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28 posters

    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Michele Campini

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 2 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Michele Campini Thu Nov 25, 2010 5:53 pm

    Non sono molto d'accordo con quanto avete deciso per il semplice motivo che molti piloti, volutamente, si sono rinchiusi nel loro server privato dove hanno praticato e o non hanno tempi nel vostro server o se ce li hanno non sono veritieri.
    In pratica potrebbe accadere che uno alieno si ritrova a correre con i meno veloci perché non ha mai girato nel vostro server mentre gli altri veloci si stanno a fare il mazzo tutti insieme.
    Allora avrei IMPOSTO un numero minimo di giri nel server.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 2 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Nov 25, 2010 6:06 pm

    Chissa' come mai non mi stupisce che tu non sia d'accordo!
    Non ti preoccupare conosco i miei polli.
    Ci sono persone che conosciamo e sappiamo essere veloci e corretti che entreranno nel gruppo dei "piloti certificati".

    We've also used some other information based on the history of the drivers known to us from our previous championships.

    Poi se tu vuoi passare dal gruppo dei "piloti certificati" a quello degli sconosciuti fai pure.

    Non avendo detto in anticipo quali fossero le nostre intenzioni e i nostri parametri, penso che nessuno possa aver barato.

    I piloti che non sono stati nei nostri server si sono persi una buona occasione per conoscere gli altri, e verificare che tempi c'erano in giro.

    Qui non si impone nulla a nessuno. Non ci sono le prequalifiche, ma dobbiamo in qualche modo formare dei gruppi.
    Visto che farli per ordine di allocazione non era la soluzione ottimale, meglio farli secondo un criterio, giusto o sbagliato che sia.

    Dai non iniziamo a fare polemiche prima ancora di iniziare!
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 2 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by davide zardin Thu Nov 25, 2010 6:21 pm

    quindi formerete dei gruppi basati su esperienza e tempo sul giro?
    la cosa mi sembra giusta far crescere i piloti più inesperti per poi metterli insieme a quelli più esperti
    Michele Campini

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 2 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Michele Campini Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:48 pm

    Andrea, non ti devi scaldare.
    Del resto tu organizzi e in quanto organizzatore devi prenderti i complimenti ma anche le osservazioni e i dubbi sui criteri adottati.
    Sai bene che la divisione dei gruppi oggi è la cosa + importante di TUTTO il campionato perché sulla base dei risultati di oggi la prossima gara ci saranno le pool.

    Se non ho capito male, e spero di aver capito male, tu hai messo gli alieni con gli alieni, gli umani veloci con gli umani veloci, i meno veloci con i meno veloci.

    Contatti a parte, ho capito bene ?
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 2 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by giancarlo graziano Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:52 pm

    2 gare questa e barcellona avranno lo stesso sistema point B.C
    Martin Hussey

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 2 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Martin Hussey Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:59 pm

    Well judging by what happened a little while ago, tonights race will be short, with a lot of rage. Absolutely stupid driving from a few drivers, people hitting eachother whether on a straight or a turn. horrible.
    M Waechter

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 2 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by M Waechter Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:23 pm

    Unfortunately I wasn't training on the server for Melbourne so far, but did a lot practice and setup work in free training.
    I can do 1:32.0 min. in quali, my PB is 1:31.623 min.., so it could get a good race for me, if I do not through away the car on throttle, which is very easy with my setup, but giving less throttle on certain sections is the key. It' s no problem once you stay concentrated all time. I hope for a good race.
    Martin Hussey

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 2 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Martin Hussey Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:25 pm

    1m31?? Neutral I'm lucky if i manage to squeeze out a 1m34 Sad

    That said, i've only done about an hour of practice, and i'm still using a slightly modified Aviano setup.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 2 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:35 pm

    We had to abort the full use of our log analyzer, unfortunately. Some unreliable data there.

    I'm really sorry for that, but we run out of time, so we created groups using just some of the data available.
    I really apologize for the inconvenient, but this is the best we can do. This is not what we wanted, obviusly.

    Here are the groups for tonight.


    I hope that, despite this problem we can have good races.

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 2 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:40 pm

    For tonight we wil NOT use FULL MODE (because of a bug), but we pretend drivers to behave like it was there.
    This is not allowed to use ESC>GO TO BOX/GO TO PIT to repair your car in both Qualification and Race

    If you crash and your car is destroyed use ESC>GO TO BOX to avoid being in the middle but don't move anymore from the box!
    If you crash but your car isn't destroyed (for example just a little bended suspension), and you can reach the box without creating any trouble to anyone, then you can start again.
    Albert McSaltens
    Albert McSaltens

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 2 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Albert McSaltens Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:55 pm

    guys join the radiator website chat for the briefing tonight at 21.00
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 2 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Nov 25, 2010 11:03 pm

    Vitaliano polito
    Vitaliano polito

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 2 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Vitaliano polito Fri Nov 26, 2010 12:45 am

    due gare rovinate da ragazzi che sicuramente usano connessioni wirless i loro lag mi hanno colpito sia in gara 1 che in gara 2 , mi rompono queste cose no si può prendere parte a un campionato e vedere che succedono queste cose

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 2 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by MikaRaymond Fri Nov 26, 2010 1:20 am

    just before the event, i made one small change to my rear suspension, in the hope it would gain me some extra time round the corners due to my high downforce and low straight-line-speed.

    i entered qualifying and managed to loose control over the bump at the exit of the fast chicane, heading straight into the wall at full speed. i only did 3 laps (1.29.995), which put me in the box for 20 minutes. i knew i could go faster, but there was nothing i could do. i slowly watched myself fall down the ranks to start the race in p4.

    i managed to jump p2 and p3 on the start, and headed behind Vanore for about 1/2 the race. i could feel the rear sliding too much (because of the change in the setup) so i started falling back. finished race 1 in p2.

    race 2 started quite well. i managed to get past 2/3 guys on the start. everyone headed into t1 perfectly, there was no mistakes and a lot of room from everyone. i was p2 at that point, and heading into the slower chicane, i saw a pile up in my rear view mirror. i dont know who caused it but it looked like a racing incident from me. someone needs to see the replay. i managed to pass p1 with a move down the inside of the last corner, and went easy from then on (i didnt want to crash xD). i was about +20s ahead of Theo, who over the entire race, managed to close that gap. at the end of the race my rear tyres were dead, and pushing was hard. it got down to about +2s when he had a crash on lap 22 Sad

    from what i saw, there was good starts, but just unlucky incidents. some people were very careless when they crashed - they tried to reverse in the middle of the road and this just isnt possible in my opinion. people also need to obey blue flags - i got held up 2/3s whilst trying to get away from Theo.

    all in all, it was quite good. there are still some things to cover (blue flags and not driving when car is 100% damaged Very Happy) but i enjoyed it

    thanks for your time and see you at the next race Smile take care
    gabriele monti

    Posts : 11
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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 2 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by gabriele monti Fri Nov 26, 2010 1:35 am

    as i start the qualify i noticed that my weel was turned of some degree to the left, so i re-connect and stay in pit all time.
    at the start of race1 someone was spinning in front of me and i touched him. i did lap1 without front wing, then i repair in box and continue the race finishin 8th.
    i had a jump start in race 2 so i go to pits...
    bad race for me until i see marteen in my mirror but to late to avoid him. just noob error. Embarassed
    i feel real sorry for that accident, he was so fast... sorry mate.
    i think i need more concentration.
    see you!

    Fred Gajira
    Fred Gajira

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 2 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Fred Gajira Fri Nov 26, 2010 1:42 am

    MikaRaymond wrote: i managed to pass p1 with a move down the inside of the last corner, and went easy from then on (i didnt want to crash xD)

    you hit me in my rear and get me off track Laughing fortunately my car wasn't dammaged but I lost a lot of places on this move Laughing
    I think it was a race mistake, so no problem....and I finished this race 2nd so I'm too happy bounce

    In first race, I've made a little mistake wich cost me few places, but I succed a come back on Giancarlo on last lap, put pressure on him with positive (for me ^_^') effect

    a good evening for me Smile thanks to all drivers of server1 and thanks to the organization for this wonderfull champ 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 2 361709

    Last edited by Fred Gajira on Fri Nov 26, 2010 1:54 am; edited 1 time in total

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 2 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by MikaRaymond Fri Nov 26, 2010 1:45 am

    really? i didnt realise.. i thought you turned away when i came behind you! sorry mate, it wasnt intended. actually i didnt want to pass you there but i went through because you drove to the right.. it must have been lag. sorry Sad
    Michele Campini

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 2 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Michele Campini Fri Nov 26, 2010 1:48 am

    I was in server 1.
    In race 1 all was fine, i did my race, in third position, without any risk.
    In race 2, at T3, someone hit me and Vanore in rear.
    I return slowly at the box and fix the car and after 25 laps i was 5°.

    So and So.
    Fred Gajira
    Fred Gajira

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 2 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Fred Gajira Fri Nov 26, 2010 1:52 am

    I say no problem Mika 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 2 57262
    it happen sometimes in race and there were no dammage for my car Smile
    M Waechter

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 2 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by M Waechter Fri Nov 26, 2010 1:58 am

    About the races at Melbourne - group 4, short summary:

    Well at first my quali session was not perfect since I crashed my car on my second attempt out of the box, so I returned to pits (ESC) and waited until session-time / the session was over (like as it would be in full mode !) so without doing any more laps.. .
    But it was not too bad anyway, because I did a 1:32.9 in my first attempt, so this was fast enough to end up on second position.

    The first race was getting on very well I guess, no incidents at start and afterwards. I could overtake the leader quite easily directly after the start due to better acceleration and finished the race at first position.
    My first win, *happy* Very Happy Wink

    The start of the second race was on the other hand not very lucky. Someone had a very bad ping, his car was lagging, flashing, disappearing and also warping !, this was also the case in the first race and made a bit of trouble to some drivers. I guess this car was the second car in front of me at the start of race 2, so the guy who was directly in front of me had to brake hard due to the laggy car in front of him after the start, so ' had no chance.. -I crashed into his rear bacause something happened in front of him I guess Shocked (because of the laggy car I mentioned I think). So regarding myself my front wing was destroyed, but luckyly I could drive back to the pits, repaired the car and went out again, rolling up the field from behind. So in the second half of the race I had a nice fight with Davide Z. Very Happy, unfortunately after a few laps of fighting we got too close to one another while braking into the third corner (he was braking much earlier than I used to do on two places on the track.. / edit, after wathing the replay: no, he was braking at the same points there but he slowed down much more at those two places, so that was the problem there to be exact..) which ended up in a some kind of 'Webber-Valencia crash with the Lotus' since I hit Davide's right rear-wheel and flow of the track, but this incident was nothing more than a so called normal race collision to as Davide said also btw. ... . Gladly Davide could keep driving on, his car had also taken some damage, but he could manage to go on. There was also noone left behind him, so in the end we all could keep our positions at least.. Smile .

    Last edited by M Waechter on Fri Nov 26, 2010 3:17 am; edited 3 times in total
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 2 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by davide zardin Fri Nov 26, 2010 1:58 am

    in gara 1 finisco direttamente ai box riparo la macchina e riparto ultimo in tutte e due. in gara 1 recupero una posizione e finisco 6 con una lotta al coltello con il 7. nella seconda gara parto in pole ma in t1 vengo ribeccato e rifinisco direttamente ai box riparo la macchina e sono ultimo. al primo giro mi ritrovo 4 e poi vedo il terzo in testa coda ingaggio una battaglia con il 4 che mi tallona poi al 19 giro in una staccata mi tampona e finiamo tutti e due sulla sabbia, preso dalla foga faccio esc go to box sbagliando sono convinto che sarò penalizzato giustamente era una regola e mi sono fregato da solo.
    la cosa fondamentale è che mi sono divertito moltissimo e che sprero di poter partecipare ancora in questo campionato che è meraviglioso.
    garzzie tante a chi organizza questi eventi
    Filippo Chesi
    Filippo Chesi

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 2 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Filippo Chesi Fri Nov 26, 2010 2:09 am

    Serata sfortunata, anche se forse il risultato non sarebbe cambiato di molto. Mi presento all'evento forse non adeguatamente preparato con un pb di 1.33.111 fatto il giorno stesso. In qualifica faccio due timidi giri ed al terzo mi insabbio chiudendo terzultimo con 1.34.187 dopo aver passato 20 minuti a vedere gli altri girare. Gara 1 parto nella bolgia con grande prudenza ma alla prima o seconda curva per evitare una vettura finisco contro Seghieri rovinando anche la sua gara e finisco decimo. Gara 2 vengo tamponato da dietro alla prima curva. Auto distrutta, impiego il tempo di essere doppiato 4 volte per tornare ai box e farla riparare, finisco undicesimo. Mi scuso se ho causato dei danni a qualcuno, non l'ho fatto volontariamente. Ringrazio tutti per la serata ed in particolarmodo gli organizzatori che a mio parere hanno fatto davvero un grande lavoro.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 2 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Nov 26, 2010 3:16 am

    Group 2 replays
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 2 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Nov 26, 2010 3:34 am

    Results are up
    M Waechter

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 2 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by M Waechter Fri Nov 26, 2010 3:35 am

    I have to complain / to add a little thing to my previous 'race-summary post' about Davide Z. (group D):
    After I watched the replay I saw that after our crash he did ESC back to pits and went out again on track, which is not allowed.. I did not and stayed at pit after we hit.. .
    But no.., I don't want to do any harm !, ->at this time we both were the backmarkers on the track, so his acting had no consequences on any else position on the track, so I don't want to complain a about this small thing, even the crash was of course not his fault in any way, so it is ok for me that he went out again.. (hmm, though I might have catched him and gained his third position if I would have done the same and would have went out again too to continue the fight..* Rolling Eyes). *But forget it (my complaining about that)..., -that was / is no big thing Wink,

    ..just hope that we'll have the full mode again on the next races, so noone can do unexpected things, which may result in a different race result or anything.

    Last edited by M Waechter on Fri Nov 26, 2010 4:01 am; edited 1 time in total

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 2 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

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