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28 posters

    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Empty 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:09 pm

    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Ks21champmelbourne

    Welcome to the first official event of the Formula K2 Series: Melbourne
    We are glad that a lot of drivers subscribed for our championship. Thanks a lot to everyone for choosing us.
    To have a good champioship, we need your help though! We want clean races, and respectful drivers.
    We expect that everyone will stick to our rules, and will avoid aggressive driving and flames on track and forum.
    Our servers will always be monitored, so have a correct behaviour on track.

    Here is the schedule:
    Meeting point: Website Chat: 21:00 CET (GTM+1)
    Briefing: 21:15
    Stay in pit session: 5 minutes (in this session you
    Qualify: 30 min
    Race 1: 11 laps
    Warmup 5 minutes
    Race 2: 25 laps (inverted grid for the first 6 drivers)

    IMPORTANT NOTE: you don't have to disconnect between Race1 and Race 2.

    We will race in groups based on drivers performance (not only based on their laptime, but most important, on their behaviour on track. We will check automatically what happen on our servers).
    We will let you know more details about groups for the first event later on.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: we will allow people to race only if you are allocated for the race.
    Please do it as soon as possible because it will help us planning the right amount of servers.
    Check here how to do it

    For the first 2 events (Melbourne and Barcelona) we will use for every group the Points Distribution: RSRpoints_B_C

    Qualifying points
    P1: 1

    Race points
    P1: 18
    P2: 15
    P3: 12
    P4: 10
    P5: 9
    P6: 8
    P7: 7
    P8: 6
    P9: 5
    P10: 4
    P11: 3
    P12: 2
    P13: 1

    Fastest Laptime: 1
    Lead Lap: 0
    Most Lead Laps: 0

    Points scored will allow us to create groups based on the classification alredy from Barcelona's races.

    This point distribution will not influence the following of the championship too much, keeping everyone quite close, even in case of NC.

    From the third event on, so starting from Mugello, we will use the following schema:

    1-15 Group A: RSRPoints_A
    16-30 Group B: RSRPoints_B_C
    31-45 Group C: RSRPoints_B_C
    46-60 group D: RSRPoint_D_E_F
    61-75 group E: RSRPoint_D_E_F
    76-90 group F: RSRPoint_D_E_F

    Our Points Distributions, allow strong drivers slipped off in a lower group to go up easily getting in the first positions. This will allow to have quite dynamic groups and a very challenging championship.
    There will be no prequalifications sessions. This will force drivers to think about their championship points every race. This prooved to be a very efficient method to have cleaner races and more careful drivers.

    Group 1
    Group 2
    Group 3
    Group 4

    Last edited by Andrea Lojelo on Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:01 am; edited 3 times in total
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by davide zardin Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:55 pm

    se mi è possibile sapere il tipi di infrazione(es.3 speed in pit) e i tipi di panalizazione (es. percorrenza della corsia box) e se vengono inflitti subito cioè tra una gara e l'altra o per la gara successiva
    questa nuova parte del regolamento secondo me è importante come base per istituire un eventuale premio farply per chi non commette infrazioni in tutto il corso del campionato
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by giancarlo graziano Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:07 pm

    davide zardin wrote:
    questa nuova parte del regolamento secondo me è importante come base per istituire un eventuale premio farply per chi non commette infrazioni in tutto il corso del campionato
    per il resto ti faremo sapere al piu presto le varie penalita...

    questa e una gran bell idea...
    ne parleremo sicuramente e agiremo di conseguenza ...e al 99%la prendiamo in considerazione quindi nuovo premio ...forse l piu importante...
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by davide zardin Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:39 pm

    scusate per caso nell'accesso alla gara pensate di inserire il la soglia del 107% del tempo di pole o come nel precedente campionato basta essere allocati per partecipare?
    il premio secondo me è uno stimolo in più per fare la cose correttamente sia in pista che nei confronti degli altri partecipanti
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:43 pm

    davide zardin wrote:se mi è possibile sapere il tipi di infrazione(es.3 speed in pit) e i tipi di panalizazione (es. percorrenza della corsia box) e se vengono inflitti subito cioè tra una gara e l'altra o per la gara successiva
    questa nuova parte del regolamento secondo me è importante come base per istituire un eventuale premio farply per chi non commette infrazioni in tutto il corso del campionato

    about the speed limits in pit. Nowadays speed limits are controlled by nkpro, directly. We don't care too much about this anymore.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:47 pm

    davide zardin wrote:scusate per caso nell'accesso alla gara pensate di inserire il la soglia del 107% del tempo di pole o come nel precedente campionato basta essere allocati per partecipare?
    il premio secondo me è uno stimolo in più per fare la cose correttamente sia in pista che nei confronti degli altri partecipanti
    about having 107% limit on the laptime, since we don't have PQ sessions, we will not use it.

    We want just respectful drivers. If you are slower than the rest of the group, but you respect blue flags, there is no problem.
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by davide zardin Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:50 pm

    andrea era un esempio lo so benissimo che il limite è gestito da nkp, ma serviva per capire se le penalità venivano inflitte subito o tra una gara e l'altra o tra un evento e l'altro
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:57 pm

    davide zardin wrote:andrea era un esempio lo so benissimo che il limite è gestito da nkp, ma serviva per capire se le penalità venivano inflitte subito o tra una gara e l'altra o tra un evento e l'altro
    Davide is asking whether the penalizations will be assigned on the same race or not.

    It's not possible to be penalized on the same race, because nk will not do it automatically.
    Further more we will have 2 races, one after the other one without going out.

    In case you will commit an infraction, you will be penalized after the races (for example with points deduction).
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by davide zardin Mon Nov 22, 2010 6:06 pm

    ok chiarissimo grazie
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:53 pm

    Red Zone:
    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Redzonemelbourne

    Rule 5 (a.k.a. 5 corners rule): It is important to pay attention especially in the first part of the race, where all cars are close to each other. For this reason, we define per each track the “red zone”, where the 5 corners rule applies. 5 corners is just a convention. For each track the red zone might be extended till a safer zone.
    The responsibility of all drivers is to avoid incidents in the first corners which can have massive consequences and therefore all participants must be careful.
    Starts must be as clean and incident-free as possible. The finish line is not at the first turn. Turn 1 cannot be approached as it happens during the qualification session. The tires are cold, the car is heavy and the track crowded. Drivers must act wisely and drive safely for themselves and for the other participants, for example by:
    o braking earlier than normal
    o maintaining a safe distance from the other cars during the first corners
    o giving enough space to other drivers with some margin for error by other participants

    Any collision from behind will result in the driver behind being considered as the guilty driver, unless the car in front has lost control.
    In case of accident on the “red zone” the Race Director could penalize the drivers directly.


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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by MikaRaymond Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:32 am

    good luck to everyone who is involved tomorrow night. lets make it fun, fair and clean Wink
    Martin Hussey

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Martin Hussey Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:19 am

    Rather worried about tomorrows racing going by the standard of driving i've seen tonight. Lots of silly risks being taken. overtaking on the outside of corners, running up the inside on the hairpins. Silly stuff that mostly ends in tears and broken bodywork.

    Still, looking forward to some good racing.
    M Waechter

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by M Waechter Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:33 am

    Yes, Melbourne is gonna be hard probably, because there is almost no room for two cars beside. -So if someone is faster and wants to overtake on a straight don't fight to the last towards the next corner but rather let him pass.., because it will surley end up in a collision otherwise I guess.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:13 am

    Martin Hussey wrote:Rather worried about tomorrows racing going by the standard of driving i've seen tonight. Lots of silly risks being taken. overtaking on the outside of corners, running up the inside on the hairpins. Silly stuff that mostly ends in tears and broken bodywork.

    Still, looking forward to some good racing.
    I agree. I hope people will drive wisely tomorrow.
    Martin Hussey

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Martin Hussey Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:40 pm

    Yes, Melbourne is gonna be hard probably, because there is almost no room for two cars beside. -So if someone is faster and wants to overtake on a straight don't fight to the last towards the next corner but rather let him pass.., because it will surley end up in a collision otherwise I guess.

    Is it not up to the person behind to find a safe place to pass? The person in front shouldnt have to yield to the person behind unless they're on blue flags, as far as i'm aware. If i was going to let everybody past if they were faster than me, might as well put myself down for last on the championship now Wink

    Please correct me if i'm wrong.
    Vincenzo Vanore
    Vincenzo Vanore

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Vincenzo Vanore Thu Nov 25, 2010 5:00 pm

    Ragazzi mi potete confermare che la sessione di Warmup c'è sia in gara 1 che in gara 2 ?
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Nov 25, 2010 5:02 pm

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Ks21champmelbourne

    Here is the schedule:
    Meeting point: Website Chat: 21:00 CET (GTM+1)
    Briefing: 21:15
    Stay in pit session: 5 minutes (in this session you
    Qualify: 30 min
    Race 1: 11 laps
    Warmup 5 minutes
    Race 2: 25 laps (inverted grid for the first 6 drivers)

    IMPORTANT NOTE: you don't have to disconnect between Race1 and Race 2.

    Michele Campini

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Michele Campini Thu Nov 25, 2010 5:03 pm

    Stay in pit session: 5 minutes (in this session you

    What: smoke ? drunk ? sex ?
    Michele Campini

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Michele Campini Thu Nov 25, 2010 5:04 pm

    Vincenzo Vanore wrote:Ragazzi mi potete confermare che la sessione di Warmup c'è sia in gara 1 che in gara 2 ?

    Non ti preoccupare. Preoccupati solo di andare + piano ! E' pericoloso andare forte !
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Nov 25, 2010 5:06 pm

    We always had 5 min to enter the servers. Actually sometime it's not even enough.
    We need to check everyone's ping, and make sure that all other servers doesn't have problems.
    Michele Campini

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Michele Campini Thu Nov 25, 2010 5:07 pm

    LOL Mate, i know that, but the phrase is incomplete Very Happy
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Nov 25, 2010 5:13 pm

    ahaha...i haven't noticed....well not too much to do. Just WAIT!
    Paul O'Brien
    Paul O'Brien

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Paul O'Brien Thu Nov 25, 2010 5:26 pm

    well what I found was if your braking point can be different from other cars .. like last night when Andrea was giving out because it looked like i was trying an outrageous manoeuvre, but was in fact me not having a choice but to go in the middle not able to see my braking point clearly and me going in between 2 cars and i think it surprised clive so he eased off and then there was a pileup behind ..^^
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by davide zardin Thu Nov 25, 2010 5:32 pm

    i gruppi seguono la entry list o come avete pre-annunciato farete dei gruppi diversi in base ai parametri di selezione sui vostri server? se cambiate i gruppi quando ci darete notizia? per ora la entry list è invariata
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Nov 25, 2010 5:47 pm

    Almost ready to start.
    We have analyzed the logs of our Melbourne KS2 servers from the last days, and we've gathered some statistics.
    First of all, I want to thank Fulvio "Gek" Genova for his help. This wouldn't be possible without him. He created, in an amazingly short time, a wonderful application that is able to gather a lot of useful data from nk logs.
    The development of this application is still on going, and I think we will see some nice results very soon.

    To create our groups we just needed an indication based on the information we had available.
    Bare in mind that it doesn't really matter which group you're in, because every group gets the same amount of points.
    Our aim was to avoid having too many strong drivers in the same group, and have more or less the same field strength across all the groups.
    From the other side, we don't want to mix those with very slow times and a big incident ratio with the clean and fast guys.
    Obviously this is just based on the information we had. We don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but simply "protect" a bit more the guys that have shown interest and spent some time training on our servers.
    We've also used some other information based on the history of the drivers known to us from our previous championships.
    Don't worry if you didn't have time to practice on our servers, therefore you're not part of the "known protected drivers". You will be able to show your skills and fair play during the entire championship.

    I really hope everyone will understand that with more than 80 drivers, we needed something to create groups with even abilities.
    Other options, like pre-qualification, wasn't possible due to technical problems.
    This is the best we could do in such a limited time. I hope no one will be offended, or will think he's in an unfair position.
    The real racing starts today. Each group will have the same amount of points, and everyone in qualifying and the races can show what he's all about!

    At the moment we've focused on two main factors:
    - laptimes [DONE]

    For the lap times we took an average of the best 10 laps of each driver. This will give us an indication of how stable a driver is around his personal best times.
    Contacts: for each contact we define a severity based on a number of different factors (point of impact, damage caused, lap, blue flags, lag etc). We define a ratio between the laps you drove and the amount of contacts, with the varying severity of the incidents.

    This gives us some indication, that's maybe not 100% correct, but it still can give us some idea.
    I want to quote something from the iRacing Sporting Code:
    iRacing Sporting Code wrote:
    The iRacing.com™ software does not attempt to determine fault. Incidents are assessed to all involved drivers individually on a no-fault basis – no matter the circumstances.
    Every automated system, no matter how complex it's will still sometimes interpret things in the wrong way.

    What we will do in the future's try to consider other factors, and analyse logs and replays to improve our new software and create our own RSRating.

    There are plenty of things we have in mind, that are already listed as requirements.
    Gek has done some very nice work so far, with a nice modular approach. This will help us to improve and enhance it in the future.

    We will keep you posted.
    As soon as we will have our results ready we will publish them.

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

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