Radiator Springs Racing

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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

Roberto Zanerini
Andrea Lanzino
Antonio Lallo
Clive Melbourne
Maarten Steverink
Attilio Barba
Gianfranco Pagoto
fortunato catalano
M Carey
Filippo Chesi
Fred Gajira
gabriele monti
Vitaliano polito
Albert McSaltens
Paul O'Brien
Michele Campini
Vincenzo Vanore
M Waechter
Martin Hussey
giancarlo graziano
davide zardin
Andrea Lojelo
28 posters

    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Attilio Barba
    Attilio Barba

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Attilio Barba Fri Nov 26, 2010 9:26 pm

    Michele Campini wrote:Ciao Attilio, questo è il set che ho usato, in qualifica sono andato sotto al 30, in gara 1 il passo poteva essere sul 31 e in gara 2 sul 32.
    Se vuoi provarlo. Il set è molto importante.

    grande setup

    ho fatto 1,33
    Michele Campini

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Michele Campini Fri Nov 26, 2010 9:28 pm

    Ottimo Wink
    M Waechter

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by M Waechter Sat Nov 27, 2010 12:07 am

    uploaded my replay file, it just contains race2 of group 4, my replaylengh was not long enough (40 min.), so replay starts at lap 3 onwards.
    (not that much to watch there but some little 'fights' between me and Davide and also between Lagneau and Ozimic in the second half of race):


    I guess Ozimic (but don't know 100%, since I have no replay of the start..) did ESC to pit too after the start crash(es), like unfortunately many other dirvers seemed to do in the other groups too. :\..., -because he was in contact with Zanerini at the start and afterwards this incident I was crashing into him too (I could see in the logs..). But all this was just as he got involved into Zanerini's highly lagging car ->all the time and after the start, ..Zanerini's connection was unacceptable (you got even to crash with his warping car by doing nothing than stand still... Wink )

    Does anybody has a replay of race 1 or even from the start of race 2 ? It would be kind if someone could upload this.

    Last edited by M Waechter on Sat Nov 27, 2010 6:00 am; edited 1 time in total
    Andrea Lanzino
    Andrea Lanzino

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Andrea Lanzino Sat Nov 27, 2010 1:32 am

    f.gek wrote:Tutto ok Andrea , se riesco domani ti mando qualche immagine e il replay , ma è stata comunque una cosa minima.
    ciao gek..
    ascolta qui forse c'è davvero un problma al di là delle responsabilità che hanno poco conto vorrei capire cosa è successo ...
    non per il contatto ma se tu lo hai avvertito come minimo ti assicuro che la mia vettura era totalmente inguidabile...!!!?
    a sto punto ci vorrebbero un paio di test per capire la "qualità" del danno riportato da un minimo contatto
    almeno per verificare se è un bug o è volutamente così.
    spero si possa procedere velocemente per un riscontro...
    p.s. per quando rigurda l'applicativo che usate (mi interesso e spero di fare cosa gradita)
    tenete conto della frequenza dei giri fatti sul server dai piloti in modo da applicare un peso nella media...(media ponderata?)
    per chi non ha mai girato sui server si potrebbero fare delle siime sull'applicativo di nk rank
    cosa ne pensate ?
    massima disponibilità
    per suggerimento e aiuto le referenze sulle competenze "didattiche" ve le giro in privato se vi va

    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by giancarlo graziano Sat Nov 27, 2010 1:58 am

    dora in poi la calssifica e stilata e i gruppi si faranno secondo le posizioni attuali...in chap page

    la prossima gatra a barcellona avra ancora lo stesso sistema punti B/C
    poi dall terza gara si passera al sistema punti
    1-15 Group A: RSRPoints_A
    16-30 Group B: RSRPoints_B_C
    31-45 Group C: RSRPoints_B_C
    46-60 group D: RSRPoint_D_E_F
    61-75 group E: RSRPoint_D_E_F
    76-90 group F: RSRPoint_D_E_F
    stiamo alvorando come dei matti sui log..che comunque hanno evidenziato molte cose..
    ..non mi dilungo perche presto comunicheremo ufficialmente ..tutto qwuello che abbiamo riscontrato.
    abbi fede ..chiariremo tutto..
    siamo al lavoro giorno e notte...

    Andrea Lanzino
    Andrea Lanzino

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Andrea Lanzino Sat Nov 27, 2010 2:23 am

    massima stima ...per il lavoro edit

    Last edited by Andrea Lanzino on Sat Nov 27, 2010 3:51 am; edited 1 time in total
    Matjaz Ozimic

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Matjaz Ozimic Sat Nov 27, 2010 2:32 am

    My Race Report: Server no. 4

    I think I was pretty well prepared for this race because I dedicated this race quite a few training. In qualifying, when I drove behind Zanerini, I notice that his car jumping all around the track, that irritates me so much, I spun, drive safely to the pit and repair my car, continue and take P3 right behind Zanerini. So I tell him in between Q and R that his car was lagging, flashing, disappearing and also warping, as Waechter mentioned earlier in the previous post.

    To summarize: In both races, I had a bad luck to start the race right behind him. My race was over after 1s and I have no chance to avoid a collision, 'couse his car was not there and it was, I know it sound stupid but if you know what I mean (lagging). I saw that he pulled away, but he was still there. So I crash in »nothing«. J

    Yes, I pressed Esc, I fixed the car and drove as the last one from the pits. Yes I know, I have read the rules and it is forbidden. And in any other case I wouldn't do that, but this was so frustrated. Can you imagine that you spend on training acouple of hours, you get the race and finish in 2s, even if you are so careful. This was really painfull, 'couse otherwise I would have the opportunity to win the race.. So during the race there were no problems, I overtook a couple of guys but they were all fair drivers and at the end of 2nd race, I had a good fight with Lagneau.

    So if you think after all this that I deserve punishment, I'll take it.
    I hope that you have saved replay from those two races (my is too short), which would help to analyze this situation.

    Last edited by Matjaz Ozimic on Sat Nov 27, 2010 2:58 am; edited 2 times in total
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sat Nov 27, 2010 2:39 am

    Ragazzi, sinceramente prima di puntare il dito al simulatore, assicuratevi che in pista non ci sia qualcuno che mette in crisi il server, oppure che il server sia ben carrozzato.

    Sinceramente abbiamo testato a fondo questa versione prima col nostro team, in condizioni protette (tutti piloti conosciuti, con connessioni stabili, e server buono), e non abbiamo mai avuto i problemi che vedo a volte in pista.

    Finora tutte le volte che qualcuno si lamentava era perche' c'era qualcuno che giocava in condizioni pietose.

    Non ci sono dubbi che il netcode non sia il miglior aspetto di netKar PRO, ma prima, come tu dici, e' meglio poter dimostrare che ci siano problemi veri.

    Purtroppo mi sembra che vi stiate caricando a vicenda su questo discorso degli incidenti.
    Come sempre accade nei forum le cose sembrano piu' brutte di quanto siano.
    Io sto in pista molto spesso, e non mi pare che non si possa stare vicino ad un avversario, anzi. Ho visto duelli ravvicinati (es. Albert McSaltens e Gianfranco Pagoto) senza problemi di sorta.
    Andrea Lanzino
    Andrea Lanzino

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Andrea Lanzino Sat Nov 27, 2010 3:50 am

    scusa andrea non volevo dare al colpa a niente e nessuno.. è vero ci potrebbero essere simmer che mettono in crisi il net code
    mi sono permesso di editare ...il mio dubbio nasceva da warp con crash annessi avuti in un server dove eravamo in 3 con ping fra i 40 e gli 80
    M Waechter

    Posts : 755
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    Location : Germany

    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by M Waechter Sat Nov 27, 2010 5:40 am

    Matjaz Ozimic wrote:And in any other case I wouldn't do that, but this was so frustrated. Can you imagine that you spend on training acouple of hours, you get the race and finish in 2s, even if you are so careful. This was really painfull, 'couse otherwise I would have the opportunity to win the race.. So during the race there were no problems, I overtook a couple of guys but they were all fair drivers and at the end of 2nd race, I had a good fight with Lagneau.

    So if you think after all this that I deserve punishment, I'll take it. ...

    [first just a short general note: In my last post I spelled Zanerini in a wrong way (I spelled him 'Zaradin' with whom I meant 'Zanerini') as I talked about the highly lagging car.., fixed this to the correct spelling now in my previous post.]

    Yes I understand this very well of course, because in such a special case -if you get thrown out of the race just because of someone jumping around in front of you or whereever, because of bad connection- I would have done the same maybe. I think no 'punishment' is needed here this time... .
    Zanerini's car has disturbed me also a little bit the time after the start of race one: As we started (me on second place, he on first position) his car was suddenly warping in front of me at the left side of me, jumping forward, jumping backward and so on.. and then he disappeared just before reaching the first corner, so I didn't know if he is still maybe invisible in front / beside of me or not and was fearing an 'invisible-crash' -like you had at the start of race two- . So I was shivering a bit through the whole first lap, but as I finally finished the first lap I could see at the displayed results that he was/is at least behind of me, so I had not to fear to crash in something maybe invisible anymore.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sat Nov 27, 2010 12:28 pm

    Guys do you have a replay of server 3-4-5? replay of server 1-2 are in the first post
    Roberto Zanerini

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Roberto Zanerini Sat Nov 27, 2010 3:51 pm

    Mi scuso con tutti i ragazzi del gruppo 4 per i miei problemi di connessione, ma per me era impossibile capire quanti ping avevodi solito me li visualizza sulla destra in rosso ma stavolta non compariva niente. Prima della gara ho fatto il test e mi dava 150 ms (troppo?)Proporrei a questo punto se c'è il modo (con un messaggio in chat da parte della direzione gara) per chi ha problemi di server di venire escluso.
    I apologize to all the boys in Group 4 for my connection problems, but for me I was not clear how many ping

    I usually see them on the right in red but this time did not appear at all. Before the race I did the test and gave me 150 ms (too?)

    Propose at this point whether there is a way (with a message in chat by the race direction) for those who have a server be excluded.
    M Waechter

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by M Waechter Sat Nov 27, 2010 7:32 pm

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:Guys do you have a replay of server 3-4-5? replay of server 1-2 are in the first post

    I've just a replay of the second race, I put a downloadlink to this in a previous post, but the start is missing, so it is not very useful.
    I forgot to increase the replaylength a bit more in the options before the event started, -it was only set to 40 min. .
    Don't know if anyone has race 1 + 2 in full length ?, would be cool to see.
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by M Carey Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:20 am

    Attilio Barba wrote:
    Michele Campini wrote:Ciao Attilio, questo è il set che ho usato, in qualifica sono andato sotto al 30, in gara 1 il passo poteva essere sul 31 e in gara 2 sul 32.
    Se vuoi provarlo. Il set è molto importante.

    grande setup

    ho fatto 1,33
    Improved my PB by over a second (1:31.46).
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sun Nov 28, 2010 7:35 pm

    Replay Group 3

    Still missing Replay for group 4 and 5. Does anyone has it?
    Cédric Lagneau

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Cédric Lagneau Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:48 pm


    First race. Don't know the most tracks of this championship (i'm from iracing who has not many F1 tracks :p) but it was a pleasure to drive here.

    On the second race i was first 19 laps before Ozimic pass me 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 659651 , it was faster on the last turn before straight Smile then i made two times the same mistake on the same corner 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 274234

    I've upload group4 replay (2 races): http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KU4QWIJS

    thanks to all Very Happy
    M Waechter

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by M Waechter Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:15 pm

    cl wrote:Hi,

    First race. Don't know the most tracks of this championship (i'm from iracing who has not many F1 tracks :p) but it was a pleasure to drive here.

    On the second race i was first 19 laps before Ozimic pass me 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 659651 , it was faster on the last turn before straight Smile then i made two times the same mistake on the same corner 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 274234

    I've upload group4 replay (2 races): http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KU4QWIJS

    thanks to all Very Happy

    Great !!, thx for this, ..now finally I can watch the starts and the first race of our group, since I had just my short 40 min. replay (race 2) so far -link again to this is here:
    sendspace.com qv5pe5

    Lagneau, maybe change your name (if you want), because by just reading your initials "cl" noone might know who is posting.. !

    btw.: Your driving-style looks cool (kind of clean.., like a F1 Ferrari 2010) -because of your setup/style you are in certain corners a bit later on throttle maybe.., but I like to watch this style.
    Hope to see you racing here again.. !
    Cédric Lagneau

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Cédric Lagneau Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:35 pm

    "you are in certain corners a bit later on throttle maybe"

    thanks for feedback, i know i need to improve my output speed. It's much easy to say than to do but i'll try to be more earlier on throttle to be faster and more competitive Smile

    I'll be here each time i can Wink

    (name changed)
    Maurizio Gilles
    Maurizio Gilles

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Maurizio Gilles Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:39 pm

    Replay Group 5 -> http://www.mediafire.com/?xuxbpeu4p8w53w6
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:50 pm

    After a long and tedious check we decided to assign some penalties and warning based on what we have seen analyzing logs and replays.
    Overall we haven't seen a bad behavior on track, and unfortunately lag, inexperience, and unreliable connections caused the most of the problems.

    -Luca Seghieri: -10 points. Seghieri goes around the track with a wrecked car in reverse. Very dangerous
    -Maurizio Gilles JR: -5 points. cause an incident in blue flags

    FLAMES: it's not acceptable to create flames on our forum for race incidents, even before checking logs, or replays of both drivers
    -Fortunato Catalano.

    HEAVY LAG: please try to do something about it before the next race
    -Roberto Zanerini
    -Olivier Boissel
    Other people had problems also, with high ping and unreliable connections.

    PRESS ESC AND CONTINUE: we changed our rules too late before the race, and some of you misinterpreted the rules.
    for this time we decided just to give a warning, but we will penalize from the next time. Here are the updated rules regarding this point

    la monaca
    Maurzio Gilles Jr
    Mario Gilles
    franco ledda
    albert mcSaltens
    Vitaliano Polito qualification and Race
    Scollo qualification
    Here is the detail report

    Few notes about our report:
    1)This is the first and last time we will analyze all replays and logs. From now on we will simply publish the report, and drivers can discuss about that between them in PM, and let us know if anyone needs to be penalized.
    We created a full report this time just to be sure that our logging mechanism was correct, and it is. This was a very daunting task.
    As you will see there are a lot of "Other contacts", so contacts registered by 1 driver only. This might be due to lag, or dis-alignments.
    Kunos told me that with KS2, due to heavy acceleration, it's difficult to predict where the car will be when you don't have a timely update from the other driver. This is something that we should know, and act accordingly. The basic rules are always applicable, especially in the first lap:
    o braking earlier than normal
    o maintaining a safe distance from the other cars during the first corners
    o giving enough space to other drivers with some margin for error by other participants

    2) As we wrote on our rules this is a gentlemen championship. We expect people to behave on track and on the forum. We prefer to spend more time on track and less on the forums speaking and discussing about a stupid mistake that someone did on track. The most of the times, there was not even a real contact (detected by both drivers), so the full discussion was useless. We hope that from now on, we will have a more relaxed environment. There are a lot of drivers in this championship, and we pretend everyone to control himself to have a nice and clean championship.

    Thanks for your cooperation
    M Waechter

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by M Waechter Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:20 pm

    just maybe to correct a little thing:
    I never pressed 'ESC to pits' and returned on track again.. , so I don't know why I'm listed there under this mentioned point ?

    In race two I crashed with Ozimic just after the start, which was all because of the big lag of Zanerini's car in front of him, I didn't pressed ESC (like all other car's did who got involved with his car)
    but drove back to the pits with my broken front wing in the first lap.., repaired it and went out again. This behaviour was allowed in the briefing: it was mentioned there before the race that when you can go back to pits savely with your damaged car then it is allowed to repair it. Nothing else than this I was doing there.

    It is possible / allowed to go out immediately after repairing the car as long you could drive back to the pits savely the lap before and did not press ESC, exactly in this way it was explained in the briefing for the first event at Melbourne and exactly such a case happened to me after the start of race2.

    Doesen't matter much -don't want to start any discussion or anything of course, just wanted to say that regarding this rule I did nothing wrong in the first event, because I just drove back to the pits in the frist lap and went our again.
    And doing this I lost much time and some positions in race2 compared to the other drivers who did ESC to pits and went out again after a crash anyway.. .

    Last edited by M Waechter on Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:34 pm; edited 3 times in total
    giuseppe scollo

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by giuseppe scollo Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:22 pm

    ciao a tutti, sono stato costetto ad usare l'esc in questo punto della pista, probabilmente a causa di un bug.
    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 Nkscr_15
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:53 pm

    M Waechter wrote:just maybe to correct a little thing:
    I never pressed 'ESC to pits' and returned on track again.. , so I don't know why I'm listed there under this mentioned point ?

    In race two I crashed with Ozimic just after the start, which was all because of the big lag of Zanerini's car in front of him, I didn't pressed ESC (like all other car's did who got involved with his car)
    but drove back to the pits with my broken front wing in the first lap.., repaired it and went out again. This behaviour was allowed in the briefing: it was mentioned there before the race that when you can go back to pits savely with your damaged car then it is allowed to repair it. Nothing else than this I was doing there.

    It is possible / allowed to go out immediately after repairing the car as long you could drive back to the pits savely the lap before and did not press ESC, exactly in this way it was explained in the briefing for the first event at Melbourne and exactly such a case happened to me after the start of race2.

    Doesen't matter much -don't want to start any discussion or anything of course, just wanted to say that regarding this rule I did nothing wrong in the first event, because I just drove back to the pits in the frist lap and went our again.
    And doing this I lost much time and some positions in race2 compared to the other drivers who did ESC to pits and went out again after a crash anyway.. .
    in this case we apologize for the error.
    Believe me it has been a nightmare for all of us to check replays and logs.
    Just imagine 62 drivers for 36 laps...
    We might have done a mistake in your case. sorry for that. I will redraw the warning. Sorry for that.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:57 pm

    to be honest I'm much more worried about those drivers lagging a lot and creating troubles to the all group.
    I hope everyone will do his up most to have a proper connection, or otherwise will decide not to race.
    M Waechter

    Posts : 755
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    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by M Waechter Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:02 pm

    no problem Wink, I know / can imagine it could sometimes be too much to watch every exact behavior of every car in all the replays... .

    Sponsored content

    25 Nov 2010: Melbourne - Page 5 Empty Re: 25 Nov 2010: Melbourne

    Post by Sponsored content

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