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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

Claudio Gandolfi
giancarlo graziano
gabriele monti
davide zardin
Michele Campini
Alessio Cravotto
Sergey Moskovkin
Andrea Lojelo
13 posters

    16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca - Page 2 Empty Re: 16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:10 am

    ciao gabriele, tanto per iniziare benvenuto!

    certo che puoi gareggiare. basta allocarsi per la gara (vedi 2-3 post su)
    non ti preoccupare per i tuoi tempi, con un po' di pratica scenderanno. Non c'e' modo migliore per migliorare che scendere in pista con altri piloti.
    Io di solito nelle qualifiche ufficiali miglioro sempre il mio PB, perche' sono piu' concentrato e attento a non fare errori, visto che usiamo il FULL MODE.

    Leggi bene le regole del nostro campionato e fai attenzione nei primi giri (cosi' come tutti gli altri!!!)
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca - Page 2 Empty Re: 16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:39 am

    Michele Campini wrote:LOL 15 laps in race 2 ... it will be hard !
    it's Riccardo's fault! he said some time ago that was a pity that we couldn't have longer races.

    I usually choose the race length using the predicted fuel consumption using my setup.
    I'm sure that the fastest drivers will do some more laps with the same amount of fuel, but it's just an indication.

    Race1: 15 liters (half tank)
    Race2: 25 liters (5 liters less than full tank to have a good margin for everyone. This way it should be always possible for everyone to finish the race without stopping)

    gabriele monti

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    16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca - Page 2 Empty Re: 16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca

    Post by gabriele monti Thu Sep 16, 2010 3:10 pm

    grazie a tutti!
    le regole le ho lette e rilette e spero di non far casini, vista la mia magra esperienza soprattutto con le ruote scoperte. Sad
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca - Page 2 Empty Re: 16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca

    Post by giancarlo graziano Thu Sep 16, 2010 7:55 pm

    Benvenuto gabriele
    ti obblighiamo a partecipare...vedrai c e da divertirsi..
    tutto in full mode...cioe se premi esc per tornare hai box ti predi 10 secondi di attesa al box..se incidenti ora che ripari la macchina la gara e finita...and...
    e chi va piano va lontano..
    ..ricorda le 1800 sono potenza pura ma scodano come wild horses..okkio al gas...
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca - Page 2 Empty Re: 16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Sep 16, 2010 10:17 pm

    please join nkpro chat
    Claudio Gandolfi
    Claudio Gandolfi

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    16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca - Page 2 Empty Re: 16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca

    Post by Claudio Gandolfi Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:05 am

    In 1972 Elton John have composed "Rocket Man",
    the famous song

    in the same year Fulvio Genova was born (isn't true, but don't care...angel)
    and finally we can reveal the news: the song is dedicated to the LR Team driver.

    Nobody knows the clairvoyant gift of the popular english artist, who known
    how Fulvio would become fast ::thumpsup:: ::smilep:: lol!

    Laguna Seca is conquered by LR Team :

    • Group B/1: F.Genova 1°

    • Group B/2 M.Steverink 1°- F.Genova 2°

      Thank you guys!

    16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca - Page 2 67322
    Go LR, GO...!!!!::hola::

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    16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca - Page 2 Empty Re: 16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca

    Post by f.gek Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:16 am

    mitico Claudioooo ..
    Va benissimo il 1972 .... Very Happy

    Grande sempre in gruppo A .
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca - Page 2 Empty Re: 16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:21 am

    Results are up.

    Hall of fame updated
    Alessio Cravotto
    Alessio Cravotto

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    16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca - Page 2 Empty Re: 16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca

    Post by Alessio Cravotto Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:23 am

    Anche questa volta na sfiga bestiale, non è possibile.
    Peccato, andavo abb bene qui a Laguna Seca.
    Raccolgo solo un 4° posto in gara 1, in gara 2 ero tranquillo 3°, quando mi giro in uscita dal cavatappi, cosa mai capitata prima. Gek mi prende e ciao sospensione.
    Giravo come i primi 2..per cui potevo forse approfittarne della loro lotta..
    Che tristezza essere così disperatamente indietro in classifica e non sfruttare le opportunità.. Sad

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    16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca - Page 2 Empty Re: 16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca

    Post by f.gek Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:27 am

    Scusa alex ma sei sicuro che sono stato io a toccarti al cavatappi?
    io non ti ho avuto mai davanti nella seconda gara
    Alessio Cravotto
    Alessio Cravotto

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    16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca - Page 2 Empty Re: 16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca

    Post by Alessio Cravotto Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:33 am

    No è colpa mia, che mi son girato in uscita dal cavatappi.
    La mia f.1800 si è fermata in mezzo alla pista e mi sembrava fossi tu che stavi arrivando e mi hai colpito.
    Strano che tu non hai avuto danni.. Question

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    16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca - Page 2 Empty Re: 16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca

    Post by f.gek Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:41 am

    non ti avevo riconosciuto perche sei neutro come skin ora che ho guardato il replay tu sei quello che ho schivato in mezzo alla pisat dopo il cavatappi.. si ma io ho frenato, schivato e non ti ho colpito se vuoi ho anche il replay

    in realta ho sudato quando ti ho visto che mi attraversavi la pista...
    Luca "SkyGT" Naldi

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    16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca - Page 2 Empty Re: 16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca

    Post by Luca "SkyGT" Naldi Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:49 am

    Grande Alex!Peccato che hai perso posizioni!
    Preferivo te dietro in vece che lo straniero!
    Io I° fino al 9° giro....poi il disastro...guardate il replay....

    Poi ad un certo punto mi sono perso paura perchè tu Gek stavi arrivando davvero a palla dietro di me!!!
    Alessio Cravotto
    Alessio Cravotto

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    16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca - Page 2 Empty Re: 16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca

    Post by Alessio Cravotto Fri Sep 17, 2010 2:04 am

    Si si mi hai preso Gek, mi si è divelta una sospensione e mi son ritirato. Sad
    Purtroppo il multipl di sto gioco è una chiavica.. a te sembra che non mi hai preso, io invece ho preso una bella sventola.
    M Waechter

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    16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca - Page 2 Empty Re: 16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca

    Post by M Waechter Fri Sep 17, 2010 2:55 am

    It was a nice event. Lucky number Pos. 7 in both races for me.
    Laguna Seca is a great track doing good races on.. !

    Does someone has an idea what happened to me in the warm-up of race two (-watch the replay: I suddenly flew away 'M. Webber like' after turn 4.. though i didn't hit anything-) ?
    Maybe it had something to do with a lag issue scratch, but there was noone in front of me, just A McSaltens behind me -who got hit from me after my
    car suddenly took off into the air.. .
    Gladly this was just in the warum-up, so we both could return to pits after this bug looking like crash and got repaired.

    Download-Link to the group A races 1 & 2 replays (warm up + race, quali is cutted out already):


    (after posting the link I saw, that they have several advertisement implemented at sendspace.com when posting their download-links.. or maybe it comes from this forum provider ?, just click
    the link below this adertisement-stuff to get to the download finally)
    Fred Gajira
    Fred Gajira

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    16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca - Page 2 Empty Re: 16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca

    Post by Fred Gajira Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:21 am

    Glad to see you have a good race Marco 16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca - Page 2 67322

    for me it was another thing ::crying:: in race 2, someone hit me intentionally twice on the side while I overtake him, in order to push me out and he realy succes well in that.That person don't even went into chat after race for explaining buu I realy hope he has a steering wheel issue because if not, such an attitude is realy disgusting.

    Michele Campini

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    16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca - Page 2 Empty Re: 16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca

    Post by Michele Campini Fri Sep 17, 2010 9:21 am

    So and So races for our Team.
    In Race 1 i take the pole position because Riccardo did a mistake and qualification was finish for him.
    At the start all good until the "cavatappi" where Riccardo was a little long and hit me in rear. Race was finish for me and him.
    In race 2 no mistake for Riccardo and so he did the pole position. Me was third but at the start after 2 corner i was 2nd. Riccardo won the race 2 and i finished in 2nd place.
    See u on Barcelona !
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca - Page 2 Empty Re: 16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca

    Post by M Carey Fri Sep 17, 2010 5:06 pm

    In the first qualifying session I messed up my final quickest lap (was 4 tenths up), so ended up setting the exact same time as Stephane Migrouille (obviously after him as I was behind on the grid in P7).

    Final lap of the first race really says it all about Race 1:

    In the second quali’ I didn’t really hook up a lap, as I was getting involved with other drivers, nearly hitting a spun Marco (I think) coming through the corkscrew & also creating space only to see the car in front pit :s

    Dunno what happened in Race 2, my computer was struggling as the field was so tightly packed, so just took it easy on the first lap & went to overtake Claudio around the outside into the final turn. My replay shows him under steering into the side of me (damaging the suspension), but as he seemingly carried on unaffected it could have been lag, but either way the car was a struggle from then on (it caused me to hit the pit wall afterwards making things even worse).
    M Waechter

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    16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca - Page 2 Empty Re: 16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca

    Post by M Waechter Fri Sep 17, 2010 9:54 pm

    Yes, at the very beginning of quali 2 I lost concentration (I was a bit somewhere else than on track with my mind) and messed up the corkscrew (s.th. 'similar' as happened to you, seen in the replay above), when I entered the track again we got close to one another -sry for that.

    I was playing NkPro still hours and hours before the event started What a Face to create and test my setup for the event (-I had not done much the days before), so I was already a bit 'exhausted' rabbit .
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca - Page 2 Empty Re: 16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca

    Post by M Carey Fri Sep 17, 2010 10:16 pm

    I slowed down after seeing the yellow flags (that were way up in the air), and still had to take avoiding action Razz No harm done, it just seems to be one those things, that sometimes you get a clear run in qualifying then other times you can’t find any space Smile

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    16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca - Page 2 Empty Re: 16 Sept 2010: Laguna Seca

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