 am

    ... and no white and checkered flags... and no pitboard! Evil or Very Mad
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    29 June 09: Laguna Seca Empty Re: 29 June 09: Laguna Seca

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Jun 30, 2009 12:41 pm

    I sent the following report to Gerrit. If you have any more suggestion please let us/him know:

    Hi Gerrit,
    we had yesterday our second race on Laguna Seca (using Laguna5 version).
    This time no lag problem, as in the first race. So at least lag was not related to the track.

    We found the following bugs (very likely not new for you):

    1) Pit space is not enough
    2) Pitboard is not visible
    3) White/checked flag not visible

    I hope this helps!
    If you want to do some more tests, just let us know and we can organize one more Special Event.

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    29 June 09: Laguna Seca Empty Re: 29 June 09: Laguna Seca

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Jun 30, 2009 2:40 pm

    Points are up!
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    29 June 09: Laguna Seca Empty Re: 29 June 09: Laguna Seca

    Post by giancarlo graziano Tue Jun 30, 2009 3:36 pm

    cheers was a real good race whit lot of fight and mistake in a long distance ..Montiel touch Roca but roca was able to finish the 31 laps race ...Sala make a mistake of petrol ..pit stop in a last lap..Tjeerd lost control 2 time ..and crash in a back Canzi..bad setup may be, Andrea get out for a touch in a back..so was a very ECCELENT race whit a lot of emotion coming up till the end .. cheers
    Well done to all drivers cheers

    Last edited by Giancarlo Graziano on Wed Jul 01, 2009 2:00 am; edited 1 time in total
    Stephane Migrouille
    Stephane Migrouille

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    29 June 09: Laguna Seca Empty Re: 29 June 09: Laguna Seca

    Post by Stephane Migrouille Tue Jun 30, 2009 6:26 pm

    Grats to Gianluca cheers

    It was a good race with good fights.
    The field of Champ car tribute was very positive and promising new chalenge for the future.

    Grats to Daniel Montiel Very Happy for his Gold piston cup richly deserved and to Xamar David Rocca Very Happy for his Silver Piston cup. What a team!

    Thank you to RSR and all participants for make live the finest car simulation who gives us so many sensations.

    What can I say ?… "AGAIN".
    Daniel Montiel

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    29 June 09: Laguna Seca Empty Re: 29 June 09: Laguna Seca

    Post by Daniel Montiel Tue Jun 30, 2009 7:26 pm

    Thank you all Very Happy

    Congratulations to Gianluca for his impressive driving yesterday!

    Also congratulations to David Roca for his Silver Cup and to Stephane Migrouille for his Bronze Cup! Both could easily won the Gold but yesterday I was the lucky man.

    I started quali and set a time of very low 1:24 which I thought was good enough, but then I had a look to the quali table and wow!, what a level of driving there Shocked lot of people in 23`s. I was almost in middle of the grid, having into account how difficult is to overtake in Laguna it was getting difficult to get the Championship, and Roca and Migrouille was ahead me. I decide to try again and did my best taking more risks and got a 1:23:55 which put me in second line of grid... ufff more safe.

    Roca made a nice start and pass me, and I lost another position in the first corners. Then started to race in the main group in a good pace, very fun. I saw Polito and Roca fighting for third position, and finally Polito pass him. Then I was behind my teammate. Migrouille was some positions back me and Roca only one position ahead, it mean I was virtually the champion so I decided to stay there and not push very hard to avoid any risk.

    Bur surprisingly Roca was very slow at that moment, and in the corner leading to finish line I almost touch him... well later I knew that unfortunately I touched him indeed and made him to lost I think at least 3 or 4 positions .. what a shame :oops: sorry for that pale . It was my lucky day and my car was not damaged Shocked

    After race I knew why Roca was driving slow and strange, his car was damaged as a result of his fight against Polito Crying or Very sad

    The rest of race was more realaxed for me. Made the pit stop and change tyres and put 15 L of fuel to finish.

    See you on next Championship !! Thank you to RSR team for the Championship!! cheers
    Alberto Canzi

    Posts : 115
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    29 June 09: Laguna Seca Empty Re: 29 June 09: Laguna Seca

    Post by Alberto Canzi Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:47 am

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:

    Does anyone have on his replay the first 3 laps? My replay wasn't long enough.

    Here it is http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UF8UWOCD

    About my race : a disaster!

    Qualifying session started in the worst way: during my first outlap I spun at the fast left turn before the corkscrew, touching the barrier and blending the rear right suspension : 5 minutes lost to fix it.
    Then I could do few laps before spinning again (but this time at T4) smashing my car to the barrier : 10 minutes to fix it and qualifying session gone... but at least I could do a decent qualifying lap and I could start not too behind.

    I started well and I passed Stephane in the first lap then I spent 2 laps to catch Daniel and I attacked him at last turn of lap 3 but I couldn't pass and I lost my advantage on Tjeerd who was following me.

    Tjeerd took my tow and attacked me on the straight but I was able to defend my position and at T1 he did a mistake tapping me, smashing my car. I tried to gain the pits but my car was so damaged that I wasn't able to do even T2 crashing into the barrier: I pressed goto box and got 10 minutes penalty : race ended at the beginning of 4th lap Evil or Very Mad .

    Grats to Daniel for his Cup cheers and thanks to RSR for the championship organization .

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