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23 posters

    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos Empty 18 Nov 2010: Interlagos

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sun Nov 14, 2010 6:04 pm

    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos Ks2testchamp

    Here you can find the results.


    Time to start the preparation to the upcoming RSR championiship KS2 Series

    Thursday 18 Novemeber we will organize a nice training day. We will do multiple races, to get familiar with the car and to get to know each other.

    The race will be with password, and there will be multiple servers online.

    The aim is to start having some clean races and to get used to race side by side.

    If you want to be part of the races, please allocate for the races, so we can set up the correct amount of servers.

    Appointment nkPRO chat at 21:00 CET (GTM+1)
    Breifing starts at 21:15 sharp, and then we will move on track.

    These races will not be part of the championship. It's just a way to get into the right mood, and try the car out.

    Let's have some clean races.

    In vista del prossimoRSR championiship KS2 Series, abbiamo organizzato per giovedi'18 novembre un bel training day. Ci saranno varie gare sul circuito di Interlagos, per iniziare a familiarizzare con l'auto e iniziarsi a conoscere.

    Le gare saranno con password e ci saranno i server necessari per ospitare tutti i partecipanti.

    Lo scopo e' quello di avere delle gare corrette e abituarsi a gareggiare fianco a fianco.

    Se volete partecipare alle gare, per favore, allocatevi per la gara, cosi' da porter pianificare in anticipo il numero di server necessari.

    L'appuntamento in chat e' alle 21:00, e dopo il briefing alle 21:15 in punto, andremo in pista.

    Queste gare non concorreranno per il campionato. E' solo un modo per entrare nello spirito giusto e provare l'auto a fondo.

    Speriamo di avere delle buone gare con comportamenti correti in pista.

    Last edited by Andrea Lojelo on Fri Nov 19, 2010 11:56 am; edited 1 time in total
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos Empty Re: 18 Nov 2010: Interlagos

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:58 pm

    guys if you want to be part of the training races on Thursday, don't forget your allocation.

    You will see groups here
    Michele Campini

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    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos Empty Re: 18 Nov 2010: Interlagos

    Post by Michele Campini Tue Nov 16, 2010 3:19 pm

    I suggested from Albert i try to do the test race. After i'll decide if do the champs or not.
    All depends from the race start. Wink

    Good luck ! Smile
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos Empty Re: 18 Nov 2010: Interlagos

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:16 pm

    Guys, we have a common goal. No matter what, kill Michele every race! asd

    Just kidding obviously. This test is very important for us also. We want to have clean races in our championships.

    There are few basic rules to follow in our championship, but this is the most important:
    Rule 5 (a.k.a. 5 corners rule): It is important to pay attention especially in the first part of the race, where all cars are close to each other. For this reason, we define per each track the “red zone”, where the 5 corners rule applies. 5 corners is just a convention. For each track the red zone might be extended till a safer zone.
    The responsibility of all drivers is to avoid incidents in the first corners which can have massive consequences and therefore all participants must be careful.
    Starts must be as clean and incident-free as possible. The finish line is not at the first turn. Turn 1 cannot be approached as it happens during the qualification session. The tires are cold, the car is heavy and the track crowded. Drivers must act wisely and drive safely for themselves and for the other participants, for example by:
    o braking earlier than normal
    o maintaining a safe distance from the other cars during the first corners
    o giving enough space to other drivers with some margin for error by other participants

    Any collision from behind will result in the driver behind being considered as the guilty driver, unless the car in front has lost control.
    In case of accident on the “red zone” the Race Director could penalize the drivers directly.

    I really hope anyone will do his up most to have a fair play


    Ragazzi, abbiamo un obbiettivo comune. In qualsiasi caso uccidere Michele ad ogni gara asd

    Scherzo ovviamente. Questo test e' molto importante anche per noi. Vogliamo delle gare pulite nel nostro campionato.

    Ci sono poche regole di base da seguire nel nostro campionato, ma questa e' la piu' importante:

    Regola 5 (anche conosciuta come Regola delle prime 5 curve): E 'importante prestare attenzione soprattutto nella prima parte della gara, in cui tutte le auto sono vicine le une dalle altre. Per questa ragione, Definiremo per ogni tracciato la "zona rossa", la zona in cui vale la Regola delle prime 5 curve. Le 5 curve sono solo una convenzione. Per ogni pista la “zona rossa” potrebbe essere estesa fino ad un punto più sicuro.
    E' responsabilità di tutti i piloti di evitare incidenti nelle prime curve poiche' possono avere conseguenze enormi. Per questo motivo tutti i partecipanti devono prestare la massima attenzione.
    La partenza deve essere, possibilmente, pulita e priva di incidenti. Il traguardo non è alla prima curva. Non può essere affrontata come accade durante la sessione di qualifica. I pneumatici sono freddi, l'auto è pesante e la pista affollata. Il pilota deve agire con saggezza con una guida sicura per sé e per gli altri partecipanti, ad esempio:

    - Frenando in anticipo rispetto al normale.
    - Mantenere una distanza di sicurezza dalle altre vetture durante le prime curve.
    - Dando spazio a sufficienza per altri piloti con un certo margine di errore da parte degli altri partecipanti.

    Il pilota che tampona da dietro sara' considerato considerata colpevole, a meno che la macchina davanti perda il controllo.
    In caso di incidente sulla "zona rossa", il direttore di gara potrebbe penalizzare il pilota direttamente.

    Spero che tutti facciano del loro meglio per comportarsi in maniera corretta in pista.
    Michele Campini

    Posts : 355
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    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos Empty Re: 18 Nov 2010: Interlagos

    Post by Michele Campini Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:18 pm

    OK ho deciso, corro con la 500 Abarth, poi si vede ! Very Happy


    It's decided, i will race with the 500 Abarth ! Very Happy
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos Empty Re: 18 Nov 2010: Interlagos

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Nov 16, 2010 9:00 pm

    I set up a server with the following setting:
    Interlagos Ks2

    Qualification: 40 min
    Warmup:3 minutes
    Race: 15 laps

    This will allow to have some time to develop a good setup, and to experience some longer race.

    Please let me know if you prefer something different.

    Thanks a lot to Paul for the suggestion.

    Posts : 177
    Join date : 2010-10-23

    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos Empty Re: 18 Nov 2010: Interlagos

    Post by Vaggelis Wed Nov 17, 2010 4:11 pm

    Andrea, its very dificult to pass due to the thing that if u even touch somebody its like u crash him.I think that even if u are close to someone its like touching him and maybe wheels broke or something.I know that u have here many races.Any tip? How u manage with this? I try to race fair but sometimes i make mistakes too or i get the wrong decisions. Sad
    Also an other thing i wanted to ask,can we press escape and press "go to pits" and fix our car? or we have to make the lap and go to pits? Is this allowed?(in training and official races)
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos Empty Re: 18 Nov 2010: Interlagos

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Nov 17, 2010 4:46 pm

    All our official races will be in FULL MODE. This mean that you will have (semi) realistic time for reparation and setup changes.
    If you will press go to pits, it's like if you are asking for support from the marshals to bring your car back to box Smile...so you will loose time (10 min.. i think).
    During this time you will stuck to the box without the possibility to do anything.

    You need to think about your strategy, just if it was a real car. Go out from pit, do your laps, and drive back to pit.
    You need to take care of your car, because if you will damage it you will have to wait till it's repaired.

    Prepare your setup before the event, because changing a gear ratio, for example will take 40-50 minutes...so...

    During our training day, I think we will do some races without full mode, just to get used to be in the group, and some with FULL MODE, so you will not experiment it in the first official event.

    About the difficulty to pass, well...it's just like in F1. You need to be aware of your position, and always be careful of what your opponent is doing.
    Wait for the right moment, and be always careful, trying to prevent problems.
    At the end, this car will be difficult for everyone and everyone can do mistakes, especially under pressure.
    My advice: avoid dangerous maneuver, be calm, and wait always for the right moment to overtake. It's easy to get the slip stream of your opponent and be much faster then him. Try to go faster then him out of a corner, and you will have a very good advantage, having a clean and safe overtake.
    Luca "SkyGT" Naldi

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    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos Empty Re: 18 Nov 2010: Interlagos

    Post by Luca "SkyGT" Naldi Wed Nov 17, 2010 5:01 pm

    Race more long.... 20 - 25 laps

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    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos Empty Re: 18 Nov 2010: Interlagos

    Post by Vaggelis Wed Nov 17, 2010 5:29 pm

    thanks very much Smile
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos Empty Re: 18 Nov 2010: Interlagos

    Post by laurent resende Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:36 pm

    I just shot for the first time at Interlagos today and I was pleased to note that the KS2 could turn in times of dry qualyfs the F1! lol 18 Nov 2010: Interlagos 5457
    Michele Campini

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    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos Empty Re: 18 Nov 2010: Interlagos

    Post by Michele Campini Thu Nov 18, 2010 10:47 am

    I'm sorry but there was an unexpected for me so i cannot partecipate in the test race.

    Good luck !
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos Empty Re: 18 Nov 2010: Interlagos

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Nov 18, 2010 11:15 am

    We are testing a new server mode, coded by Kunos on our request: Inverted grid for the first 6 drivers of race1. The new grid will be 6 5 4 3 2 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15.
    We have two servers online with new configurations:
    ------Qualification (15min)
    ------Race1 (7 laps)
    ------Race2 (9 laps) with inverted grid for the first 6 drivers. There will be a warmup session before the start of the race (count down), so you can go around the track warming up your new tyres. At 30 sec from the start you will be put on the grid automatically.

    same of the previous server, but in FULL MODE.

    Maarten Steverink
    Maarten Steverink

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    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos Empty Re: 18 Nov 2010: Interlagos

    Post by Maarten Steverink Thu Nov 18, 2010 1:29 pm

    Unfortunatly i won't be able to make it for this one...Of course i'll be there for the season opener in Melbourne!

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos Empty Re: 18 Nov 2010: Interlagos

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Nov 18, 2010 4:09 pm

    Guys please don't forget to be allocated for the race, tonight.

    Servers will be passworded. You will find the password in the control center

    KS2 Series League - Team XXXXX
    IP address: - Password: XXXX

    You will find here the group you need to join

    Once more, I want to be clear with everyone that we will not tolerate over aggressive driving nor flames on track or on the forum. We are a big group, and it will not easy if people will not behave. We pretend that people that want to race with us will stick to our rules.

    Here is the schedule:

    Chat 21:00
    Briefing 21:15

    TEST SESSION 1: NO FULL MODE (nkServers running on different servers)
    Qual (30 min)
    Race1 (5 laps)
    Race2 (9 laps)

    TEST SESSION 2: CAPACITY TEST (nkServers running on the same server)
    Qual (10 min)
    Race1 (5 laps)
    Race2 (5 laps)

    TEST SESSION 3: FULL MODE TEST (nkServers running on different servers)
    Qual (15 min)
    Race1 (5 laps)
    Race2 (25 laps)

    Thanks very much to Gerard, Tjeerd and Stefano for their help.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos Empty Re: 18 Nov 2010: Interlagos

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Nov 18, 2010 6:02 pm

    we will be using nkchat for our briefing. Please be there on time (21:00)

    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos Nkchat
    Filippo Chesi
    Filippo Chesi

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    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos Empty Re: 18 Nov 2010: Interlagos

    Post by Filippo Chesi Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:51 pm

    Ciao a tutti ragazzi, mi sarebbe piaciuto partecipare all'evento di interlagos questa sera, ma purtoppo non riesco ad iscrivermi...
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos Empty Re: 18 Nov 2010: Interlagos

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:51 pm

    qual'e' il problema? dove sei arrivato?
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos Empty Re: 18 Nov 2010: Interlagos

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:54 pm

    Filippo, visto che avevi gia' un utente, ti ho iscritto al team Radiators-champ in ks2. Basta che ti allochi per la gara e sei a posto.
    Se vuoi creare un team tutto tuo fai pure.
    Filippo Chesi
    Filippo Chesi

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    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos Empty Re: 18 Nov 2010: Interlagos

    Post by Filippo Chesi Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:54 pm

    Devo iscrivermi alla KS2 League giusto? Ho selezionato il team playerzone, cui appartengo, ma non carica. Senza team non posso partecipare?
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos Empty Re: 18 Nov 2010: Interlagos

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:55 pm

    io a dire il vero ti vedo nella lista
    Filippo Chesi
    Filippo Chesi

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    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos Empty Re: 18 Nov 2010: Interlagos

    Post by Filippo Chesi Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:56 pm

    Oh grazie millle Andrea! Stasera corro con voi! Allora alloco e vado ad allenarmi! A dopo
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos Empty Re: 18 Nov 2010: Interlagos

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:56 pm

    Filippo Chesi
    Filippo Chesi

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    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos Empty Re: 18 Nov 2010: Interlagos

    Post by Filippo Chesi Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:59 pm

    Ho dei problemi col sito, mi sta una vita a caricare e non finisce più...forse allora cel'ho fatta ad iscrivermi come playerzone?
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos Empty Re: 18 Nov 2010: Interlagos

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:01 pm

    boh, a me carica molto rapidamente

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    18 Nov 2010: Interlagos Empty Re: 18 Nov 2010: Interlagos

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