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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

René Lorig
Nick Atsidakos
Luca Malingambi
Gerard Nijkamp
Stephane Migrouille
Andrea Lojelo
Albert McSaltens
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    simple conversion thread

    Albert McSaltens
    Albert McSaltens

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    simple conversion thread Empty simple conversion thread

    Post by Albert McSaltens Fri Sep 24, 2010 2:00 pm

    Hi guys this is intended to explain how i convert a track, sure there are other methods..
    -Fisrt of all you will need a Track to convert, 3dsimed, 3d studiomax and juhas detach by id script.

    ok Once we have all this tools lets start:

    1 Chapter 1 3dsimed operations:

    -Firt of all you have to open your track in 3dsimed. so i allways open rfactor tracks so its very easy to open it just navigate to the track folder and find the scn or 3dsimed file wich it opens automaticly in 3dsimed,simple conversion thread Screen10
    double click on it, and its open in 3dsimed.
    -Next thing you click on tools and select map conversion,
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    next thing you have to select is dds format and 8:3 , because its what max need. then select the folder for example create: interlagos/texture so you will export all textures to texture folder.
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    -After exporting the textures you have to save a 3ds file to open it in max. so you go to export and select 3ds save it into the interlagos folder. and thats all we need to do in 3dsimeditor.
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    2 Chapter 2 operations in max:
    -ok now we are ready to oepn it in max, so we fire up max, and load the interlagos.3ds file we've just created: next thing to do is save the scene as interlagos.max, reset max and open interlagos.max again
    - now we should have the track open, its possible that we have any .tga file or dds file missing,
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    just create a blank file for it and add into the texture folder,
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    render the scene and lets see if its solved or it still ask for textures...
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    if it still ask for textures then we should create the textures or watever to fix it.
    - next step to make things easier is to go to the view menu and select show materials in viewport as standard display and maps. and then click on the viewport, it should now show the scene with the textures applied.
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    - Next thing we have to do is to make the sector one, face towards the south, its required by netkar..
    -Now we can get rid of all unwanted objects on the scene, sometimes we dont want some of the objects as xpitsector xsplittime etc
    or just objects that ar in the mountains so far from the track that never will be rendered in netkar.
    -So now the most important thing, just drag all over the track with the select tool and select all the track and click on detach in the detach by id script by yuha. and let the computer do the work, it should detach all multimaterial objects and split them as single objects.
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    -Once its finished we can now start to rename the objects we need to rename

    Chapetr 3 renaming:
    -Ok so we are ready to renemae. fisrt of all we should thing about how we will create the cameras in koflite so we should create the sector with that in mind, because the easy way to create cams is to asign them a sector name, so if my camera 2 i want it to pick up a car in turn 3 then turn 3 must be were i start renaming sector 3.
    -so just after the finish line i start renaming the road objects as 01Road01, 01 Road02 and so on
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    till the point were i want it to be picked up with the first camera, because the first camera i will asign it in koflite as sector 1, so the next road will be yet 02Road02 and so on, once i did al the roads with different sectors i go again to sector one and start renaming the grass and gravel obects around it, so all grass and gravel that is alongside the 01Road sector i will rename as 01Grass01 and so on, and for the gravel, 01Gravel01 till the point were sector 2 starts and then i go 02Grass01 and so on, once all grass and grabel are renamed for all sector we can go ahead on sector one and do kerbs and walls, for kerbs we use 01Cord01 etc.. and for walls 01 Wall01, do it for all the track and we are almost done.
    -Now the next think is to rename the pit road we could give it the next sector number, so if the track has 23 sector then for the pits we will use 24Pits01, every road with the name 24Pits... means it has speed limiter on, so it should be just the pit road; also we should rename the pit building as a wall so 24Wallxx
    -Finally we can add the INV_STARPOINT1, this object means were the car will be loaded in the track so we just create a box and assign it a material, any material will do, then place the box on the ground in the pits.
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    -next thing we should rename the pit doors to door1, door2 door3...and so on for all the 15 doors we need in netkar...
    And the last things if im not mistaken.. xD is to rename the skybox object to SKYBOX , and add and omni light .
    -we only need now to save it and export it as an ase file to open it in koflte.
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    Ok this is all you have to do the next thing would be load the ase file in koflite and start to put shaders, transparencies, do the nkrefs server file, cameras, flags and configuration files, wich are already explained in this forum so hope this is helpfull and comprehensible for anyone
    just a tint this shouldnt take you more than 3 hour job so hope to see new tracks Very Happy enjoy
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    simple conversion thread Empty Re: simple conversion thread

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Sep 24, 2010 5:49 pm

    nice guide Albert!
    As you can all see, converting a track doesn't require particular skills. For the 95% is just renaming in the correct way.

    If you have any problem or doubt, don't hesitate to ask here in the forum, and there will be for sure someone that could help you
    Stephane Migrouille
    Stephane Migrouille

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    simple conversion thread Empty Re: simple conversion thread

    Post by Stephane Migrouille Fri Sep 24, 2010 6:30 pm

    This is the method I use.
    The problem is that 3dsimed makes the alpha layer of textures poorly during the conversion. simple conversion thread Icon_rolleyes
    Gerard Nijkamp

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    simple conversion thread Empty Re: simple conversion thread

    Post by Gerard Nijkamp Sat Oct 02, 2010 1:42 am

    This conversion method does indeed corrupt a lot of the textures.
    I'm did try a lot of other ways to import the 3dsimed model into 3dsmax, but every method has its own limitations.

    I now went back to convert to the 3ds format, and found a way to convert the track without the loss of texture quality.
    here a quick description :

    1 - Open the track in 3dsimed
    2 - Export the textures ( Export menu , Export Textures )
    3 - When asked to rename the textures in the drawing to the exported textures select Yes
    4 - Export the track into the 3ds format ( Export menu, 3DS ), in the 3DS Options window unselect the 8:3 Texture Names
    This makes the file unusable for 3dmax, but now comes the trick. Install the FBX Converter 2011.3.1 from the autodesk site :
    5 - Start the FBX Converter program and in the left column click the Add ... button and select the 3ds file you created in step 4
    6 - Make sure that in Presets the Autodesk Media & Entertainment preset is selected ( Just below the Add ... button )
    7 - In the right Column you change the Destnation Format to FBX 2010 ( 2011 Does not seem to work, and 2009 i did not test )
    8 - In the Destination file options uncheck Embed media, and FBX save mode should be set to Binary
    9 - Now Click the Convert button in the right bottom corner and wait for the green result bar in the right top to come up.
    10 - Open 3dsmax and import the FBX file that was created in step 9
    11 - In the FBX Import dialog also make sure to select the Preset Autodesk Media & Entertainment and then click OK to start the import

    Now you have the track with good quality textures, and you also got rid of those silly 8:3 texture names Wink
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    simple conversion thread Empty Re: simple conversion thread

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sat Oct 02, 2010 11:12 am

    wonderful Gerard! very useful guide.
    Luca Malingambi
    Luca Malingambi

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    simple conversion thread Empty Re: simple conversion thread

    Post by Luca Malingambi Mon Nov 08, 2010 5:26 pm

    Sono arrivato al punto di selezionare gli oggetti, ma quando faccio lo script, mi da un errore e mi si chiude il programma.
    La selezione la faccio per nome e poco alla volta per non bloccare tutto.
    Nick Atsidakos
    Nick Atsidakos

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    simple conversion thread Empty Re: simple conversion thread

    Post by Nick Atsidakos Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:21 pm

    Tnx for the tutorial mate but i have a small problem .
    I am noob in 3ds max and i don't know how to rename.I have import the track in 3ds max and i don't have problem with textures.So i stuck in renaming chapter.So can make anyone a tutorial for this step by step if it is possible?

    Tnx Nick...
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    simple conversion thread Empty Re: simple conversion thread

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:32 pm

    simple conversion thread Objname
    René Lorig

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    simple conversion thread Empty Re: simple conversion thread

    Post by René Lorig Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:55 pm

    Gerard, your way won't work for me. The program always crashes as soon as I click on convert, I've done everything how you told us to. Any help?
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    simple conversion thread Empty Re: simple conversion thread

    Post by M Carey Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:02 am

    I've had the same problem with all tracks except one (a small track). Maybe that has something to do with it?
    René Lorig

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    simple conversion thread Empty Re: simple conversion thread

    Post by René Lorig Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:14 pm

    So, my problem now is, when I detach all the objects Max assigns wireframe colors to some objects and the original texture disappears. Now I can't import the track to KOFLite, because of this. Any help?
    Albert McSaltens
    Albert McSaltens

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    simple conversion thread Empty Re: simple conversion thread

    Post by Albert McSaltens Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:31 pm

    for example if this happens to you with some trees copy the material of the trees and apply it to the wireframed trees
    René Lorig

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    simple conversion thread Empty Re: simple conversion thread

    Post by René Lorig Sun Dec 19, 2010 7:58 pm

    I cannot find an object named skybox in any track, can I simply create a sphere, assign it a material and name it SKYBOX to solve my problem?
    Albert McSaltens
    Albert McSaltens

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    simple conversion thread Empty Re: simple conversion thread

    Post by Albert McSaltens Sun Dec 19, 2010 10:43 pm

    a semi sphere, and place it at 0,0,0 position and apply a double face texture
    René Lorig

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    simple conversion thread Empty Re: simple conversion thread

    Post by René Lorig Sun Dec 19, 2010 11:05 pm

    yes thanks, I was so clever simple conversion thread 5457 and did some searching here on the forum and found answers to many questions. Embarassed simple conversion thread 274234
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    simple conversion thread Empty Re: simple conversion thread

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sun Dec 19, 2010 11:58 pm

    all information about the skybox are here
    marco boni
    marco boni

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    simple conversion thread Empty Re: simple conversion thread

    Post by marco boni Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:29 pm

    ciao di nuovo,sono arrivato al capitolo 3,ma non riesco a capirci niente,uso il traduttore,ma non ci salto fuori,sto usando 3dmax 2011,non riesco a capire il discorso telecamera,e il rinominare gli oggetti,
    se qualcuno mi puo dare una mano.
    ciao e grazie
    Attilio Barba
    Attilio Barba

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    simple conversion thread Empty Re: simple conversion thread

    Post by Attilio Barba Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:11 am

    marco boni wrote:ciao di nuovo,sono arrivato al capitolo 3,ma non riesco a capirci niente,uso il traduttore,ma non ci salto fuori,sto usando 3dmax 2011,non riesco a capire il discorso telecamera,e il rinominare gli oggetti,
    se qualcuno mi puo dare una mano.
    ciao e grazie
    idem Sad
    Attilio Barba
    Attilio Barba

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    simple conversion thread Empty Re: simple conversion thread

    Post by Attilio Barba Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:20 am

    Gerard Nijkamp wrote:This conversion method does indeed corrupt a lot of the textures.
    I'm did try a lot of other ways to import the 3dsimed model into 3dsmax, but every method has its own limitations.

    I now went back to convert to the 3ds format, and found a way to convert the track without the loss of texture quality.
    here a quick description :

    1 - Open the track in 3dsimed
    2 - Export the textures ( Export menu , Export Textures )
    3 - When asked to rename the textures in the drawing to the exported textures select Yes
    4 - Export the track into the 3ds format ( Export menu, 3DS ), in the 3DS Options window unselect the 8:3 Texture Names
    This makes the file unusable for 3dmax, but now comes the trick. Install the FBX Converter 2011.3.1 from the autodesk site :
    5 - Start the FBX Converter program and in the left column click the Add ... button and select the 3ds file you created in step 4
    6 - Make sure that in Presets the Autodesk Media & Entertainment preset is selected ( Just below the Add ... button )
    7 - In the right Column you change the Destnation Format to FBX 2010 ( 2011 Does not seem to work, and 2009 i did not test )
    8 - In the Destination file options uncheck Embed media, and FBX save mode should be set to Binary
    9 - Now Click the Convert button in the right bottom corner and wait for the green result bar in the right top to come up.
    10 - Open 3dsmax and import the FBX file that was created in step 9
    11 - In the FBX Import dialog also make sure to select the Preset Autodesk Media & Entertainment and then click OK to start the import

    Now you have the track with good quality textures, and you also got rid of those silly 8:3 texture names Wink
    I have installed FBX, how do run it?
    Gary Levy
    Gary Levy

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    simple conversion thread Empty Re: simple conversion thread

    Post by Gary Levy Sun Feb 20, 2011 4:11 am

    Make sure you downloaded the fbx converter and not the plug-in.
    I made this mistake. Converter is a stand alone program that you run from an .exe like normal
    Attilio Barba
    Attilio Barba

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    simple conversion thread Empty Re: simple conversion thread

    Post by Attilio Barba Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:48 pm

    a ok, thank you gary
    marco boni
    marco boni

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    simple conversion thread Empty Re: simple conversion thread

    Post by marco boni Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:03 pm

    thank gary simple conversion thread 361709

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