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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

5 posters

    Full Mode: what is it?

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Full Mode: what is it? Empty Full Mode: what is it?

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:40 am

    Since not everyone is familiar to this racing mode, I will try to explain what it is.

    From nK Manual (nk folder\manual page 60):
    I highly suggest you to read that manual. It's really well written and contains a lot of useful informations.

    netKar PRO has two online racing modes: FullMode On, and FullMode Off (Normal Mode).
    Normal Mode is the basic online racing mode for netKar PRO, and is suited for online pickup racing.

    FullMode is a highly realistic feature which allows drivers to simulate the time needed in case of setup changes, car repairs, as well as the time needed to bring the car back to the pits when the driver has abandoned it out on the circuit somewhere. FullMode is perfect for online league racing and brings simulated racing to a new level of realism.

    Car tow-back time (10 minutes)
    You can press the ‘ESC key’ and decide to go back to your
    pits (pitlane) or box (pitbox), but in FullMode this will result in a ‘Tow-back to the pit’
    time. This simulates the time needed to recover your car and bring it back to the

    So always go back to your pit with an in lap, because if you press ESC>GO TO PIT you will be penalized.

    Not possible to load setup: Load your setup before the race.

    The manual says, but I'm not sure if this still works:
    In FullMode, you can only load setups during the waiting time for a session. As soon
    as session (practice, qualifying, or race) start in FullMode, you can no longer load a
    different setup. This is done because car changes take time in FullMode.

    the topbar is not visible in FullMode sessions. This is done again to
    enhance realism and immersion. In real racing, especially in lower categories, drivers
    do not always know their position and the positions of everyone else. Therefore, the
    topbar (which displays this information) is not activated in FullMode, reducing the
    information for the driver, therefore making it harder to judge the situation.

    Small bug and it's workaround
    sometimes if you press fill fuel and then you do some more action while the counter is on, it might happen that the counter of the waiting time goes to a very high number.
    In this case just press + or - fuel and your timer will be fixed
    Sergio Marques
    Sergio Marques

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    Full Mode: what is it? Empty Re: Full Mode: what is it?

    Post by Sergio Marques Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:01 pm

    A few time ago I have upload the NK manual pages, so here they are:
    Full Mode: what is it? Fullmode0001.th
    Full Mode: what is it? Fullmode0002.th

    Full Mode: what is it? Fullmode0003.th

    Full Mode: what is it? Fullmode0004.th

    Full Mode: what is it? Fullmode0005.th
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Full Mode: what is it? Empty Re: Full Mode: what is it?

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:28 pm

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:
    Not possible to load setup: Load your setup before the race.

    The manual says, but I'm not sure if this still works:
    In FullMode, you can only load setups during the waiting time for a session. As soon
    as session (practice, qualifying, or race) start in FullMode, you can no longer load a
    different setup. This is done because car changes take time in FullMode.

    I did some tests and it's indeed possible to load the setup in the waiting time.
    I changed the server configuration to change the setup in the following moments:
    the first 5 min in the STAY IN PIT session
    the first min in the QUALIFY session
    the first 5 min (warmup) in the RACE session

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    Full Mode: what is it? Empty Re: Full Mode: what is it?

    Post by MikaRaymond Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:09 pm

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:
    I did some tests and it's indeed possible to load the setup in the waiting time.
    I changed the server configuration to change the setup in the following moments:
    the first 5 min in the STAY IN PIT session
    the first min in the QUALIFY session
    the first 5 min (warmup) in the RACE session

    so this means you can use both qual and race setup for the event?
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Full Mode: what is it? Empty Re: Full Mode: what is it?

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:10 pm


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    Full Mode: what is it? Empty Re: Full Mode: what is it?

    Post by MikaRaymond Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:13 pm

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:yes

    thanks Smile
    George Stergioulas

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    Full Mode: what is it? Empty Re: Full Mode: what is it?

    Post by George Stergioulas Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:32 pm

    Finally something sensible. Thanks for the update.
    Marco Calesella
    Marco Calesella

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    Full Mode: what is it? Empty Re: Full Mode: what is it?

    Post by Marco Calesella Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:24 pm

    Scusate se riapro un post vecchio, ma vengo qui di tanto in tanto oramai.
    Vedo che questa "disquisizione" sul full mode è successiva (marzo 2011) a quando erano sorti i problemi che ne avevano sconsigliato l'uso nelle gare (novembre 2010)
    D'altra parte vedo che le ultime gare sulla 1.3 Beta B vengono sempre cosrse senza Full Mode.

    Devo quindi dedurre che dobbiamo aspettarci che il full mode, pur non essendo più supportato, sia stato ora sistemato di nuovo nella 1.3 RC e, pur non comparendo più nelle opzioni disponibili all'utente, potrà essere forzato e quindi le gare RSR potranno di nuovo essere corse con questa modalità indubbiamente molto "coinvolgente"?

    Scusate se la domanda ha già avuto risposta da qualche altra parte, ma le mie ricerche con la parola chiave "full mode" hanno portato solo a questo.

    Grazie se qualcuno può illuminarmi.

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Full Mode: what is it? Empty Re: Full Mode: what is it?

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:24 pm

    Il full mode non e' piu' supportato, quindi va usato cosi' com'e'. I bug riguardanti il Full Mode, da noi segnalati, non verrano risolti nella prossima versione, putroppo, in quanto le priorita' sono altre.

    Valuteremo, una volta consegnata la versione finale, se sara' possibile ed opportuno tornare al Full Mode, tanto amato da noi tutti.

    Marco Calesella
    Marco Calesella

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    Full Mode: what is it? Empty Re: Full Mode: what is it?

    Post by Marco Calesella Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:35 pm

    Grazie Andrea, ma mi aiuti a ricordare qual'era quel bug così grosso che l'autunno scorso, dopo l'uscita di una nuova release, addirittura ne aveva impedito l'uso in una gara RSR (non ricordo però quale).
    Mi ricordo che fino all'ultimo si era sperato in una correzione al volo da parte di kunos, cosa che però non è riuscita.

    Cosa è cambiato da allora visto che, pur con qualche piccolo bug, adesso permette di utilizzarla di nuovo per le gare?

    Comunque il discorso FullMode è venuto fuori incidentalmente su DI direttamente con kunos, che ha anche cose interessanti, seppur al momento estremamente remote!
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Full Mode: what is it? Empty Re: Full Mode: what is it?

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:42 pm

    Avevama avuto degli inspiegabili CTD, in varie condizioni. Alla fine avevamo deciso di escludere varie possibili cause tra cui full mode e pioggia.
    Stiamo testando a fondo la nuova versione, che cambia ogni giorno, e di sicuro faremo test per verificare che anche in full mode non ci siano problemi clamorosi (sperando che Kunos prima o poi possa dedicarci un po' di tempo).
    Marco Calesella
    Marco Calesella

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    Full Mode: what is it? Empty Re: Full Mode: what is it?

    Post by Marco Calesella Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:53 pm

    Beh, voi siete molto più a contatto con lui e quindi ne sapete molto di più, ma quello che ha dichiarato su DI secondo me rappresenta sicuramente un sintomo quantomeno di "apertura mentale" sull'argomento specifico.
    Certo, ultima priorità per una "ipotetica" release al momento nemmeno presa in considerazione, ma sempre meglio che niente!!!

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