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    top priority bugs to be fixed

    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    top priority bugs to be fixed - Page 5 Empty Re: top priority bugs to be fixed

    Post by laurent resende Mon Feb 14, 2011 3:51 pm

    I think Andrea has raised a good track with the C++ libraries, Microsoft released version lately C ++2010 x86 and x64, it is advisable for owners to install the x64 system 2 because vista x64 and Seven x64 also manages seven x86. it is available on Microsoft
    Sergey Moskovkin
    Sergey Moskovkin

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    top priority bugs to be fixed - Page 5 Empty Re: top priority bugs to be fixed

    Post by Sergey Moskovkin Mon Feb 14, 2011 3:52 pm

    Martin Hussey wrote:i think the 1600/1800/2000/target are Sequential, the 500 and Vintage are H-pattern and KS2 and Osella are paddle.
    As far, as I know:

    H-Shifter: F1600, F1800, Fiat500 and Vintage
    Sequential with Shifter: F2000, FTarget and Osella
    Sequential with paddles: KS2

    Edited: thanks to Redek Pol.

    Last edited by Sergey Moskovkin on Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Martin Hussey

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    top priority bugs to be fixed - Page 5 Empty Re: top priority bugs to be fixed

    Post by Martin Hussey Mon Feb 14, 2011 4:00 pm

    Sergey Moskovkin wrote:
    Martin Hussey wrote:i think the 1600/1800/2000/target are Sequential, the 500 and Vintage are H-pattern and KS2 and Osella are paddle.

    As far, as I know:

    H-Shifter: F1600, F1800, Fiat500 and Vintage
    Sequential with Shifter: F2000 and FTarget
    Sequential with paddles: KS2 and Osella

    I should really know this, seeing that i wrote the cars pages up on netKar Central. I think you're right, actually. I cant find anything on Formula Fords having sequential boxes. So yeah, i was wrong Razz
    Martin Hussey

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    top priority bugs to be fixed - Page 5 Empty Re: top priority bugs to be fixed

    Post by Martin Hussey Mon Feb 14, 2011 4:26 pm

    Andrea Lojelo wrote: We can't really complain for something we got for free, or for 15 euros!
    Quite the opposite, actually. If i'd just paid 15 euro's for an online sim that i couldnt play, i expect i would be pretty pissed off.

    I'm not saying that Kunos hasn't done a good job. The new cars are fantastic, and i dont think i've had so much fun in a racing sim as i have with the Vintage. But lately there have been some image-damaging mistakes, and i think it was a mistake to let the beta go with such an obvious problem.

    However, on the other hand, it doesnt seem that people start to crash until there are upwards of 4/5 people on the server. Its possible if the 'testing' team consisted of less than that number of people, they may not have experienced it.

    Another bug i spotted yesterday, i got a bit of Artifacting at Aviano. Part of the top of the pit box building decided it would much prefer to be at the opposite end of the track, and cut straight across the track to get there. Definately a few graphics issues at the moment.
    Radek Pól
    Radek Pól

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    top priority bugs to be fixed - Page 5 Empty Re: top priority bugs to be fixed

    Post by Radek Pól Mon Feb 14, 2011 4:54 pm

    Sergey Moskovkin wrote:
    Martin Hussey wrote:i think the 1600/1800/2000/target are Sequential, the 500 and Vintage are H-pattern and KS2 and Osella are paddle.

    As far, as I know:

    H-Shifter: F1600, F1800, Fiat500 and Vintage
    Sequential with Shifter: F2000 and FTarget
    Sequential with paddles: KS2 and Osella

    It seems Osella has sequential with shifter.
    Sergey Moskovkin
    Sergey Moskovkin

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    top priority bugs to be fixed - Page 5 Empty Re: top priority bugs to be fixed

    Post by Sergey Moskovkin Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:01 pm

    It's even better Smile
    Fernando Zart
    Fernando Zart

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    top priority bugs to be fixed - Page 5 Empty Re: top priority bugs to be fixed

    Post by Fernando Zart Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:06 pm

    Martin Hussey wrote:Part of the top of the pit box building decided it would much prefer to be at the opposite end of the track, and cut straight across the track to get there. Definately a few graphics issues at the moment.

    This is happening to me (part of the top of the pit box appearing over the image) when I'm changing the skins, but not on every track. Forgot the names, should test but I'm at work right now. Anyway, this is only a beta, and it is pretty good as it is, except of course for the online bug. As a community, we can help Kunos (and ourselves) like a real beta team would do: pointing the problems, perhaps suggesting some improvements, strictly in a professional way.
    One option to keep the championships alive is to use the 1.2 version for online races again (no osella or vintage) until this crash bug is sorted out - or - take the risks and keep racing the new beta version, crossing fingers.
    I chose the second, because

    a) I really like the new shaders
    b) I like the new tire model (edit: there are problems, but it has potential)
    c) I really like the new cars Smile
    d) I don't participate in any championship, just fun races, so I can live with it until 1.31 (ok, this is selfish, bad karma) Smile
    e) I want to find the bugs and report back to this forum (I guess the developers are here too, right? - good karma neutralizing the bad karma above) Smile

    PS: Agree with the H-shifter/sequential/pads requests - it would be very nice as a bonus after the serious problems are sorted out.
    Martin Hussey

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    top priority bugs to be fixed - Page 5 Empty Re: top priority bugs to be fixed

    Post by Martin Hussey Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:54 pm

    As far as i know none of the dev team follow these forums.
    Fernando Zart
    Fernando Zart

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    top priority bugs to be fixed - Page 5 Empty Re: top priority bugs to be fixed

    Post by Fernando Zart Mon Feb 14, 2011 6:26 pm

    Martin Hussey wrote:As far as i know none of the dev team follow these forums.

    Well, if this is true, then I guess that someone here must know how to contact Kunos or someone of his team? Maybe the admins?
    If not, then there is no reason to create such discussions, unless we compile a list and send that to their support at some point.

    This is one of the (if not THE) most active forums about netkar at the moment, and so I think they may take a peek from time to time.
    Last Saturday I was racing on a server (I guess it was one of the RSR or DrivingItalia's), and met a guy with a nick like "s si3v" (or something like that), and after a while he revealed that he was the lead track developer for netKar.
    Then we started to talk about track features (like why, for instance, the shadows at trento doesn't affect the car, etc), and he told us several things, like that the actual nkar engine has reached his limit, and that the shadows thing was a compromise between graphical shadows or no shadows at all (the track was developed for another sim, etc etc).
    Then a guy asked him about the next release, and he didn't want to speculate, just saying that they would first get the 1.3 stable (specially the online bug that he was experiencing himself during the day) and only then start to think about 2.0 release, which would need to use a whole new engine for sure. Of course, being the "track guy", he was focused on this aspect of the sim.

    We shouldn't forget also that this sim hasn't sold many copies yet ("confirmed" by "s si3v"), so it is still almost a "passion development". If we can get more "momentum", I think changes and improvements will start to happen more often.

    Of course I cannot guarantee that "s si3v" was really who he was telling he was, but his views and information about the sim seemed very genuine, coherent, and coming from an "insider". Point is: if they are running with us on the same servers, they probably are tuned to the forums as well.
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    top priority bugs to be fixed - Page 5 Empty Re: top priority bugs to be fixed

    Post by laurent resende Mon Feb 14, 2011 6:47 pm

    Kunos has always been very discreet in terms of communication, apart from Marco serves as spokesperson from time to time, Stefano Castillo (God the father) goes frequently on the server of driving Italia in Prato, but certainly they must be aware of the various problems we encounter with NetKar
    Now he'll be certain that a spokesperson for various reports on these issues on the Forums, with Kunos would be ideal, but this character should receive the highest integrity, I think a guy would be perfect as Jaap Wagenvoort
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    top priority bugs to be fixed - Page 5 Empty Re: top priority bugs to be fixed

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Feb 14, 2011 7:44 pm

    Fernando Zart wrote:
    ...Of course I cannot guarantee that "s si3v" was really who he was telling he was...

    I can confirm, Si3v is the track developer for Kunos Simulazioni. He created Aosta and Trento Bondone (maybe something else), and as far as I know he modeled the Vintage GT also.
    Marcello Gabrielli
    Marcello Gabrielli

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    top priority bugs to be fixed - Page 5 Empty si3v

    Post by Marcello Gabrielli Mon Feb 14, 2011 7:49 pm

    hi Fernando

    si3v is the guy who made the trento - bondone track and other, I collaborated with him more than 2 o 3 years ago, sending my info to improve their work.
    Stefano"kunos" Casillo is in contact with the administrators of radiators champ and received some very detaild feedback about the problems we had with the 1.2 in the last KS2 championship and with the new release.
    I'm sure he is watching this forum, directly or through some collaborators.
    Stefano probably is working to solve the problems of netkar, so we can only wait a fix or a new release.

    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    top priority bugs to be fixed - Page 5 Empty Re: top priority bugs to be fixed

    Post by giancarlo graziano Mon Feb 14, 2011 7:55 pm

    yep marcello...holy few words Very Happy
    Fernando Zart
    Fernando Zart

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    top priority bugs to be fixed - Page 5 Empty Re: top priority bugs to be fixed

    Post by Fernando Zart Mon Feb 14, 2011 8:14 pm

    Thanks Marcello and Andrea.
    This is really THE forum.

    "Running with the gods" Smile
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    top priority bugs to be fixed - Page 5 Empty Re: top priority bugs to be fixed

    Post by laurent resende Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:00 pm

    thank you Marcello for his information, personally I have never doubted anyway still a BETA version BETA, it is called has evolved continuously, Kunos also made an excellent choice in its decision to submit it to the NetKar whole community, rather than a small team of beta tester, which allows for the opinions and criticisms of all consumers without any restriction that we
    Martin Hussey

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    top priority bugs to be fixed - Page 5 Empty Re: top priority bugs to be fixed

    Post by Martin Hussey Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:17 pm

    One thing that the netkar site needs is a decent bug reporting system. a system where people can view all reported bugs, and see if something has been done about it, or if there is a fix available.
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    top priority bugs to be fixed - Page 5 Empty Re: top priority bugs to be fixed

    Post by M Carey Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:57 am

    Martin Hussey wrote:However, on the other hand, it doesnt seem that people start to crash until there are upwards of 4/5 people on the server. Its possible if the 'testing' team consisted of less than that number of people, they may not have experienced it.
    I was online on my own @ Aviano/Vintage, then when someone joined me I had a crash soon after. Anyway, I've upgraded to Windows 7 so hopefully Vista SP2 compatibiltiy mode will be better than running that actual O/S :p
    Martin Hussey

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    top priority bugs to be fixed - Page 5 Empty Re: top priority bugs to be fixed

    Post by Martin Hussey Tue Feb 15, 2011 3:04 pm

    M Carey wrote:
    Martin Hussey wrote:However, on the other hand, it doesnt seem that people start to crash until there are upwards of 4/5 people on the server. Its possible if the 'testing' team consisted of less than that number of people, they may not have experienced it.
    I was online on my own @ Aviano/Vintage, then when someone joined me I had a crash soon after. Anyway, I've upgraded to Windows 7 so hopefully Vista SP2 compatibiltiy mode will be better than running that actual O/S :p

    Odd. I've not managed to crash with that few people online.

    Windows 7 doesnt seem to fix the problem, for me at least. Compatability mode makes it crash less frequently (i think) but it still does occasionally.
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    top priority bugs to be fixed - Page 5 Empty Re: top priority bugs to be fixed

    Post by M Carey Tue Feb 15, 2011 3:17 pm

    Don't tell me that, I spent hrs upgrading for nothing Razz Under Vista SP2 running in XP SP2 or Server 2003 compatibility mode I had the odd crash too, if I was lucky I'd make it through a race (which was better than before when I'd be lucky if I made it past T1). I'll see how Windows 7 goes anyway.
    Martin Hussey

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    top priority bugs to be fixed - Page 5 Empty Re: top priority bugs to be fixed

    Post by Martin Hussey Tue Feb 15, 2011 3:27 pm

    Even if it crashed more then Vista, you wouldnt have upgraded for nothing. i promise you that Wink
    Albert McSaltens
    Albert McSaltens

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    top priority bugs to be fixed - Page 5 Empty Re: top priority bugs to be fixed

    Post by Albert McSaltens Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:30 pm

    since i use compatibility mode , desktop themes untticked and compositiondesktop( since saturday) i had no single crash and i probably have played around 5 hours
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    top priority bugs to be fixed - Page 5 Empty Re: top priority bugs to be fixed

    Post by laurent resende Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:13 am

    also consider updating your Framework (version 4) uses NetKar;in support of the simulation there is version 2
    Steve Crawnshaw

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    top priority bugs to be fixed - Page 5 Empty Re: top priority bugs to be fixed

    Post by Steve Crawnshaw Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:54 am

    Has there been any word from Kunos on this online fix for some? Is Kunos even aware?

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    top priority bugs to be fixed - Page 5 Empty Re: top priority bugs to be fixed

    Post by si3v Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:37 am

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    top priority bugs to be fixed - Page 5 Empty Re: top priority bugs to be fixed

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Feb 16, 2011 11:12 am

    Nice to see you here, Si3v Smile

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