Radiator Springs Racing

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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

Alberto Canzi
Roberto Zanerini
mario gilles
laurent resende
Clive Melbourne
Fred Gajira
Michele Campini
giancarlo graziano
davide zardin
Andrea Lojelo
14 posters

    4 Nov 2010: Melbourne-Oschersleben

    Albert McSaltens
    Albert McSaltens

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    4 Nov 2010: Melbourne-Oschersleben - Page 2 Empty Re: 4 Nov 2010: Melbourne-Oschersleben

    Post by Albert McSaltens Fri Nov 05, 2010 3:45 am

    looool ::ehhh:: jjajja still dont undesrtand we need better translator ::hail::
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    4 Nov 2010: Melbourne-Oschersleben - Page 2 Empty Re: 4 Nov 2010: Melbourne-Oschersleben

    Post by laurent resende Fri Nov 05, 2010 3:47 am

    yes!!!! lol*
    fortunato catalano
    fortunato catalano

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    4 Nov 2010: Melbourne-Oschersleben - Page 2 Empty Re: 4 Nov 2010: Melbourne-Oschersleben

    Post by fortunato catalano Fri Nov 05, 2010 9:22 am

    Good Morning at all!!! Very Happy
    I regret not being able to participate in the race yesterday ... but I had made commitments ...

    laurent resende wrote:in simulation, the time playing some online, things that did not exist I think I was playing with race cars in real life dear Albert

    Dear Laurent, I am amazed by this, for me, Mario is one of the most correct drivers that are in circulation. We did the last race champ with absurd ff1800 for several laps wheel to wheel without touching anything, must be something strange happened in that situation certainly ...
    I am sure that Mario will explain what happened whenever they get a chance! (sorry for my google translate ITA-->ENG Laughing )

    Bye... 4 Nov 2010: Melbourne-Oschersleben - Page 2 964932
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    4 Nov 2010: Melbourne-Oschersleben - Page 2 Empty Re: 4 Nov 2010: Melbourne-Oschersleben

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Nov 05, 2010 10:16 am

    in my view there is nothing strange on that. Mario was on his racing line, an, just as Albert said you had to lift up.

    Anyway, I'm sorry to say, I don't think it's nice to put flames on the forum for an incident. It's not nice to accuse someone else in any case. Even more for a special event. If you think that someone has done something wrong, try to send him a PM and clarify with him. Those are our rules: Offensive language or flames between drivers, on track, in chat or on our forum, will not be tolerated.

    Laurent I always admired your for your amazing speed and for your fair play.
    I can say the same for Mario.

    Anyone can do mistakes, sometimes it's you, sometimes it the other driver you collide to.
    We are here for having fun and to create a nice group.

    I have to apologize with everyone for this event. Was clearly too ambitious. No one was really prepared for the races and that showed. I haven't ever seen a race at Radiator Springs with so many accidents. Lesson learnt for the future.
    We wanted to have some nice racing and

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    4 Nov 2010: Melbourne-Oschersleben - Page 2 Empty Re: 4 Nov 2010: Melbourne-Oschersleben

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Nov 05, 2010 10:22 am

    One more advise for everyone that is using google translate: please copy in your post even your message in your own language.

    So for example:
    Questo e' scritto in italiano e tradotto da google translate.

    This' written in Italian and translated by Google Translate.

    (wow...for once it's correct Smile )

    Sometimes it's really hard to understand the meaning otherwise. Maybe having the original message also could help (if it's not written some strange Korean dialect of some small town, maybe!)
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    4 Nov 2010: Melbourne-Oschersleben - Page 2 Empty Re: 4 Nov 2010: Melbourne-Oschersleben

    Post by laurent resende Fri Nov 05, 2010 2:26 pm

    Maarten Steverink
    Maarten Steverink

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    4 Nov 2010: Melbourne-Oschersleben - Page 2 Empty Re: 4 Nov 2010: Melbourne-Oschersleben

    Post by Maarten Steverink Fri Nov 05, 2010 3:00 pm

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:
    I have to apologize with everyone for this event. Was clearly too ambitious. No one was really prepared for the races and that showed. I haven't ever seen a race at Radiator Springs with so many accidents. Lesson learnt for the future.
    We wanted to have some nice racing and

    Oh this wasn't a bad idea Andrea! I liked it very much, and it beats learning the track all on your own right? I think alot of people will agree to that. Please don't stop organizing these kind of events, if people don't like it, they just won't show up :-)

    Fred Gajira
    Fred Gajira

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    4 Nov 2010: Melbourne-Oschersleben - Page 2 Empty Re: 4 Nov 2010: Melbourne-Oschersleben

    Post by Fred Gajira Fri Nov 05, 2010 3:39 pm

    +1 4 Nov 2010: Melbourne-Oschersleben - Page 2 361709
    thanks to organize that, it's always a pleasure to race here for the fun Very Happy

    p.s: sorry again Roberto, but my homemade work on clusports brake pedal has blocking while i was behind you 4 Nov 2010: Melbourne-Oschersleben - Page 2 981548
    Stephane Migrouille
    Stephane Migrouille

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    4 Nov 2010: Melbourne-Oschersleben - Page 2 Empty Re: 4 Nov 2010: Melbourne-Oschersleben

    Post by Stephane Migrouille Fri Nov 05, 2010 8:10 pm

    Laurent, il y a eu un incident de course mais il n’apparaît pas clairement que la responsabilité de Mario soit engagée. Ton niveau sur netkar pro n'a plus besoin d'être prouvé. (D’ailleurs si dans 20 ans je pouvais avoir ton niveau et bien je signe tout de suite).
    Il est toujours très délicat de posté pour un incident dans les heures qui suive un évènement car on aura toujours du mal à prendre du recul sur ce qui c’est passé.
    Mario comme tout le monde ici et moi le premier ferons tôt ou tard une erreur qui pourra gâcher la course d’un autre. L’important c’est que cette erreur ne soit pas volontaire.
    J’espère te revoir en course avec nous. La première règle d’un bon pilote et d’attendre le bon moment. J’ai tendance à l’oublier moi-même mais je vous rassure cela va vite me revenir. Very Happy
    Laurent, there was a racing incident but it is not clear that the responsibility for Mario to be engaged. Your level of pro netkar no longer needs to be proven. (And if in 20 years I could have your level, I sign now).
    It is always very difficult to post for an incident in the hours following an event because there will always be difficult to stand back from what happened.
    Mario as everyone here and myself included will sooner or later make a mistake that can ruin the race of another. The important thing is that this error is not voluntary.
    I hope to see you racing with us again. The first rule of a good driver is to wait for the right time. I tend to forget it myself but I can assure you it will come back to me quickly. Very Happy
    Laurent, c'è stato un incidente di gara, ma non è chiaro che la responsabilità di Mario di essere assunti. Il tuo livello di netkar pro non ha più bisogno di essere provata. (E se in 20 anni potrei avere il tuo livello, mi iscrivo ora).
    E 'sempre molto difficile post per un incidente nelle ore seguenti un evento perché ci sarà sempre difficile tirarsi indietro da quello che è successo.
    Mario, come tutti qui e me compreso, prima o poi faremo un errore che può rovinare la gara di un altro. La cosa importante è che questo errore non è volontario.
    Spero di vederti correre di nuovo con noi. La prima regola di un buon pilota è quello di aspettare il momento giusto. Io tendo a dimenticare per me, ma vi posso assicurare che tornerà a me rapidamente. Very Happy
    Roberto Zanerini

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    4 Nov 2010: Melbourne-Oschersleben - Page 2 Empty Re: 4 Nov 2010: Melbourne-Oschersleben

    Post by Roberto Zanerini Fri Nov 05, 2010 8:46 pm

    Vorrei ringraziare per l'evento sperando di averne con frequenza. Effettivamente ci sono stati molti incidenti dovuti probabilmente alla conformazione del circuito che ha molte staccate al limite. L'appello che faccio per evitare incidenti che molte volte sono dovuti alla foga è quello di ragionare in funzione della simulazione in quanto tale, cioè si deve sempre cercare di rispettare l'avversario per non rovinargli la SUA competizione. Personalmente quando vedo uno più veloce di me che mi arriva da dietro e che ha tempi migliori dei miei cerco in tutti i modi di non ostacolarlo, poi cosa molto importante, ragiono in funzione dei danni come se fossero reali (e qui ne traggono vantaggio tutti  perchè sono più prudente e quindi rischio meno) Il punto focale delle simulazioni è proprio questo che per renderle più vicine alla realtà NOI DOBBIAMO ESSERE PIU' REALI. Immaginate se ad ogni danno alla vettura fossimo costretti a pagare anche solo 1 euro per ripristinarla, forse ci comporteremmo in maniera diversa?I would like to thank the event hoping to have frequently. Indeed there have been many accidents due to the likely shape of the circuit, which lag far behind the limit. The appeal I make to avoid accidents, which often are due to the heat function is to consider in the simulation as such, that you should always try to respect the opponent not to ruin his race. Personally when I see one faster than me who comes from behind and that of my better days I try in every way not to hinder it, then something very important, reason according to the damage as if they were real (and here we all benefit because they are more cautious and therefore less risk) The focal point of the simulations is exactly what to make it closer to reality WE MUST BE MORE 'REAL. Imagine if, for any damage to the car we were forced to pay just 1 euro to restore it, perhaps we would do differently?
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    4 Nov 2010: Melbourne-Oschersleben - Page 2 Empty Re: 4 Nov 2010: Melbourne-Oschersleben

    Post by giancarlo graziano Sat Nov 06, 2010 12:28 am

    Roberto i molti incidenti sono dovuto al fatto che di solito lA GENTE CONOSCE I CIRCUITI..QUESTI SONO STATI DI SANA PIANTA BUTTATI messi per testarli...ma da esperienza dim ieri abbiamo deciso all unanimita... che i prossimi special event o qualsiasi altro ufficiale ..si avranno per almeno alcuni giorni prima dei server per test training e testare i setup ..pultroppo dalla foga di fare qualche gp insieme ci siamo scordati di far le cose per bene..
    le prox sicuro con un po di training..
    comuque belle gare
    bello guidare con tutti voi...

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    4 Nov 2010: Melbourne-Oschersleben - Page 2 Empty Re: 4 Nov 2010: Melbourne-Oschersleben

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