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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

Silvio Tavares
Fabio Grippa
M Waechter
Vyacheslav Potapenko
M Carey
davide zardin
Andrea Lojelo
12 posters

    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring Empty 28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:27 am

    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring Nurburgringgp
    next race: Nurburgring

    Here is the schedule:
    21:00 (GTM+1) Briefing in our Chat
    Qualification: 20 minutes. No restriction on the amount of laps
    Warmup: 5 min (waiting time before the race session)
    Race 1: 42 laps

    Full Mode will NOT be used.

    To avoid some more problem we will not use Full Mode for this race.
    You will be allowed to do whatever you want. In case of damage on your car you can press ESC, fix it and continue, even during the race.

    We expect anyone to drive carefully anyway, avoiding problems.

    Real weather will be used:

    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring Empty Re: 28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring

    Post by davide zardin Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:24 pm

    ho visto che ci sono polemiche per la versione da utilizzare per la gare di giovedì....confused
    potreste chiarire dicendo se la versione 2.6 o la versione 2.7?28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring 78373
    o rilasciando una versione RSR che sarebbe la cosa migliore:cheers: nel frattempo ho notato che i server di radiators oggi non ci sono:affraid:
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring Empty Re: 28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sat Jul 23, 2011 9:08 pm

    As Ferran_sanson said version 2.6 had some bugs. To be very honest I never exected 43 of them for a track at it 6th public release Smile

    Anyway, I fixed them all, so we can have a nice and safe race without caring about holes as big as those:

    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring Bugnurb

    Here is the NEW VERSION of the track that we can use for the race


    NOTE: just a quick suggestion for all the track makers: some time ago I wrote a very small guide with a very effective method to have a hole free track. I hope this helps.

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    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring Empty Re: 28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring

    Post by Ferran_sanson Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:49 pm

    you are only gonna create trouble with this,
    1º now two diferent versions online of this track, probably diferent track sectors as mc had modified it.

    2º this is like stealing his work without even asking to him.

    i had a talk with him today in our comunity. and doing things like this is like terrorism, you can only start a battle with this, cause then he could take yoru mugello and modify it and start messing things

    i think you should delete this and stick to his last 2.7 release as a respectful person would do, otherwise im not gonna take part of this championship anymore.. i thought this was a good comunity, but seeing this and other things i, heard from other users seems this has a double face one for the public but another one inwards. hope this is sorted out..
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring Empty Re: 28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring

    Post by M Carey Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:15 pm

    Very Happy The track is stolen to start with! Granted it's from a free game, but do you think BMW paid to license the track so people could drive it on other games (& not with their car which was the whole point of the title)?

    Like terrorism? Yes this is exactly like 7/7, everyone phoning each other to say their alright, then finding out someone was killed in the Kings cross blast!

    Albert created this problem by setting a password on his track(s), just to spite RSR due to their falling out.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring Empty Re: 28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:35 pm

    Stealing other people work without even asking?
    You mean like this?
    Quoting from a well known blog:
    Bathurst circuit mount panorama
    Track will be not public due to the authors: ORSM Team, dont want to share it. )

    Same goes for Varano and Midohio just to name some of them from the long list.

    Albert decided, to put a password on his track to avoid us using it. Fair enough. He can do what he wants on his blog.
    You said the version 2.6 was full of bugs. I checked, I was shocked, and I fixed it for our race. First time I see people complaining for fixing 43 bugs!!

    What I've done, just like other people in the past including Albert, is to fix something on an existing track.
    Note that I publish this fix on our RACE post and not on the Nurburgring post. This fix is just for out race.

    Terrorism? Terrorism is definitely something else, unfortunately. Let's not use words just to make a drama out of it. I just fixed a public version to play with it.

    Ferran, I think Albert can defend him self. If he has something to say he can send me an email, and we can discuss about our problems in private.

    Same goes for you. You can send me a PM/email if you want more information.

    This is a topic for the race, so no more discussion here about this.

    We will be using the v2.6fix for our private race. I will remove the link to this fix after the race.
    Vyacheslav Potapenko
    Vyacheslav Potapenko

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    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring Empty Re: 28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring

    Post by Vyacheslav Potapenko Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:24 pm

    I’m new to this community but want to say that Ferran_sanson’s words doesn’t sound fair enough. I think people here is a community of drivers who want to race, improve their skills and communicate in friendly manner. I appreciate all efforts people made to create tracks and running championship. Personally I don’t see anything wrong in Andrea’s attempt to make things better.

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    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring Empty Re: 28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring

    Post by Ferran_sanson Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:46 pm

    M Waechter

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    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring Empty Re: 28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring

    Post by M Waechter Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:35 pm

    This whole theme to me is a very childish relation from all people, first from Albert -by doing s.th. wrong- but also Carey (by making so much comments on Albert all the time Wink. Enough is enough at some point, so stop this bashing, though there maybe still reasons to type s.th. about Albert just stop that and everything will get a bit more relaxed again Smile ).
    I think Albert does not really intend to spite the community, it's very easy to get his password by just asking (it's a very easy one to remember too), so not a bit problem to get in touch of his tracks.
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring Empty Re: 28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring

    Post by M Carey Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:58 pm

    Maybe you've not worked out who Ferran's but some of us did days ago Very Happy He's come back to RSR to start trouble, even after being offered an olive branch to return, but he's more bothered about his blog of mostly illegal conversions than actually racing & being part of this community. How is a single 700MB download not a problem (for people with download limits)?
    M Waechter

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    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring Empty Re: 28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring

    Post by M Waechter Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:29 am

    700MB - which track ? This can be only because of the track itself (Nordschleife or s.th. similar), I think tracks of him have a normal size, but I
    did download only very few of them so far, so I don't know the size of the all the tracks.
    Accounts / DSL with download limit ?, does such accounts really still exist nowadays much (maybe in some countries, don't know) ?
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring Empty Re: 28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring

    Post by M Carey Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:39 am

    Alberts deleted all the links to his tracks & put them all in one download (hence the 700MB). Most basic packages in the UK have download limits, in fact I think one company offers "free" broadband (with their phone line) & that only has a 1GB allowance.
    M Waechter

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    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring Empty Re: 28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring

    Post by M Waechter Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:39 pm

    M Carey wrote:Alberts deleted all the links to his tracks & put them all in one download (hence the 700MB.

    I don't see such a link on his blog, every of his 27 tracks is downloadable separately there.. , but doesn't matter much, ' get's off-topic.
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring Empty Re: 28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring

    Post by M Carey Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:42 pm

    Every download link links to his master track pack now, & it kinda is on-topic, with this race being on one of his tracks & Spa later on.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring Empty Re: 28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Jul 26, 2011 4:24 pm

    Guys, please let's stop this useless discussion. Whatever he wants to do on his blog is none of our business.

    I think we made our point quite clear already.
    M Waechter

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    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring Empty Re: 28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring

    Post by M Waechter Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:19 pm

    M Carey wrote:Every download link links to his master track pack now

    Ah, ok saw it now too, that wasn't the case until a few days ago but now -you're correct- that there's only a whole package with all tracks linked.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring Empty Re: 28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:29 pm

    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring 28

    dry race tonight
    Fabio Grippa
    Fabio Grippa

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    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring Empty Re: 28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring

    Post by Fabio Grippa Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:00 pm

    Andrea, I'm in holiday this week....
    I tried to use a PC which is not as power as needed...I can run safely with acceptable fps just having 3 or 4 cars in track...Can I race than in group "B"? I know I'm going to have less point then being in group "A", but this is the only solution I see...
    If this not fair, or if some people doesn't like having me in group "B" rather than "A", than I will miss this race without problem, going back to track at Budapest next week

    Thanks, ciao!
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring Empty Re: 28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:03 pm

    yes fabio, it's fine for me. You can race in B, since there are plenty of places.
    Silvio Tavares
    Silvio Tavares

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    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring Empty Re: 28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring

    Post by Silvio Tavares Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:37 pm

    Hi guys,

    I must tell I am quite confused with your system... hard to find the info needed and do all right.

    I just have registered to the ks2 series, found the pw in last minute, then joined the wrong room, and was told to leave and join room B. Dunno where I missed this info before, but I followed the instruction, but unfortunatelly couldn´t join in time. My connection was refused by the server. I also can´t understand at all how the chat works. I can hear the messages warning, but I can´t see nothing more then what I type myself.

    Then also, I noticed the forum is a separate thing from the main web site, needing new register and such.

    At the end, I couldn´t race and got frustrated... also, netkar is amazing, but it´s net code behaves strange, heavy fps performance, and I expierence quite heavy lag also sometimes. My PC spec, gpu and internet connection should do well, but it can struggle even if I run the lowest graphic settings and leave just netkar itself running, nothing more... no browser, no msn, no anything unless the sim.

    Well, I hope I can learn all the tricks in orther to join next races... I ask you guys to help me in this task, cause it seems to be a lot more little things to do then allocate a driver and join the event.

    Hope you have a great race! And please, forgive my 'noobness', but your way to organize everything is not easy for a rookie in your community. But with your instructions I get there.

    Cheers to all!
    Vyacheslav Potapenko
    Vyacheslav Potapenko

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    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring Empty Re: 28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring

    Post by Vyacheslav Potapenko Fri Jul 29, 2011 12:27 am

    Silvio, I agree the overall site/forum/allocation etc. is very hard and confusing when you start learning it. I had same feelings. The good news is that people here are very friendly so just take a little patience and learn how everything is organized. Don’t hesitate to ask anything. As for NetKar performance – I didn’t have such issues so not sure what may causes this. What version of track do you use? 2.6 fixed?
    Silvio Tavares
    Silvio Tavares

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    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring Empty Re: 28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring

    Post by Silvio Tavares Fri Jul 29, 2011 12:41 am

    Thanks Vyacheslav,

    Yes, new stuff can be confusing, but as you said, just need to take the time, and listen to what ppl have to say to myself as I get used to everything.

    I was looking into my tracks installers, and Nurburgring version seems to be 2.5, plus a fix. Should this be the reason I struggle on fps? I notice more while online. My PC runs by an Athlon X2 64 2.66GHz, 4GB memory and a ATI HD 4980 gpu, witch is 1 GB GDDR5 256 bit spec. Strong enough, isn´t it?

    Thanks for your reply, very much appreciated!

    Vyacheslav Potapenko
    Vyacheslav Potapenko

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    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring Empty Re: 28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring

    Post by Vyacheslav Potapenko Fri Jul 29, 2011 12:44 am

    other guy complained about lags and they disappear when he updated track to v2.6 so that is why I asked about track version. Any way now after the race we will switch to Hungaroring.
    Silvio Tavares
    Silvio Tavares

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    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring Empty Re: 28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring

    Post by Silvio Tavares Fri Jul 29, 2011 12:51 am

    Ah ok... that might explain my issue. I didnt had such a problem on Abarth @Lime Rock server...

    better luck and more know how for me next time..

    many thanks for your help mate.
    M Waechter

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    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring Empty Re: 28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring

    Post by M Waechter Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:19 am

    downloadlink replay_groupA

    to keep it short:
    -not a very good qualy (1:39.0), I did an easy 1:38.2 in pratice
    -one of the most thrilling first laps ever Smile, crowded, non-stop action (best part of the race)
    -but then after three laps I lost the rear kinda like a hundred times, many 1:56min. laps because of spinning,
    I used only 58:00 brake-bias to try a different driving style to brake more late, but that causes the rear tires lock too much, so I lost control in slow corners sometimes.
    -crash on last straight, I lifted gas too early to let someone pass and the other guy did not react / drive aside to the right side in time.. (both were 'guilty'): ESC->back to pits, more than -1lap behind
    -much more consistant second stint, until around lap 22 when I got beside the track in t5 and destroyed my rear at a barrier: ESC->back to pits, lost again one lap

    Grats to the aliens Smile , they were so fast here, couldn't believe that, they were 6 seconds per lap faster than the 'normal rest'.

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    28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring Empty Re: 28 Jul 2011: Nurburgring

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