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    Championship Rules: our approach on penalties

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

    Posts : 12576
    Join date : 2009-04-26
    Age : 46
    Location : Den Haag

    Championship Rules: our approach on penalties Empty Championship Rules: our approach on penalties

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:23 am

    Rules actively checked by the Verification Team

    1) Drivers allocated didn't show up for the race > allocations for the following races will be deleted. The driver can obviously allocate again without problems. This will prevent having drivers allocated for the full championship, but never showing up.

    2) Red zone > penalty decided by the Verification Team. We decided to be more strict from now on. You are all adviced.

    3) No flames will be tolerated on the forum. Flames on the forum will be penalized.

    4) Chat during qualification and race will be penalized

    Rules checked by the Verification Team on request of other drivers

    5) Outside of the Red Zone > drivers can discuss in private about their accident and communicate to us the outcome in case a penalty should be assigned.

    6) Disconnecting and reconnecting to repair the car will be penalized. In case of software problem, the driver can disconnect and reconnect during qualification, but should stay in the pitlane for the rest of the qualification.

    7) Pitlane speeding: nkpro automatic pit limit is not very accurate, so often speeding is detected even in normal conditions. For this reason we don't consider this information reliable to take decisions on penalties. Drivers should slow down entering the pit, matching the 80 km/h limit before the line of the pit entry.
    Drivers catch entering the pit without slowing down will be penalized, unless he will do a drive through afterwards.

    8) Weaving: drivers may only make one defensive move between each straight. For example, if driver "a" has the inside line, they may switch to the outside to block. This is classed as a single move. Driver "b" may attack as many times as he likes.

    9) drivers should respect blue flags

      Current date/time is Thu Jan 16, 2025 10:43 am